New Love (26 page)

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Authors: MJ Fields

BOOK: New Love
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“See you l
ater?” he whispered in her ear.

She could not possibly imagine m
ore, she was spent. She smiled.

ll see,” he stood up and took her hand and walked into the kitchen.

“Are you mad at me?” he asked as
he took her face in his hands.

, Lucas,” she blushed and looked down.

“Then what’s wrong?”

“I’m pretty beat up,” she smirked.

“Oh, oh.” he said as it finally clicked. “I can kiss it and m
ake it better,” he licked his lips slowly.

Her eyes widened, and she bit her lip as she tried not to smile.

“Sound like a plan?”

Lucas it sounds amazing, but I really think I want to give it a rest,” he looked hurt, “just for tonight. Don’t be mad please.”

He looked up at her through his long black lashes and stuck out his bottom lip, “I’m not, I just can’t get enough of you it drives me crazy.”

She wrapped her arms around him and kissed him.

“And that isn’t helping,” he laughed.


Tessa walked into the girls’ room, and Jade and Phoebe were already in PJ’s.

“Again?” Phoebe said.

“No, I don’t think that would have been possible,” Tessa said as she changed.

“Why, how many times already?” Jade asked.

“Four, and lots of other stuff,” she said laughing.

“In three days, girl you can do better than that,” Jade laughed.

“How often did you guys?
” Tessa asked.

“Depends,” she smiled, “Once we did four times in one day.”

“How could you walk?”

Phoebe laughed, “It gets easier,
and you need a little break to heal though.”

“You and Alex?” Tessa gasped.

Phoebe’s face fell and went pale; tears started forming in her eyes, “No Tessa.”

“Oh,” Tessa was

m going to tell you something, and I beg you not to tell anyone,” Phoebe took a deep breath.

“Phoebe you don’t h
ave to,” Jade held her hand.

, I want to.”

She told them everything. Her parents had lots of parties, and her Dad’s friend had molested her for about five yea
rs. In her last foster family, there was a boy who had assaulted her for six months. She gave details, horrible graphic details of the abuse she took. Jade and Tessa cried and held her.

Alex walked in the door and saw them."
What’s going on?”

Alex looked at Phoebe who was hugging her knees and hiding her face.

“Tess, are you guys okay?”

“Yeah,” she wiped
her eyes and rubbed Phoebe’s back.

Alex walked over to Phoebe and knelt down in front of her
. “Phoebe you alright?”

She shook her head yes.

“Hey Alex would you wait outside for just a second?” Tessa asked.

“Phoebe do you want me to leave?” Alex asked softly.

“Sorry this is embarrassing,” Phoebe whispered.

, just give her a minute,” Tessa rubbed his shoulder.

He left confused.

“Phoebe I don’t know anyone in the whole world that is as trustworthy as my brother. Do you love him?”

“Yes and I don’t wan
t him to hate me,” Phoebe closed her eye’s tightly as tears continued to fall.

“Oh Phoebe he would never, don’t you see the way he l
ooks at you?” Tessa hugged her. “He’s worried about you Phoebe.”

“Will you tell him?”

“Phoebe you need to,” Tessa said softly.

“I can’t,” Phoebe cried.

“Yes you can, when you’re ready.”


Jade and Tessa walked out in the hall and Alex was standing with Lucas, both looking confused.  Ryan walked out in his shorts.

“Everything alright?” Ryan said rubbing his eyes as he walked past Jade on his way to the bathroom.

Jade looked at him and shook her head yes.

Alex walked into the bedroom and shut the door.

Phoebe looked at Alex, “I’m sorry.”

“Phoebe what’s going on?” Alex asked with genuine concern.

She told him everything as he sat and held her hands.

“I wouldn’t blame you if you
wanted to stop this.”

He looked
angry; he wiped her face and held her hands.

“Alex I’
m sorry.”

He hugged her, “Phoebe I’
m not at all angry with you. I want to kill the people who hurt you, because their behavior warrants it…but I’m not at all angry with you.”

She hugged him back. “I don’t expect you to want to be with me Alex, you deserve someone like you. Someone good and not… damaged.”

“Phoebe you’re good. You have been through so much, and I need to tell you something,” she looked at him as he took a deep breath and swallowed. “Phoebe, I love you.”

She just stared at him, “You don’t have to Alex, you don’t have to say that.”

“I do. I wish I had told you before now, and I hope you aren’t put off by it,” Alex said.

“I don’t know what to say,” she wiped her eyes, “Thank you?”

“You’re welcome,” he hugged her.

Alex held her wondering what would become of them. Wishing he had told her he loved her at a different time and praying she would be alright.

Jade came out of the bathroom, and Ryan was standing against the wall next to the girls room with his eyes closed.

“Are they in there still?” J
ade asked him.

Ryan ope
ned his eyes and yawned, “Yes.”

“Well we can sleep in here, there are two beds
right?” Jade said laughing. “Unless you prefer the wall.”

“You sure,” Ryan asked.

“Yes,” Jade laughed.

They walked in, and he waited for her to
lie down and he took the other bed.

and Tessa walked up the stairs and had drinks for everyone. They opened the girls’ door, and Alex was sitting on the bed, holding and rocking Phoebe who was asleep.

“Here’s some water. You

m livid,” Alex whispered. “How could that have happened to her?”

“I don’t know Alex, but she’
s pretty damn amazing.”

“Tessa I love her,
” Alex looked so angry

… tell her silly.”

I did,” Alex looked away, “bad timing I think.”

“What did she say?”

"She told me I didn't have to," Alex huffed, “As if I had a choice, I knew from …this shit sucks.”

“Give her time.
Are you staying with her tonight?”


Lucas walked out of the boys’ room and laughed as Tessa came out of the girl’s room.

“Jade is in one b
ed, Ryan in the other and they’re sleeping. You want to go in there, or will you sleep with me?” he winked.

will SLEEP with you.”

They went in, and he locked his door.
Oh boy
she thought. He got undressed and kissed her.

Lucas,” her head was spinning.

“We’re going to sleep tonight,” he lifted the covers and patting the bed.

She climbed in, and he covered her up. She watched him walk around the bed, he was absolutely perfect. Tall and built like she had never seen, and right now he was gloriously naked. She smiled and took a deep breath. He climbed in beside her and pulled her over so that she was lying on his chest.

She couldn’t
sleep; all she could think about was what was under those covers, so close and ready for her. He fell asleep and she climbed under the covers.

what are you doing?” he grabbed her head and moaned.

When he was
about ready he grabbed tissues.

She sat up and smi
led, “You know I could finish.”

“I have a doctor appointment tomorrow
afternoon; just to be sure all is well. I do that every six months. And then, well, and then you may regret asking for it,” he laughed.

ell then why do you?” she pointed down.

“Tessa seriously how many people have you
been with?”

She laughed, “Oh that’s right.”

"My turn," he started going under.

"Oh no
,” she pulled him up and hugged him.

“For how long?”

“A day maybe two,” he gave her his best pouty lip look. “I’ll take care of you, Lucas.”

“You better,”
hugged her, “Please let me know as soon as I can touch you again.”

woke up again to her under the covers.

“Damn Baby,” he pulled
her up and flipping her over.

“What are you doing?” she asked, “I wasn’t done.”

“You seriously can’t expect me to not touch you,” he disappeared under the covers.

She immediately arched her back and responded to him, she didn’t feel sore anymore. She scooted up, and he looked up at her.

“No baby, get back down here,” he demanded.

She opened his nightstand drawer and handed him a condom and smiled.

“You sure?”

“Oh yes,” she said.

“Give me a minute,” he pushed her back down, “I’m not finished here.”

Lucas,” she grabbed his hair.

Her body quivered, and she finally breathed. He moved up and slowly entered her.

“Tessa you are so fucking hot.”

She smiled and pushed him on his back and slowly took control. He watched her face and her
body; he caressed her breasts as she moved. She started to arch her back, and he sat up and kissed her as she continued to move. He picked her up, stood up, and kissed her. He pulled away and turned her so that her back was to him. He wrapped his arm around her waist and quickly pushed her forward. Her hands were on the bed, he brought her knees up she was on all fours. He caressed her, and she moaned.

“Hold on baby,” he hissed as
moved into her, she started to yell, and he slowed, and handed her a pillow, “You alright?”

“Oh yes, don’t
stop please.”

“Okay use the pillow, we don’t need
to wake everyone up.”

He repeatedly pounded in to her and she finally fell into the bed, and he followed.

He sat up and pulled her into him.

“Holy shit baby,” he said breathless.

She turned to him and smiled wildly.

Lucas that was amazing.”

“It didn’t hurt?”

“No, not really, at first maybe but no,” she giggled.

“Good, so next
time it’s on,” he smiled wickedly.

Her eyes widened.

“I’ve used a lot of restraint Tessa, and I don’t want to. Next time I’m going to unleash on you, we’re going to have to leave today. I want to hear you scream my name as I fuck you hard.”

Her mouth gapped,
I think I would love that,
she thought. Lucas watched her face for a reaction. It was exactly what he had hoped.

“Oh I love you
, Baby,” he stood up and dragged her into the bathroom.

He handed her a tooth brush and started the shower. They brushed their teeth and got in the shower. They wash
ed each other and kissed deep hard kisses until the water started to cool. He grabbed a towel for both of them, and they stepped out and started getting dressed.

“I wish we could stay like this every day Tessa,”
Lucas said softly.

She smiled, “I think I would like that.”

“Oh, but yesterday living with me was a touchy subject,” he raised his eyebrow.

Lucas, I want to very much. But right now I want to enjoy all this. It’s new to me, and I’d like to bask in it as long as I can,” she kissed him. “Please, understand that.”

He looked at her, and his look softened, “That’s fine for now
, baby. By the way, it really likes you basking in it, on it, around it…”

Tessa laughed and he smiled.

They went downstairs, and everyone was still asleep. Tessa wanted to make breakfast and Lucas helped. They made veggie omelets and fruit salad.

The girls woke up and ran downstairs.
Lucas hugged them and sat them at the bar. Tessa asked him for food coloring and he found it. She made the eggs pink, and they each ate half of a four egg omelet.

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