NAUGHTY CINDY: Five Hardcore Sex Erotica Shorts (3 page)

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“Adam, Sarah.”

“I’m sorry?”

Sally leaned in, her hair brushing across the microphone but not making noise.  “His name is Adam, not Andy.”

It was Sarah’s turn to giggle.  “Sorry, that means that Tommy really had an impact on me.  Anyway, you had just arrived at Adam’s house.  Why don’t you let me and the listeners know what happened then.”

“It would be my pleasure.”


I took my husband’s hand as we walked to the Bergman’s door.  “Now, you remembered the gift right?” 

Frank just looked at me like I was a babbling crazy.  I shrugged.  I had just wanted to make sure we were on the same page. 

We got to the door and rang the bell.  Jaime answered the door and smiled brightly when she saw us.  I don’t mean to brag, but I was looking exceptional that night and I knew it.  I was wearing a sleeveless midnight blue blouse that allowed viewers to get a peek of my braless breasts in the right light.  My skirt was snug and helped push up my pert ass in an inviting way.  Of course, it was all part of the plan. 

My eyes walked greedily over Jaime as she turned and led us into the house.  She was wearing jeans and they were tight enough to let me see the curving crease of her ass cheeks.  The green blouse that she was wearing was virtually without a back and gave me a wonderful view of her smooth, copper-tanned
back and shoulders.  Her short blond hair lightly caressed her neck, swinging back and forth above her shoulders as she walked.  It made me reach for Frank’s hand and give it a squeeze.

We walked into the living room and found the birthday boy, Adam, sitting on the couch, his long legs stretched out in front of him.  Slowly, he unfolded his lanky body from the cushions and got up to shake Frank’s hand and to give me a quick hug.  When he wrapped his arms around me, I breathed in his manly smell and gave him an extra squeeze. 
“Happy birthday, Adam.”

I left Frank with Adam and went into the kitchen to offer Jaime my help.  When I walked in, I saw she was busily adding the candles to his cake and I once again admired the beauty of my friend.  Her lean arms were moving and I had a flash of myself being wrapped in them.  “Hey, need any help?”

She turned and smiled at me.  “Nah, I think I’ve just about got the inferno ready.”

She had put a good amount of candles on the cake, I noticed.  “Well, go ahead and light
and I’ll get the lights off in the living room.”

I turned and hurried back out to where the guys were still sitting, now engaged in conversation about some new car on the market.  I shook my head and flipped off the lights.  Right behind me, Jaime entered with the chocolate cake ablaze, her attractive face lit by the candles, making her seem like some beautiful specter.

“Happy birthday to you . . .” She began singing and we joined in.  Adam even joined us on the last line as Jaime set the cake on the coffee table in front of him.  Her husband pulled her close as he closed his eyes and blew out the candles.

I looked over at Frank and then back to the loving couple on the couch.  “What did you wish for?”

“I’m afraid I can’t answer that, vital secrets that might unravel the fabric of the universe and all that.”  Adam grinned over the head of his wife at me.

I nodded.  “I understand.  We wouldn’t want to put anything at risk here.”

  He let his wriggling wife go so she could get plates and silverware from the kitchen. 

When Jaime returned, I decided I needed to put things into gear.  I stood up and joined her by the cake, watching her lean over to make the first cut.  Her blouse tented open enough to let me see her little breasts and I thought how they would just fill the palm of my hands.  I was ready.

I leaned forward before Jaime could stand back up and I grabbed her head with my hands.  Not giving her time to react, I pressed my lips onto her full ones, pushing my tongue into her sweet mouth in a long kiss.

We were right at Adam’s eye level and I could hear his gasp as my lips munched at his wife’s mouth.  Continuing to give her little nibbles and kisses, I straightened and brought her up with me, moving our bodies close together.  Behind us, I could hear Frank walk up and I pulled my lips away from hers.

Leaving Jaime in Frank’s hands, I turned to Adam sitting on the couch and stood in front of him.  Looking down at him, I could see his eyes scanning my tight body and the hunger that was growing in them.  Leaning forward, I bent down and kissed him, putting my hands on his shoulders as I straddled him.  Instantly, I could feel just how aroused Adam was.  His cock was already fighting to break free of his jeans, pushing hard against the fabric and poking into my thigh.

I adjusted myself and pressed my crotch down hard onto his.  I reached for one of his hands and pulled it down to my crotch, as well.  When his fingers touched bare pussy and he realized I wasn’t wearing underwear, he groaned against my mouth.

Suddenly, I heard Jaime cry out and looked over to see Frank standing behind her, his hands rubbing and squeezing her tits and his mouth biting at her neck.  I watched as his hands ran down and unzipped her jeans, yanking them roughly off her and pulling them to her knees.  I smiled when I saw his hand slip into her panties and work at her pussy.  Her open-mouthed moan made my own pussy twinge in sympathy.

Feeling hands on my own breasts, I turned back to the birthday boy.  Adam had gained some confidence watching his wife with my husband and seemed to now be ready to get going.  His hands grasped my breasts through my blouse, tweaking and rubbing at my nipples, making them poke through the fabric like two little bullets.  I moved myself against him and then pulled away and slipped from his lap to land on my knees, my face directly in front of his crotch.

Deftly, I undid his jeans and pulled until they slid to his ankles.  He had to raise his ass from the couch as I did this and I leaned forward to put my mouth on him through his underwear before yanking those off as well and fully releasing his dick. 

He was huge and I thought that Jaime was definitely a lucky girl.  Of course, I had Frank and he was always wonderfully filling for my appetite.  I took Adam’s cock in my hands and leaned forward, beginning to slurp at him greedily, licking his shaft up and down and circling the head before I finally swallowed it whole, my lips touching down at the base of his cock.

Adam groaned and lifted higher from the couch, pushing even more deeply into my throat and making me gag.  I pulled off, leaving a trail of saliva as I stood and turned my back to him.  Undoing my skirt, I slipped it over my lovely curving hips, waving my ass in his face as I did so.  When my skirt hit the floor, I didn’t have to make a move because Adam’s hands were already at my waist and were pulling me to his lap to straddle him once more.

Facing this way, I was able to watch my husband bend Jaime over and lift one of her toned legs into the air, exposing her sweet pink pussy lips.  Squatting down, Frank quickly gave those lips a few long licks, making Jaime jump and shake in his grasp.  Standing back up, he thrust his thick cock into her folds and began to fuck her so hard her feet were coming off the ground and she had to grasp the chair arms for support.

My own pussy was being pummeled by Adam’s long shaft.  I leaned back against him to force his cock to thrust along my most sensitive spot, and instantly I felt my pussy begin to twitch and tighten.  I closed
my eyes, focusing on this incredible build-up of orgasmic power, and when I opened them, I saw that Frank had swung Jaime around and walked her in our direction, his dick firmly planted in her cunt all the while.

Jaime’s face was now directly in front of my pussy as her husband’s dick was sliding in and out of it with deep thrusts.  Without hesitation, she moved her mouth forward and planted her lips on her husband’s bouncing balls, and I could feel the tightening and rolling reaction that moved his cock as he sank it deep inside me.  He breathed hard against my neck and I reached a hand downward to rub at my clit and join in the heightened excitement.  Jaime merely batted my hand out of the way and moved her mouth up to my swollen clit, sucking it with her soft lips and caressing it with her tongue.

That was it for me.  I cried out and wrapped my hands in her blond hair to force her harder against me as the waves of my orgasm rolled through every bit of my body.  At the same time, though, my husband ripped Jaime from my grasp and threw her down on the couch, leaving her head to just hang over the arm.  He straddled her face and shoved his cock into her mouth.  I could see her throat bulge with his size and saw her body wriggle on the couch cushions.

I fell to the side and Adam maneuvered out from under me as I got on my hands and knees to bury my face in my friend’s juicy cunt.  She tried to scream around my husband’s cock and, I could tell by her tightening stomach muscles that she was on the verge of coming.  Adam slipped behind me just as his wife’s body jumped and arched against my mouth, shaking with her own orgasm.

Almost as if they had planned it, both Adam and Frank pulled away from us and brought us to our hands and knees on the floor.  Standing above us, they took their cocks in their hands in time to pump their semen all over our upturned faces.  Finishing as we had begun, Jaime and I turned to each other to lick and kiss our husbands’ come from our faces.

It was a memorable birthday for Adam and perhaps the best gift I’ve ever given. 


“Wow,” Sarah breathed into the microphone.  “I guess I know who I’ll be inviting to my next birthday party.”

Sally laughed.  “I’ll be bringing more than a birthday card, Sarah.”

Sarah smiled at her guest. 
“Okay, everyone.
  We’ll take calls next, but pay attention to our sponsors in the meantime.  Remember, the swinger lifestyle is becoming much more common and joy is only a swap away!”  She clicked the button on the microphone and heard the bumper music come on.

“August 25
.”  Sally’s voice was playful.

Sarah turned to her.  “What?”

“August 25
.  That’s your birthday.  It’s on the calendar in the office outside.  I’ll mark the date.”  Sarah watched as Sally stood and walked to the door, her beautiful heart-shaped ass perfect beneath the denim.


Wife Share at a Lake

Wife Swap Chronicles Episode
an erotic short by
Cindy Jameson
All rights reserved copyright 2012 by
Naughty Daydreams Press

The music swelled and Sarah noticed that her guest swayed with the sexy dance beat.  As the crescendo died down, she leaned into the microphone.  “I don’t know how you find all of the best sexy music, Tommy, but that was incredible!  Welcome to the show everyone.  You’re listening to The Wife Swap Chronicles, and I hope you’ll all be watching Evening Issues of the Day on K-WRL tonight because I’m going to be on along with a few porn producers and two sociologists.  We’re gonna see if we can set the world straight about the lifestyle.”  She turned to her guest and smiled warmly. 

“But right now, we have a fabulous guest who has a really amazing story to tell us about what can happen when you enjoy camping.”  Her guest giggled, and it set Sarah to giggling, too.  She leaned to the microphone.  “Okay.  You know, sometimes it’s just amazingly fun to know the kinds of things we can enjoy.  Anyway, listen up everyone.  I’m going to hand this one over to Alice, and she’s going to tell her story.”

Alice smiled and leaned forward, “Well, I actually read the news for the college radio station way back when, so I’ll see if I can remember how to do this.  My husband wanted to go camping, and we ended up taking some friends…


The campground had been perfect, secluded, free from the annoying sounds of a world full of neighbors, and within a short hike of the lovely lake that had filled the advertisements in the travel planner’s office.  I set my gear down and looked over at my husband, Craig and let out a big exaggerated sigh.  He smiled and gave me
a thumbs

The couple we were sharing this vacation with, Craig’s good friend from work, Martin, and his wife, Juliette, seemed to be happy with things as well.  They were in each other’s arms, making out pretty heavily, as they pretty much had been from the moment they had climbed into our car and we had set off for the trip.  Craig clapped his hands, startling both of them and making Juliette blush.  “Okay, you love
do you think you can hold on the mushy stuff until camp is set up?”

“No problem, man.”  Martin jumped to it, helping Craig lay out our tent first and then moving on to get his and Juliette’s tent set up next.  While that was going on, I walked over and took Juliette by the arm.  “Come
let’s let these manly men deal with the tents while we deal with the kitchen.”

“I’ve never been camping, so I’ll just follow your lead.”

“You’ve never been camping?  Not even to summer camp?”

She shook her head, making all her pretty blond waves shimmer in the sunlight.  “Not even summer camp.”

“Well, okay, then this should be a weekend to remember for you.”

She laughed. 
“Yeah, to say the least.
  I mean, I’m a total city kid, but Marty loves camping so, here I am.”  She flung up her hands as if to say
What are you going do with such a husband?

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