Neighbors and More (High Rise Series) (19 page)

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“Close your eyes, and focus.” Dante gently stroked her cheek.

She took a deep breath, rested her head on the back of the
chair, and remembered. “He knocked on the door. I kept it ajar to prevent him
from entering. He said he had papers about the assessment. He wanted me to read
them and sign them. It was urgent. The bank needed them and he was visiting all
the owners in residence. I let him in. And I sat on the sofa to read them.” She
glanced at Dante.

“You’re doing well. Keep on. I’m taking notes.” He typed on
his iPhone. “Did he have a drink?”

“Yes. He poured us each an Amaretto from my bar.”

“Ah, same liquor he drank the day he drowned. It’s a strong
one, with a bitter taste that could mask the bitterness of a drug.”

“He brought me a glass. I automatically drank while reading.
Oh God. Now I remember this. Things were so fuzzy in my mind. He said, ‘Now you
have to sign it’. I said I was tired and would finish reading tomorrow, sign it,
and bring it to him. He insisted he needed the assessment paper right away, and
said, ‘Sign it now’.”

“Do you remember signing it?”

“I think I did sign a paper. I can’t remember exactly what
or where I signed.” Her breath lumped in her throat. “So that’s what I signed.
A two-million dollar check. I think I’m going to be sick.”

“No, you’re not. You’re a strong woman, Alexa. Focus again.
Close your eyes and tell me what you see.”

The images jumbled in her mind.

Teased by eager fingertips, her nipples peaked and her
body writhed, jolting Alexa out of a dreamless slumber while her brain
struggled to remember her latest amorous encounter.

Not for months. Or years. Since Greg had moved out, she
hadn’t let a man touch her. Then why were her breasts…

With considerable effort she lifted her eyelids, tried to
focus, and glared as her eyes opened wide. “What the hell…” Jerking back, she pulled
the sheet over her chest and threw a fist at the smirk adorning Steve Bairey’s
relaxed face. “You bastard.”

  His smile faded to be replaced by an angry scowl. Steve
patted his mouth. “Hey, is that your thank you for a night of incredible sex?”

  “You dirty scum. Get out of my bed. Get out of my
apartment, or I’ll call the police.”

  Steve collected his clothes. “Call whoever you want to
witness our glorious rampage.” His sarcastic tone poked through her fogged
mind. “Thank you, sweetheart. I won’t bother you again. Don’t make a big deal
out of it. We were both drunk and can’t remember how we ended up in bed.”

Wrapping a robe around her, she dashed to lock the door
behind him. Anger and disgust churned in her mind. Damn the scum bag. She
checked the bed sheets and her clothes for any proof that he might have raped
her, or even penetrated her during her slumber. None was evident. She wasn’t
sore and was still wearing her undies, and she couldn’t remember sleeping in
his arms. So what had exactly happened between them?

Exhausted from the effort, Alexa rubbed her forehead.
Silence enveloped them. Had she lost Dante after her confession?

“I’m sorry, my darling. I’m so sorry you had to go through
that.” Dante squatted in front of her chair, and brought her hands to his lips.
“I’ll make you forget his dirty touch.”

No blame or accusations. No condescending tone. She let out
a sigh of relief. Losing Dante’s support now would be unbearable. “Thank you.” She
leaned into him. Her forehead resting against his chin, she drew comfort and a
boost of energy from his support. “Do you think whatever he made me sign, was a

“I’m sure he probably substituted the assessment paper with
a blank check once he decided you were groggy enough not to notice the

“But what had he drugged me with?”

“Who knows? Maybe Valium from your prescription jar?”

“Only three pills were missing. Not enough to drug me, and
then adulterate the drinks on the day he died.”

“You have a point here. But we’ll let Detective Ladd figure
that out. At least, we know how he got the check with your signature and why he
planned to go to Atlanta or who knows where.”

“Do you think I...I let him...” She couldn’t complete her
sentence. “Maybe all he wanted was the check. Maybe he secured it away, and then
came back to lie next to me and distract me by staging a sex scenario.”

“It’s very possible. You need to relax now. Discovering
Greg’s hidden camera and a two-million dollar check’s existence in the same day
is more than one person can digest. Let’s go to the beach.”

“I’d rather go home and check my computer to see if there
are recordings from the camera unit.” She grabbed the straps of her purse from
the back of her chair while Dante collected the papers on his desk into a
folder, and shoved them into a drawer.

Dante’s cell rang. “It’s Detective Ladd.”

“Cantari speaking...” He said in the phone. “Yes, she’s with
me... Now?... Give us an hour to grab lunch.” He scowled and shut his phone.
“Unfortunately, he
needs to talk to us
. I have the
feeling it’s about the check. And maybe about the recording too.”





Chapter Fourteen

Sitting on the stone ledge separating the sidewalk from the
sand at Las Olas by the Beach, Alexa enjoyed a delicious crab sandwich and a
. Dante had insisted they were entitled to a break and a lunch.
Multicolored umbrellas dotted the four-mile beach. Children played in the
shade, others ran or hopped along the burning expanse of sand to reach the ocean,
while young mothers clad in bikinis lay on towels to soak the sun and gain a
fashionable tan.

Alexa wished she could join them. She’d missed the beach and
hadn’t been strolling on the sand or swimming since the day she was attacked. Her
foot swung impatiently, kicking the sand with nervous strikes. For how long
would she have to give up her favorite hobbies because of a vicious predator?

Jet Skis
rumbled, drawing white lines in the azure of
the ocean as they crisscrossed in front of them. Longing stirred in her heart. “Dante,
have you ever driven a
Jet Ski

He smiled. “Never, but it shouldn’t be difficult, if all
these teenagers can do it. We’ll rent one next weekend.”

Next weekend?
She counted on her fingers. “I’ve been
in this mess for less than a week. And yet it seems like ages.”

Dante squeezed her hand. “It’ll be over soon.”

She snorted. “I don’t see how. Things are getting more
complicated every day. Every hour, a new deception pops up.”

“Have faith, as my
often tells me.”

She smiled. It was so refreshing to see such a confident man
quote his grandmother as the ultimate source of wisdom. “I wish I could meet

“You will. As soon as we have some free time. She and my
sister have already asked me to bring you over.”

Spinning her head toward him, she frowned. “Have you talked
to them?”

“No yet. But when I was in Palermo, I mentioned I met a
lovely young woman.
made me promise I’ll introduce you to her.”

“Oh dear, you talked about me to your family when you were
away? I thought you forgot me.” She had that urge to throw her arms around his
neck and kiss him, regardless of the crowd bustling around them.

“You see what I mean. You should have more faith in me.”

“Hmm.” Joy bubbled in her chest. Yes, she’d trust him
completely from now on, not only about solving her recent problems, but...

Oh God, could he have special feelings for her?

Jet Ski
roared not too far away. She closed her
eyes, imagining herself sitting on the speeding toy, within Dante’s close
embrace, waves splashing all over them. Yes, that would be lovely. A sigh
escaped her and she melted at the sentimental vision lingering in her mind.

“If you’re done with your lunch, let’s go meet the detective.”
Dante urged her up, slamming her daydreaming. She marshaled her thoughts into
order. So much for sentimentality.

They strode back to his car and drove home. As they
approached the Blue Waves building, the peaceful images of Las Olas evaporated,
replaced by new worries.

What would Ladd say about the check she’d signed? Would he
believe her explanations?

The detective marched toward them as soon as they entered
the lobby. “Can we meet in Ms. Alexa’s apartment? I have a few things to

Already guessing which things he was talking about, she
didn’t ask questions. During the ride in the elevator, Ladd studied her from
under half-closed lids. Lifting her chin, she smoothed her hair in the mirror
and ignored him.

“Alexa, do you remember the security code?” Dante pressed
his hand to the small of her back. “You have one minute,” he reminded her.

“Yes.” She turned her key, opened the door, and immediately
entered the numbers on the small box affixed on the wall to deactivate the

Detective Ladd studied the security box and nodded. “Good,

They settled in the living room. “What’s new?” Dante crossed
his arms, and she waited for the detective to lay out his new findings.

“Do you recognize this, Ms. Alexa?” He showed her a copy of
the infamous check and activated his recorder.

“I saw it this morning for the first time.”

He scowled. Dante narrated their visit to his office, the
discovery of the check, and some of the facts Alexa remembered from her
encounter with Steve.

Detective Ladd asked her to repeat them for him. Omitting
the obscene details, she summarized her reminiscences.

“I hope this clears Alexa completely,” Dante concluded on
her behalf.

The detective scratched his head, his gaze flicking from
Dante to her. “How long have you two been dating?”

“I took her out for dinner twice before I left for Sicily.”

“And since you returned you haven’t left her side?” Ladd
arched a sarcastic brow.

“Exactly. I lent her my support to stand against a killer
who’s still on the loose. And I offered her comfort when you insisted on
treating her like a criminal rather than a victim.”

“I never...” Ladd stopped short, and turned to Alexa. “I’m
sorry if that’s the impression I gave you. I’m just doing my job. Ms. Alexa, I
know you think you already answered this question, but one more time for the
record. Has Steve ever asked you to lend him or give him money?”


“He just asked you to marry him.”


“Did Dante Cantari ask you to marry him?”

“Oh God.” She flinched, air stuck in her throat like a lead
ball. “No,” she whispered.

“You don’t have the right to ask such a personal question,”
Dante retorted, his temper flaring.

Unperturbed the detective pinned him with a caustic look.
“Would you kill for her, Mr. Cantari?”

Dante spun his head toward Alexa and captured her beautiful
eyes, so green, so limpid. Yes, he could kill the bastard who had hurt her so
much. “I’m her lawyer and friend. I can help her without killing anyone, and I
hope we can both count on the police to guard our backs and arrest the

“I see,” Ladd said, as if he’d reached his own conclusion.

“There are others who may have more reasons to kill.” Dante
had had it with the detective’s wrong assumptions.

“That’s what I plan to find out.”

“How about Greg and his morbid jealousy?”

“Can we call him here?”

While Alexa reached for her phone, Ladd walked to the bar
and lifted his gaze to the lamp hiding the secret camera.

“He’ll be here right away,” she said as she walked to open
her door.

A moment later, Greg walked in. “Good afternoon, everyone.” In
long pants and printed button down shirt, he looked the part of an executive on
vacation. “Can I help anyone with a drink?” His back straight, his chin tilted
arrogantly, he acted the lord of the house and went to the bar to pour himself
a Scotch.

“Thank you, sir. I just have some questions,” Ladd answered

Greg lowered his tall frame into the white leather chair he
always favored. “Shoot.” He sipped his drink as if he had all the time of the

“Do you still love your ex-wife?”

Greg sputtered and bellowed, “What kind of a question is
that? Of course, I love her dearly, and I promised her father I’d take care of

Both Dante and Alexa exhaled at the same time. They’d heard
it almost a hundred times.

“You hated Steve because he wanted to date and marry your
ex-wife. Would—”

“He harassed her.”

“Did you kill him?”

“Nonsense. I just warned him that I would report him to the
police for harassment. I had to protect her,” he repeated with more strength.

“Is that why you installed a camera in her living room?

Greg shrugged. “Oh you found it? I’ve almost forgotten about

“You jerk. You spied on me. When did you have it installed?”
Arms crossed, Alexa bit her lips, her narrowed eyes never wavering from her

“Long time ago, sweetheart. When you asked me for a divorce,
I remembered your mother’s affair and the ensuing problems.”

Alexa lurched forward, her finger pointing at him. “Leave my
mother out of this.”

“I had to know if there was a bastard in the background
trying to manipulate you and steal your inheritance. When I realized I had no
reasons to doubt you, I agreed to the divorce. I only wanted your happiness.
Even if that meant crushing my own heart.”

Alexa blew out an exasperated sigh.

Crushing his heart with Dianna, and others
. Dante
shrugged. How like Greg to play the doting ex-husband. “Where did you watch the
recording of the surveillance camera?” Dante leaned forward, interested in
hearing the practical details.

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