Natasha's Dance (106 page)

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Authors: Orlando Figes

Tags: #Non Fiction

BOOK: Natasha's Dance
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Five hundred Decembrists were arrested and interrogated, but most of them were released
Of all the Decembrists, none was closer to the court than Volkonsky. His mother, the Princes
Of all the Decembrists, none was closer to the court than Volkonsky. His mother, the Princes
Of all the Decembrists, none was closer to the court than Volkonsky. His mother, the Princes
Count Alexander Benckendorff, the Chief of Police who sent him into exile, was an old scho
Count Alexander Benckendorff, the Chief of Police who sent him into exile, was an old scho
Count Alexander Benckendorff, the Chief of Police who sent him into exile, was an old scho
* In 1859 Volkonsky’s son Misha would marry the granddaughter of Count Benckendorff. One of
* In 1859 Volkonsky’s son Misha would marry the granddaughter of Count Benckendorff. One of
* In 1859 Volkonsky’s son Misha would marry the granddaughter of Count Benckendorff. One of
dekabristakh: po semeinum vospominaniiam,
hard to comprehend their attempt to erase his memory. Sergei’s elder brother, Nikolai Rep
hard to comprehend their attempt to erase his memory. Sergei’s elder brother, Nikolai Rep
hard to comprehend their attempt to erase his memory. Sergei’s elder brother, Nikolai Rep
‘Il n’ya plus de Serge,’
Maria’s family was just as unforgiving. They blamed her for her marriage and attempted to p
Maria’s family was just as unforgiving. They blamed her for her marriage and attempted to p
Maria’s family was just as unforgiving. They blamed her for her marriage and attempted to p
It is hard to say exactly what was in Maria’s mind. When she made her choice she did not realiz
It is hard to say exactly what was in Maria’s mind. When she made her choice she did not realiz
It is hard to say exactly what was in Maria’s mind. When she made her choice she did not realiz
Maria acted out of her sense of duty as a wife. Sergei appealed to this when he wrote to her
Maria acted out of her sense of duty as a wife. Sergei appealed to this when he wrote to her
Maria acted out of her sense of duty as a wife. Sergei appealed to this when he wrote to her
chere amie,
It has also been suggested that Maria was responding to the literary cult of heroic sacr
It has also been suggested that Maria was responding to the literary cult of heroic sacr
It has also been suggested that Maria was responding to the literary cult of heroic sacr
tev, who had followed her husband, Prince Ivan Dolgoruky, to Siberia when he was banished
tev, who had followed her husband, Prince Ivan Dolgoruky, to Siberia when he was banished
tev, who had followed her husband, Prince Ivan Dolgoruky, to Siberia when he was banished
I have forgotten my native city, Wealth, honours, and family name To share with him Sibe
I have forgotten my native city, Wealth, honours, and family name To share with him Sibe
I have forgotten my native city, Wealth, honours, and family name To share with him Sibe
Maria’s doting father was convinced that the reason she followed Sergei to Siberia was not
Maria’s doting father was convinced that the reason she followed Sergei to Siberia was not
Maria’s doting father was convinced that the reason she followed Sergei to Siberia was not
I know that you have ceased to love me for some time, though I know not what I have done to
I know that you have ceased to love me for some time, though I know not what I have done to
I know that you have ceased to love me for some time, though I know not what I have done to
On Christmas Eve Maria said farewell to her son and family and left for Moscow on the first l
On Christmas Eve Maria said farewell to her son and family and left for Moscow on the first l
On Christmas Eve Maria said farewell to her son and family and left for Moscow on the first l
*Allowed to return to St Petersburg in the 1730s, Natalia Dolgorukaya became the first wo
*Allowed to return to St Petersburg in the 1730s, Natalia Dolgorukaya became the first wo
*Allowed to return to St Petersburg in the 1730s, Natalia Dolgorukaya became the first wo
In deep Siberian mines retain A proud and patient resignation; Your grievous toil
In deep Siberian mines retain A proud and patient resignation; Your grievous toil
In deep Siberian mines retain A proud and patient resignation; Your grievous toil
When love and friendship reaching through Will penetrate the bars of anguish, The convic
When love and friendship reaching through Will penetrate the bars of anguish, The convic
When love and friendship reaching through Will penetrate the bars of anguish, The convic
Each hateful manacle and chain Will fall; your dungeons break asunder; Outside waits fr
Each hateful manacle and chain Will fall; your dungeons break asunder; Outside waits fr
Each hateful manacle and chain Will fall; your dungeons break asunder; Outside waits fr
One year after Maria had arrived in Siberia, her baby boy Nikolenka died. Maria never c
One year after Maria had arrived in Siberia, her baby boy Nikolenka died. Maria never c
One year after Maria had arrived in Siberia, her baby boy Nikolenka died. Maria never c
Maria took eight weeks to travel to Nerchinsk, the penal colony on the Russian-Chinese bor
Maria took eight weeks to travel to Nerchinsk, the penal colony on the Russian-Chinese bor
Maria took eight weeks to travel to Nerchinsk, the penal colony on the Russian-Chinese bor
special order of the Tsar for all the wives of the Decembrists. By entering the penal zone b
special order of the Tsar for all the wives of the Decembrists. By entering the penal zone b
special order of the Tsar for all the wives of the Decembrists. By entering the penal zone b
At first I could not make out anything, it was so dark. They opened a small door on the left an
At first I could not make out anything, it was so dark. They opened a small door on the left an
At first I could not make out anything, it was so dark. They opened a small door on the left an
Nerchinsk was a bleak, ramshackle settlement of wooden huts built around the stockades of
Nerchinsk was a bleak, ramshackle settlement of wooden huts built around the stockades of
Nerchinsk was a bleak, ramshackle settlement of wooden huts built around the stockades of
no doubt at enormous inconvenience. She kept up her English by translating books and jo
no doubt at enormous inconvenience. She kept up her English by translating books and jo
no doubt at enormous inconvenience. She kept up her English by translating books and jo
Siberia brought the exiles together. It showed them how to live truly by the principles of c
Siberia brought the exiles together. It showed them how to live truly by the principles of c
Siberia brought the exiles together. It showed them how to live truly by the principles of c
Family relations became closer, too. Gone were the servants who had taken over child care
Family relations became closer, too. Gone were the servants who had taken over child care
Family relations became closer, too. Gone were the servants who had taken over child care
She talks only in the local dialect and there is no way of stopping her doing so. As for Misha
She talks only in the local dialect and there is no way of stopping her doing so. As for Misha
She talks only in the local dialect and there is no way of stopping her doing so. As for Misha
a la Rousseau,
talk French with us when at home… But I must say that this existence suits their health.77
talk French with us when at home… But I must say that this existence suits their health.77
talk French with us when at home… But I must say that this existence suits their health.77
The boy’s father took a different view. Full of pride, he told a friend that Misha had grown
The boy’s father took a different view. Full of pride, he told a friend that Misha had grown
The boy’s father took a different view. Full of pride, he told a friend that Misha had grown
For the adults, too, exile meant a simpler and more ‘Russian’ way of life. Some of the Dece
For the adults, too, exile meant a simpler and more ‘Russian’ way of life. Some of the Dece
For the adults, too, exile meant a simpler and more ‘Russian’ way of life. Some of the Dece
Sergei, like his son, was ‘going native’. With every passing year he became more peasant-l
Sergei, like his son, was ‘going native’. With every passing year he became more peasant-l
Sergei, like his son, was ‘going native’. With every passing year he became more peasant-l
5. The ‘peasant prince’: Sergei Volkonsky in Irkutsk. Daguerreotype, 1845
5. The ‘peasant prince’: Sergei Volkonsky in Irkutsk. Daguerreotype, 1845
5. The ‘peasant prince’: Sergei Volkonsky in Irkutsk. Daguerreotype, 1845
The ‘peasant prince’: Sergei Volkonsky in Irkutsk. Daguerreotype, 1845
The ‘peasant prince’, for his part, was widely viewed as an eccentric. N. A. Belogolovy, wh
The ‘peasant prince’, for his part, was widely viewed as an eccentric. N. A. Belogolovy, wh
The ‘peasant prince’, for his part, was widely viewed as an eccentric. N. A. Belogolovy, wh
estates, used the rents to pay his gambling debts. Sergei accused Maria of siding with her bro
estates, used the rents to pay his gambling debts. Sergei accused Maria of siding with her bro
estates, used the rents to pay his gambling debts. Sergei accused Maria of siding with her bro
The urge to lead a simple peasant life was shared by many noblemen (Volkonsky’s distant co
The urge to lead a simple peasant life was shared by many noblemen (Volkonsky’s distant co
The urge to lead a simple peasant life was shared by many noblemen (Volkonsky’s distant co
* Their marital problems were later covered up by the Raevsky and Volkonsky families by
* Their marital problems were later covered up by the Raevsky and Volkonsky families by
* Their marital problems were later covered up by the Raevsky and Volkonsky families by
worship at the altar of the peasantry. The Slavophiles believed in the moral superiority
worship at the altar of the peasantry. The Slavophiles believed in the moral superiority
worship at the altar of the peasantry. The Slavophiles believed in the moral superiority
Like all the Decembrist exiles, Volkonsky saw Siberia as a land of democratic hope. Here,
Like all the Decembrist exiles, Volkonsky saw Siberia as a land of democratic hope. Here,
Like all the Decembrist exiles, Volkonsky saw Siberia as a land of democratic hope. Here,
But Volkonsky was more than a farmer; he was an agricultural institute. He imported text
But Volkonsky was more than a farmer; he was an agricultural institute. He imported text
But Volkonsky was more than a farmer; he was an agricultural institute. He imported text
and he spread the fruits of his science to the peasants, who came to him for advice from mi
and he spread the fruits of his science to the peasants, who came to him for advice from mi
and he spread the fruits of his science to the peasants, who came to him for advice from mi
This extraordinary ability to enter into the world of the common people requires commen
This extraordinary ability to enter into the world of the common people requires commen
This extraordinary ability to enter into the world of the common people requires commen
War and Peace
As readers of War and Peace will know, the war of 1812 was a vital watershed in the culture o
As readers of War and Peace will know, the war of 1812 was a vital watershed in the culture o
As readers of War and Peace will know, the war of 1812 was a vital watershed in the culture o
War and Peace
War and Peace.
War and Peace.
against our teachers and divinities? Look at our youths! Look at our ladies! The French a
against our teachers and divinities? Look at our youths! Look at our ladies! The French a
against our teachers and divinities? Look at our youths! Look at our ladies! The French a
In the patriotic climate of 1812 the use of French was frowned upon in the salons of St Peter
In the patriotic climate of 1812 the use of French was frowned upon in the salons of St Peter
In the patriotic climate of 1812 the use of French was frowned upon in the salons of St Peter

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