Newborn Love (BWWM) (Interracial with Baby) (3 page)

BOOK: Newborn Love (BWWM) (Interracial with Baby)
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“Well that’s good to know. So, before I went in for that kiss I was going to suggest going back to my place. I wanted to show you my home, and I figured we could chill out a minute over some wine, maybe a movie or something, and then I would take you back if you wanted me to.” Adrian said looking at Ashley as she looked at him with a smirk.

“Really? You didn’t just come up with that idea after trying to seduce me?”

Adrian’s surprised expression made Ashley bust out laughing, lightening the mood after calling Adrian out on his attempt to get her alone in his home. The thing about it, though, is that she was longing to be alone with him herself but did not want to invite herself into his house. Ashley was actually going to suggest that when they made it back to her house that he come inside for a nightcap. Great minds think alike, she thought, but she was not about to let on to what was on her mind.

“I do have to admit that after tasting those lips I want you to come over more now than I did before we kissed,” Adrian said with a smile. “But I’ll leave the decision up to you—I don’t want to force you into doing anything you’re not comfortable doing but know that I would never try anything you don’t want me to, Ashley.”

“I know!”

“Woman, you are a trip! What am I going to do with you?”

After giving each other a look that spoke volumes about where their minds went for a moment in reference to what they wanted to do to each other, they both laughed as Adrian started up the car. Ashley agreed to go home with Adrian. It was still light outside and the evening was just beginning for many. On the way to his house, Adrian stopped at a nearby market where he ran inside to grab some snacks to munch on along with their wine. While Adrian was inside the market, Ashley texted Carrie to let her know she was still on her date and having a ball. Carrie’s response was, “I won’t call you until in the morning!” Ashley had also told her best friend from college, Monica, about her run in with Adrian and how they were going out, so she sent her a text as well letting her know she would call her Sunday evening; this was their usual night to chat and catch up with each other since they only saw each other every few months when they would switch off on making the two-hour drive to visit one another for a weekend of girl talk, spa days, shopping and fun. Monica responded that she would have her wine glass filled and ready on Sunday evening to hear about Ashley’s escapades, which made Ashley smile.

Moments later Adrian was back to the car with a few bags and moments after that they were pulling up into his condo community that was located in a residential area that was a short distance away from many businesses and easy access to entertainment and other local resources. Ashley was impressed with the area and began envisioning how quick she would become familiar with the area on her weekends that she came to visit Adrian. Snap out of it, she said to herself once she realized she was jumping to conclusions about what may be in store for her and Adrian. Although things seemed to be moving in a good direction, Ashley had felt that way about some of her relationships before and started mapping out what her future would be with those individuals only to be disappointed. She refused to set herself up with that kind of hurt again regardless of how much she was feeling Adrian.

“What’s on your mind over there?” Adrian asked as he noticed the look on her face.

“I’m just checking out your area and how nice it is, that’s all. You live in a lovely neighborhood,” Ashley responded trying to change her expression and play off the sad place she had just drifted off to.

“Yea, it’s pretty nice. I can’t complain. It has definitely become home for me.”

Adrian jumped out the car to get around to the passenger side before Ashley attempted to get out. By this point, Ashley had gotten used to this gesture that showed how well mannered Adrian was, but it did take her by surprise when he did it earlier during the day. This was the first time any man had ever opened, or closed, the car door for her. Once he escorted her to his condo and let her inside, he directed her to make herself at home while he went back to grab the bags out the car. Ashley was in awe of Adrian’s home. From the outside, his home did not look as big as it did once you stepped inside. It was very elegant and spacious. Although he told her to make herself at home, Ashley still waited for Adrian near the entrance before stepping in too far. She took off her shoes, letting her bare feet touch the glossy wooden floor. Once Adrian returned with the bags, Ashley began to enter and explore Adrian’s home as she helped him with the bags. It was very obvious that Adrian had good taste and loved culture, going by the artwork and decorations in his rooms. Once they took the bags to the kitchen, Adrian grabbed Ashley’s hand and gave her a tour of his home, from the main floor, on up to the loft and upstairs area. Adrian also had a basement but he admitted he did not want to show off that area just yet because it was under construction and renovation, which Ashley accepted and respected.

Adrian turned the television on in the upstairs movie room he had set up and told her to get comfortable while he went to get their drinks and snacks. Once Adrian left the area, Ashley dashed off to the restroom around the corner to freshen up and check herself, just in case things got a little steamy like they started off back at the winery. It never failed, Ashley thought, that I get so freaking nervous on first dates like I’m some kind of love-stuck teenager. It wasn’t that Ashley was uncomfortable and distrusting of Adrian; she actually felt very safe and welcome in his presence. What had her nervous was her feelings for him, and how bad she wanted him. It was too soon to be wanting to move this fast with him, and she did not trust herself with him but at the same time she could not think of any other place she would rather be right now than here with him. Ashley made it back to her spot on the couch before Adrian had returned so she got comfortable and grabbed the remote control to flip channels and try to put her mind and body at ease. Minutes later she heard footsteps coming up the stairs and Adrian emerging with a tray of goodies, a couple of wine glasses and a bottle of wine.

For the next hour or so Ashley and Adrian drank and ate while laughing at a Kevin Hart comedy special they found on cable, and then continued to reminisce about their high school days and times growing up in their hometown. As the time passed and the wine made them more relaxed, the gap between them on the couch had closed as each of them moved in closer to one another to the point where they were cuddled up and Adrian had his arm around Ashley. As they began to find themselves getting quieter as the time passed, their minds were on the same thing—whether or not something was going to happen tonight. Ashley was so close on Adrian and under the crook of his arm that all he had to do was lean in for the kiss; Adrian, on the other hand, kept thinking of ways to make his move without coming on too strong and offending her. Finally, they found themselves looking one another in the eyes in the room now only lit by candles. Adrian decided to just go for it as he leaned his head down to make his lips meet Ashley’s. The kisses started off very light and delicate, but as they continued kissing, Adrian eased his tongue through her lips, making their kisses more sensual. Ashley placed her hand behind Adrian’s head pulling him in even closer and encouraging him to lean in on her making them fall over on the couch. The more they kissed and rubbed up against each other, the more they wanted more and found it hard to hold back.

“Damn baby, I want you so bad,” Adrian said between kisses as his hands wrapped underneath Ashley squeezing her ass. “Can I have you?”

“Yes, I want you inside of me so bad,” Ashley responded as she reached for Adrian’s belt buckle to unfasten it.

Adrian stopped and stood up, finishing the job of unfastening his pants letting them fall to the ground. Ashley licked her lips as she stared at Adrian’s strong legs in black briefs that hugged his frame perfectly. She released a sexy smile seeing how erect he was becoming before her eyes. Adrian grabbed Ashley’s hand pulling her up from the couch and in for another kiss before he led her to the spare bedroom on the upper level with a queen-sized bed. Ashley lifted her dress over her head revealing her black thong and matching black bra before sitting on the bed observing Adrian’s response to seeing her almost nude.

“You are so beautiful,” Adrian said as he lifted his shirt over his head revealing a sculpted chest that showed how committed he was to going to the gym.

“Come take me,” Ashley responded reaching for him and pulling him on top of her.

They devoured one another’s lips some more before Adrian moved his kisses down her neck and to the top of her breasts that were trying to make their way out of the bra Ashley had them squeezed together in. Adrian unfastened her bra making both breasts fall and causing him to immediately move in for the right breast. Ashley’s dark nipples were so erect and sensitive to his touch that she began to moan with every lick and suck. The moans got louder as he moved back and forth from the left and right breast trying to give them each equal attention. The way he was treating her breasts made Ashley wonder how he could use his mouth on other places on her body. Finally Adrian moved down toward her navel, lightly flicking his tongue inside it as he pulled her thong down to reveal her recently groomed and waxed pussy. Adrian used his fingers to enter her first as he continued kissing and licking on her stomach and navel.

“Baby, you’re so wet—damn!”

Ashley grabbed Adrian’s head gently pushing him into her crotch where he first teased by rubbing his nose against her clitoris while still moving his fingers in and out of her faster and faster.

“Oh baby…damn, you’ve made me come already,” Ashley moaned out as she lightly shook uncontrollably.

“Well get ready to come for me again,” Adrian said as he replaced his fingers with his tongue and began using it to enter her pussy first slowly and taking his time while rubbing his fingers against her clitoris. Ashley’s body moved and grinded against Adrian’s face making them move to a light rhythm as Ashley became more vocal.

“Baby, I’m ready for your dick.”

“I can’t get enough of how sweet this pussy is—be patient.” Adrian went back to tasting and teasing Ashley’s pussy as she began to climax again, shaking uncontrollably.

“That’s what I wanted,” Adrian stopped to say as he stood up to pull his briefs down, giving Ashley a view of what he was working with. She was not disappointed.

“Baby, hold on—I need to go get some condoms from downstairs,” Adrian said after he kissed her and headed out the room. He returned just as quickly as if he had superpowers. After putting on the condom he spread Ashley’s legs open wide and let his erect dick lead the way to her wet pussy. As they got back into their rhythm, Ashley wrapped her legs around Adrian’s waist and they tongue kissed aggressively as Adrian entered her harder and faster. It got to the point that she could no longer hold in her moans.

“Oh baby, damn you got some good dick.”

“You like this huh?” Adrian responded as he pulled Ashley onto him more, allowing himself to go in even deeper which made her begin to scream. “Oh shit!”

They continued for another 15 minutes more until Ashley had made her way on top of Adrian riding him like a cowgirl. It was then that Adrian finally climaxed with Ashley joining him with another final orgasm, which caused her to collapse on top of him. As they lay sweaty and cuddled together, they continued to kiss and lightly caress each other. Although what they had just experienced was just as raw and rough as any booty call, neither had ever followed up any of their recent booty calls with this type of affection that felt so right to the both of them at this moment. They ended up making their way downstairs to Adrian’s master bedroom into his huge king-sized bed where they lay cuddled up talking more about their experiences until they dozed off. Hours later as the sun was rising, Ashley was awakened by Adrian bringing her breakfast in bed on a tray that fit enough food for both of them: pancakes, eggs, bacon, orange juice and coffee. After finishing breakfast and giving Ashley a chance to freshen up the best she could with what she had, they hit the road and Adrian took Ashley back home. This was the start of weekly overnight visits with each of them taking turns to visit the other. Things were moving a bit fast but going perfectly. By the two-month mark their intimacy had grown as they were at a point where they had established that they were exclusive, so using condoms or any type of birth control was not even a thought any longer. Although they knew it was not the safest method, Adrian would usually pull out during sex to avoid any unexpected surprises. Still, the way they felt about one another, each of them secretly thought that it would not be the worst thing in the world if they conceived a baby. Each felt it was too soon for discussion though.

Chapter 2 – Three’s A Crowd


              It was summertime, which meant a busy time for Ashley. Summer was not only the time to celebrate her birthday, which she went all out planning trips and special events to celebrate her life, but it was also the time for family picnics, reunions and road trips. Ashley and Adrian had now been dating for five months so when her family expressed they wanted to meet him, she decided the perfect time to introduce him to the family would be at the family barbecue for the July 4
holiday weekend. Adrian had expressed how much he wanted to meet her family, so she jumped at the chance to invite him to the gathering before he made other plans; of course, Adrian accepted the invitation immediately. From the moment Adrian stepped foot into the home of Ashley’s mom and stepdad, he was a part of the family. Her mom and Carrie were crazy about Adrian; Carrie’s kids got attached to him because of how attentive he was with them; and the men, even Ashley’s stepdad, warmed up to him quickly—it usually took him some time to put his guard down before he was accepting of any man trying to become a part of his daughters’ lives. Adrian was working his charm on them though, and Ashley was enjoying every minute of it. Although she had not told Adrian, but this was the first time she had brought a man home with her to any family function. She would usually be the one of few who attended without a date or significant other. It had gotten so common that everyone had come to expect that Ashley would attend these things alone, so her cousins, other relatives and family friends were shocked when they saw Ashley and Adrian together. Adrian’s first thought was that maybe they were reacting to their interracial relationship, but Ashley quickly reassured him.

“Babe, they are more surprised by the thought that I’m not some old maid and that I’m actually getting me some!” When Ashley whispered this in Adrian’s ear, he could not hold in his laughter no matter how hard he tried. It was funny, yet very true. It was as if Adrian was the guest of honor as everyone was drawn to him, which Ashley figured everyone would be. That evening they ended the night at Ashley’s place where she decided she would show her man even more how much he was loved. As soon as they walked through the door, Adrian walked into the kitchen to grab a beer out of Ashley’s fridge ready to kick back and watch some television until they dozed off. Adrian turned around to find Ashley completely nude and standing directly in front of him with a sneaky yet sexy smirk on her face. As Ashley lowered herself down to her knees, Adrian smiled as he allowed her to take control and start unfastening his shorts, letting them and his boxers fall around his ankles. As Adrian sat his beer on the island counter and then grabbed a handful of Ashley’s long, thick curly hair, he felt her full lips wrapping themselves around the head of his penis and felt them swallowing up the rest of him. He began to moan as the warmth and suction continued to make him grow even more. This made his grip on Ashley’s head get tighter as he began to guide her as she moved in and out, taking all of his length inside of her mouth. Just as he was close to climaxing, Ashley pulled back.

“Not yet baby—I want to feel you inside me first.”

“Well can I return the favor and get a taste?”

Before Ashley even had a chance to respond, Adrian had kneeled down on the floor in front of her. Ashley laid back on the floor with her legs spread out and ready for Adrian to explore her with his mouth, which he happily did with such intensity her legs instinctively wrapped themselves around his neck. This grip did not stop Adrian one bit, as he dug his face and tongue in even deeper inside of Ashley’s wet pussy while using his hands to reach up and tease her nipples. As it kept getting better to her, Ashley began to grind and move herself against his face harder making the feeling against her clitoris even more intense and pleasurable. She had already climaxed once, and was on her way to coming again before she started pleading with Adrian.

“Ahh, baby—I can’t take it anymore. I’m ready for your dick. Damn, you got me so ready.”

“You ready for this dick, huh?” Adrian asked as he pulled himself away from tasting her sweetness and then leaned onto her, licking and sucking her breasts and moving up to her neck.

“Yes baby!” Ashley responded.

Adrian then entered her as she requested making Ashley moan louder. Adrian grabbed Ashley’s legs pushing them over her head, which made the feeling more intense for the both of them. The faster Adrian moved in and out, the louder the both of them got moaning and yelling out obscenities. Finally, when they both climaxed, Adrian collapsed on top of Ashley as she took in the feel of the cool floor against her back which was soothing considering how hot her body had gotten from that moment of spontaneity she initiated with Adrian.

“Ooh I love you so much,” Ashley said before she could even stop it from coming out of her mouth. She froze not being able to see the expression on Adrian’s face and wondering what he was thinking in this brief moment of silence that seemed like an eternity.

Adrian lifted his head up to look her in the eyes before he responded, “I love you too, Ashley.” They began kissing and spent the next few minutes taking in and enjoying their intimate moment of having shared their love for each other. It had already been a day to remember with Adrian meeting Ashley’s family and fitting right in, but this exchange and revelation of their true feelings was the cherry on top. The next morning Adrian left out earlier than usual with plans to go visit his family before heading back home to the city. While Ashley lay in bed watching Adrian get dressed, the thought came across her mind that she still had yet to meet his parents.

“Babe, when can I meet your family? You’ve told me so much about them already, I would love to put some faces with the stories, not to mention meeting the people who raised such a wonderful man,” Ashley said with a proud smile on her face.

“Actually, I was thinking that I would like to throw a little something, something at my place next weekend and cater to you and my family. Are you free next Saturday afternoon?” Adrian asked as he sat down beside Ashley waiting for a response.

“Yes, of course, babe. I‘m so excited! I hope your family likes me.”

“I’m sure they will love you just like I do.” Adrian leaned in for another long kiss before he left to go have breakfast with his family.


The week flew by as Ashley anxiously prepared for the gathering Adrian was having Saturday to introduce her to his family. Before she realized it, the big day had come. She pondered over the perfect outfit to wear that would show her sexy side that Adrian was drawn to, but also made her presentable for meeting the parents. Then there were the kids—Adrian’s nieces and nephews that adored him. She had more than a handful of people to impress so she was a little nervous, but overall she felt everything would be just fine. It was almost 1:00 pm on Saturday, and Ashley still needed to do her hair and pack her overnight bag; she planned to spend the evening with Adrian and come back home after she and Adrian went to church and had brunch. Ashley wanted to make a good first impression and not be late, so she put some pep in her step and finished getting everything together in enough time to hit the road and make it to Adrian’s home by 2:30 pm. Adrian greeted Ashley at the door letting her know she could calm down. “My peeps haven’t made it here yet so take a breath, relax, and give me some sugar!” Ashley laughed and walked right into Adrian’s arms doing as he requested.

“Babe how do I look? Do you think it’s too much? Should I change my clothes?” Ashley twirled and modeled her new dress for Adrian once she was inside.

“You’re perfect. Don’t worry—you look fine, baby. Now, come join me out in the back. I’ve started grilling, so you can come back and pick out your favorite seat and let me fix you a drink.”

Ashley gabbed Adrian’s hand and walked out to the back deck with him and got comfortable as she awaited the arrival of his family. About five minutes later, Adrian’s siblings and their families and significant others arrived having trailed one another. “You ready baby?” Adrian asked Ashley before giving her a quick peck on the lips and then rushing to answer the door. Ashley was worried for no reason because as soon as the introductions began, they immediately were drawn in to Ashley’s warmth and kindness, not to mention her beauty. Adrian’s siblings were thrilled to see him happy and with someone who genuinely seemed just as interested in him as he was in her. The kids also loved Ashley, and gathered around her often to talk, especially the girls.

As an hour had passed and there was still no sign of his parents, Adrian started to get worried.

“Why didn’t they ride over with you all or follow you all here?” Adrian asked wondering if they might have gotten lost. His father was the type that did not like to ask for directions or help, so Adrian could picture them driving around in circles trying to get to his side of town. His parents had only been to his place a handful of times mostly because Adrian went home to visit them.

“They said that they would hit the road after their guests left. I think that Mr. and Mrs. Ortiz had just stopped by to visit when I had called to see if they wanted to ride with us,” Adrian’s brother explained. For some reason, hearing that brought an unsettling feeling over Adrian. Mr. and Mrs. Ortiz were Lila’s parents, and as far as he knew his mom was still trying to play matchmaker. His mom knew he was dating someone but he wasn’t sure if she realized how serious it had gotten since he hadn’t had the chance to introduce Ashley to the family. His mom was the type of woman who felt that if there had not been some type of introduction then it must not be too serious. I’m just being paranoid, Adrian thought to himself. Just as Adrian’s sister offered to call her mom’s cell phone, the doorbell rang signaling that the parents had arrived. Ashley was still a little nervous but felt more reassured after hitting it off so well with the rest of the family. Now, though, was the big test.

When Adrian returned to the back deck, Ashley could tell by his expression that something was wrong but it was as if he was trying to play it off. Right behind Adrian was an older couple, who Ashley instantly knew had to be his parents, considering Adrian looked just like his father. There was also a young lady trailing behind his parents, whom everyone turned to look at. Ashley thought it might be another relative but everyone else had the same awkward look on their faces that Adrian had when he returned to the back. While everyone stared looking at the parents and then back to the beautiful Latina woman, the parents and the woman were staring at Ashley. Ashley thought to herself, I guess I do stand out, but she knew something wasn’t right and her nerves began to get the best of her again.

“Mom and dad, this is my girlfriend—Ashley. Ashley, these are my parents,” Adrian quickly spurted out the introductions as Mr. and Mrs. Cruz looked at one another before looking up at Adrian. “I planned all of this so you all could finally meet. I thought I had mentioned that she would be here.”

“Umm, no I don’t remember you mentioning that…”

“You probably did son,” Mr. Cruz interrupted his wife. “Ashley, it is such a pleasure to meet you. So you are the reason for the big smile that has been on my son’s face as of late huh?” Mr. Cruz said as he met Ashley halfway to greet her.

“I hope so,” Ashley said accepting Mr. Cruz’s hug. While this was taking place, Ashley could not help but notice the apologetic look Adrian’s mom was giving Adrian while the woman in the background was staring Ashley down from head to toe. Ashley then stepped toward Mrs. Cruz to offer her hand for a handshake, not certain if she was as friendly as her husband. “Mrs. Cruz, I have heard so much about you—I’m so happy to meet you and your husband.”

“Same here dear. You are so beautiful,” Mrs. Cruz offered after giving Ashley a warm handshake and nervous smile. “We’re so sorry we’re late. Umm, this is Lila, an old childhood friend of Adrian’s and his siblings.” As Mrs. Cruz said the words, Ashley noticed the look Mrs. Cruz gave Lila and Adrian as if she was silently expressing to them to play along. “Lila came over to visit with her parents while she was in town visiting. I thought it would be nice for everyone to see her again not realizing my son had made this a special gathering.”

“Lila, it’s nice to meet you,” Ashley said as she decided she’d play ignorant and play along too until she got down to the bottom of this. As she suspected, Lila was thrown off by Ashley’s friendliness and there was a bit of hesitation on her part before she reached for Ashley’s hand and responded. “It’s nice to meet you too, Ashley, is it? You two do make a cute couple.”

“Thank you,” Ashley responded as she moved close to Adrian and wrapped her arm around his waist emphasizing even more that she was with Adrian. His parents immediately joined Adrian’s siblings and the whispers began, in what Ashley suspected was a good grilling from Adrian’s siblings about bringing this girl with them. Lila walked to another end of the yard pulling out her cell phone. Mrs. Cruz immediately went over to Lila and got into what seemed to be a deep conversation. This was Ashley’s chance to get in Adrian’s ear.

“Babe, what is going on here? Is that Lila chick someone that you used to date, and did your mother bring her here to try to get you two hooked back up again?”

“Damn, you figured all of that out? I guess we are not good at trying to play things off huh?” Adrian responded with a nervous chuckle. “I’m so sorry baby. I can’t even express how angry I am with my mom for bringing her here. I could have sworn I told her that I had someone for her to meet. I guess I needed to be more direct about whom that someone was. I know she would not have purposely done this to cause any drama.”

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