Naughty Bits 2 (20 page)

Read Naughty Bits 2 Online

Authors: Jenesi Ash,Elliot Mabeuse,Lilli Feisty,Charlotte Featherstone,Cathryn Fox,Portia Da Costa,Megan Hart,Saskia Walker

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Naughty Bits 2
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were unlike anything she'd ever known. Even in her mortal life she couldn't remember feeling this way, feeling so…safe.

Medusa took Uphir by the hands and tugged, encouraging him to follow as she led him across the castle keep to a small stone box along the wall.

“Sit,” she said, and he obeyed.

What use did she, a goddess, have for these feelings? Nothing could harm her. She was immortal. She was always safe. So why did this sensation warming through her chest stir her notice? Medusa didn't want to think on it.

Uphir's deep blue eyes gazed up at her, so human, so male.

“Change to your true form, demon.”

“Why?” His brows knitted. “You don't like this form?”


His smile flashed across his lips until he seemed to realize she wasn't joking. He stiffened, cocking his head to the side, his confused expression making him all the more adorable. “But women have always found me stunning—irresistible.”

“I'm not a common woman. I am a goddess, and I prefer your birth form. Now do as I command,” she said. “This is for my pleasure, after all. Isn't it?”

“That's not the reason.”

Medusa blinked, her brain scrambling to understand. Was he asking a question or making a statement? Either way, how dare he? “It's not for you to say, demon. Now, shift forms.”

“No.” He stood, bringing his mouth level with her eyes. “You want this body, just as it is. I can feel your desire, the energy sparking between us.”

She couldn't help watching his mouth form the words, the way his bottom lip caught under his top teeth for an instant when he said “feel.” A warm shudder shook across her shoulders, sending ribbons of heat straight to her center. She wanted to feel those strong, soft lips on hers, to taste him, to kiss him.

A mental shake brought her back to her senses. She flicked her gaze to his, hardened her heart. “Impressive, demon. To say no to a goddess epitomizes bravery. To do so twice, however…Perhaps Athena's punishment has done more damage than meets the eye.”

“I only refuse your request because I know it's not really what you want.”

“Typical man,” she scoffed. “So consumed with your own wants you can't fathom a woman's would be any different. I've seen hundreds, thousands, of beautiful men during my life. Trust me. Your beauty is not so enticing to a goddess. You're merely…human.”

“Human,” he repeated. “
birth form. The form you're predisposed to find appealing. The same form Poseidon took when he came to you in the temple all those years ago.”

His hands smoothed up her arms, made her shiver. She squirmed away from his touch. “Make your point.”

“You're still doing it. Still denying yourself to punish him.”

“Or perhaps Poseidon's actions have simply destroyed my appetite for the human male. And now you have destroyed my appetite for everything else.” She turned to walk away, escaping, she knew, but Uphir snagged her arms, held her.

“I don't believe you. Your face is flushed, your skin is hot to the touch and—” he inhaled deeply through his nose as though savoring her aroma “—I can smell how your body's creamed and ready for me.”

Medusa twisted her arms, but Uphir's grip tightened around them, tugged her to his chest, crushing her breasts against him. She could've broken free, but the feel of his warm flesh on hers, his hard cock pressing a line along her belly, made her heart race, thundering in her ears. Her chest squeezed. She didn't want to be free of him.

But she couldn't let him have her, not in that form. If she gave in to the swell of heat he sent flooding through her body, it would be like saying that Poseidon in human form had appealed to her, as well. How could she justify the difference? Why did one human man make her body melt and so many others freeze her to the core with disgust? What was the difference? They were all men, all human. What was wrong with her?

“I won't hurt you, Medusa.” His thumbs stroked small circles on her arms, his grip still firm. “Poseidon was only interested in what he could take from you. That's not me. I want to
to you, Medusa, everything and anything you need. I want to help you, the same way you've helped me.”

The warmth stirring in her chest spread, heating through her body with his words. He met her eyes, held her gaze confidently, earnestly. And then suddenly she knew what was different.

Uphir actually meant what he said…and she believed him.

The steel line of her shoulders eased, her body softening against his. A cool breeze washed over her skin and she breathed it in, let it cleanse her, then blew it out. With her exhale went the sharp edge of fear and mistrust she'd been clinging to for centuries.

“What then? You plan to take me to bed and make sweet,
human love to me?” Her words dripped with sarcasm, but her heart fluttered at the thought. She was no virgin, but never in all her life had a man made love to her.

“Yes,” he said, then chuckled. The sound was low, more a rumble in his chest. “At least I would…if I had a bed to take you to.”

Medusa couldn't help the smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. “Foolish demon. I am a goddess. The universe bends to serve my will.”

At that, she stretched out her power, calling on the winds to bring her the materials she desired. She commanded molecules to part and reform, the earth and sand to mold to her need. She watched Uphir's eyes widen as he took in the magic swirling around him.

The thick layer of dirt and fine stone coating the roof of the castle rushed like water beneath their feet until not a speck was left unmoved. It gathered in front of them, piling up to form a circle eight feet around and two feet high.

A moment later the night sky filled with downy white feathers, whirling on the breeze like falling snow, spinning and churning their way toward the circle of earth. Many of the downy flakes caught in the strings of pure raw silk streaming through the air, weaving together as they watched, binding the feathers in a mattress as soft as clouds atop the earthen bed.

She glanced over her shoulder at the bed when she knew all was done. Her belly rolled, uncertainty fighting with the need inside her. “There's your bed, demon…human.”

“What luck,” Uphir said, and Medusa swung her gaze back to his. Uphir's eyes were no longer wide with awe; they were intense, hungry and focused on her.

The look in his eyes sent a shudder quaking down her spine. She could almost feel the primal need radiating through him, tightening muscles, making his body hard as flesh over stone beneath her hands.

He scooped her into his arms, cradling her. Her arms looped around his neck. Three steps brought them to the bed and Uphir braced a knee on the edge before lowering her. The silken feather mattress cushioned her, but the earthen pad beneath ebbed and flowed, rolling like water. The resilience would add a spring normal packed dirt would not.

Uphir's brows hiked, his delighted smile lighting his handsome face, sparking in his human blue eyes. Her breath caught at the beauty of him, and the sound seemed to refocus Uphir's intent. His smile didn't fade, but the light in his eyes warmed, heat smoldering deep within.

He centered her on the silken cushion, spooning his body beside her, his elbow braced so he could gaze down on her. “It is truly a blessing of the gods that to give you pleasure I must taste heaven, as well.”

Medusa swallowed, her mouth suddenly dry as a desert breeze. Her exhale shook from her lungs, and a wash of goose bumps raced down her body. “A perfect world would have every pleasure given returned in kind. Too often it's not.”

“Be mine, and every pleasure you gift me will be returned tenfold.” Uphir shifted beside her, his hard cock pressing against her hip and thigh. The sensation triggered a reflexive pulse through the muscles of her sex, liquid heat flooding the spot.

“Tenfold?” She tried to scoff at his boldness, but just then he reached up and tenderly brushed a strand of hair from her forehead, tracing its length to tuck it behind her ear. Another tingling shudder shook across her shoulders. She couldn't speak. It was all she could do to lick her lips, trying desperately to moisten her arid mouth.

Her chest tightened and her gaze caught his, the earnest look in his eyes so clear her heart pinched. He lowered, drawing nearer to her lips, and Medusa held her breath. It wasn't her first kiss, but the sensation roared through her like
no other before. She let her eyes close as his tongue slipped between her lips, gentle but firm, sweeping her mouth, tasting her.

Muscles along her belly fluttered as his hand feathered over her skin, his palm warm against her, cupping her breast, squeezing, possessing. Uphir shifted as though he could lie closer to her, though their bodies were flush—his chest, the firm muscles of his stomach, the hard line of his sex all pressed along her side, imprinting on her brain. His fingers rolled the pebbled flesh of her nipples, tugged and toyed, made her back arch in response.

His low, grumbling approval filled her mouth, rumbling down her throat a moment before his hand tightened on her breast and he moved to taste her there. Sultry heat, delicious suction and a pinch of sharp teeth—the feel of her breast in his mouth shot a vivid mix of pain and pleasure shooting through her body.

She gasped at the sensation, squirmed, tugged and pushed at his arm, trying to worm her way beneath him. She wanted him centered atop her, his sex pressed to hers. Uphir offered no help, and only bent his knee across her hips and shifted his chest to better trap her, hold her still.

A stab of panic iced through Medusa's veins; her entire body went rigid, despite the way this new position brought his stiff cock closer to her entrance.

Uphir lifted his head, met her eyes and seemed to read her thoughts. He smiled, his lips shimmering from his kisses. “I want to make this as pleasurable and enduring for you as possible, goddess. But once I have you beneath me, my restraint will be close to spent. So if you don't mind…hold still and stop rushing me. Please. Your wiggling is driving me to distraction.”

Medusa huffed, her frustration tingling over her skin. “We'd be halfway done by now if you'd let me help.”

“Exactly.” He kissed her quickly. “Which is why you won't
be helping…yet.” And then he kissed her again, pressing long and deep, opening to her when she pressed back.

Muscles low in her belly heated, tightening. She rocked her hips, feeling the solid line of his penis press over her belly, nudge through the hair at her sex. She slipped a hand to the leg he'd draped across her, gripping the back of his thigh.

Thick, hard muscle and skin brushed with wiry hair warmed her palm as she felt her way to the firm curve of his ass. She squeezed, dug her nails in and thrilled at the way his glutes tightened, his hips rocked into her side. Medusa pulled at him again, encouraging him to mount her, opening her legs to give him room.

Uphir didn't budge. His sweet kisses left her mouth, tracing her jaw and moving back to her ear. He found her lobe and suckled it into his mouth. Medusa gasped. Her eyes rolled back as a rush of glittering pleasure rippled from her ear down to her neck, over her chest and belly and straight to her sex. No one had ever done that…ever. Stone statues and rubber toys aren't much for nibbling on earlobes. Good goddess, she liked it.

Excitement, hot and wet, gushed through her, spilling over the lips of her pussy, slicking the tops of her inner thighs. Her hips bucked as Uphir nipped the sensitive flesh, then released her lobe to lavish kisses on the sensitive spot behind her ear.

She writhed beside him, her need sizzling through her veins, tightening muscles, coiling in her womb. She slipped her hand between them, fisting his cock. She squeezed, pulled, desperate for him to center his body on hers. But Uphir only rocked his hips, stroking his sex along her belly, coaxing her for more.

His mouth found her breast again, flicking a wicked tongue over her nipple, toying with the hard, sensitive flesh and sending waves of pleasure rolling over her body, pooling deeper and deeper at her core. Her thoughts fogged as he slid
his hand down her belly, tunneling his fingers through her tiny curls, following the curve of her body.

She lifted her hips on reflex, rising to meet him, spreading her legs as her own heat warmed her thighs. Her pussy muscles opened, flexed, needing his touch. He didn't disappoint, slipping his thick finger between her folds, stroking the tender nub of her clit.

Electric sensations swirled up through her chest, humming along her skin with each soft brush, each purposeful stroke. Medusa moaned, her hand latching around his wrist, holding him to her. Uphir pushed lower, teasing her pussy with his finger, drawing out her cream, slicking her entire sex and then diving in for more.

Her body clenched around him, making the most of his finger, closing tight so each stroke in and out of her body filled her, tantalized her every nerve. Uphir angled himself better, driving deeper, faster, his heavy body an exquisite weight against her side. His blue eyes glanced at hers, watching her impassioned response to him.

Pressure built inside her, the sensation winding tighter and tighter, pushing at her skin, squeezing her lungs. Medusa caught her bottom lip between her teeth, closed her eyes and rode his hand like a piston. Each pump of his hand drove her closer and closer to the brink, to a release she both ached for and resisted with all her will.

Her thigh muscles trembled, her toes curling. Uphir leaned close, so close his lips brushed her ear. “My goddess, my love, I live only for you.”

The warmth of his breath on her skin, the deep vibration of his voice through her chest, the words he spoke all worked to ignite the explosion that suddenly roared through her mind and body.

She arched back, thrusting her hips, riding the waves of hot release crashing over her body, pulsing through her sex. When
the last spasm of her orgasm rocked through her, Uphir caught her mouth in a kiss. His tongue teased hers, his teeth nipped her lip and his inhale stole the breath from her lungs. He mounted her, sliding his manly weight atop her, pinning her.

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