Naughty Little Secret (7 page)

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Authors: Shelley Bradley

Tags: #Erotic Contemporary

BOOK: Naughty Little Secret
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Monday started bright and early with an eight a.m. meeting Lauren had been anticipating for weeks. The restaurant chain’s expansion into the affluent areas north and west of Dallas was one of her projects. Noah had given her a lot of latitude in choosing sites and tweaking the menu to suit the locations. Today, she’d present her recommendations to Noah and the rest of the committee and, with approval, they’d get started on focus groups that would assist them in making the suburban offering just right.

Today, she struggled to dredge up her normal enthusiasm.

Staring into a cup of black sludge the mini-mart around the corner from her house passed off as coffee, Lauren sloughed off the thought that she needed to be gathering her papers and making her way to the conference room. Instead, her stubborn mind was still fixated on Friday night.

Every time she thought back on that magical, frightening encounter, she flushed and heated. The man had known her body. How to control it.

How to please her. Better, even, than she’d known. He’d understood exactly how to take her higher, precisely how to cast her over the edge.

He’d done it with ruthless skill.

He’d also stolen past her defenses and made love to her.



Shelley Bradley

Despite her brave words to Noah last Friday afternoon, she wasn’t a casual sex sort of girl. Oh, the idea had appeal. All the pleasure, none of the strings that eventually brought pain when the relationship died and someone left… But deep down, she was the kind of girl whose body followed her heart. Her Friday night stranger had given her a fabulous handful of orgasms, true—but she couldn’t escape her good-girl roots.

She’d allowed—oh, let’s be honest—begged a man whose name she didn’t even know to invade her sex…and he’d slipped into her soul. And she’d responded with abandon. Lauren had never given herself that completely to any man, not even her husband of nearly ten years.


It could only be because she’d been thinking of Noah. Somehow, someway, that man had gotten under her skin and chiseled his way into her heart.

But even before the naughty fantasies of her boss, she’d been responding to Mr. Mysterious with complete abandon, and the realization left her with part thrill…part shame. Had she changed? Did her body recognize her stranger as her ultimate sexual mate?

Or was it because something about the stranger tugged at her, and in her memories, he was enough like Noah to make her respond?

And to top it all off, rather than being glad she’d verbally chased him out of her bed after “the deed,” she was sulky. He said he’d be back. Two whole days at home with the phone constantly near as she’d laid bathroom tile.
Her girls had called. Tim had phoned to arrange a drop-off for the kids. Her mother had called to ask if she planned to come to Aunt Frannie’s birthday party in two weeks.

She’d listened to every sound in the house, thinking he might sneak back in. Other than the postman delivering some clothes she’d bought the girls out of a catalog, no one else had come knocking.


Naughty Little Secret


Mr. Mysterious had disappeared as completely and thoroughly as he had pleasured her.

To make matters worse, she tried to figure out who he was—and only got a headache for her efforts. Someone she knew, he’d said. She’d love for him to be Noah…but she knew better. He wasn’t Gary in Accounting.

Gary wasn’t tall enough to be her stranger. Not Tim. She’d know her ex anywhere. Besides, she’d never responded to Tim like that, and he wasn’t nearly as imaginative as Mr. Mysterious in bed. Who, then? A neighbor she hadn’t noticed? Someone who worked in this building? None of those men knew her well. Certainly not well enough to know she was on the pill. Nothing added up.

“Good morning,” a dark male voice rasped behind her, right in her ear.

She shivered. Noah. Had to be. But his voice with that husky note…

It reminded her of her stranger.

Wishful thinking, girl. Stop now.

Lauren shot a sharp gaze up to him. Mistake. Big mistake. Pale blue eyes sparked with energy and something she couldn’t define. A five o’clock shadow, despite the early hour, dark hair slightly mussed and spiked, and a killer suit that hugged his body every bit as tightly as she wanted to.

Pathetic. She really had to stop mooning over her boss. Over Tim’s pal. God, if he knew the thoughts running through her head, he’d most likely laugh. If Noah knew how she’d responded to a stranger just by fantasizing about
, he would run for the hills.

Giving herself a mental shake, Lauren tried to clear her head. Noah sneaking into her house, cuffing her, stripping her naked, and rocking her world? In her dreams. But since she lived in reality, she knew better.


Shelley Bradley

Noah was interested—big if—he’d simply ask her out on a nice, polite date. Dinner and a movie. A trip to an art gallery. The symphony. He wouldn’t play Conan the Seducer. She’d seen him with enough women over the years to know it wasn’t his style.

Through sheer appeal, he’d simply leave her breathless and wanting and saying yes. She liked him—too much. And it had to stop. Even if he started a fling with her—an even bigger if—he’d leave her, as he left every other woman. It would hurt like hell. Not to mention the fact her rapport with a longtime friend and her boss would be strained, to say the least.

More’s the pity. She adored everything about him…including the smile he was flashing her way now.

“Morning,” she answered.

“You ready?”

For you to notice I’m female? I wish.

“For this morning’s meeting.”

Of course. Business.
Keep your mind on business, girl.

She nodded. “As I’ll ever be. Your help with the prep last week really made the presentation stronger. You really are the master strategist.

Thanks for your help.”

“I think your plan is a solid one. Now it’s up to you to convince the others. Speaking of which, shouldn’t we be on our way to the room to set up?”

Lauren glanced at her watch—and nearly flinched. “Ten `til eight?

Oh, wow. Yeah.”

Grabbing a stack of papers, she reached for the laptop with her presentation all loaded on the hard drive. Noah already had it in the grip of his large hand.

“I can get that.”


Naughty Little Secret

He shrugged. “I know, but this frees you up to pour us fresh cups of coffee and take them to the meeting.”

“True.” She laughed. “You’re always planning ahead.”


The firm emphasis on the word, coupled with a pointed glance, earned him a puzzled frown. What the heck was he up to?

“I need the caffeine desperately,” he added. “Kind of a sleepless weekend. How about you?”

His answer put images in her had of Noah and Misty together, playing with her pom-poms…among other things. A bolt of something dark and painful pierced her gut. Lauren looked away, pretending to glance around to make sure she had everything. Once she was positive she had her act together and her expression under control, she hustled away from her desk. Noah fell into step beside her.

“I got the bathroom tile finished. Now I just have to seal the grout, but the girls can help me. They came home on Sunday night. Yesterday afternoon, Tim took them miniature golfing. Cassie loved it; Emma hated it. Typical.”

“Emma doesn’t like many activities that don’t involve a book.”

“Yep. And Cass only likes playing if she can get sweaty. They’re very different.”

“They’re great girls, and I know you’re proud.”

“I am.”

They reached the coffee bar, and Lauren poured them each a tall cup into waiting Styrofoam.

“Black, right?” she turned to Noah.

He jerked his gaze up to her face quickly then looked away, nodding.

Had he been staring at her breasts? No. Not possible. But then…what
he been looking at?


Shelley Bradley

Brushing the question off and scolding herself that she needed to get over this crazy infatuation, she added some artificial sweetener and creamer to her coffee and headed down the hall. Noah followed.

“What else did you do this weekend?” he asked. “Did Mr. Mysterious show up and make good on his promises?”

She was
answering him, even though she felt his ardent gaze glued to her profile. She was not going to tell Noah that a total stranger had snuck into her house and she had been waiting for him in red lace.

She refused to admit aloud that he’d cuffed her to her bed and mastered her body in stunning ways she couldn’t begin to describe. She would not say a word about the fact he’d used his tongue on every part of her body.

Or the mind-melting kisses. Forget blabbing about the way he’d teased her clit until she’d exploded. She was not going to mention his huge erection filling every bit of her sex or confess he’d known the perfect stroke for maximum friction and killer orgasms. She’d never divulge how totally she’d given herself to him and cried afterward. Nope. Not a word.

No way, no how.

“I’m guessing from the blush on your face the answer is yes.” His grin widened to something mischievous and suggestive. “And I’ll go out on a limb and guess that you liked it.”

This was when she hated being fair skinned. Hard to keep secrets when a blush she couldn’t control told pretty much the whole story.

“Who do I need to watch out for this morning? Who is going to push back the most during this meeting?” Maybe he’d take the old bait and switch. She hoped.

Noah just laughed. “You enjoyed it, didn’t you? Whatever he did, it did the trick. You look surprisingly…relaxed this morning.”


Naughty Little Secret

Silence. Lauren would rather cut out her tongue and eat it than admit to the man she had a major crush on that she’d surrendered her body to another man, a total stranger, while thinking of him.

But her confirmation or denial wouldn’t change facts. Noah knew, at the minimum, that she’d given in and liked it. Apparently, the thought of another man in her bed didn’t bother him. In the least.

Didn’t that speak volumes about how much he didn’t think about her sexually? Of how much he didn’t want her? And why should he when he had Misty, who could no doubt cheer at the top of her lungs while doing the splits over his cock?

Her gut clenched. Her mood dropped lower than her knees.

“Not talking, huh?”

His cat-ate-the-canary grin crawled on her last nerve and squashed it. Hell, could he get any more obvious about the fact he was glad someone had screwed her? Not by much. Clearly it hadn’t crossed his mind to wish he’d been the one doing the screwing.

“Noah, I didn’t ask you about your weekend with Misty. Why are you asking me about mine with this guy?”

He tensed, frowned. “I didn’t see Misty this weekend.”

“What? Did she have an away game she had to cheer for?” Lauren couldn’t stop a snide tone from creeping in.

“Something like that. I’m living vicariously through you. Spill the details.”

Men. If he had drawn her a picture, he couldn’t have been any clearer about the fact he was only interested in a second-hand thrill. “You’re my boss, and this is an inappropriate conversation in general, much less five minutes before a very important meeting.”

His smile fell. “Oh, sure. Sorry. I—I just want to see you happy. You looked… Did he make you happy?”


Shelley Bradley

Lauren closed her eyes. Be short, sweet, and honest. She’d learned that was always the best way to deal with Noah. “Yes and no. I don’t know him. He doesn’t—”

“You don’t know who he is? Still?”

He didn’t sound surprised exactly. But the question in his tone suggested he was.

“No. He never said his name. I…couldn’t see.” God, she could feel a fresh flush spreading across her cheeks. “Anyway, he doesn’t really know me. I have no idea why he picked me. He said he’d be back and he didn’t show. I’m guessing it’s over, and that’s the end.”

Finally, they reached the double doors to the meeting room. Through the glass, Lauren saw a couple of people already gathered inside. Thank God, this crazy, uncomfortable, disheartening conversation was going to end. And maybe for a few hours she could pretend that the man she wanted most wasn’t amused by the fact another man spent Friday night in her bed.

After the meeting, she could go to the bathroom and kick a stall door or something to purge the fury and frustration churning her blood now.

Except Noah grabbed her arm, preventing her from heading into the conference room.

“I think you’re underestimating this guy, sugar. And your appeal. He sounds like a man on a mission, and you’re a beautiful woman. Don’t be surprised if you see him again soon.”

She shook her head. “I told him to leave.”

Noah leaned in, his heat enveloping her, his very height and breadth making her feel small and feminine and lightheaded. Dangerous things fluttered in her belly. Even more dangerous ideas rolled around in her mind.


Naughty Little Secret

“If he got half the welcome I suspect he did, then he knows you’re not immune. He’ll be back.”


Lauren’s expression swam with annoyance as she walked past him into the conference room. Damn!

Okay, so asking her about Friday night right before the biggest meeting of her new career had been a bad idea. This morning’s conversation, while ill-timed, certainly proved that Lauren had enjoyed Friday night. He’d known it, really. The feel of her pussy rippling around his cock and her screaming ringing in his ears told him that.

Noah blamed his blabbing of questions on his impatience. He was hooked on Lauren. Totally addicted. Forcing himself to stay away Saturday and Sunday, rather than returning and spending the weekend deep inside her, had been damn difficult. But he’d planned a new strategy after their less-than-satisfying parting had left him hungry and very clear that the battle for her heart, not her body, would be the far bigger challenge. He’d been so damn driven that he’d stayed up `til all hours devising a better strategy. He had the perfect one now.

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