Naughty by Nature (8 page)

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Authors: Brenda Hampton

Tags: #Fiction, #General, #African American, #Urban

BOOK: Naughty by Nature
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“If you want me so bad then why don't you take me?”
“I am, and I will, but just not right now.”
“Well, I'm asking that you take what you want right here and right now. I might not offer it to you again, so you might as well take it while you can.”
My heart was pounding and pounding fast. I could feel my hands dripping with sweat, and so was my forehead that Scorpio had taken upon herself to wipe.
Her performance continued as she turned on my lap and faced Jaylin again. This time, however, she removed my dick from my pants and it flopped out long, thick, and hard. At this point, I didn't have the courage or balls to stop her. Her wish was my command and there wasn't a damn thing I could say about it.
She sat directly on my hardness, but didn't let it go inside. Her wet slit stroked my pipe and I damn near had a fit. I tried to maneuver myself around in the chair to make it go in, but she wouldn't allow it to. She teased the fuck out of me and looked directly at Jaylin while she was doing it.
No doubt, fury covered his face. I could tell by the wrinkles on his forehead and the raising of his eyebrows that somebody was about to catch hell. As angry as he was, though, that didn't stop him from looking between Scorpio's legs. It was like watching the last two seconds of a tied football game with the St. Louis Rams getting ready to kick a field goal. His eyes were glued in, but I knew he was waiting to see if my dick would enter her.
The tip of my head touched her clit, and he knew that all she had to do was jolt down on it and it would be in. Knowing that, I begged Scorpio to stop. Jaylin gritted his teeth and looked viciously at her.
“Get these motherfuckin' cuffs off me, now! This is the same shit that ended our fucking relationship and you have the nerve to sit there and try to fuck my boy in front of me!”
She turned her head to the side. “Shane are you fucking me? If you are, then let me in on it, okay?”
“No . . . No, I'm not fucking you. But would you please get off me.”
Scorpio rose up. She slid back into her panties, bra and mini dress while holding the keys to the handcuffs in her hand.
She sauntered back over to Jaylin and was face-to-face with him again. “I'm afraid to uncuff you because I might die before I make it to the door. In the meantime,” she said, squatting between his legs. She carefully unzipped his pants and pulled out his hard dick. Her mouth went into action and Jaylin's head dropped back again. “Umph, umph, umph,” was all he could say. I couldn't believe this shit was happening right in front of me, and I couldn't help but wonder when my turn was coming.
Scorpio short changed Jaylin and cut it short. She stood and squeezed his cheeks with her hands. “I want that favor returned. Don't you ever tell me something you don't intend to do, and whatever happened to you being a man of your word? I waited for you last night, and you have to know how much it hurt me that you didn't show up. Until next time, Jaylin Jerome Rogers, I can only hope that we continue what I started.”
He snatched his head away, and as fast as Scorpio entered the room, she put the keys down inside of his pants, zipped them, and left.
We sat staring at each other for a moment and let what had just happened settle. I was calling him a weak motherfucka to myself, and I'm sure in his vocabulary of words, he was calling me the same. Either way, I was the first one to open my mouth.
“How you gon' get the keys?” I asked.
“You the one who got us into this mess, so you figure it out.”
“Aw, I know you ain't mad at me. If anything you should be mad at your damn self for standing her up last night,” Shane said.
“I did not stand her up last night! I told her I couldn't go through with it.”
“Nigga, you told her you'd call her back when you were on your way!”
“Did you hear what the fuck I just said?! I did not tell her I would call when I was on my way. I told her I'd call back so I could get her off the phone!” Jay yelled.
“Fool, don't be yelling at me!” Shane shot back.
“Nigga, don't be yelling at me!”
“What you want, Jay! You are not gon' sit there and blame me for your fuck ups!”
“Punk, I ain't blaming no damn body! I put my fucking self in this situation when I listened to you and overstayed my welcome. I should have taken my ass home to my wife and kids like I was supposed to do yesterday!”
“Well, you didn't, so now what!”
“Nothing! ”Jay screamed.
“Then, stop complaining,” I yelled and turned my head towards the window. I looked out and so did Jaylin. Things were quiet for awhile, as neither of us wanted to make a move for the keys or take the blame for what had happened.
As usual, I spoke up before he did. “I apologize, but had I known Scorpio would do what she did, I would have never agreed to her coming here.”
Jaylin slightly tooted his lips. “You know damn well that you got a kick out of what just happened.”
I quickly spoke up. “You were looking overly thrilled your damn self. Ain't no way you just didn't enjoy your dick in her mouth.”
“And what if I did enjoy it?” Jay asked.
“Then, that's all on you. I'm not gon' lie and tell you she didn't just turn me the fuck on when we both know she damn well did.” Shane replied.
“You are really angry about this shit, ain't you? What's with all the cussing and shit?” Jay said
“'Cause, man. I'on like to be teased like that. She fucked with my manhood and had a brotha kinda feeling like a wimp.”
“Now you see exactly what I went through the few years we were together. Scorpio is a master at getting what she wants. And, I'll be damned, she almost got it. If not tonight, she'd damn sure earned herself a fast and furious fuck from me tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow? Wha—”
“Tomorrow, I'm gon' give her what she wants. After that, I'm jetting. I'll write this down in my little black book as one of the biggest mistakes of my life and be done with it.”
“Hey, fine. Do whatever you want to do. I am out of this shit and I do not want to know the details,” Shane stated.
Jaylin was silent and then he looked down at the keys in his pants.
“Why don't you stand up, come over here, use your teeth and not your mouth, to get these keys out of my pants. Hold the key steady in your mouth and uncuff me,” he said.
“Negro, please. I ain't about to put my face anywhere near your dick. Why don't you stand up, jump up and down, and try to get them to fall. Once they hit the floor, use your teeth to pick them up, and then hold your mouth steady and uncuff me.”
“First of all, those keys aren't going to make it to the floor with this big ass hump in my pants. Secondly, my plan was a whole lot better than yours,” Jaylin countered
“Your plan was shitty. That's the only thing it was,” Shane claimed.
“Then, I guess we gon' sit here like this all night then,” Jaylin said.
“Then, I guess so.”
After hours of sitting, neither one of us budged. Every once in awhile we shot comments back and forth, but the keys remained in Jaylin's pants. The only thing that saved us was when Felicia came in on Sunday morning, claiming to have left some money in her drawer that needed to be deposited early Monday morning. She looked at us in disbelief.
“I am too embarrassed to ask y'all what happened at this party last night.” She looked at my pants that were still unzipped. “This is ridiculous. And don't you ever have the audacity to tell me what a faithful friend you have.” She turned to Jaylin. “Like I told him, once a ho, always a ho.”
“Felicia, would you please get the keys from inside of Jaylin's pants and remove these cuffs,” I asked.
She rushed to it, but took her time pulling them out. “This is an embarrassment to our company, and I pray like hell those hoochie mamas y'all invited here didn't have a videotape with them, especially for your sake Jaylin. If Nokea knew what kind of so called husband she's still got—”
I got frustrated with Felicia and so did Jaylin. “Just take the fucking cuffs off,” we said in unison.
“Hold up!” she yelled while still roaming her hands down inside Jaylin's pants. “I know y'all ain't trying to disrespect me! It doesn't look like the two of you have many options here. Do I get an apology, or do I leave the keys in his pants?”
“Sorry,” both of us said in unison again. We'd both been punked by a woman twice in one night and it wasn't a good feeling.
Felicia's hands stop roaming and she looked at Jaylin. “You should be disappointed in yourself for reserving something like that for one woman. There is much power in what you got and whenever you want to get things going again, just let me know.”
Jaylin had a blank expression on his face and didn't say one word. It was so obvious how mad he really was.
Felicia removed the cuffs from my hands first and then from Jaylin. After that, we left. When we got back to my place, he asked if he could use it for the night to entertain Scorpio. All I said was I'd be over at Sam's place. I warned him about doing something he would surely regret.
ince the shop was closed on Sunday, we sat around and celebrated Deidra's recent engagement. Leslie and the kids had even come with me and while the grown folks stayed upstairs at Jay's, the kids were in the basement playing.
Of course, Lady Ice and I were telling everybody the details of last night events. Shane was so clueless when he provided me with her name during dinner. I knew she was my girl, Juanita, and we made plans to handle things exactly as they went down.
Everybody had known about Jaylin standing me up, so it was only fair that I made myself look good. When I described the look on Jaylin's and Shane's faces, the women in Jay's cracked up.
“Girl, I would have done anything to be in your shoes,” Bernie said. “I can only imagine how things went down.”
“You can't imagine it without knowing how fine both of them are,” Leslie chimed in.
“Hello,” Juanita said, giving her a high five. “If Scorpio didn't get there soon, I was gon' change plans and keep them for myself!”
“Scorpio made one mistake,” Leslie continued, “and that was she didn't fuck'em. I would have pulled their dicks out and wore their asses out!”
The whole place agreed and passed around high fives.
“Naw, she did the right thing,” Bernie said. “Sometimes, it's good to watch'em sweat. By screwin them, she would have given them what they wanted.”
Nearly everybody nodded.
“Well, either way, it was a day I will never forget,” I said, proudly.
“See, all this dick talk done made me horny,” Jamaica said, standing up. “Either y'all feed me something or I'm gonna go home and get fed.”
“I hope not by that crazy Negro who be busting you upside your head. The only thing you'll get from him is a black eye.”
Bernie had touched a nerve with Jamaica. One thing she hated was for someone to talk about her abusive man.
“Bernie, mind your own business. At least I'm getting some. Your corrupted ass pussy so dry from not getting none, that even a rapist would turn it down.”
“I guess some dick is better than no dick, huh? Even if it knocks you unconscious from time to time, you gotta have something, right ladies?”
Nobody responded because we could tell that Bernie had touched another nerve with Jamaica. She was heading her way before the bell on the door chimed and in walked Jaylin. The entire place was frozen in time. Our heads were in the same direction and not one person said a word! He was at his best, wearing a gray pair of pinstriped cuffed pants and a gray silk button down shirt that tightened around his muscular frame. The shirt matched his cattish grey eyes. They were covered with tinted glasses but everyone could see how gorgeous his eyes were. You could smell the money on him, and the silver and diamond watch that glistened on his wrist was probably a Rolex.
Jamaica pulled herself away from me. “Uh, you must be in the wrong place. Hollywood Boulevard is many, many miles from here.”
Jaylin smiled and placed his hands in his pockets. He looked at me. “Can we talk,” he said.
“Baby, sure,” Jamaica said, looking around. “Do you wanna go somewhere private?”
Jaylin smiled again. I stepped forward to introduce him. “Everybody, this is Jaylin. This is the guy I named Jay's after.”
“Girl,” Jamaica shouted. “Shut your mouth! This the Jaylin we've been talking about—”
Bernie cleared her throat to stop Jamaica from talking. I told Jaylin to follow me and everybody's eyes followed. Somebody gave off a whistle and then everybody got started. By the time we made it to my office, the ladies were laughing and going crazy.
“You have to excuse them,” I said, closing the door after Jaylin to drown out the noise. “They don't know no better.”
“Yeah, that was pretty wild,” he said. He stood for a while and looked around. “I'm kind of feeling Jay's, Scorpio. You done hooked up the place real nice.”
“If you be good, I'll take you on a tour of the place later.”
“Well, I'm not gon' be good.” He took a seat on the leather sofa, leaned slightly to the side and rested on his elbow. He lowered his eyelids and looked between my legs. “You know you were wrong for last night, don't you?”
“Maybe,” I said with my butt pressed against the front of my desk. “But, you were wrong for standing me up.”
“I guess. But, either way, I want to make it up to you. Tonight. No strings attached—just me and you.”
“What made you have a change of heart?”
“Do you have to ask?” he chuckled.
I knew my mouth could be persuasive. “Where would you like to meet? I would let you come to my place, but I don't want Mackenzie to see you.”
“I wouldn't mind seeing her, you know. I think about her every single day. If you would allow me to see her for five minutes I'd be grateful.”
“I'm sorry, but there's no way I can do that. Trust me, she'd be so happy to see you, and knowing she wouldn't be able to see you again would really hurt her.”
“I'd explain to her that I live in Florida. All I want to do is hug her and let her know I haven't forgotten about her.”
“Jaylin, no. I can't bring no hurt on her like that. Things are better off left as they are.”
He disagreed, and no sooner than he did, I heard Mackenzie and li'l James coming down the hallway arguing.
I quickly stood up and panicked. “Please, you have got to hide. Jaylin, do not do this to her, please,” I begged. I hurried him into a closet, and once he was inside, I closed the door. As soon as I sat in my chair, they came through the door.
“Mommy,” Mackenzie said, in her sassy voice, while holding a Barbie doll in her hand. “James keeps pulling my hair.” Her hair had a band around it that held back the long length and fluffiness of it. She looked so adorable in her pink Baby Phat skirt and jacket, and I knew Jaylin wouldn't be able to resist holding her in his arms. I hadn't paid much attention to what she said because my eyes were focused on the cracked closet door.
I shook my head from side to side as I saw it crack open wider. “Mackenzie, why can't you and James get along? Now, go play and, James, please stop doing whatever it is that you're doing to her.”
They headed for the door, and when Jaylin opened the closet door, I swung my chair around and placed my hands over my face. How dare him go against my wishes?
“Daddy,” I heard Mackenzie scream loudly.
He didn't say a word; I figured he must have been getting the hug he so desperately wanted.
I swung my chair back around and looked at the two of them tightly embracing each other. My heart hurt so badly; his eyes were closed and she held her arms around his neck when he picked her up.
He opened his eyes and moved his head back to break her embrace around his neck. Obviously, she didn't want to let go.
I was so upset with him that I got up to gather myself. I rushed to the bathroom and closed the door. I stood with my back against the door, closed my eyes, and dropped my head. I listened to him talk to her, but I couldn't make out what he said. When I heard her laugh, I took a deep breath, waited a few more minutes, and then opened the door. He sat on the couch with her on his lap.
Allowing them some time, I took James by the hand and walked him back downstairs with the other kids. I wasn't sure what it would do to Mackenzie after seeing Jaylin, but I knew she'd start bugging me about him again. I waited for about forty-five minutes before returning to my office. He'd had enough time with her, and now, his time was up.
I reached for Mackenzie's hand, as she continued talking while sitting on his lap. “Come on, baby,” I said. “Leslie's going to take you all to Six Flags.” I knew she wouldn't deny me because that was one of her favorite places to go. When she got off Jaylin's lap, I felt relieved.
“Daddy, can you go?”
Jaylin stood up. “Not this time, baby. My plane leaves today. I gotta get back to Florida, okay?”
She nodded. “Can I come to your house in Florida some day?”
I waited for his response.
“Hopefully, one day, yes. I promise to work on that, okay?” No doubt, he looked hurt. “Give me another hug before you go, and you be careful at Six Flags and have fun.”
Mackenzie gave Jaylin another squeezing tight hug.
“I love you,” he said softly.
“I love you, too,” she responded, barely able to get the words out as his hold was so tight.
Slowly killing myself inside, I reached for Mackenzie's hand and she waved good-bye. I took her upfront to where Leslie was and gave her some money to take the kids to Six Flags. I asked her if they could go quickly, so Mackenzie wouldn't change her mind about staying with Jaylin. I wasn't sure what he told her, but whatever it was, her mind seemed to be at ease.
I made my way back to my office and Jaylin sat on the couch in a daze while rubbing his hands together. I closed the door, and he looked over at me.
“I'm sorry,” he said. “I couldn't let that opportunity pass me by.”
“Do you have any idea what you just did?”
“Yeah, I just made peace with something that's been bugging me for a long time.” He placed his hand on his heart. “You don't understand, nor will you ever understand how much I needed that.”
“And, what about us, Jaylin? How could you be so selfish to us?”
I walked over to my desk and sat my backside against it. I folded my arms in front of me and waited for a response.
“I can't answer that right now. All I know is seeing and holding her made me feel good. I apologize for not listening to you, and Mackenzie and I had an interesting talk. She—she'll be fine. I told you that she would and I kept my promise, didn't I?”
I knew Jaylin was talking about the money he and Nanny B had given us, but I also knew that I wanted more than his money. That being, of course, a life with him.
He stood up and came over next to me. He picked up a piece of paper on my desk and reached for a pen. He wrote something down on the paper, and then pushed his elbow on my hip.
“Get your butt off this desk,” he said playfully.
I smiled and looked at the piece of paper he held in his hand. “This is Shane's new address. Meet me there around seven.”
“Six,” I said, anxious to be alone with him.
“Well, then six.”
I reached up and rubbed the back of his curly hair. It was so soft, and I'd never forgotten the feel of it. When I stood up straight to kiss him, he backed away. He placed his lips on the inner side of his fingers and kissed them. Then, he slowly licked them, and placed them on my lips. “Let's save this for tonight. Ain't no need for us to get all hot and bothered up in here, so I'll see you tonight.”
He walked toward the door. I got one last look at his sexy muscular frame and changed my mind.
“Five,” I said. “How about I come see you at five?”
He turned around and smiled.
“Then, five it is.”
I followed behind him as he made his way to the front entrance. As soon as everybody heard us coming, they all got quiet. This time, everybody held their fist in the air. Jaylin thought they were giving the sign of black power and told them to represent before he said good-bye. When he left, I had to ask what was going on.
“Now, that's the sign to alert others that there's a big-dick-Negro in the room,” Jamaica said. “You've got to show your arm because that represents the length.”
We all laughed and I was so excited about tonight. Now, everybody understood my enthusiasm about Jaylin and they joked about me being a happy-go-lucky-bitch.

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