Never Have A Vampire's Baby

BOOK: Never Have A Vampire's Baby
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©2016 by Jade White

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About This Book

Handsome vampire Luke Bennett was out at a bar and looking for a good time. Luckily for him, the gorgeous Kimberly Moody was looking for the same.

A night of no-strings attached fun was just the thing Kimberly needed after a stressful week at work. Luke's status as a vampire was just an unexpected bonus for her.

However, that single night of fun was soon to become the complete opposite as Kimberly found she was somehow pregnant with the Vampire's baby.

Now sheer HELL is about to break loose for her and her lover in more ways than one....







The Vampire's Unwanted Wife


“He didn't want her but now he has to protect her”


Rita's past as a vampire hunter made her the type of woman that handsome vampire Asher would never go for despite how much he was attracted to her.

However, when his shapeshifter enemies make the mistake of thinking that Rita is his wife, they go after her. And they want her dead.

Now Asher feels he has no choice but to save his apparently unwanted “wife” and the two of them soon find themselves fighting much more than their feelings for each other in the process...



Chapter One


There was a song pounding against Kim’s eardrums, gently rattling the bones of her skull. Dancing bodies were jammed together in the club’s center, looking even wilder in their gyrations as the enormous light structure flashed around them.  She could feel each beat as it struck her body, but she wasn’t really listening to the music – most of her attention was already focused on the tall, dark-haired man across the bar. She’d been studying the cleft in his chin for the last few minutes, trying to think of a plan of action, while her best friend Suzanna danced with a guy whose hands seemed glued to her hips.

              Kim pulled her eyes away from the handsome man long enough to make eye contact with her best friend, flashing an inquisitive look to see if she needed rescuing. Suzanna shot back an impish grin, winking and giving her the thumbs up to let her know she didn’t want to be saved.

Glad one of us is having fun.

              “Buy you a drink?”

              Kim turned to find a short man with a bushy red beard at her side, leering drunkenly as he reached for his money clip.

              She smiled politely and shook her head. “I’ve had enough, but thank you!”

              The man’s grin shrunk so quickly it was like she’d slapped him. He huffed and slunk away, leaving Kim feeling slightly guilty.
Maybe I should have let him buy me a drink. Doesn’t look like I’ll meet anyone tonight, anyway.

“So, one is enough for you?”

              Kim closed her eyes and sighed. She wondered if it would be worth it to turn around and start yelling, or if she could afford to be banned from this club.
Really, dude? You want to come back and bother me because I didn’t want you to spend money on me?
She felt anger start to bubble up in her chest, and she spun around on her bar stool, ready to let her frustrations out on him--not just her annoyance at being confronted, but also the stress of a long work week, her anger at being passed over for a promotion, the anxiety that came with being hounded by your family for being single and twenty-six--but everything disappeared when she realized it wasn’t the man with the red beard who had approached her and spoken.

              It was the gorgeous man from across the bar.

              Kim’s mind went blank from shock. Now that he was closer to her, she realized that part of the reason she’d been so drawn to him was that he was clearly not human. This club had been seeing more and more vampire visitors in the years since vampirism became a legitimate option; like everyone else, her fear of them had slowly faded, and now she found herself more curious than wary.
They’re just like everyone else,
she reminded herself.
Only undead.
Just play it cool.

              She let out a nervous titter and smoothed her chocolate brown hair down, willing herself to keep calm and stop focusing on how good-looking the vampire was. “I guess the answer depends on where the drink is coming from.”

The vampire laughed, his gray eyes sparkling as he tilted his head back. “That’s understandable. What would you say about a drink from me?”

              Kim smiled, feigning a look of concentration as she looked him over. “I’d say yes. To at least one.”

              He sat down and motioned for the bartender. He ordered two Jack and Cokes, sliding a ten dollar bill to the bartender as a tip. Kim noticed how chiseled his biceps were, and how tight his short-sleeved button up was around his chest. Besides the glowing gold flecks in his grey eyes and his too-creamy skin, he looked very human. Most vampires were hard to recognize unless they were doing something out of the ordinary.

              He turned back to her and raised one eyebrow.  “So….’at least one’? Are you asking me to get you drunk?”

              She giggled. “
answer depends on what your intentions are.”

              His eyes bored into hers, and he was silent for a moment. His gaze seemed to stoke a fire inside her that she didn’t even know was burning. Then, as their drinks arrived, he leaned close enough to her to whisper in her ear, sending an involuntary shiver down her spine.

              “With the way you’ve been looking at me tonight, I think I should be asking
intentions are.” His breath slithered across her ear, penetrating her senses in a way the music could never hope to.

Kim felt a little like she was dreaming. She steeled herself, straightened the hem of her black dress, and looked directly in his eye. “What’s your name?”

              Surprise splashed across his features. “Luke Bennett. What’s yours?”

              “Kim Moody,” she answered. “Nice to meet you.”

              “Likewise,” Luke said in a tone of confusion. “But--”

              “Let me tell you what my intentions are,” Kim said. “I want to finish this drink, take you home with me, and have sex so incredible that I forget all about how many ambulances I had to send to hit and runs this week. What do you think about that?”

              It was Luke’s turn to be shocked. Kim was marginally pleased at how thoroughly she seemed to have surprised him.

              “Well…” he began, at a loss for words. He was silent for so long that Kim was afraid she’d made the wrong move. Then:

              “I think we should skip the drinks.”


              It turned out that Luke’s apartment was closer. They only got to his living room before he slid his hands around her waist and pressed his lips to hers, pulling her close as she wrapped her arms around his neck. He broke away suddenly and started to peel the dress from her body, stopping only to let her unbuckle his jeans and tug them down with his boxers in one movement. Luke lifted the shirt from his own body and stood before her as she wiggled out of her panties. Kim saw for the first time that his body was even more muscular than she expected – detailed so finely that she had to step forward and run her fingers across his abs to make sure he was real.

              Luke let out a soft laugh. “Bedroom?”

              “Here,” Kim said breathlessly, backing up to lie on the plush couch. She saw the desire burning in his eyes as his gaze roamed hungrily over her curves; she watched with satisfaction as his erection grew while she spread her legs for him. “Take me.”

              Luke moved forward and knelt between her, sliding his hand beneath the curve of her ass as he pressed the head of his member against her opening. “You’re gorgeous, do you know that?”

              Kim pulled his head toward her and kissed him. “So are you.”

              Luke pushed inside her suddenly, shaft gliding through her walls until his body couldn’t go any deeper. He moaned softly and gripped her tighter, steadying himself.

              Kim threw her head back, amazed at the sensation one stroke could bring; he pulled himself out slowly and thrust forward again, sending a wave of pleasure rolling through her. He held himself above her as he stroked, watching her breasts bounce and her hips buck to meet his movements – movements that were already becoming quick and frantic.

              “Luke!” she called, feeling herself tighten around him as his thickness massaged each and every nerve ending she had. “Oh my god, Luke…”

              He responded by slamming his hips into hers, the slick head of his member crashing over her g-spot, each thrust sending her into paroxysms of joy. One hand was gently cupping her breast, thumbing and tweaking her nipple; every few moments his mouth would dip down to suck the areola, deepening the pleasure radiating from her core.

              Kim wasn’t sure whose orgasm started first; she wasn’t even sure how long they were making love – she just knew that suddenly, she was screaming, ecstasy seizing every cell in her body, while Luke pounded into her, shouting her name. She locked lips with him as her pleasure reached its peak, and a moment later, a strangled cry told her he’d reached his. Luke exploded inside her, still stroking weakly as they retreated from the edge of ecstasy.

              They kissed again, sharing a nervous after-coitus laugh as Luke stood and walked around. Kim was still breathing heavily when he returned with a glass of water and two robes, smiling sheepishly as he pulled one on.

              The silence between them was thick, but not uncomfortable. He sat down next to her as she finished her water and belted the robe. “Wow,” he said.

              Kim laughed, a blush spreading to her cheeks. “Was it really ‘wow’ for you?”

              Luke cocked an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”

              “I dunno…” she mumbled, suddenly bashful. “I assume you’re a lot older than me, so you’ve had your fair share of amazing sex.”

              Luke laughed, and the sound was so rich and appealing that Kim wanted to throw herself on him again. “I didn’t know you realized I was a vampire. Damn, I thought I was passing.”

              “You’re too gorgeous,” she quipped. “And those eyes...they’re something else.”

              Luke smiled, and his gaze was heated. He looked at her shapely legs, then brought his eyes back to her face. “You’re something else, too. I’ve had good sex, and amazing sex...and that was incredible sex. I don’t have much of that.”

              Her blush deepened, and she looked for something to do with her hands. She settled on fiddling with the robe.

              “So,” Luke said awkwardly. “What now?”

              Kim looked at him. “Well, you did your made me forget about mine.” She bit her lip. “And now...well, unless you want me to stick around for a shower, you can drop me off, or I can take a cab home.”

              Luke looked surprised again. “Okay. So this was really a no strings thing?”

              Kim couldn’t suppress her laugh. “Really.”

              She stood and began to get dressed. “I’ll get a cab or something, and I’m out of your hair. Sex doesn’t have to make things complicated.”

              Luke helped her zip up her dress. “I like that. Just sex, and nothing extra.”

              “Just sex,” Kim confirmed.
That way, there are no surprises.


              “Pull over at this gas station.”
This car is going too fast.

              Suzanna was shooting worried glances at Kim as she turned onto the freeway ramp and toward the filling station. “You sure you don’t want to just puke on the side of the road? Can you make it that far?”

              Kim nodded and clamped her mouth shut, trying to calm her stomach by sheer force of will. “Just go.”

              “Was it the burritos?” Suzanna asked, eyes wide behind her glasses. “My brother was insistent on cooking dinner, I told him he wasn’t ready--”

              “It’s not food, Suzanna,” Kim said miserably. “I’ve been feeling bad for about two weeks now. It’s just...been getting worse.”

              Suzanna pulled into a parking space in front of the gas station’s door. She turned to Kim, apprehension written on her features. “You didn’t catch anything from that vampire, did you?”

              Kim shot Suzanna a dirty look. “What? Like mange? They’re not animals, Suz.”

              Her best friend looked offended. “No, I didn’t mean, like, fleas! I mean like…” she lowered her voice and looked around before continuing, “I dunno. The clap?”

              Despite her nausea, Kim burst out laughing. “
The clap?
Suzanna, what are you, 65? I’ll be right back.”

              The truth was that there
a reason she wanted to stop at this gas station, but she wasn’t going to tell Suzanna until there was actually something to tell her about. Kim walked up to the clerk, took a deep breath to steel herself against the nausea, and motioned to the case behind his head.

              “I need one with two kits, please.”

              The clerk looked bored as he opened the case and pulled out a pregnancy testing kit. “Six dollars, thirty eight cents. Bathroom is in the back. Please dispose of it in the trash and not the toilet.” His words sounded rehearsed, and Kim wondered how many times the toilet had broken because of plastic pregnancy tests clogging the drain.

              Kim sat down to pee on first one little white stick, and then the other. Her palms were sweaty; she could hardly keep hold of her phone to watch the little timer count down from three minutes.
What am I going to do? Will I have to quit my job? What if I really am just sick? What am I going to tell my mom?

Her phone beeped, and she closed her eyes and took the deepest breath she could manage. Kim picked up the tests and opened her eyes.

              They were both positive.

              A storm cloud of emotions engulfed her. On the surface, she was numb; even her nausea had dissipated. She was shocked, but underneath that was confusion, anger, and even joy.
Just get out to the car,
she told herself.
Just get out to Suzanna. Then you can sort this out.
She felt like she was floating outside her own body, watching herself move through the gas station toward the door.

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