Next Stop Funnel Cake (3 page)

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Authors: Heidi Champa

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian

BOOK: Next Stop Funnel Cake
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"Travis, seriously, it's okay. I'm fine, so please try and enjoy yourself. This is supposed to be fun."

I forced a smile and took a few bites of my Chicken Makhani, trying to forget what had happened. "I'm doing my best, but under the circumstances, you have to understand how mortifying this is. I mean..."

I was at a loss for words, so I stopped and shoved more food in my mouth. Andrew reached across the table and put a hand on top of mine. My first instinct was to pull away, but out of fear of spilling more stuff, I stayed put.

"Travis, look at me."

I forced my gaze to his and held it, feeling the flush rise up my cheeks.

"It was an accident. It's really okay. You get that, right?"

"Yeah, sure."

"So, you're okay?"

"Why wouldn't I be? I mean, this dinner has been a real hoot so far."

He rubbed his thumb over the back of my hand before pulling back. "That's the spirit. Anyway, where were we?"

"I'm sorry?" I was confused.

"Before all this happened, what were we talking about?"

I laughed, feeling for the first time all evening like I could breathe.

"We weren't talking about anything. I was too scared to say anything, so I decided to break the ice by ruining your outfit."

"Mission accomplished, I'd say."

"Seems so."

Andrew picked up his glass and smiled. "To broken ice."

I picked up my own glass and very gently clinked it against his. "To broken ice. And brand new pants."

"It's a shame, too. I was really looking forward to that soup."

I couldn't help but chuckle, but his next words made it stop quickly.

"Maybe I can order it next time we come here. Your treat, of course."

His presumption made my heart leap to my throat for a moment. The prospect of another evening with him both terrified and excited me.

"Are you sure that's a good idea, Andrew? I mean, who knows what piece of your wardrobe I'll ruin next."

"I think I'll take my chances."

"You're brave."

He smiled before he took a sip of water, then said, "It's not brave. I just know one dinner isn't going to be enough."

"Why's that?"

"Because there's so much I want to know about you, Travis. It's going to take time to get to it all."

I sat back in my chair and put down my fork. Feeling emboldened by his interest in me, I said the last thing I ever thought I would.

"Fire away, Mr. Baxter."

He rubbed his hands together and looked devious.

"Fine. I have to ask. What's with the overalls?"

* * * *

Andrew stopped the car at the Downy's parking lot and switched off the ignition.

"I had a good time tonight, Travis."

"Me, too. I mean, it wasn't a great start, but it definitely got better. I guess it's lucky for me you seem to have low standards for a good time."

"Very funny."

I glanced at the clock and unhooked my seatbelt. The awkwardness I'd felt earlier seemed to have returned, and I was only interested in a hasty exit with what was left of my dignity.

"I should go. It's getting late. I'm sure you want to go home and get out of those pants."

As soon as the words were out of my mouth, I regretted their implication, but his laughter more than made up for my embarrassment.

"That sounds like a good idea."

I shifted in my seat and felt heat wash over me. Mr. Baxter had managed to make me blush. Thankfully, it was dark and I could only feel the redness I knew was in my cheeks.

"Well, I guess I'll see you around then. Please let me know what I owe you for the cleaning."

I reached for the door handle, but Andrew stopped me, pulling me closer. His lips were on mine before I could react, and I felt my head swim at the contact. When he pulled back, my words failed me. He didn't seem to have that problem.

"So, when can I see you again?"

"Umm, I'll have to check my very busy schedule. Otherwise known as when Nick will let me go."

Andrew shook his head and chuckled. "I still can't believe you work here, Travis."

"Well, it is a glamorous life, but I manage somehow."

He chuckled at my joke, which made me melt a little.

"You'll have to explain that one to me next time."

"Right. Next time."

He gave me another kiss, and this time I got out of the car as quickly as I could. I smiled as I walked to my car, thinking about next time. Until I realized what next time would mean.

When I got home, Clayton was on the couch, remote control in one hand and a beer in the other. He stopped the movie he was watching and looked at me. He started laughing before I even sat.

"What the hell are you laughing at, man?"

"You have that goofy look again. It must've gone well."

I leaned back and sighed.

"It was kind of a disaster. I spilled water and his soup on him. And we spent the first fifteen minutes of the date in horrible silence."

Clayton drank the rest of his beer and set the can on the coffee table. "Wow. How the hell did you manage to salvage it?"

"Surprisingly, it was easy. He was so cool about everything, and he's as easy to talk to as I remember."

"Except now you don't have to hide the fact that you like him like you did in high school."

I thought back to our evening and smiled again.

"So, did you get around to telling Mr. Baxter about school and stuff?"

My smile disappeared as quickly as it came, and I got up from the couch.

"No. Thankfully, it didn't come up, but he wants to see me again."

"Dude, tell him the truth. What's the big deal?"

"It's embarrassing."

"More than what happened tonight?"

"You said the same thing about the engineer's outfit. And that turned out to be wrong as hell."

"You should know better than to listen to me, man."

"I keep reminding myself of that every day."

Clayton went to the fridge and fetched another beer for him and one for me.

"So, are you going to see Mr. Baxter again or what?"

Even though I already knew the answer, I hesitated, before I said, "Yeah, I think so."


He started the movie, only to pause it again a second later.

"So, wait, what happened to the boyfriend and the kids?"

Chapter 4

I was about to walk out of the office to go drive the train, when Nick stopped me.

"Hey, that Andrew guy called again. That's the fourth time. What's the deal?"

"There's no deal. We went to dinner."

"Did you have fun?"

"Yeah. I mean, mostly."

"Whatever that means. Well, if that's the case, then why aren't you answering his calls?"

I sighed and sat on the edge of Nick's desk, a fresh wash of guilt overtaking me.

"Remember I told you the first day I saw him, he was with a guy and two kids?"

"Not really, but go on."

"Well, he kissed me after we had dinner."


My mouth fell open, but Nick didn't seem to notice.

"So, I'm not in the habit of being a home wrecker."

"You didn't do anything wrong. He kissed you, right?"

"I didn't stop him."

Nick put his hands behind his head, his chair squeaking as he rocked back and forth. "I'm sure there's some logical explanation here."

"Yeah, Mr. Baxter wants to cheat on his boyfriend, or hell, maybe that guy was his husband. If that's the case, though, he's not going to do it with me. I wasn't thinking straight that night, but I am now."

"Ha, thinking straight. That's a good one, Travis."

"Can you be serious for one minute, please?"

"Is it possible you're jumping to conclusions? I mean, talk to the guy and ask him."

"It's not that simple."

"Yeah, it is. Ask him straight up. Ha, straight up. Now you've got me doing it."

"Funny. So, you think I should talk to him?"

"Yeah. I mean, I know you don't have much practice with this kind of stuff, but you're making it way too difficult."


"I'd love to chat more about this, but you have a train to drive."

"Don't remind me."

"Sorry, that's my job. Now, get out there."

As I walked to the train, I pulled my cell phone out of my pocket. I'd programmed Andrew's number into my phone, but I'd still never called it. I let my finger hover over the call button, but in the end, I couldn't bring myself to do it. Nick was right...I was being stupid.

* * * *

The train pulled into the station surrounded by concession stands and all I could think about was funnel cake. I'd loved them since I was a kid. If I timed it right, I could grab one and eat most of it before the train filled up again to go on to the next stop. Lucky for me, I recognized the guy behind the counter, and he knew without me asking what I wanted. I was licking some stray powdered sugar from my fingers when I saw him. It was the guy who'd been at the park with Andrew, the same two kids with him. Our eyes met and as I moved to sidestep him with a nod of recognition, he stopped me.

"You're Travis, right?"

My heart dropped into my stomach, and I suddenly felt sick. I couldn't believe he'd come to the park to confront me, especially with his kids along for the ride. I couldn't decide whether to run away or let it happen. I started to sweat and decided to test the waters.

"Yeah. That's me."

"You probably don't remember me, but I was here a few weeks ago. With Andrew."

"I remember."

The funnel cake had turned into a brick in my stomach as I was waiting for him to launch into his tirade about what a terrible person I was. The whole situation was surreal, although there was nothing to do but stand there and weather the storm.

"I'm sorry. I should introduce myself."

He stuck out his hand for me to shake before he kept going. I took it, reluctantly, expecting the worst.

"I'm Shane...Andrew's brother. And these are his nephews Matt and Tyler."

The boys took a moment out from their conversation to give a distracted wave in my direction. In an instant, all the air I'd been holding in my lungs escaped, and my heartbeat slowed down a bit.

"His brother?"


I realized I was still holding onto his hand and dropped it with a smile. Nick was right. There
an explanation. Only not the one I expected.

"It's nice to meet you, Shane. Enjoying yourself?"

"Yeah. The kids begged me to come back, so here we are."

"Glad they like it so much."

I glanced at my watch and realized I was past due to get the train going again.

"Look, I'm sorry, but I have to get back to work. Hope you guys have a good day."

I made it a few steps away before he stopped me.

"Travis, listen, I don't want to keep you, and my brother would kill me if he knew I was doing this, but do you think maybe you could give him another chance?"

"I'm sorry?"

"He told me about your dinner and how you haven't called. He's worried that you're still upset."


I didn't know what else to say under the circumstances. I couldn't very well explain what I really thought.

"So, if you could at least call and talk to him, I think that'd make him feel better. Oh, and if you do talk to him, please don't tell him about this conversation."

"No problem."

"Great. Okay, well, I won't keep you any longer. 'Bye, Travis."


I got back in the train, which was already full of people. When we got to the next stop, I pulled my cell phone out again and this time, I didn't hesitate to make the call. When he picked up, it was such a relief to hear his voice again.


"Hey, Andrew, it's Travis."

Chapter 5

"So, are you going to tell me why you didn't call? Or do I have to guess?"

We'd just left the theatre after a late afternoon movie and were halfway to his car when he asked the question.

"Um, I was kind of hoping we could forget about that whole thing."

"I don't think so, Travis."

I slipped into the passenger's seat and tried to come up with the best way to explain. Nothing seemed plausible, so the truth would have to do.

"You're gonna laugh."

"We'll see about that."

He pulled out of the parking lot and into traffic as I chose my words carefully.

"Well, I thought you and Shane..."

"What about me and Shane?"

"I thought the two of you were a couple."

He glanced at me as he made a left turn and then started to laugh.

"You thought we were a couple?"

"And that Tyler and Matt were your kids."

The laughter continued for about another block, until he finally settled down.

"That is classic. Why didn't you ask me instead of freezing me out?"

"I was convinced you were trying to cheat on your boyfriend, and I got all self-righteous about it. I thought I was doing the right thing by not calling."

"I guess I can't blame you, but I really wish you'd said something. Could've saved us some time."

"I'm sorry. I have to admit I'm not that good at these kinds of things."

"What kinds of things?"

"Dating and stuff. I don't do it very often."

"Well, I'll make you a deal. From here on out, if you want to know something, ask."

"Okay. I think I can do that."

He reached out and grabbed my hand, giving it a squeeze before he had to shift gears.

"I still can't believe you thought I'd date a guy like Shane. He's going to be thrilled to know you thought he was my partner."

"Please, don't tell him."

"Oh, no...I have to. It's going to be great to see the expression on his face. What did it? Was it the pressed khakis?"

"Well, that didn't help."

The restaurant was one I'd never heard of before, but Andrew was really excited to try it. After he ordered some wine, he wasted no time picking up where our last date had left off.

"So, Travis, are you going to tell me why you work at Downy's?"

I choked on the water I'd swallowed and had to clear my throat a few times before I spoke.

"I told you. It's my uncle's place."

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