Nessa (Broken Sisters #1) (16 page)

BOOK: Nessa (Broken Sisters #1)
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"Hey beautiful, everything ok?" Awe swoon, I love when he calls me that. "I'm bored. Stacey won't let me work. Want to grab lunch?"

"Why won't she let you work?" Well shit.

"She tells me I work too hard and earned a break." Yeah I should just tell him the truth, I just not ready to bring up the whole my family's fucked up story.

He laughs. "Sure. I'm pretty busy so do you want to grab a subway and we can eat here?" Ugh, of course we're not going out.

"Sure, be there soon." With that I hang up. He's always so busy and the whole never going out thing is starting to grate on me. I need to talk to him about that. I understand that he's is a billionaire with a ton of businesses so he works pretty hard. I'll never understand why he picked me but I'm glad he did. I love him so much and I can't wait for the day I get to tell him that.


I get dressed, grab lunch, and head to his office. I'm allowed straight in this time. When I enter his office he comes over and kisses me breathless.

"I missed you too," I laugh.

We sit down to eat our lunch. I look up from my lunch to see Taylor studying me.

"What's wrong babe?" He knows me so well. That's just one of the things I love about him. I'm so frighten he doesn't feel the same way, he probably doesn't. He's a billionaire sex God and I'm just well, me—nothing special.

He still waiting for an answer so I decide to tell him the truth. "My dad came to see me." He coughs a little.

"What as in your real Dad?"

Ok weird. "Yes, I only have the one."

"I mean you've never mentioned him before. I just didn't realise you had one, sorry." I suppose he's right, he actually never asked me about my family and I've been grateful to avoid it. I'm really going to have to tell him soon.

"I never met him till last week. He came and talked to me and explained a lot—my heads just all over the place with it all."

"Really, so your whole life you never once saw him and now he just turned up? What did he say?" I haven't told Taylor about my mam so I don't want to drag it up now. I know I should but I'm just not ready.

"Just some stuff and he wants us to get to know each other. I'm not sure how I feel about it all."

"Ok, I understand." He looks at his watch. "I am really busy today so I'll have to get back to work now." Was he trying to get rid of me? What the hell! I'm not going to argue though I should trust him even if it feels like a brush off.

"Ok. I'll go," I say a little sadly. I grab my things and head for the door.

"Nessa I'm sorry. I'm just really busy."

"I know. I understand it's fine."

He curses under his breath. "No it's not fine but I just have some of my own family shit going on. We'll talk later, ok." He comes over and kisses me sweetly. It feels very much like a goodbye kiss. This is weird, why is he acting like this?

I leave and head home even more confused. When I get home my head is mashed with everything. I decide to go for a run to clear my head a bit.


When I get back I realise it's not going to be that easy to fill my days without working. So after my run I head out to do a little shopping going straight to Pennys. I love that shop. I spend an hour there spending over a hundred euro but the sale was so good.

I head to Starbucks before I head home. As I'm leaving I bump right into someone. "Shit. Sorry," I say looking up to them and when I spot Lucy I want to take it right back. I go to walk around her but she steps in front of me. What the hell, does this bitch have a death wish?

"Get out of my way Lucy," I growl.

"Nessa I just want to talk a second. Please, it's important."

"There is nothing you can say that I want to hear." I go to move around her and again she stops me. I'm about to slap her if she doesn't move her ass.

"Have you seen Brandon lately?" she questions. Oh no she did not go there.

"Seriously, are you really asking me that?" I whisper shout as people are starting to look.

"It's not what you think. There is something wrong with him, like sick in the head wrong. He's obsessed with you." I doubt that, since he literally rubbed his cheating in my face.

"Look, I haven't seen him nor do I want to. And for that matter I don't want to be standing her talking to you either, so get the hell out of my way before I move you with a good dig in the jaw." This time I'm fully shouting. She wisely steps out of my way. The cheek of her!

I calm myself down on the walk home but I can't help thinking why she was being like that. He obviously still talks about me and she's jealous—that has to be it.

The last time I saw Brandon he hated me—I could see it in his face. I don't know why he did, I didn't do anything but be a loving girlfriend. I don't know why she is all up in arms about it. There must be trouble in paradise.


I'm just in the door to the apartment when I feel sick and just barely make it to the toilet before I puke everything I have in my stomach up. God I don't feel good. I've been feeling more and more tired lately. Maybe I need a vitamin shot or something.

When I get up I feel a little dizzy so I head out and ring the doctors. They give me an appointment for four o'clock, which is only a half hour from now. so I grab my bag and head back out.


When I arrive at the doctors there is not many waiting to be seen and I'm called into the room within ten minutes.

"Hello Nessa and how can we help you today?"

"I been feeling drained lately and very off. I think I might need a vitamin shot or something to boost me." She writes things down and then sends me to give a urine sample. When I come back in the room she's smiling. I might not die yet.

"Well Nessa you have been feeling off because you're pregnant." Say what! She's has to be kidding me. There's no way I am. I haven't been on the pill even though I was supposed to get it, but we use condoms every time. No way, she needs to check again.

"Nah impossible. Can you check again?" She shakes her head.

"Nessa it came straight up which suggests you're over a month at least." Shit! Oh God I'm going to puke again. She must see it coming too because she passes me a paper hat thing for me to get sick into. Once I stop she passes me some water.

"Thanks," I say weakly.

"I take it this is a shock? Can you remember when you had your last period?"

No I can't, they're never regular. Fuck. What am I going to do? I don't remember ever having sex without a condom. My head is spinning trying to think of the one time we didn't but I just can't come up with it because we were always careful. Then a freaking light bulb goes off over my head. In the hotel, the first time I slept with him when we had sex in the shower. I don't think we used anything did we? Shit I just don't know.


"Nessa I want you to head over to the Coombe and have a scan to see how far along you're gone. I will ring ahead so you should get brought straight in." I just nod. I'm in total shock.

How could I be so stupid and what the hell is Taylor going to think? Oh God this is a mess. I get up and thank her and head over to the Coombe. I'm not waiting long like she said, I get brought into a room and she exposes my belly and puts cold gel on it.

"If you look at this screen you will see your baby." I just nod and with that a picture comes up of a blob. That's what it looks like a first but then I see a shape. It looks like a really small baby blob. Oh man, this can't be real.

"You're about ten weeks pregnant." What! How did I not know? Well if I kept better track of my damn periods I could have known but there always all over the place. Shit.

"I was in hospital a few weeks ago how come it didn't show up then?" I question.

"You could have got a false negative," she explains.

"How could I not know I'm so far gone?"

She just smiles at me.

"Some people can go through their whole pregnancy with no symptoms. It explains why you have being feeling tired and you got sick today so your morning sickness has just started a little late is all." She tells me she is going to grab some information for me.

When she leaves the room I clean the gel of my stomach and sit up. This is not good. What am I going to do? Taylor and I haven't even gone out to dinner in public yet and we're having a baby. Just great.

The nurse goes through all my prenatal information and also draws some blood which wasn't pleasant. When she asks about my family history for my mum and dad I break down. Once I calm down I tell her what I know, she writes it all down and excuses herself for a minute. When the nurse returns she gives me a picture of my baby, some leaflets and an appointment for when I've to see my nurse at fifteen weeks and one for when I'm twenty weeks.

I head home. I need to think about what I'm going to do. I mean what if Taylor doesn't want kids? What if he hates the idea of them or having one with me? Shit get a grip Nessa, if he doesn't you can do this on your own, I tell myself this all the way home.

I go straight to my room and climb into bed. I stare at the picture of my baby. I love it already. I try to tell myself everything will be ok. I don't want to see anyone right now so I just lie there. I must fall asleep because I wake up and its bright out it had just gotten dark as I fell asleep the night before.

I get up and Stacey is already gone. Although I slept for like a day I still feel tired.

Thanks baby, you're not going to make it easy for me are you? I rub my stomach I feel all this love already. It's a strange feeling. I decided I'm not going to tell anyone for a few weeks. They say three months is the best time so that gives me two weeks to figure it all out.

I just need to talk Stacey into letting me go back to work so I can take my mind off things. I also need to deal with the letter which is sitting on my unit, and my dad. On top of dealing with my relationship with Taylor and figure out how adding a baby is going to either help or destroy it. Either way me and baby are gonna stick this out whether it's with Taylor or not.



Its been two weeks since I made the decision to deal with my life and I have done nothing. I still haven't told anyone about the baby. Taylor hasn't noticed anything, not that I've seen him much. He seems way to preoccupied with whatever is going on with his family but Stacey has it figured out considering I spend most my time in the toilet these days. I am sporting a tiny bump nothing too noticeable but that will change soon.

I still haven't gone back to work. I may have started late with morning sickness but its kicking my ass now. I can barely take two steps before I end up in the toilet, so just as well I haven't seen much of Taylor.

I have decided that I'm going to talk to him tonight. I am a little worried with him being distracted lately. My mind is thinking up all sorts of things but I'm trying to trust him. I know he isn't another Brandon but I can’t help feeling like he's hiding something from me, and my insecurities are telling me it's a woman.


I'm not seeing Taylor till later so when my father rang me and asked if we could have coffee I agreed. I think I should give him a chance. I head to the café on Connelly Street to meet him.

I spot him as soon as I'm in there. He's pretty tall and has sandy hair. I do look a lot like him. I knew I would because I never looked like my mother. When he spots me he waves.

"Hey." I wave back and take a seat.

"Hey," I say feeling a little awkward. What do I say to the Father I never knew?

"How are you feeling?" I know he's talking about everything he told me but I really don't want to talk about it again.

"I'm fine. I'm sorting through things in my head, it will take time considering for ten years I blamed the two of you for abandoning me." Shit, I didn't mean to say all that but it's got his attention. He goes to talk again but I stop him.

"Please, can we have coffee and chat about something else? I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you it's just going to take a while to change my train of thinking. I'll get there let's just get to know each other a bit and take it from there." When I'm done he smiles.

"That's fine with me. Actually it's more than fine." We talk for an hour or so about nothing really and it's nice. We don't bring up Mam or his family. We just chat about our day and what our plans are. When we stand up to leave he hands me a card. I look at him confused.

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