New Love (12 page)

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Authors: MJ Fields

BOOK: New Love
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He looked at Lucas, “Sorry man, I didn’t know.”

“Well Tessa do go on, full disclosure for Ben. Tell him the shit you pulled on Sadi in the locker room,”
Lucas sneered.

Tessa shook her head, “Sure,” she looked at Ben and told him what had happened the day before, the part about the tissue and what
Lucas had heard in the locker room and after the game.

“And if
Lucas wasn’t hurting, he may be able to remember who I am and who she is. However, if that’s what he needs to think I’m good with that. I know what a friend is, I know who I am,” she turned and looked at Lucas, “High horse Lucas, fuck you,” she said and started to cry.

If you ever touch her again, I’ll break you’re fucking arm quarterback,” Ben stood up, and he and Tessa walked in the other room and sat on the couch.

ll get through all that stuff, Tessa Ross. I will help you,” he wiped her tears.

sat in the kitchen and looked at the floor. “I’m going to leave. I’m sorry Alex.”

“Phoebe said you’re high, you’re staying,”
Alex walked away.

knew better than to fight with Alex. He sat back, and Jade handed him a piece of pizza.

“Eat this
, Lucas,” she patted his head.

Jade b
rought pizza into Tessa and Ben, “Tessa, you need to start talking to me again, you can’t do this alone.”

Tessa hugged her.

“Jade, just help Tommy with him please,” Tessa whispered in her ear.

They all walked in, and
Lucas sat in the chair. They turned on a horror flick, Tessa hated scary movies.

“Hey Tessa.”

“Oh God Cassidy, come here let’s talk,” she walked out and sat at the table. Lucas could hear everything they were saying.

, I try really hard to keep all this messy stuff out of the public eye. It’s a mess and actually pretty embarrassing. I really hope you can keep this between us. I don’t want anyone looking at me, or Lucas, or even Sadi any differently.”

“Tessa, I won’
t say anything, I promise. If you want to talk ever, I’m here.”

“Thanks for the offer but Cass that’s what I adore about our fr
iendship, its fun.”

“Well okay
… but Tessa, if you need to don’t hold back.”

“Don’t look at me that
way Chick-- no pity,” she laughed.

"Got it Tessa.”

Cassidy left, and Lucas came out to the kitchen. “Hey Tessa.”

“Well hello there
Lucas,” she didn’t looking at him.

m sorry.”

Lucas really it’s no big deal,” she started to walk away, he stopped her.

, Tessa—I’m really sorry.”

She looked up at him “Okay. Just be better.”

He watched her walk inside, and he went out the side door. He sat on the deck contemplating what he was going to do about Sadi. He thought she was changing. He thought she had gotten better. He was honest with her about having no romantic interest, and she accepted it, or so he thought.

Everyone had crashed for the nig
ht, and Tessa walked outside to take Chewy to the bathroom. She threw the ball for him a few times.

a good boy, Chewy," she pet him.

She threw the ball again, and he took it to the deck.

“Chewy-- get your fuzzy butt over here,” she walked after him as she turned the corner to the house she saw Chewy licking Lucas’s face.

come on Chewy,” he sat and barked at her, “Really, dog?”

Lucas looked up.

“Hello, how long have you
been out here, aren’t you cold?”

“No Mom
… I’m good,” Lucas smiled.

“Okay then
, come on Chewy you stubborn ass.”

“Will yo
u sit with me please?”

“Nope,” she said, “Could you get Chewy in the house please?”

"Nope," he looked her up and down.

Lucas what can I do for you?”

“Stop trying to take care o
f me for one. I can handle it.”

“Done. Is that it?”

“Don’t take any shit from her Tessa, if she is—delusional it needs to be dealt with. I’ve told her a million times that she and I could try to be friends but nothing more ever again. I’ve gone to counseling with her for months and even taken her to see an individual therapist weekly. I thought I was doing the right thing and now this? I have to figure it out, but this is fucked up.”

“Like bunn
y boiling f’ed up?” He laughed, she laughed too.

“I think I’
m going to go to counseling with her for a couple more weeks and bring this up. What do you think?”

“I’m not your mother
, remember?” she shot at him.

“Sorry Tessa.”

“It must be exhausting,” she said.

“What’s that?”
Lucas asked.

“Always having to sa
y you’re sorry to me because I’m so darn perfect,” she laughed.

He looked at her. “You are,” slipped out quietly.
He grabbed her hand and kissed it. “Tessa I need to tell you something,” his eyes blazing as he looked her all over.

“Oh no you don’t
, buddy,” Tessa stood up.

He grabbed her and pulled her into him. He kissed her.

“Please Lucas, don’t do this again I can’t…” He kissed her harder not wanting her to say what he knew she would.

She felt like she was on fire from just one kiss. She opened her mouth and received his tongue and met him with hers. He groaned and pulled her on his lap. She sat on him and kissed him deeply. They finally came up for air, and he saw her tears. He kissed them away as she tried to catch her breath.
He pulled her into his chest, holding her as she tried to catch his.

She finally sat up and looked at him, “
Lucas, please don’t do this to me again. I want to be your friend because that is way easier than all this.”

kissed her again, and she whimpered. Her hands ended up in his hair and his on her ass.

Lucas, you’re wasted,” she said pulling away.

He stood up an
d reached under her shirt. Her breath hitched as he rubbed her aching nipple between his two fingers.

“And you’re going to be
fucking delicious,” he kissed her again.

brought her to the barn and threw his shirt over his head as he changed hands and continued to kiss her. He threw his shirt down and laid her on the bed of hay. His hands never left her breast and the pleasure was winning the battle with her brain. He kissed down her belly and started to pull down her pants.

Lucas stop, I can’t do this please.”

Ben walked in and yelle
d, “She said stop quarterback! Now back the fuck off before I kick your ass all over the place.”

Ben p
ulled her up, “You okay?”

Yes. I’m sorry Ben,” she looked at Lucas, “It’s not all his fault.”

“Well it’s all me now
, let’s go,” he quickly walked her to the house.

“Go brush your teeth Tess. T
ake a shower do whatever you need to do, I’ll be right here.”

“Ben,” she whispered quietly, “I’m sorry.”

“It’s not your fault,” his eyes normally sparkling were filled with rage.

“No, it was, I was very much i
n the moment, I didn’t expect to…” Tessa stopped not wanting to make it worse. “Don’t hate him. Please-- he has had enough of that for twenty lifetimes. Please Ben,” she pleaded, “He’s my friend.”

“Fine Tessa, just,” Ben breathed. “Do you want to be with him?”

Every time he touches me, every time I see him
she thought. “I want to be his friend, Ben.”
Because everything else hurts so much

“Are you going to let h
im touch you again?” She shook her head no. “Okay then Tess, you need to remember I don’t share and you shouldn’t either. I get what you have gone through, even what he has been through and I’m still here. It won’t happen again, do you understand?” She shook her head yes and looked at him.

His eyes softened a little. “Good, now go.”


Ben walked out to the barn and
Lucas was standing there and glared at him.

“She gives a shit about you
Lucas, but you need to leave her the hell alone!”

, she doesn’t just give a shit, she loves me Ben. Do you get that?”

“She’ll get over it,” Ben said raising
his eyebrow. “If you let her. Doesn’t she deserve that man?” Lucas looked at him and shook his head. “You better get inside. John will be home soon. You and I will behave for her, correct?”

“I will do any
thing for her, I already have.”

Ben understood there were things he didn’t know. But he really didn’t care right now.
He was pissed and trying to do what she had asked. “Let’s get inside.”

Tessa came out of the bathroom and looked at Ben. “Your friend and I chatted, he’s upstairs in bed.”

“Ben I’m sorry.”

“I’m over it.”
He pulled her down on the couch and laid her head on his lap. “Can we sleep down here?” he asked.

“Sure, but my Dad might not like it,” she whispered.

“When he gets home, I’ll take the recliner.”

“Can I kiss you?” she asked, she felt awful about what he walked in on.

“Did you brush your teeth?”

She looked at him funny. “I don’t want to taste him in your mouth.”

“Ben I didn’t go…” she started.

“I didn’t think you did, his to
ngue is bad enough. You sure you haven’t had enough for the night?” his voice was clipped.

That hurt
she thought. “Not of you,” she leaned over and kissed him.

Ben kissed her back hard and with urgency. She wasn’t expecting that from him. He laid her down and kissed her as he held himself up with his arms. He kissed her neck and lips. He kissed her shoulder blade and ran his tongue across her col
lar bone. She struggle for a breath. He sat back and lightly bit the inner arch of her foot and moved up all the way to her knees, he kissed behind them and lightly bit down with his teeth.
Oh wow
she closed her eyes. Her body was responding, and she took in a quick breath. He sat back and moved over to the next foot moved up her left leg. He sat up and looked at her.

“You are so hot
, Tess,” Ben laid on her, and she could feel his erection against her belly.

He kissed her lips and thrust his tongue in her mouth while his hands lightly tickled her inner
thigh; she stopped kissing him and gasped.  He stopped and looked at her.

“That what you like Tess?”
She looked at him like she was in shock. “You body responds to touch, and very nicely might I add,” Ben smiled and kissed her softer. “It’s not who’s doing it, do you understand that? If you confuse love with pleasure, you’re selling yourself short.  I can do all that shit he did and more. Trust me… you won’t be disappointed. I also promise that I won’t fuck with your heart or head, Tess. I want to show you the other part too, but I think we should slow down until you are ready to explode with me,” his smile was so seductive she reached up and pulled his head back to hers.

She kissed him again. He smiled as he sat up.

“Ben, please.” She knew this is how it started with Lucas and she believed that Ben could take the hurt away.

“Not without me,
and you’re not ready for that yet. I promise you though, any mediocre little ones you’ve had will pale in comparison to what I’m going to do to you.  We’re going to have booty camp every time I see you until then Tessa got it?”

She smiled and shook her head yes.

“Good, move forward, I want to lay behind you.”

Tessa fell asleep to Ben lightly rubbing her back.

Chapter 6

In the morning, Lucas was gone when Tessa got up. She texted him

-Good morning
Lucas, you’re missing breakfast. I hope you’re okay…YFA Tessa

-Sorry had things to do; I’
m fine if I offended you last night I apologize.  Be good Tessa…YFA… LL

-Don’t, you weren’t alone. J
ust no more damn hot tub…YFA…Tessa

-Can’t blame the hot tub…YFA …LL

Ben bounded down the stairs.

“Hello Tess, did you
make me breakfast?” he took her face in his hands and kissed her.

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