Never A Choice (The Choices Trilogy (Book 1)) (22 page)

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Authors: Dee Palmer

Tags: #The Choices Trilogy, #Book 1

BOOK: Never A Choice (The Choices Trilogy (Book 1))
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“No Sir.”

“How do you think you would feel about that?”

“Honestly, I don’t know. The thought excites me, the pain and pleasure excite me. Pleasing you excites me but I don’t want to lie to you Sir, so I can’t say for sure.”

“Good girl, you have given me a great deal to think about. Goodnight Lola.”

“Have I pleased you Sir?” I need to know.

“Yes Lola, very much, sleep well.” The line goes dead and I let out a relieved sigh. I honestly don’t know what is going on with me. Why I need his approval, why I feel genuinely happy when I have pleased him and why I feel so hot at the thought of the things I listed that I would love him, well would love Daniel, to do to me.

I GRAB MY light grey yoga pants and Ramones T-shirt, scrape my hair high on my head and skip downstairs. I’ve overslept, not a huge surprise given my weekend and luckily I’m due to help in the kitchen this morning, so my appearance is not a priority. I slink into the store cupboard and emerge with an armful of veg hoping no-one will notice I’m late.

“It’s no good trying that trick girl, you’d have to get up a whole heap earlier to pull that one over on me and . . .” Joe looks at his watch, “that didn’t happen this morning did it Bets?” He kind eyes betray his reprimanding tone.

“I’ll work extra hard Joe, promise.” I smile my biggest smile hoping to charm him a little. I still have to ask for a shift change.

“You always work hard girl.” He grins then barks, “Get to work!” By ten thirty I’ve prepped the veg and salads and I’m just about to grab a coffee when the doorbell to the back entrance rings. I open the door to a group of workmen who proceed to stream past me and into the corridor. Anthony Jr comes out of his office and starts to direct the men to the shower room and up the stairs.

“Oh, morning sweetheart, how you feeling today?” I cringe a little at this as I know it’s a direct result of my meltdown on Sunday and I am not sure how much Marco has disclosed to his older brother, knowing Marco it’s probably just enough.

“Anthony, I’m fine thanks, good actually.” I certainly sound chipper. “What’s with all the workmen?”

“Oh that, it’s nothing, fixing the shower door and some extra security.” He starts to back up into his office. “It’s been a long time coming.” Just as he shuts his door I jump in front to prevent it closing.

“Anthony, this has nothing to do with me does it? You’re not going to all this expense for me?” I am just about to die of embarrassment if that’s the case.

“Not at all sweetheart, you can check with Dad. We had this planned for a long time, just had to shuffle which of the restaurants we were going to trial it in and lucky you, you get to be guinea pig!” He ruffles my hair and I’m instantly at ease. I would hate to think Sofia’s dad was having to pay because I went a little ‘postal.’

“Oh Ok.” I am a little relieved.

“Bets, I need you to do me a favour though?” He flicks through his phone like he is looking for some information.

“Anything.” I reply but he still doesn’t look at me.

“Can you work through, I’ve gotten landed with Marco’s Ski crowd group booking this lunch. The little shit gives me no notice and even gets Mama to call it in so I can’t refuse. You can have tonight off in exchange. I’ll fix it with Joe.” He lifts his head with a grin but I have already agreed.

“Sure not a problem. Well, other than the relentless come-ons with that lot, harmless but exhausting.” I smile and roll my eyes.

“Just tell Joe if they give you any trouble sweetheart. He has some very big knives.” He winks and returns to his office. I return to the kitchen and mentally high five because this is a result for me. Just before one I change into my work clothes and set up the big table for Marco’s crowd. Throughout the morning I have had a steady stream of texts from Daniel. His playfulness makes me smile. His texts range from questions regarding what type of food I like, what drink apart from tequila, to deeply detailed descriptions of how intends to make me scream tonight and how often. Seriously I’m at work, surrounded by possibly the most flirtatious men on the planet and I’m blushing like a nun in Amsterdam. I slip my phone in my apron for the hundredth time.

“Hey Marco when are you going to convince Bets that I’m the man of her dreams if she would just give me a chance . . . look, she’s blushing already. You know that’s a good sign right? It means your body wants me.” I stand at the end of the table as Marco snakes a protective arm around my hip and glowers at his best friend.

“Stef, don’t flatter yourself man. That colour is not for you and if it was I’d lock her in a tower and throw away the key. She is too good for you. I’ve yet to meet a man good enough but it certainly ain’t a player like you.” Marco laughs at his best friend who tries to look offended.

“Takes one to know one Marco.” He tips his beer bottle and clinks it with Marco, the whole table erupt in boisterous laughter.

“Men are pigs.” I lean forward and kiss Marco on the head just so he knows I don’t mean him. I finish serving the last coffee and retrieve my phone once again. Every question Daniel has asked, however silly or obscure has made it really hard not to ask my own. I feel myself wanting to know about him, his family, his life and I actually have to physically curl my fingers into tight fists to prevent that line of enquiry. It’s not that I am not interested, I really am. It’s just that knowing more will make this less like the
it is supposed to be. I have to keep this fun; fun is temporary and temporary I understand.

His last text reminds me his driver will pick me up at six. He also suggests for the third time I get some rest, I can’t believe in the space of a weekend I’ve gone from virgin to nymphomaniac. I feel like the sexual equivalent of his supercar nought to insatiable in three point zero days. I head upstairs to rest, read and I really need to catch up with Sofia. I notice the small flashing green then red lights in the corner of each room straight away. I don’t have a television so anything electrical would stand out like a sore thumb. I run back downstairs and knock on Anthony Jr’s office door.

“Hey sweetheart, how was lunch?” He grins widely.

“Are you fishing for compliments or information?” I narrow my eyes. He holds his hands up in mock surrender. “Lunch was fine, Marco kept the moves at bay . . . I just wanted to check something, the flashing lights in my apartment, they’re just motion detectors right, no cameras? I don’t want to find my super exciting life has gone viral?” Anthony laughs and slaps me on the shoulder.

“That would have to be the dullest YouTube ever sweetheart.” I can see full-on hysterics bubbling beneath his laugh but he holds off to add, “no cameras, just sensors.” I must look relieved when he adds. “Just a safety thing, Ok?”

“Ok, thanks.” I head back up to my new ‘super safe’ apartment.

Having smoothed things over with Sofia, I’m a bad friend for leaving her to worry but she was placated when I told her all the details of my weekend with Daniel. She has a penchant for the dramatic and is a complete romantic so has read way too much into the ‘rescue in the rain’ incident. Her world view is a little rose tinted and it’s wonderful for her to have found her perfect match in Paul but I am much more likely to think horse when I hear hooves. Sofia hears unicorns. I have washed as best I can and I am thankful that Sofia takes me for regular waxing treatments because I would easily sever an artery trying to shave my legs balancing with one leg high in the sink. I am now in a panic, what underwear? I know what’s on the agenda tonight and I would love to wear something sexy and alluring or even pretty would be good. I can’t wear any of the lingerie I have been sent. Another box came today, cream silk and lace bra and panties, that set would be perfect. But it would feel wrong to wear underwear bought by one man, to wear to fuck another. It feels like cheating and I know how he feels about lying, what if he asked? Ok that’s ridiculous, but it would still feel wrong; plain Jane it is then.

I wish I had asked a few more questions about tonight because now I’m getting nervous. He said dinner; did he mean dinner at his apartment? Is he going to cook or is he taking me out? Where would he take me? What should I wear? I look in my wardrobe and eighty percent of what is hanging belongs to Sofia. She comes over hauling armfuls of clothes that she is bored with. Some of it with tags and she switches my wardrobe around so it is a constantly changing entity and full of surprises. I find a thin jersey wrap around dress in black, a crop leather jacket and my knee high boots. The evenings are chilly now so I take a scarf too. I have straightened my hair and put a little lip gloss on but I don’t want Daniels driver ringing the bell, so I go to wait outside the back door just before six. I see the sleek Bentley pull around the corner and not that this is a rare sight in Knightsbridge but the fact that my tummy starts to churn means I know this is Daniels’ car. The car pulls to a gradual stop and with impeccable timing; it is then that the kitchen porters decide to take their cigarette break.

“Whoa Bets is that sweet ride for you?” Ricky, one of the youngest porters can’t hide the awe in his voice. “Hey Joe!” He yells inside gaining the attention of the remaining chefs and waiting staff, all of which scramble outside. I close my eyes and curse myself, why didn’t I just walk? “Looks like Bets has bagged herself a rich dude!” He laughs and Joe slaps the back of his head. My shoulders slump and I return a tight smile.

“No Ricky, I’m not interested in his money . . . it’s his fucking enormous cock I’m interested in. Not that you’d know much about that, now if you don’t mind my ride is waiting?” I wink at Joe and throw myself arse first in to the back of the car, snapping my knees together as I do to make sure I don’t flash the audience, that are now standing with their mouths slightly open.

“Good to know.” Daniels deep voice makes me jump, I didn’t see him in the darkened interior.

“Oh God, I’m sorry about that, it’s just the guys, well, it’s what anyone would think anyway so I thought I’d put them straight. Really I wasn’t thinking, I should’ve just walked to your place, it’s not like it’s far.” I start to mumble and I can feel my face heat.

“But I wanted to collect you.” He is quiet for a little while before he adds. “So the only reason you would be with me is because of my money?”

“What? No!” I laugh but he looks deadly serious. “No Daniel, you can’t possibly think that. You do have mirrors don’t you? It’s just that we are not exactly on a level playing field are we? You’re well . . .” I try to swallow the dryness from my throat. “Daniel, you’re gorgeous, I mean seriously hot as hell and I wasn’t joking about your cock.” I can’t help bite my lips together. “But you’re seriously wealthy too and although I don’t care, no one in their right mind is going to believe me. Just like anyone would think that your interest in me is either as a charity case or purely about sex. Personally I think it’s about the charity but then I don’t know anything about you, and that is how it should be, this,” I wiggle my finger between the two of us again, “is off the charts sexy and intense but it’s just a bit of fun.” I nudge him playfully with a wide grin spread across my face.

“Bethany.” He reaches for my hand, the familiar spark of heat ignites inside. “I think we need to qualify what constitutes
because I think our definitions are poles apart.” I shrug and whisper as I turn to the window.

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