Never Get a ”Real„ Job

BOOK: Never Get a ”Real„ Job
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Part One: The Breakdown


Chapter 1: Everyone Poops. Yours Isn’t Special


College: The Drunken Road to Easy Street


Dude, Where’s My Dream Job?


Welcome to Your “Real” Job, Mr. Janitor


The Broken Promise


Chapter 2: No One Cares About You—Unless You
Them Care


You Are Not Special


Claiming to Be a Winner Does Not Make You One


You’re Brilliant . . . So What?


Lifestyles of the Poor and Vain


Shut Up, Pinocchio


Put It on My Tab


Chapter 3: Darwin + Murphy = Reality


Your Business Is Not the Exception to Any Rule


The Worst-Case Scenario Is the Only Scenario


No One Will Invest in Your Idea


Part Two: Building A Foundation


Chapter 4: Get Off Your Ass and Start Up!


Get Real with Your Finances


Those Who Reinvent the Wheel are Doomed to Be Run Over by It


What Do You Know, Anyway?


Keep It Simple, Stupid


The Bottomless Money Pit


Can Your SWOT Team Do CPR?


Chapter 5: Business Plans Suck


Toss the Old-School Business Plan


The One-Paragraph Start-Up Plan


Chapter 6: To Partner or Not to Partner


The Worst Partners for Your Start-Up


Don’t Consider Letting Worthless Flaky People Try out


Never Jump Right In: The Water’s Not Fine


Part Three: From The Ground Up


Chapter 7: Act Like a Start-Up, Stupid


Surviving a “Real” Day in the Life


Get Your Head in the Game, Chump


Design Your Entrepreneurial Life


“Mind” Your Business


Chapter 8: Shoestrapping (Because the Boot Is Too Damn Expensive)


Fake It ’Til You Make It


The Only Team Your Money Can Buy


Do What Makes Cents


Cash Flow or Die!


Chapter 9: Those Phones Won’t Ring Themselves


Come Out! Come Out! Wherever You Are!


Sell Like There’s No Tomorrow—Or There Won’t Be


Chapter 10: Facebook Isn’t a Marketing Strategy


Message before Platform


Think Guerrilla, Not Godzilla






Praise for Never Get A “Real” Job


“This kick-ass book will save you from a kiss-ass job. For best results, read it from your cubicle—and then start planning your farewell trip to the boss’s office.”


Chris Guillebeau, author of
The Art of Non-Conformity


“It’s never too late to become what you could have been . . . this book will get you started!”


Elliott Bisnow, founder, Summit Series Conferences


“Scott Gerber is a straight shooter who tells it like it is.
Never Get a “Real” Job
is the Gen Y wake-up call. It’s the end of fun and games; time to get a handle on reality. Scott gives solid advice for someone who’s buried the 9-to-5, underemployed, or unemployed. If you aren’t buying this book for your kids, buy it for yourself.”


Matt Wilson, cofounder,


“If you’re in search of a wake-up call from your disheveled and sedentary lifestyle, read this book. Scott slaps arrogance, ignorance, and mainstream theory directly in the face with dose after dose of real-world practicality.”


Gary Whitehill, founder of New York Entrepreneur Week (NYEW) and The Relentless Foundation


“Every high school senior should be handed this book along with his or her diploma as they cross the graduation stage. Through a skillfully crafted combination of humor, practical advice, and in-your-face wake-up calls, Scott Gerber makes a rock solid case for why, in today’s world, the old advice of ‘Get good grades, go to college, and get a good job’ is outdated and impractical, and how it’s not just possible, but highly advisable, to
Never Get a “Real” Job


Adam Toren, cofounder and CEO,
; and coauthor of


“This book IS NOT for the happily employed, or eager to be employed. If you are, it will either offend you, depress you, or make you want to quit. ‘Be afraid, be very afraid,’ as Scott says here. But, for all those who have an itchy feeling about the idea of taking a job to merely pay the bills, this book is your savior.
Never Get a “Real” Job
totally personifies the wild ride that is entrepreneurship: It’s raw, real, sobering, shocking, making you laugh, cry, curse . . . all while reassuring you that you’d never want to do anything else with your life. It’s a frank, candid, in-your-face, no-holds-barred book for the antiemployment types. And there are plenty of those out there. You may be one of them. If you are,
Never Get a “Real” Job
is definitely for you.”


Jennifer Kushell, founder of
, Your Success Network; and author of the
New York Times
Secrets of the Young & Successful


“I could never hold a ‘real’ job. If you can’t either, read Scott Gerber’s new book about how to take control of your own future as a small business owner. You won’t always enjoy the ride, but it will be exhilarating!”


Barry Moltz, author of
You Need to Be a Little Crazy





Copyright © 2011 by Scott Gerber. All rights reserved.


Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey.


Published simultaneously in Canada.


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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:


Gerber, Scott, 1983-


Never get a “real” job : how to dump your boss, build a business, and not go broke / Scott Gerber.


p. cm.


ISBN 978–0–470–64386–0 (cloth)


ISBN 978–0–470–92547–8 (ebk)


ISBN 978–0–470–92548–5 (ebk)


ISBN 978–0–470–92549–2 (ebk)


1. Entrepreneurship. 2. Self-employed. 3. New business enterprises. 4. Small business. 5. Success in business. I. Title.


HB615.G48 2010






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