Nazi Hunter (93 page)

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Authors: Alan Levy

BOOK: Nazi Hunter
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US Holocaust Memorial Council
ref 1

US Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS)
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5
ref 6
ref 7

Watch List
ref 1
ref 2

US Justice Department’s Office of Special Investigations (OSI)
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5
ref 6
ref 7

US Senators’ Free Wallenberg Committee
ref 1

US War Crimes Office
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

Ustashi (Yugoslavia)
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4


Vak, Dr Karl
ref 1

Varon, Benno Weiser
ref 1
ref 2

Verdross-Drossberg, Dr Alfred
ref 1
ref 2

Verkhneural’sk labour camp, Siberia
ref 1

Verschuer, Professor Otmar von
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5
ref 6
ref 7
ref 8
ref 9

Wiesenthal’s Documentation Centre
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5
ref 6
ref 7
ref 8
ref 9

Eichmann in
ref 1

Pier/Friedman Documentation Centre
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

Waldheim’s law studies at University of
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5
ref 6

Waldheim’s marriage in (1944)
ref 1

designated third UN City (1979)
ref 1

Villach Castle, library of Jewish religious books in
ref 1

Vladimir Prison
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

Vorkuta labour camp, Siberia
ref 1

Vranitzky, Franz
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4


Wächter, Otto
ref 1

ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5
ref 6
ref 7

Wagner, Gustav
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5
ref 6

Waldheim, Elisabeth (
Ritschel: ‘Cissy’)
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

Kurt’s engagement and marriage to
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5

Waldheim, Gerhard
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5
ref 6
ref 7
ref 8

Waldheim, Kurt
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5
ref 6
ref 7

Who’s Who in Austria
entry for 1972
ref 1

In the Eye of the Storm
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4

The Challenge of Peace
ref 1
ref 2

military service on Russian front
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4

law studies at Vienna University
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5
ref 6

military service in Yugoslavia
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 6

military service in Greece
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 6
ref 7

incriminating photo with SS General at Podgorica
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

White Book of
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5
ref 6
ref 7
ref 8
ref 9

marriage to Elisabeth (1944)
ref 1

return to post-war Vienna
ref 1
ref 2

diplomat with Austrian Foreign Service
ref 1
ref 2

denazification of
ref 1

Yugoslav indictment of
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4

appointed First Secretary in Paris
ref 1

Ambassador to UN
ref 1

1971 Presidential election lost by
ref 1
ref 2

Tito’s friendship with
ref 1

Foreign Minister (1968)
ref 1
ref 2

Secretary-General of UN (1971–82)
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5
ref 6
ref 7

President of Austria (1986–92)
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

visit to Israel (1973)
ref 1

WJC campaign against
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5
ref 6
ref 7
ref 8
ref 9
ref 10

Kirschläger evaluates evidence for and against
ref 1

placed on Watch List (1987)
ref 1

1988 report of the historians’ commission
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5
ref 6

Wiesenthal and Kreisky call for resignation of
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4

letter to Wiesenthal from (February 1989)
ref 1

Waldheim, Liselotte
ref 1

Walesa, Lech
ref 1

Wallenberg Action Committee
ref 1
ref 2

Wallenberg, Marcus
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

Wallenberg, Raoul Gustav Jnr
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

birth and youth in Sweden
ref 1

studies architecture at Ann Arbor (USA)
ref 1

works in South Africa
ref 1

works in Palestine
ref 1
ref 2

Budapest Jewish rescue operation
ref 1

Eichmann’s meetings with
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

Soviet arrest (1945) and imprisonment of
ref 1

nominated for Nobel Peace Prize
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

made honorary citizen of USA
ref 1

Stockholm hearing (1981)
ref 1

Wallenstein, Ernst
ref 1
ref 2

Waltke, Master Sergeant Oskar
ref 1
ref 2

Wannsee, Final Solution Conference at (1942)
ref 1
ref 2

War Refugee Board (WRB), US
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4

Warnstorff, Lieutenant-Colonel Herbert
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4

ref 1

Cyla’s flat at 5 Topiel Street
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4

Warsaw Ghetto
ref 1

1943 uprising
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4

non-Jewish uprising (1944)
ref 1

Warsaw Ghetto Resistance Organization
ref 1

Warzok, Friedrich
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

Wehrmacht Archive
ref 1

Werbell, Frederick and Clarke, Thurston,
Lost Hero
ref 1
ref 2

West Bosnian Combat Group
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

West Germany
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4

Stangl’s extradition from Brazil to (1967)
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

Nuremberg trials
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5
ref 6
ref 7
ref 8
ref 9
ref 10
ref 11

reparations to Jews
ref 1
ref 2

and Mengele case
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5
ref 6
ref 7
ref 8

Düsseldorf trials
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5
ref 6
ref 7
ref 8
ref 9

Hermine Braunsteiner’s extradition from USA to (1973)
ref 1
ref 2

Western Ukrainian Republic
ref 1

‘The White Book’ (
Kurt Waldheim’s Wartime Years: A Documentation
ref 1
ref 2
ref 4
ref 5
ref 6
ref 7
ref 8
ref 9

Wiernik, Yankel,
One Year in Treblinka
ref 1
ref 2

Wiesel, Elie
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5
ref 6
ref 7
ref 8

Wiesenthal, Asher
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

Wiesenthal, Cyla (
Müller, Simon’s wife)
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4

Simon’s marriage to (1936)
ref 1

imprisoned in Janowsk
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

escapes from Janowsk
to Warsaw
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

post-war return to Lwów
ref 1
ref 2

and reunion with Simon
ref 1

Wiesenthal, Pauline Rosa (daughter)
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4

Wiesenthal, Rosa (Simon’s mother)
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

death of husband
ref 1

remarries and moves to Dolina
ref 1

moved to ghetto in Lemberg
ref 1

deported from Lemberg and perishes in Belzec (1942)
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5
ref 6

Wiesenthal, Simon xi–xii,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 6
ref 7
ref 8

nominated for Nobel Peace Prize
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4

threats and plots against
ref 1
ref 2

his research on Columbus
ref 1
ref 2

birth (1908) and childhood in Buczacz
ref 1
ref 2

attends Humanistic Gymnasium
ref 1
ref 2

meets Cyla Müller
ref 1

at Prague Technical University
ref 1
ref 2

apprenticed as building engineer in Russia (1934–5)
ref 1

studies at Lwów Technical University
ref 1

marriage to Cyla (1936)
ref 1

Honorary Doctorate of Architecture from Vienna University (1990)
ref 1

licensed as architectural engineer (1940)
ref 1

in Lemberg during Nazi occupation
ref 1

imprisoned in Janowsk
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4

dying SS soldier denied absolution by
ref 1

escapes from Janowsk
ref 1
ref 2

caught and taken to Gestapo prison
ref 1

attempted suicides of
ref 1

and SS Construction Staff Venus
ref 1
ref 2

at Plaszow concentration camp
ref 1

and Gross Rosen
ref 1
ref 2

and Buchenwald
ref 1

and Mauthausen
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

post-war work for US War Crimes Office, Linz
ref 1

Vice-Chairman of Jewish Committee
ref 1

Cyla’s reunion with
ref 1

works for OSS
ref 1

birth of daughter, Pauline Rosa
ref 1

opens Jewish Documentation Centre, Linz
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

and Eichmann
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5
ref 6
ref 7

closes Documentation Centre
ref 1
ref 2

refugee work and freelance journalism
ref 1

and Wallenberg case
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5
ref 6

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