Natural Solutions to Things That Bug You (93 page)

BOOK: Natural Solutions to Things That Bug You
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Asparagus………………………………………………… Asparagus beetles

Aster…………………………………………………………Root aphids, flea beetles

Beans, fava…………………………………………………Black fly

Beans, green & pole………………………………………Been weevil, Mexican

bean beetle

Beans, Lima………………………………………………..Mexican bean beetle,

black fly

Beets………………………………………………………..Leaf miner

Blackberries……………………………………………….              Aphids, cutworms,

Japanese beetles, cane borer, galls

Blueberries…………………………………………………Blueberry maggot,

Japanese beetles, galls

Broccoli……………………………………………………..Cabbage worm, aphids

Brussels Sprouts…………………………………………..Cutworm, slugs, cabbage

worm, root maggot,
harlequin bug

Cabbage……………………………………………………Cabbage root maggot,

slugs, cutworm

Calendula………………………………………………….              Cutworm, climbing


Cantaloupe…………………………………………………Squash bug, striped

cucumber beetle

Carrots………………………………………………………Root aphids, carrot worm,

root fly, wire worm,
harlequin bug

Cauliflower…………………………………………………Cutworm, cabbage worm,

root maggot

Celeriac…………………………………………………….Celery hopper

Celery………………………………………………………              Tarnished plant bug,

celery hopper

Cherries…………………………………………………….Plum curculio, tent



FRUIT/VEGETABLE/FLOWERS/SHRUBS                            DAMAGING INSECTS             


Chinese Cabbage………………………………………….Cabbage root maggot,

slugs, cutworm

Chives………………………………………………………Almost none

Chrysanthemum………………………………………….. Cabbage loopers, flea

beetle, gall

Collard Greens……………………………………………              Cutworm, slugs, root


Columbine…………………………………………………              Columbine leaf miner

Corn, sweet……………………………………………….              European corn borer, corn


Cucumber………………………………………………….              Cucumber beetle, aphids,

root maggot fly

Current………………………………………………………Current aphid, current

worm, gooseberry    caterpillar

Dahlia……………………………………………………… Corn ear worms, burdock

borer, earwigs

Dandelion………………………………………………….              None

Dill………………………………………………………….              Carrot worm

Eggplant…………………………………………………….Flea beetle, Colorado

potato beetle, cutworm

Elderberry………………………………………………….              None or very few


Garlic……………………………………………………… Onion maggot, gray fly


Geranium…………………………………………………..Cabbage loopers, leaf tier,

fall web worm, tussock moth caterpillar

Gooseberry………………………………………………..              Aphids, gooseberry


Grapes………………………………………………………Leaf hoppers, Japanese

beetles, rose chafer,
grape curculio, leaf tier,

Hollyhock……………………………………………………Burdock borer, slugs, iris


Horseradish…………………………………………………Flea beetle

Hydrangea………………………………………………… Woolly bear caterpillar

Kale………………………………………………………….Cutworm, slugs, cabbage

worm, cabbage root
maggot, harlequin bug

Kohlrabi…………………………………………………….              Same as for kale

Larkspur……………………………………………………              Burdock borer, leaf miner



FRUIT/VEGETABLE/FLOWERS/SHRUBS                            DAMAGING INSECTS             

Laurel……………………………………………………….European leaf roller

Leek…………………………………………………………Onion maggot, gray fly


Lilac………………………………………………………….European leaf roller,

greenhouse whitefly, leaf

Marigold…………………………………………………….Greenhouse whitefly,

Japanese beetle, earwigs

Muskmelon…………………………………………………Striped cucumber beetle,

squash bug, squash vine

Mustard greens……………………………………………Cutworm, harlequin bug,

cabbage worm, slugs,
cabbage root maggot

Nasturtium…………………………………………………              Aphids

Okra…………………………………………………………Green stink bug, cabbage


Onion…………………………………………………………Onion fly, onion maggot,


Pansy…………………………………………………………Leaf miner, cutworm

Parsley……………………………………………………… Carrot worm

Peach…………………………………………………………Peach borer, Oriental

   fruit moth


Pear……………………………………………………………Plum curculio, pear

   psylla, coddling moth,
   rose slug

Peas…………………………………………………………  Pea aphid, red spider

   mite, bean weevil

Peony…………………………………………………………Leaf roller

Peppermint……………………………………………………Greenhouse whitefly

Peppers, hot………………………………………………… Cutworms

Peppers, sweet………………………………………………Cutworms

Petunia………………………………………………………  Flea beetle

Potato………………………………………………………… Potato beetle, flea

    beetle, Colorado potato
    beetle, wireworm,
    potato stem borer

Pumpkin……………………………………………………… Squash bug, squash

    vine borer

Radish…………………………………………………………Radish root maggot,

    flea beetle, harlequin




FRUIT/VEGETABLE/FLOWERS/SHRUBS                            DAMAGING INSECTS             

Rose…………………………………………………………European leaf roller, leaf

  tier, burdock borer, tent
  caterpillar, rose flea
  beetle, June bugs,
  earwigs, leaf gall

Quince……………………………………………………….Coddling moth

Raspberries…………………………………………………Raspberry fruit worm,

  cane borer, white grub,
  red spider mite,

Rhubarb……………………………………………………. None, leaves are


Rutabaga……………………………………………………Same as cabbage

Sage…………………………………………………………Hawk moth caterpillar

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