New Species 13 Smiley (3 page)

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Authors: Laurann Dohner

BOOK: New Species 13 Smiley
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“I’m pretty sure I was. I’m sweating, my heart rate is up
and I’m feeling it in my jeans. She’s attractive and I’m starting to hurt. I didn’t
drink enough to lose control but I’m in for some hell.”

“What is the emergency?” A New Species arrived, sporting the
NSO uniform, his black hair pulled into a ponytail. He was huge. He sniffed and
growled. “Breeding drug. I can smell it.”

“It’s coming from her,” Smiley informed him. “She drank it
and dosed me too, Brass.”

Chapter Two


“I want to go now.” Vanni was afraid and confused. They were
talking about her as if she’d drugged both Smiley and herself. She tried to
slide off the barstool to escape but Smiley prevented her from leaving when he
grabbed her hips and pushed her back against the seat.


His hands were warm where he held her and she noticed again
how really good he smelled. She couldn’t believe she noticed that with
everything going on but she did. “What’s happening to me?”

She stared into Smiley’s eyes, hoping he’d tell her. Some
emotion flashed in them but she couldn’t identify it. He turned his head away
but kept hold of her as he looked at Justice North.

“I don’t think they warned her what would happen. She’s
scared. No one could act this well.”

“We need to get both of you out of here.” Justice withdrew a
phone from his pocket. “I’ll order two SUVs to drive around the hotel and we’ll
take you out a back door rather than asking the hotel for permission to use
their heliport. It’s the least suspicious way. There are too many reporters on
scene. Medical will be on standby when you reach Homeland. You’ll be taken in
separate vehicles.”

“No.” Smiley shook his head. “The trip will take about two
hours and she’ll attack the males if her symptoms worsen.”

“They can restrain her.” Justice turned and strode a few
feet away to talk on the phone. He kept his voice low so she couldn’t hear what
was said.

She looked around the room and was terrified to see the bar
had been cleared of everyone except New Species and men wearing NSO uniforms.
She counted over a dozen.

“Vanni?” She looked up at Smiley. “It’s going to get far
worse. How much pain are you in?”

“A lot,” she admitted. Her stomach hurt and she was very
aware of the area between her thighs. “What’s wrong with me? Is it poison?”

“Worse.” He bent down until their faces were close. “That
drug you put in our drinks is a breeding drug.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about but I didn’t do it.”

“You sat next to me. You’re the only one I let down my guard

“I didn’t do anything.”

His expression softened. “I want to believe you.” He glanced
around then spoke to the guy with the ponytail. “Brass, she said she didn’t do
it. Perhaps it was someone else.”

The male stepped forward and visually examined Vanni. “Where
is your purse?” He patted her down, removing the hotel key card from her skirt
pocket then frowned, staring at her. “Where is your identification?”

Vanni fought to form words. “I don’t have any. I left it in
my room.”

Brass scowled. “That’s suspicious. Humans always carry
certain things and she doesn’t have any of them. No purse. No driver’s license.
Did any other hotel guests come near you, Smiley?”

“No. Just her and the bartender.”

“We cleared him, for now. All the humans who work here had
thorough background checks. She appears to be the guilty one.”

“What’s going to happen to me? Are they going to call an
ambulance?” Vanni’s unease was spiraling into fear.

“A human hospital can’t help us. We need to go to Homeland.
That drug was invented for New Species. Our doctors have more knowledge than
yours would.” Smiley leaned in closer, holding her gaze.

A hot flash struck and she groaned as her skin started to
feel as if it were on fire. She released the lapels of the jacket and latched
on to Smiley’s upper arms. A sharp stabbing sensation pierced her stomach and
jolted lower to her vagina. She cried out and clung to Smiley. It felt as if
someone was tearing her apart with a sword.

“Does anyone have a stun gun on them? We need to put her

It alarmed Vanni when someone said that. They were going to
hurt her? She whimpered and leaned forward, pressing her face against Smiley’s
shoulder. He stepped closer and allowed it.

“No,” a voice responded. “One of us could punch her hard
enough to knock her out.”

“No.” Smiley glowered. “No one is going to hit her.”

“It’s going to get worse,” another man with a deep voice
responded. “It would be a kindness. She’s human. To give her a sedative with
the breeding drug could send her into cardiac arrest.”

“She might die anyway,” someone else stated.

“The SUVs will be here soon.” Justice North was back. “They
have to inspect them first to make sure they weren’t tampered with in the
parking structure. How is she doing?”

“Not well.” Smiley released her hips and rubbed her back. “She’s
in a lot of pain.”

“I bet she is. Back away, Smiley. I can smell her need from
four feet away. Brass, do you think you could hit her and knock her unconscious
without causing damage?”

“I don’t know. They are more fragile than our females.”

Ned, the medic, spoke. “I could place her in a choke hold
until she loses consciousness. I know how to do it without causing permanent
damage but she wouldn’t stay down long.”

“No one is going to hurt her.” Smiley sounded pissed.

“The alternative is restraining her and allowing her to be
in agony until you reach Homeland.” Justice sighed. “Which would be crueler?”

Vanni released Smiley’s arms and clutched at his tank top. “Help
me.” He’d been nice and had said he wouldn’t let anyone hurt her. She was
scared, surrounded by strangers and she hurt worse than she could ever
remember. Sweat poured off her and she shrugged, trying to rid herself of his

Smiley seemed to understand and removed it. It didn’t help.
She was burning up and lightheaded. “I have a fever.”

“It’s the drug.” Smiley adjusted his stance and
straightened. He didn’t step away though, keeping her on the stool, his body
blocking her from the others.

She pressed her face against his chest. He smelled
incredible. She lifted her chin and when her lips brushed across hot skin at
the top of his tank top, the urge to lick him gripped her. She resisted but she
bet he’d taste good too.
What the hell am I thinking? What is wrong with me?
She felt panic rising. “Smiley!” He needed to help her or get her to a

He cleared his throat. “Leave us alone.”

“No.” Justice sounded closer. “You’re both going to

“We’re both suffering. I won’t lose control. Clear the room
and give us privacy.”

“That’s not happening. It’s what whoever planned this wants,”
Justice stated, his voice grim. “I’m sure they believed you’d kill her. You
were dosed inside a bar full of humans. You would have snapped if you hadn’t
figured out what was going on and we got to you in time to prevent a tragedy.”

Smiley reached between them and curled his hands over hers. “Let
go, Vanni.”

She didn’t want to and shook her head. He stepped away and
gently pried her fingers off the thin material. She missed the security his
body provided and whimpered, staring into his eyes. He surprised her by
crouching down to put them at face level.

“Vanni, do you know what the breeding drug does?”

“It doesn’t sound good.”

“Enough,” the tall, ponytailed New Species ordered. “We’ll
question her at Homeland.”

Smiley ignored him. “It’s a drug Mercile Industry invented
to force Species into an overriding desire to have sex. We heard they were
trying to create a human version and it smells as though you took it. You’re
sweating the scent out through your pores.”

Distracted by the pain she suffered, Vanni had to fight to
keep up with what he was saying. “Like GHB?” She’d heard of date-rape drugs. “I
thought that just made someone pass out.”

“Smiley,” Justice interrupted, “you said she’s the one who
dosed you.”

“She said she didn’t.”

“You believe her?”

“I don’t know but I’m certain, if she did, whoever gave her
the drug didn’t tell her what it would do. Either way, she should have options
and know what she faces. She should decide.”

Justice North cursed softly. “Do it.”

Smiley took a deep breath and explained, “You’re not going
to pass out. The pain will grow worse, at best guess. With Species it’s
excruciating and can cause us to go insane. The only relief is not fighting the

“I still don’t understand.” She whimpered as the throbbing
between her legs intensified. It felt as if her clit were being pinched. It
wasn’t pleasant.

“You can either agree to have sex with me to make the pain
stop or you can suffer. It’s that simple.”

She was horrified and it must have shown in her expression
because he frowned.

“You’ve made your choice. We’ll restrain you so you don’t
attack anyone or hurt yourself. Just hang on, Vanni. They’ll get us to Homeland
as quickly as possible and to our doctors. They’ll help you.” He stood,
releasing her, and addressed Justice North.

“Let’s go. You’ll want to restrain me too as a precaution
but I’m handling the drug well so far.”

“The SUVs just pulled up to the exit,” one of the NSO
security men stated. “They’re waiting. Let’s move out.”

Smiley backed away and two of the human NSO-uniformed men
surged forward and gripped Vanni by her upper arms. They weren’t rough but they
pulled her to her feet. The second she put weight on her legs she cried out.
Her knees gave way and she would have collapsed on the floor if they hadn’t
been holding her. Sharp stabbing pain stung her from head to foot.

“Move! Let her go.” Smiley was there suddenly, shoving the
men aside and scooping her into his arms.

Vanni clung to him. Some of the pain eased and she breathed
in his wonderful scent. She buried her face against his warm throat. He sat,
putting her ass on his lap, and stroked her back.

“Focus on my voice. I’m right here. I have you,” he rasped
against her ear.

“Smiley,” Justice North urged. “Hand her to Brass. He’ll
carry her out to the SUV.”

“Vanni, we need to go. You need medical attention and that
can’t happen here.”

She lifted her head and stared up at Smiley. “Don’t leave me.”
She was terrified of strangers taking her anywhere.

“I can’t ride with you because I’m drugged too. It’s best if
they separate us.”

The ponytailed guy drew her attention as he stepped closer
and held out his arms. “Give her to me.”

She let go of Smiley and was passed over to the big New
Species. The stabbing pain to her stomach returned and she cried out. He turned
with her, walking toward the back of the bar. She writhed in his arms,
clutching his protective vest. They passed through a door that was held open by
NSO Security. Cold air touched her when they stepped outside.

“Stop!” Vanni couldn’t take the pain. “Take me back.”

He halted and looked at her. It was dim in the alley but a
few lights helped her see. He was a handsome man, albeit scary looking.

“We’ll get you to Homeland as fast as possible. There will
be a helicopter on standby if you worsen on the way. We can pull off and have
them land nearby then transfer you for transport. We just have to get out of
the city first.”

“I can’t take this.” Tears filled her eyes. “Was Smiley
telling me the truth?”

“You reek of a breeding drug.”

“Is there a way to counteract it?”

“No. You’ll have to ride it out or once you’re in Medical
they can attempt to help you. We can’t risk giving you other drugs until then.
Species have died that way in the past. Their hearts stopped beating. You’ll
want to be with our doctors so they can save you.”

The seriousness of the situation hit home. “Am I going to

He frowned. “I don’t know. This might be a different version
of the drug we heard was being tested. It smells the same but your reactions
are milder than what we felt.”

“Mild? I feel as though I’m being ripped to shreds from the
inside out.” She panted. “This has got to be worse than labor.”

“You’re not screaming and going into convulsions. That’s
what happens when Species fight the drug by refusing to share sex.”

“Sex really does stop the pain? Are you serious?”

“The drug is designed to create uncontrollable sexual urges
so sex overrides the pain sensors from what we understand. Most of us have no
memory of what happens after being dosed when the pain becomes too strong.”

“Move,” someone behind them ordered. “Let’s get them on the

Brass carried her to the closest black SUV and one of the
NSO guards opened the door. Brass addressed him. “Get the soft restraints. She
needs to be bound so she doesn’t hurt herself. One of you will need to sit in
the back with her to keep her from slamming her head into the glass if she gets
that urge.”

That was the last straw for Vanni. How much more pain did he
think she was going to suffer if trying to bash her head into a window was a
real concern? “Just hit me. Knock me out.”

Brass frowned.

She sucked in a deep breath and yelled to get her point
across. She meant it. “HIT ME!”

He bent and set her on her unsteady feet. “I’m afraid I’ll
damage you.”

“I’m already in agony, damn it. Just do it.” She lifted her
chin and closed her eyes, hoping it wouldn’t hurt too much.

The punch never came. Strong arms wrapped around her waist
and her back pressed against the side of the SUV. A big firm body pinned her
there. She opened her eyes and was stunned to realize Smiley had her.

“No one is going to hit you. It could break bones. You’re
too fragile. You can take the pain.”

Tears spilled down her cheeks. “I can’t.”

“Smiley,” Brass urged, “I’ll be careful.”

“Bullshit. You can’t guarantee you won’t break her jaw.”
Smiley’s face bore an angry expression and he suddenly lifted her off her feet,
putting her at his face level. “I swore no one would hurt you and I keep my
word. I’m going to kiss you. It will distract you from the pain.”

Vanni forgot how to breathe when he leaned in and lowered
his gaze to her mouth. She could have turned away but didn’t. She’d like to
have blamed it on the drug, the pain, but had to admit she wanted him to. It
seemed more than likely that she’d die and she’d been attracted to him since
they met. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the first light brush of his soft
lips touching hers.

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