Never Enough

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Authors: Lauren DANE

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Adult, #Fiction

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Praise for

Inside Out
is tender, romantic and unapologetically sexy. Lauren Dane writes with an emotional depth and authenticity that always leaves me breathless.”
—Lara Adrian,
New York Times
bestselling author
“A beautiful masterpiece. Every word was a gift.”

The Romance Reviews
“Inside Out
made my heart melt—it gives you this wonderful warm feeling deep inside. It’s full of family and friends, love and compassion. An emotional read through and through. For me, her Brown Siblings novels are forever seated on my keeper shelf, and I know I will reread their stories again and again. A highly recommended read—I adore this book with all my heart!”

Book Lovers Inc.
“Lauren Dane is the master of having the reader become emotionally invested in her characters and her stories.”

Good Books, Good Coffee, Good Life
“It’s impossible not to love this story. The sex is sizzling, the emotions are raw. Lauren Dane has done it again.
Laid Bare
, quite simply,
—Megan Hart, national bestselling author of
Precious and Fragile Things
“I was blown away by Dane’s emotionally charged, deeply erotic tale of second chances and redemption. I can’t say it enough: I loved this book!”
—Sylvia Day, author of
Pride and Pleasure
“A tender love story that wrung my heart with its sweetness. Don’t miss this book.”
—Ann Aguirre, national bestselling author of
Shady Lady

Laid Bare
lives up to its title . . . Dane provides a heated yet entreating second chance at love due to the tender caring in and out of the bed of each of the prime players.”

The Best Reviews
“In a word, this book is amazing. All three characters are magnetic and thoroughly realistic. They’re expertly woven into a roller-coaster story that will have you crying one moment, aroused the next and laughing with glee at each triumphant step along the way . . . This is Dane’s best story yet!”

Romantic Times
“Lauren Dane deftly weaves action, intrigue and emotion with spicy, delicious eroticism . . . a toe-curling erotic romance sure to keep you reading late into the night.”
—Anya Bast,
New York Times
bestselling author of
“Sexy, pulse-pounding adventure . . . that’ll leave you weak in the knees. Dane delivers!”
—Jaci Burton, national bestselling author of
Changing the Game
“Exciting, emotional and arousing.”
—Sasha White, author of
Most Wanted
“Fast-paced action, steamy romance.”
—Megan Hart
“Scintillating! . . . a roller coaster of emotion, intrigue and sensual delights . . . I was hooked from the first sentence.”
—Vivi Anna, author of
The Vampire’s Kiss
“Be in line at your favorite bookstore the day it comes out. In other words, it is a Recommended Read . . . one I plan on reading over and over again.”

Joyfully Reviewed
“A hot, sexy and action-packed piece of writing that will keep you glued to every page wondering what will happen next. A fabulous read!”

Fresh Fiction
“Wow! This book rocks! Lauren Dane pulls out all the stops with this soul-searing, awe-inspiring read. Definitely a must read and deserving of a special spot on the keeper shelf.”

Romance Junkies
More praise for Lauren Dane and her novels
“Drool worthy.”

Romance Junkies
“This story has it all! There is action, drama, interesting characters, an electrifying story line and hot, passionate sex . . . a truly beautiful and sensual story . . . a truly enchanting series!”

Joyfully Reviewed
“Starts out hot right out of the box, and then keeps getting hotter. Lauren Dane has a knack for making readers feel the passion and excitement of a new relationship . . . it’s easy to see why Lauren Dane is such a well-loved author.”

TwoLips Reviews
“Lauren Dane has once again created characters that you can’t resist . . . the sexual chemistry sparks and sizzles.”

“From its completely romantic beginning to its oh-so-sensual end, I loved every word . . . Ms. Dane is definitely becoming a master of the romantic pen!”

The Romance Studio
“Rich and sensual . . . entirely delicious.”

Romance Divas
“Sizzling hot and fun to read.”

The Pink Posse
Berkley Heat titles by Lauren Dane
(with Emma Holly, Megan Hart, and Bethany Kane)
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Copyright © 2011 by Lauren Dane.
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Heat trade paperback edition / September 2011
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Dane, Lauren.
Never enough / Lauren Dane.—Heat Trade paperback ed.
p. cm.
ISBN : 978-1-101-54412-9
1. Single women—Fiction. 2. Rock musicians—Fiction. 3. Man-woman relationships—Fiction. I. Title.
PS3604.A5N47 2011
813’.6—dc22 2011004514

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