Neon Yellow: Obsessive Adhesives (6 page)

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Authors: Andy EBOOK_AUTHOR Ali Slayde EBOOK_AUTHOR Wilde

BOOK: Neon Yellow: Obsessive Adhesives
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Somewhere during his busy day, Jason had found the time to call Thad and break their date for the evening. Thad was no fool and, therefore, knew he was being replaced.

"Just don't tell me it's the nerd,” he'd said, laughter in his voice.

"Nerds can be... stimulating,” Jason had countered.

"And I can't?"

"I'm not denying that, I'm just looking for something more... permanent."

Everyone knew that Thad didn't do long term or permanent. For a long time, Jason had thought that was the way to go but, since Sky and Nathan seemed so blissfully happy, he thought he'd like to try their way. Not that he'd been actively looking for someone to spend the rest of his life with, but Spencer was interesting, didn't fuck around and was delightfully—insanely—naive. Those notes were a damn sight more than a practical joke and, despite what Spencer wanted, Jason was going to get to the bottom of it and try to look after Spencer while doing it. The man was too innocent for his own good. Why would anyone want to stalk him, indeed?

Which was why Jason was waiting outside the cinema for Spencer. To make sure he wasn't followed. Jason checked his watch for the squillionth time and even tried to focus on the little second hand in the glow of the orange street light to ensure the watch was still working. The hands didn't seem to be moving at all.


Jason looked up and saw Spencer running toward him, flushed and looking gorgeous in a pair of blue jeans and a dark blue shirt. Jason breathed a sigh of relief and smiled warmly, almost ready to take Spencer in his arms and kiss him. “Hi, you look great.” Jason looked at the people around them, looking for familiar faces... threatening faces. He glared at a young man walking a bike who stopped too close to Spencer.

"Thanks,” Spencer dropped his gaze to the sidewalk. “So do you."

"Thank you.” Jason was at a loss. He didn't know whether to take Spencer's hand—probably not—put a ‘friendly’ arm around his shoulders—that might freak Spencer out as well—or just enter the theater and hope he followed—which seemed a bit, well... rude. He settled for a light touch in the center of Spencer's back. “Shall we? You promised popcorn, if I remember."

"I did.” Spencer walked toward the entrance. “You like buttered?"

"What other kind is there?” Jason followed, taking a quick look at Spencer's ass while he could.

"Well, I've heard that some people get it without butter.” Spencer turned to look at Jason. “But really what's the point? Who wants to eat that?"


Jason bought Cokes while Spencer was buying popcorn and they made their way into the cinema, to their seats.

"Was Thad upset that you cancelled?” Spencer asked.

"Nah, not exactly. He was more stunned that I'd rather be with you.” Jason reached for some popcorn. “This is huge."

"One can never have too much popcorn,” Spencer said, slumping in his seat and looking crestfallen.

Jason stretched his arm across the back of Spencer's seat, into which Spencer had suddenly disappeared. He looked around. “What's up? Seen someone who you don't want to see you with me?"

"No, it's not that.” Spencer drummed his fingers on the arm rest. “Why
you here with me?"

"Because you like James Bond more than Thad, because I like you more than Thad, and because I'm trying to get to know you better.” Jason's finger tips stroked the soft skin of Spencer's neck.

Jason smiled at the shiver his touch had evoked from Spencer. He definitely wanted to know what made the man tick. There was much more to the shy accountant.

"What do you want to know?” Spencer shifted to face Jason.

"Nothing specific... everything.” Jason took the chance as the lights dimmed and the familiar ad music started to close the few inches between them and kiss Spencer. Just a soft, fleeting press of lips, warm and soft... and Jason wanted more. “That's a start.” He licked the buttery flavor of the kiss from his lips.

The popcorn Spencer had been holding between them dropped to the floor.

"Fuck,” Spencer whispered, quickly retrieving the movie watching staple. “Umm... sorry... I can get more."

Jason laughed. That wasn't quite the reaction he'd expected. “Don't worry about it. There's still a lot left.” He reached across and placed his hand on Spencer's knee. “I don't think we need the calories."

"They're easily worked off.” Jason felt Spencer tense and watched as the popcorn tub landed on the floor—again. “Damn it."

Jason just bet that Spencer's face was beet red. Still flustered over the kiss and then to say something like that—however innocently—showed Jason exactly where Spencer's mind was headed. He leaned over. “Very easily worked off...” he murmured in Spencer's ear, and didn't even whisper about the carnal uses of melted butter.

* * * *

"Goldfinger has to be my favorite Bond film,” Spencer said as Jason pulled out of the theater's parking lot. “Some of the best characters—ever. Goldfinger and Odd Job. Though I could do without Pussy Galore."

Jason laughed. “Don't let the straight boys hear you say that. Honor Blackman was a looker in her day."

Their ‘date’ had gone well. Spencer hadn't seemed to mind Jason's arm around his shoulders for the duration of the movies, and hadn't even flinched when their fingers had touched in the popcorn box. Now, Spencer was chatty and giving Jason his opinion, which Jason saw as a very good sign considering a few days ago, he'd barely been able to get a hello.

"She was,” Spencer agreed. “She was also kick-ass in the movie. I just find the name degrading."

"Amazing what they could get away with in the early sixties. Must've been no such thing as discrimination laws. Can you imagine a name like that turning up in a Die Hard flick... or The Mission Impossibles? Even the new James Bonds?"

"No.” Spencer laughed. “Unless it was an X-rated flick."

Jason smiled. “Seen many pornos?"

"I-” Spencer started and then abruptly turned to look out of the passenger side window. “A few,” he whispered.

"Great wanking material.” Jason was perversely pleased that Spencer wasn't a total innocent. That he enjoyed getting off and didn't consider wanking bad was promising. And Spencer had admitted it to him, too. That boded well for their relationship. Things were looking good for a good night kiss and a quick touch up.

"Um, turn left here,” Spencer said, and Jason wondered if he were trying to change the subject as well as giving directions. “I can't wait to find out what The Odeon will show next,” Spencer continued. “I love seeing old movies on the big screen—totally different experience."

Yup, definitely trying to change the subject. Jason laughed softly. “They're having a Cary Grant double feature in a few weeks. Maybe we can go to that."

"Cary Grant! I love his movies."

"It's a date then. I'll buy tickets as soon as I can,” Jason said. Spencer was acting like a kid on Christmas morning and Jason found the mix of innocence and enthusiasm endearing.

"And I'll buy the popcorn."

"And maybe you'll be more used to me kissing you by then and you won't drop it.” Jason glanced sideways and bit back a laugh at Spencer's stunned expression.

"M-my house is coming up.” Spencer pointed to the right of the street. “Before the next street light."

Jason pulled up outside the pretty cottage that looked more like the home of an elderly lady than one of a young, gay... no, scratch that. It looked like just the place Spencer would live. Jason was looking forward to dragging Spencer, kicking and screaming probably, into the twenty first century. He had a thought, one that originated above his navel this time. “Everything look okay? No prowlers?"

"Prowlers?” Spencer looked out the passenger side window at his home. “Everything looks fine."

"As long as you're sure.” Jason slid his arm around Spencer's shoulders, easing him closer across the center console. “I had a good time tonight. You're great company."

"Me too, thanks for inviting me."

"Anytime.” Jason closed his eyes, letting the word caress Spencer's lips before his own lips brushed them, his voice dropping to a husky whisper. “Anytime at all.” He pressed his lips against Spencer's for the second time that evening. When he felt Spencer relax, Jason's tongue probed his slightly parted lips. “Relax, it's nice."

Spencer exhaled a quick, shuddery breath and he licked his lips. “Yes..."


Spencer's lips were more yielding this time when Jason kissed him. They parted easily and Jason's tongue slipped between them to stroke Spencer's. Spencer sighed, a little whimper of acquiescence that made Jason's heart beat faster. “Can I stay?"

The groan that Spencer let out did
sound like a yes.

"Not tonight.” Spencer turned his head away from Jason.

The skin of Spencer's neck was smooth under Jason's fingertips. “Sure?"

"Yes,” Spencer whispered. “Rain check?"

"Oh, yes.” Jason turned Spencer's face back to him, kissing him soundly. “As soon as possible..."

Spencer pulled away and reached for the door handle. “I better go. Thanks for the movies."

[Back to Table of Contents]

Chapter Five

Spencer closed the door and peeked out between the dark blue curtains at the window to watch Jason pull away. What a night. It brought a smile to his face when he thought about Jason. If anyone had told Spencer he'd be friends with Jason, well Spencer would have laughed. Who would have guessed that he and his co-worker would have anything in common, let alone enough to keep them both entertained for the evening? And...
Jason wanted to see him again. Not just at work. Socially! A date he'd called it. Spencer savored the word. Date—it conjured images of hand holding and kisses in the back row of the theater, of an intimacy that belonged to just two people... of a boyfriend. Spencer had never had one of those, but he knew he'd like it to be Jason. He felt comfortable around Jason and the kisses were... addictive.

Spencer undressed in his bedroom and wandered to the bathroom, his thoughts still centered on Jason and the events of the night. Would Jason want someone who wasn't knowledgeable about certain things? Could Jason be patient and wait? Oh God, what would Jason think about the rain check comment? Fuck. Spencer couldn't believe he'd been that forward, but it had seemed—right. And he did want more—just not this quickly. Hopefully Jason would be okay with that.

Spencer let the hot water wash over him as he grabbed the soap and lathered up his hands. What would have happened if he had invited Jason to stay? Definitely more kisses. Kisses without a console separating them. What would it feel like to have Jason's body pressed against his, naked? One of Spencer's soapy hands wrapped around his cock as the other one rubbed his right nipple. Closing his eyes Spencer imagined Jason's hands touching him, that hot mouth on his neck...

After double checking the alarm clock, Spencer slid under the covers and closed his eyes, certain he'd be asleep in no time. And that's when he smelled it. Cologne. Not the simple clean scent he used, nor was it the light sandalwood scent of Jason's that seemed to have imprinted itself on Spencer's senses. No, this was the harsh scent of cheap cologne. It burned his nose and throat—and it was on his pillow and sheets.

Spencer sprang out of bed and pulled on a pair of jeans. Had someone been in his bed? Taking the baseball bat out of the closet, Spencer searched every room, his heart hammering a way out of his chest. The sane thing to do would be to call the police and then go somewhere else. But where would he go? He couldn't ask Jason. And he didn't want to have the cops thinking he was some wuss, afraid of his own shadow—which, at this point, he was. Police officers snickering behind his back were not an option. No, he'd take his chances and stay in his home—his violated sanctuary.

* * * *

Sluggishly walking to his desk, Spencer wished he'd called in sick, but recent incidents had him uneasy in his home. He'd spent the night sitting on the couch with a death grip on the baseball bat, only the humming of the refrigerator breaking the silence. Spencer tried to convince himself that it was just his over active imagination getting the better of him. Why would someone break into his house and lie in his bed? Maybe Jason was right and the mysterious note leaver was a stalker. But why him?

Lost in his thoughts, at first Spencer didn't notice the now familiar bright yellow Post-It sticking to his coffee mug. The mug he couldn't find this morning when he'd eventually decided to go to work. He wanted to just pick up the mug with note attached and throw it across the room. Yes, even seeing his favorite coffee mug shatter would be satisfying right now. Instead, his eyes were drawn to the neatly written note.

Oh, sweetheart.

What a shame you had to disappoint me.

I put you on a pedestal. You were my pristine boy.

Sweet... innocent and virginal.

Now I don't know.

You had breakfast with him! You went out with him!

You were KISSING him!

This will have to end, of course.

I'll see to it myself.


Spencer pulled the note off his mug, his hand shaking. What the Hell did that all mean?
I'll see to it myself
. Was Jason in danger? Had he put Jason in danger just by being with him? Spencer looked around. No one was there, no one was watching him. Not now, anyway. He took a deep breath. God, this was all so melodramatic. For the last ten years of his life, people had essentially ignored him. When his classmates were pairing up and going on dates, he was studying. And not one person had cared. But now... Now, when he had the chance to date someone, someone else had to decide to wreck it for him. As if he'd date anyone who communicated by neon yellow Post-Its, anyway. He wasn't

"Spence? Spencer? What's up?” Jason appeared at Spencer's desk, pulling up a chair to sit on.

Spencer closed his eyes and tried to compose himself while crushing the Post-It in his fist. He hadn't wanted Jason to see him this shaken up. Jason would make him report the incident to management and the police, neither of which he thought he could face at the moment, especially as it would mean admitting to them all that he was gay. Well, at least Jason was still alive. Now all Spencer had to do was tell the man of his dreams that it was over.

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