Navy SEAL Rescuer

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Authors: Shirlee McCoy

Tags:, #Fluffer Nutter

BOOK: Navy SEAL Rescuer
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After four years in prison for crimes she didn’t commit,
Catherine Miller just wants to lie low at her isolated farmhouse. But someone
still thinks she’s guilty—and should pay the ultimate price. Someone angry
enough to spray-paint
on her home and
attack her in broad daylight. Her neighbor, former navy SEAL Darius Osborne,
vows to hunt down her predator. The handsome security contractor has as
harrowing a past as Catherine’s, and won’t let anyone get too close. Yet with a
cold-blooded killer on her trail, they’ll get closer than either ever imagined.

Darius approached cautiously, his senses alert, his nerves
alive with anticipation.

A red shoe print marred one whitewashed floorboard, and
letters were painted across the width of the porch floor, covered with a thin
layer of white paint.


Had the person who'd attacked Catherine vandalized the
property first? He frowned, stepping into the foyer.

A small sound made the hair on his neck stand on end, and
Darius paused, listening to footsteps on wood flooring. A floorboard on the
stair creaked, and he eased back into the room.

A shadow moved across the open doorway, and he lunged,
tackling the intruder. He slid his forearm across a soft throat, pressing just
enough to stop his squirming, wiggling captive.

Red hair.

Pale face.

Dark blue eyes.


He backed away, panting hard, and offered a hand to pull her
to her feet. “You're supposed to be at my place,” he said. “Someone just tried
to kill you.” He didn't bother keeping exasperation from his voice.

Catherine frowned. “He's gone,” she whispered.


Books by Shirlee McCoy

Love Inspired Suspense

  Die Before
  Even in the Darkness
  When Silence
  Little Girl Lost
  Valley of
  Stranger in the Shadows
  Lakeview Protector
Guardian’s Mission
The Protector’s
  Cold Case Murder
Defender’s Duty

Running for
  Deadly Vows


Running Blind
of Time

Lone Defender

Private Eye Protector
  The Lawman’s

Undercover Bodyguard

Navy SEAL Rescuer

Love Inspired Single Title

Still Waters

  *The Sinclair
  †Heroes for Hire


has always loved making up stories. As a child, she
daydreamed elaborate tales in which she was the heroine—gutsy, strong and
invincible. Though she soon grew out of her superhero fantasies, her love for
storytelling never diminished. She knew early that she wanted to write
inspirational fiction, and she began writing her first novel when she was a
teenager. Still, it wasn’t until her third son was born that she truly began
pursuing her dream of being published. Three years later, she sold her first
book. Now a busy mother of five, Shirlee is a homeschool mom by day and an
inspirational author by night. She and her husband and children live in the
Pacific Northwest and share their house with a dog, two cats and a bird. You can
visit her website,
, or email her at
[email protected]


Turn your ear to me, come quickly to my rescue;
be my
rock of refuge, a strong fortress to save me.


To my children.
There is nothing I enjoy more than being
your mother!



Red letters dripped like blood down the front of the freshly
painted house.

Smaller letters marched across the newly whitewashed porch


The painted words seemed to taunt Catherine Miller as she
trudged to the back of the old farmhouse and grabbed two nearly empty paint cans
from the dilapidated shed. Hopefully, she had enough to cover the vandalism. She
snagged a couple of paint pans, tucked paint rollers under her arm and carried
everything to the porch. Ten minutes, and she’d be done.

Good. Eileen would be finished with chemo in an hour, and
Catherine didn’t want her grandmother waiting. She was too sick, too exhausted,
too frail to be left sitting in a crowded hospital waiting room. At sixty-seven,
Eileen’s clock was running down, and Catherine wished desperately that she could
wind it back up again. She couldn’t, so she’d purposed to spend every moment she
could making sure Eileen’s last weeks and months were comfortable and

That meant getting rid of the vandalism before Eileen got

She touched a finger to the dry red paint. Not even tacky.
Whoever had vandalized the house had done it soon after Catherine and Eileen had
left for the hospital. Some punk kid. She was sure that was what the sheriff
would say if she called.

She wouldn’t.

She’d put her grandmother through enough already. She wouldn’t
bring her home to vandalism or to police poring over the property. She’d cover
the paint and keep what had happened locked safely away with all the other
things she couldn’t share.

The sun blazed from the blue summer sky, the breezeless air hot
and arid. Sweat trickled down her temple and neck as she poured dove-gray paint
into a pan.
One letter gone.
Another disappeared. She should have felt
satisfaction, but she felt nothing. Not anger. Not irritation. Not dismay,
disgust, horror.


She covered another letter and wiped sweat from her upper lip,
surveying the fresh paint. Not even a shadow of red peeked out from under the
gray. Perfect. Eileen would never know what had happened, and that was the only
thing Catherine cared about. She dipped the roller in gray again, sweeping it
over the
silence of the old farmstead only broken by the swishing of paint on wood.
Nothing moved. Not the tall grass and weeds that pressed up against the
perimeter of the yard. Not the leaves on the trees.

The stillness ate at Catherine as she worked, nudging at the
back of her mind. Four years in the state prison had insulated her from the
world, but not from people and life. There had been little silence in her cell
block and even less time alone. Here, in the small town where she’d grown up,
she seemed to always be alone and silent. Even when she was in a crowd. Even
when Eileen was close by.

She grabbed a fresh roller, poured white paint into a clean pan
and slicked it over the red letters on the porch. Almost done. There’d be plenty
of time for the floor to dry before she picked Eileen up from chemotherapy.

Something rustled to her left, the tall weeds that edged the
property swaying. No breeze to blow them, but they moved again, twitching to the
left and right as she watched.

“Who’s there?” she asked, sure a bird would fly out of the
overgrowth. Instead, soft laughter drifted from the weeds, the sound chilling
her blood.

“I said, ‘who’s there?’”

“Murderer!” The taunt whispered out, and Catherine

She’d been out of prison for two months, and in that time,
vandals had broken a window, slashed her car tires and egged the house. The
sheriff had been out three times, but he hadn’t been able to track down the
perpetrators. Kids with too much time on their hands. That’s what he’d said, and
Catherine had believed him, because she hadn’t wanted to believe an adult was
trying to chase her out of town.

But, then, in Pine Bluff, just about anything seemed possible.
Here, the guilty wandered free and the innocent rotted in jail.

Just once,
her rational self

Just you.

The weeds rustled and a tall figure stepped out. Broad and
muscular, he stood at the edge of the yard, a ski mask pulled over his face.

A kid?

Catherine didn’t think so, and she tensed, setting the paint
roller in the pan without taking her eyes off the man. “Go home.”

“Go home,”
he mocked, chuckling

“I’m going to call the police,” she said, backing toward the
front door.

“I don’t think so,” he responded and loped toward her.

She lunged for the door, yanking it open, terror squeezing the
breath from her lungs as an arm wrapped around her waist, a hand slapped over
her mouth.

“Let’s go inside.” He pressed her toward the yawning doorway,
and she shoved back, raking her hand down his knit ski mask, slamming her elbow
into his ribs. Prison hadn’t taught her much, but it
taught her how to fight.

He cursed, his grip loosening, and she broke free, lifting the
paint roller, swinging at his face. Paint splattered across his ski mask, and he
stumbled back.

She didn’t wait. Didn’t try to fight more. Just jumped off the
porch and sprinted across the yard, heading for the dirt road that connected the
homestead to its nearest neighbor.

Please, please.

Footsteps pounded behind her, closing in fast.


She turned left at the road. A quarter mile, and she’d be at
the Morris place. Empty for years but finally sold to a man that Eileen said
spent more time away than home.

Please, let him be home.

Her breath panted out, the old broken mailbox that marked the
beginning of Morris property just ahead, the curve in the road that hid the
house from view just beyond it.


She was so close.

God is smiling down on you, my sweet

The voice echoed from a past so far away that Catherine wasn’t
sure it had ever been hers.

And then she was yanked back with so much force she flew. Off
balance, arms flailing, she beat at her attacker, jabbed at his eyes, tried to
pull the mask from his face, screaming, screaming. As if someone might hear. As
if rescue might be just a moment away.

His fist clipped her jaw, and she reeled, stars and darkness
dancing at the edge of her vision.

Please, please, help me.

The prayer danced, too, slipping into her muddled thoughts,
breaking her cardinal rule to never ask for help. She’d clung to her faith
through rocky times, but the past few years had been stagnant and empty of hope,
her faith shriveled and dry from lack of care.

If she could care again, would God save her?


Sun-scorched earth burned through her T-shirt.

On the ground, his hands around her neck, his breath fanning
her cheek.

“How’s it feel to be on the other side, Dark Angel?” he
whispered, his grip tightening, his knee pressing into her stomach.

She gagged, clawing at his wrists, trying to break his iron

No air.

No breath.

Just hot dirt and hot sun and cold blue eyes staring into


She let go of his wrists, dug her thumbs into his eyes, air
filling her lungs as he shoved her hands away.

One more scream.


And his hands tightened on her throat again.

* * *

A scream broke the silence of Darius Osborne’s first day
of vacation. Not an excited scream. Not an it’s-summer-and-we’re-letting-loose
scream. A terror-filled, panicked, help-me scream, that made his hair stand on

Another scream followed the first, choked off at its zenith. He
dropped the paint scraper, grabbed the hammer, racing around the side of the old
farmhouse and onto the dirt road.

He stopped there. Waiting. Listening.

The hot summer day was silent again.

Not a breath, not a movement.


“Hello?” he called out, glancing up the road toward the distant
highway, then down it toward the curve in the road and the dead fields of the
neighboring farm.

“Help me!” A woman stumbled into view, burnished red hair
gleaming in the sunlight, welts raised on the pale column of her throat. He knew
her. Knew
her anyway. Everyone in Pine Bluff

Catherine Miller.

The Dark Angel of Good Samaritan.

Injured, terrified.

He ran toward her, scanning the area as he slid an arm around
her waist.

“What happened?” he asked.

“Someone attacked me,” she rasped, her eyes hollow, her face

“Where is he?”

“He ran when you called out.” She gestured to the curve in the
road, the tall, brown grass and weeds. Anyone could be hiding there.

“Come on.” He urged her toward his house, her backbone
prominent beneath his hand, every vertebra pressing up against her shirt. Too
thin. That’s what he’d thought the first time he’d seen her on the news.

Too thin, but beautiful.


The perfect neighbor because all she wanted was exactly what
Darius did—to be left alone.

Only, she hadn’t been left alone.

The welts on her neck, the bruise on her jaw proved that.

“Who was it? Someone you know?” He opened his front door,
ushering her inside.

“I’m not sure. He was wearing a ski mask.” She shivered, and he
pulled a throw from the back of the sofa and wrapped it around her shoulders,
his fingers brushing her neck.

She flinched, tugging the blanket close.

“What else was he wearing?”

“Dark pants. Long-sleeved dark shirt. He was tall. Maybe a
couple of inches shorter than you.” Her teeth chattered, but she looked him
straight in the eye, her gaze direct, her blue eyes dark and lifeless.

“I’m going to call for help, then I’ll see if I can find him.”
He pulled out his cell phone, dialing 911 as he took his Glock from the gun safe
in the hall closet.

Catherine watched as he loaded it, her expression never
changing. The media had said plenty about her incarceration and release. They’d
said plenty about her, too. Interviews with supposed friends, with people she’d
worked with and with the family of the people she’d been convicted of murdering.
There’d never been an interview with her, though. Just photos and videos of her
leaving prison, her expression as empty as it was now.

“Stay here, okay?” he asked.

“I’ll stay for as long as I can,” she responded, and he
frowned, hot air sweeping in as he opened the door.

“You need to stay here as long as it takes for me to make sure
you’re safe.”

“My grandmother is at the hospital getting chemotherapy. I need
to be there to pick her up in less than an hour.”

“Someone tried to kill you. I think your grandmother will
understand if you’re late.”

“My grandmother can’t know what happened.” She touched her
neck, but it was the only indication she gave of her feelings or her fear.

“Unless she’s blind, she’s going to be asking a lot of
questions. How are you going to explain this?” He touched the bruise on her jaw,
and she tensed, her eyes flashing with life for the first time since he’d seen
her on the road.

“I’ll tell her whatever I have to to keep her from

“Your choice, Catherine, but remember, you won’t be able to
tell her anything if you’re dead. Stay in the house. I’ll be back as soon as I
can.” He stepped outside, listening to the noisy starlings fighting over rotten
food near his overflowing trash bin, waiting for a sign that the perp had
followed Catherine.


Not even a hint that things weren’t what they should be.

Darius ran down the porch stairs and across the yard, scanning
the landscape and the sun-baked dirt road. A scuffed area just beyond the curve
in the road gave the first hint of what had happened. He crouched over it,
examining the heel digs ground into the dirt and the footprints that led into
deep cover.

He followed them into the heavy overgrowth, head-high weeds and
dried grass pressing in close, reminding him of far-off days and late-night
treks through planted fields and desert scrub. Different place, different
circumstances, but the adrenaline was the same, the skin-tightening feeling that
he wasn’t alone was the same.

Sirens screamed, their warning swelling and then ending
abruptly. Help had arrived. If the perp was close by, he wouldn’t be for long.
Not with the police on-site. Darius slipped through the tangled vegetation,
following a trail of broken branches and crushed grass, the Glock a comforting
weight in his hand.

He’d spent four years as a Navy SEAL working in enemy territory
in Afghanistan searching out top-ranking al Qaeda operatives, and he’d never
gotten tired of the hunt. Even now, stateside and working as a security
contractor, he loved this part of the job the most.

Cat and mouse.


Him against the enemy.

He followed the trail deeper into the field, then back through
sparser growth and out into Catherine’s property. An old farmhouse jutted up
from the middle of an overgrown yard, its front door swinging open.

Darius approached cautiously, his senses alert, his nerves
alive with anticipation. Cans of paint sat on the porch, a gray paint roller
abandoned beside them. A red shoe print marred one whitewashed floorboard, and
letters were painted across the width of the porch floor. Someone had covered
them with a thin layer of white paint, but they were still easy to read.


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