Read Naughty Bits 2 Online

Authors: Jenesi Ash,Elliot Mabeuse,Lilli Feisty,Charlotte Featherstone,Cathryn Fox,Portia Da Costa,Megan Hart,Saskia Walker

Tags: #Romance

Naughty Bits 2 (12 page)

BOOK: Naughty Bits 2
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“You okay?”

She fisted the covers beside her head. “Yes.”

His hand was soft yet solid on her hip. “That's our girl.”

Deeper. A wave of erotic ecstasy washed over her as he stretched the very inside of her body. Full. So strange, this feeling. So good, better than her fantasies. She cried out as he went deeper still, his legs firm and strong behind her thighs.

Her gaze drifted back over to Joe. His hand was a blur of motion as he stroked himself. She listened to his breathing, fast and getting faster. Their eyes met and she wanted to come from the intimacy of it all. It didn't matter that he was a good six feet away; Walker controlled Joe as he did her.

She groaned as Walker's fingers snaked around to her clit, rubbing her until she was screaming for him to fuck her harder, fuck her harder in the ass.

A sense of relief flooded over her. Now she could let go, Walker made it safe. She wanted to feel him in the deepest parts of her body.

She'd never begged like this, never given herself over. He had total control of her. And Joe.

“Hold on.” His hands gripped her around the waist. Then he picked her right up off the floor, lifting her as though she weighed nothing. He held her against his chest, her back sinking into his solid torso. He shifted until his hands supported
her beneath her thighs. Her feet dangled in the air as he pulled out then slid back into her. He did it again and again. They faced Joe, gave him a wide-open show.

Her mind descended into a dreamlike world where fantasy melded with reality. She was totally exposed and yet so completely free. It was easy, too easy. She never wanted it to end.

Throwing her head back against Walker's shoulder, she let him spread her, his arms under her knees holding her wide open as he fucked her ass, held her up, spread her apart. So much strength in him, to hold her like that.

Joe groaned as he kicked his legs out, brought his palm to the glistening tip of his penis and rubbed his fingers into his pre-come. He used his own natural lubrication to ease his hand down over his rigid erection, pumping himself, and she couldn't keep her eyes off his cock because she wanted it, wanted it inside of her. Now.

Joe rolled a condom onto himself and stood. That pounding want in her core increased with each step he took toward them. He was coming to her, to them.

Stepping between her legs, he pressed his erection between her legs. She groaned when the hardness of him connected with her wet pussy, and was thankful for Walker's secure stance.

Joe took her chin in his fingers and kissed her. The room spun as he nipped at her lips, licked her.

Then they were sinking. Walker lay back on the bed, and she straddled him. A powerful erotic rush overcame her as she lifted herself up, then sank her ass back down onto his cock. She could barely believe what she was doing, riding a man like this as another man watched.

She met Joe's eyes and a rush of power came over her. She loved knowing that at
moment she was the one in charge, that the control had been given to her.

She wanted more. “Come here.”

A thrill coursed through when he obeyed.

His eyes were bright as he climbed onto the bed and joined them. He kissed her clit, her pubic bone, her stomach. Walker leaned back on the bed, and she lifted her hips a fraction, watched as his long, strong legs tensed at the movement. Her own legs shook around his steady thighs. She moaned when Joe kissed her breast, took a nipple between his teeth and bit. She gasped at the sharp pain and silently begged him to do it harder.

She could not believe this was happening and yet she'd never experienced anything so genuine, so real.

“Please.” She couldn't wait. So much leading up to this minute, she couldn't delay one more second. “

Joe climbed higher until he was between her legs, his beautiful cock pressing against her swollen cunt, his legs settling between her wide-open thighs. She tilted her pelvis, encouraged him in. Walker gasped beneath her, his skin slick on hers.

She cried out when Joe thrust himself into her, filling her. The sensation of being penetrated by two men at once made her scream from pleasure, and when Joe pulled out and slid into her again she nearly came.

“Not yet,” Walker whispered into her ear.

Taking a deep breath, she watched as Joe braced his arms on either side of Walker's shoulders. It was then that Joe found his rhythm, and she wanted to come so badly each time he drove into her, but Walker held her hips still.

Joe's gaze was locked beyond her shoulder. He was watching Walker's face as he fucked her.
Oh, God

“I'm going to come.” Her limbs went liquid, tears stung her eyes. It was too intense, too much. She couldn't take it….

Walker brushed her hair behind her ear. “No,” he murmured. His voice was soft and commanding all at once. Yes, he'd taken charge once again and she loved it.

She closed her eyes, fought the tremors that swam just outside the very core of her body. The men moved inside her,
she felt their balls meeting between her legs, coming together each time they drove into her.

Her voice. It didn't sound like her voice at all. It was low, throaty and moaning as she begged.

Her skin. Slick, shiny. Hot.

Too much…

Walker had her nipple between his thumb and forefinger, was twisting and tugging. And when Joe leaned down and took her nipple into his mouth, sucking the tip that Walker held out for him, her body went rigid.

“Please, Walker.

“Okay, baby. Come for us now.”

She threw her legs open, so wide, until her heels skirted the edge of the bed.

She could barely believe that raspy voice was hers.

Walker's fingers were still on her nipple as Joe reached between their bodies to her clit. He pulled on her sensitive flesh and it was over. The climax rolled over her, and even as every nerve exploded the men continued to fuck her, harder, until she lay between them, limp and exhausted.

She loved them like this, using her for their pleasure. Loved watching Joe's green eyes as he thrust one final time into her. Loved feeling the slick skin of Walker's chest against her back as he bucked beneath her.

The three of them were like one fluid piece. And when they were inside of her she'd never felt so whole.


swirled before her heavy-lidded eyes: a faucet turning, steam from a shower, the low murmur of male voices.

Joe threw off the duvet while Walker laid her gently on the soft sheets. She smiled as she felt Walker's weight sinking into the mattress beside her body.

Then sleep washed over her.

And now. She knew it was Walker lying next to her before her eyes drifted open, knew it was his arm slung over her side. Somehow she knew they were alone, that Joe was gone.

“Hey, baby.”

Her nipples went hard at the sound of his voice. He brushed her hair back and placed a warm kiss on the back of her neck. She shivered as his dry lips skimmed her bare skin.

“Hey,” she managed. She wanted him. She was barely awake and she wanted him.

He rolled her onto her back. She glanced at the bedside clock. The red LED light glowed 3:48 a.m. She'd been sleeping for just over an hour and was groggy. Stretching, she smiled up at him.

A lamp from the next room dimly illuminated his blond hair. It was messy, and for some reason that little thing made her chest ache. When would she see him again?

He was so beautiful, so kind. She was glad they had a moment alone, but could not ignore a prick of guilt for wanting this time to themselves.

She cleared her throat. “Where's Joe?”

The corner of his mouth turned down. “Why?”

She shook her head. “Oh, no reason—I was just wondering.”

He climbed on top of her. She gasped as his erection pressed into her hip. “Am I not enough?”

“No. I mean—
” Edging her legs apart with his knee, he pressed his cock against her, nestled himself between her pussy lips. She welcomed him, spread wider for him.

Her face flushed as images from last night blasted into her head. The experience had changed her, freed her. She wasn't afraid to ask for what she wanted, not with him.

She met his gaze. “I want you.”

“Do you?”

“Yes.” Her pussy throbbed where his cock pressed into her.

Yes, something had shifted. Before, it was an experiment. Now it was real. He was real.

She pushed the thoughts from her head. Too much thinking; she'd have plenty of time for that later. Now he was on top of her, his smooth, bare chest rubbing against hers as he fumbled with something on the nightstand.

He kissed her. Kissed her until she was melting for him, around him. She bent her knees beside to cradle him between her legs.

Then he was reaching between them, sliding a condom onto his erection.

“Am I enough for you?” He asked again, and thrust into her, so deep it bordered on painful, but she welcomed it.

“Oh, God, Walker.”

He pulled out and rammed her again. “Am I?”

“Yes. Please, yes.” Every nerve in her body lit up as he drove into her, again and again, her breasts swaying with each thrust.

She was so close to climax already, need swelled through her, shutting down her brain.

“Chloe, I…”

Her eyes fluttered open. “W-what?”

“You're just…amazing.” He took one of her ankles and brought it over his shoulder. “I just had to tell you that.”

She smiled as he continued to fuck her, his hip bones slamming against the insides of her thighs. Her sex throbbed, her breasts ached. His words sank into her head as his cock sank into her body, penetrating her everywhere.

She closed her eyes, moaning as he angled himself even deeper. She shook her head; she wasn't ready yet. “Walker…”

“Yeah, baby?”

“Fuck!” But the climax overtook her in wave after wave of unreal bliss. And he was next, his grasp on her ankle tightening as he rammed into her one final time, his body going rigid as he ejaculated.

Panting, she lay on the bed as he climbed off of her and rolled onto his back. He took her hand and held it to his chest. His heart pounded beneath her touch as she waited for both of their pulses to slow down.

She listened absently to a drunken shout echoing through the hallway, the clanking sound of a cart being pushed down the corridor. The muffled beat of a nightclub. In Vegas, the party never stopped, not even at four o'clock in the morning.

Pushing herself onto her elbow, she looked down at him. She took a deep breath; she had to know. “What's the deal with you and Joe?”

He had his arm over his eyes and he kept it there. “Joe's probably fucking some handsome blackjack dealer in our room right now.”


He sighed. “Last night was phenomenal.”

Her skin heated as she remembered just how amazing the
experience had been. “Yeah. It really was.” So why was Joe off with someone else?

And why did the thought not bother her? It should have, but she found herself more curious than jealous.

But so much had changed in the past twelve hours. She had a feeling she'd be looking at many things differently now.

He removed his arm and met her gaze. “Joe doesn't do phenomenal. In fact, the minute he cares too much about anything he finds the nearest piece of ass and helps himself.”

She sat up cross-legged and pulled a sheet across her naked body. “What about you?”

“We've never had a commitment.”

“Do you love him?” Her heart hammered as she awaited his reply.
And why does it matter so much?


Her mouth went dry. “Oh.”
Brilliant reply, Chloe

He rubbed the pad of his thumb over her wrist. “But I've never asked him to be faithful. And he's never asked it of me. What we have now works.”

Her pulse quickened as she remembered the way Joe had looked at Walker over her shoulder as they'd both made love to her.

She cleared her throat. “He loves you, though.”

“Yes. But he's not capable of monogamy.”

“And you?”

“Maybe.” He shrugged. “I might want that one day.”

Her heart was going crazy, but she had no idea why. “Really?” And why was she thinking about those things, too? Why was she picturing a scene from
Leave it to Beaver
, only starring her and Walker as June and Ward?

That was
not what she wanted. Maybe one day, but not now.

She shook her head. “That's going to be hard with a boyfriend on the side.”

His grip on her hand intensified. “Is it?”

Her throat constricted, her gut twisted into a mess, but there was no logical reason for her body's response. Surely he wasn't suggesting
was that woman.

Was he?

He pulled her down to lie on top of him, settling her into the crook of his arm. “It's way too late for such heavy talk. Sleep now.”

As she breathed in his spicy scent, her chest went tight. They only had a few hours left and she knew one thing for certain: she did not want to wake up with either of them. She couldn't take the chance of harsh morning light tainting this life-altering experience. She wanted to leave before the sun came up.

Walker settled her closer to him and placed a soft kiss on her forehead. “I don't know if I can wait six more months to see you again.”

She closed her eyes as grief settled in her heart—she'd miss both of them. But the thought of going six months without seeing Walker especially was downright painful.

But she
see him again. Both of them.

And she couldn't help smiling to herself because when Chloe O'Malley went to work on Monday she'd be a different woman. A woman who'd lived out her naughtiest fantasy.

A woman who'd been part of a ménage à trois.

And the best part was she knew that six months from now she might just do it again.

Running her hand over Walker's broad chest, she sighed. She knew she should get up, get dressed and go home. But one of his strong hands was caressing her back, the other was twisting a lock of hair rhythmically around his finger.

Maybe just a little longer. She had a few hours until the sun came up. A few more hours to enjoy lying in Walker's arms.

“'Night, baby.”

She nodded, already half-asleep.

Another kiss placed at the top of her head, followed by a soft whisper: “See you in six months.”


She woke up alone. She didn't need the sliver of sunlight slicing between the dark drapes to illuminate the fact that Walker and Joe had gone. During their short time together she'd become accustomed to the powerful energy the men exuded, and now that it was absent everything seemed horribly empty.

She missed them.

As she stretched, her body gave a trembling reminder of her escapades from the previous night. Her muscles ached from the unfamiliar positions she'd executed with Joe and Walker.

She couldn't believe what she'd done.

She wanted to do it again.

A small piece of paper on the nightstand drew her attention. It had her name on it. She picked the note off the table, and as she read, her heartbeat skipped.

Smiling, she sank back onto the pillows and held the card to her chest. Five little words. How could five little words fill her with so much excitement? How could a note bring her alive like this?

She read it again.

Dear Chloe,

See you in six months.


Walker and Joe

Exhilaration raced through her veins. She realized she was looking forward to every minute of every day that would pass between now and then. Six months of expectation, of waiting. Six months of fantasies. Six months of having the men always in her thoughts, anticipation at seeing them building and building….

Yes, she thought as she ran her hand across her rib cage, over her belly and past her pubic hair. She sighed as her fingertips reached her clit, and she spread her legs wide beneath the covers.

She watched the bump of her hand as she slid her fingers across her pussy lips, raw from last night. It had made the flesh ultrasensitive, and just a few strokes had her moaning out loud.

Closing her eyes, she imagined Joe's tongue on her clit, licking and sucking as he had done the night before. Fucking her with two of his long, strong fingers.

She imagined Walker kneeling beside her, and she was taking his cock in her mouth. Rubbing herself hard now, she bucked against her hand. Fuck, but she hadn't tasted either man's cock. Oh, how she wanted to. She wanted to take Walker deep into her mouth, until he pushed against the very back of her throat. Wanted to suck his cock while Joe fucked her….

She came against her hand, her body shuddering as the climax washed over her. Not nearly as satisfying as having two men fuck her simultaneously, but for the next six months it would have to do.

Tomorrow she'd go about her routine, complete with ugly shoes and head scarf. But they'd never be far from her mind.

She flopped onto her side and closed her eyes. For the next six months, every thought in her head, every fantasy that entered her mind, would center on Joe and Walker. For all intents and purposes she was theirs.

For the next six months she was taken.

BOOK: Naughty Bits 2
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