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Authors: Joan Elizabeth Lloyd

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Nice Couples Do (5 page)

BOOK: Nice Couples Do
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I learned early in my sexual life how difficult it was to discuss what I liked or what I wanted my partner to do. During sex, it was almost impossible for me to say something as simple as “Could you do that again?” much less “Could you do that differently?” I think back now and lament. My sex life as a young-married could have been so much richer and more rewarding for both myself and my husband had either of us been able to talk before, during, or after sex. In the later years of my marriage, I thought about trying to discuss how to attempt the kind of sex I read about in books, but old habits die hard.

Throughout my relationships, I have used body language to suggest different positions or activities and so has my partner. The suggestions that I have made this way have been properly interpreted about half the time and I’m sure that I’ve interpreted my partner’s actions with about the same success. You probably know the signals, subtle though they may be, that your partner sends during lovemaking when she wants a certain type of touching or a particular position.

When it comes to new adventures, physical reactions can be very instructive if you are tuned in. Dave discovered his wife Judy’s favorite sexual fantasy during an ordinary outing to a local movie. Fortunately for both of them, Dave was tuned in to Judy’s nonverbal clues and he was willing to take a big risk and try something creative.


Dave and Judy sat midway back in the darkened theater. After about an hour, Dave started to shift restlessly in his seat.

Why did I let Judy talk me into seeing this turkey? he wondered. She knows that I don’t like war movies.

The film was a recent remake of a 1942 World War II movie, updated with R-rated scenes filled with blood and sex. The plot was predictable. The beautiful Nazi spy, played by a voluptuous brunette, had been trying to get some top-secret plans from the hero. Now she had fallen in love with the handsome flier and was being taken to task by her superiors.

“We are holding your sister,” the actor said in a poor imitation of a German accent. The Nazi officer led the heroine down a set of old stone stairs to the basement of the château.

The picture changed to a shot of a small dungeon-type room, where the heroine was looking through a small barred window. Her sister was standing half-clothed on the far side of the room, with her back against the stones and her wrists spread over her head, tied to rings in the wall. A Nazi lieutenant with tall, shiny boots marched back and forth in front of her and taunted her with lewd accounts of what he would do with her if her sister, the spy, didn’t cooperate.

Suddenly, Dave realized that Judy’s grip on his hand had tightened. Her hand shook and her palm was sweaty. He turned and looked at his wife. Although Judy’s face was illuminated only by the light from the movie screen, Dave could see that it was flushed and her lips were slightly parted. She stared at the girl who was tied to the wall and being teased by the lieutenant with the shiny boots.

Dave had never seen his wife like this, except when she was very excited in bed. He leaned over and whispered into her ear.

“Do you like what you see?” he asked.

Dave’s only indication that she might have heard him was an increase in Judy’s breathing rate.

She didn’t answer because she was lost somewhere between the theater and a cell in Germany, but she didn’t have to answer aloud. Her face and body language told it all.

Dave and Judy had always been adventurous in bed, but nothing like what he was watching had ever occurred to him. He had read stories and letters in magazines about women who like to be sexually dominated, and the idea interested and aroused him, but it had never occurred to him that Judy might enjoy it. Even in play, is sex about domination? He didn’t want to use force to insist, just to enhance.

Dave wanted to be sure there was no mistake. He leaned over and placed his mouth close to Judy’s ear. “The guard is going to punish his prisoner,” he murmured, “and there’s nothing she can do about it. She’s helpless.” Judy trembled and her breathing was ragged.

As he watched her face, Dave realized that he was as excited as she was by the scene that played out on the screen. He glanced back and forth from the screen to his wife’s face. Yes, he admitted to himself, he wanted to see his wife tied up, at his mercy, and it was reasonably clear that she wanted it, too.

Dave vowed to make it happen, somehow. He knew that it was a risk, but he was sure that he’d know if he was wrong. He could read his wife very well. If anything went too far, he would know it or Judy would tell him, somehow.

It was almost a week before Dave got the opportunity to act out what he and Judy had seen in the movie.

It was a cold Sunday in January. Their ten-year-old twins were out for the entire afternoon. Dave and Judy often took advantage of a time like this and spent it in bed. Dave suggested that they go upstairs and lock the door, and Judy agreed immediately.

In the bedroom, Judy sat down on the bed and Dave lit a fire in the small freestanding fireplace he had installed a year earlier. Then he sat down next to Judy.

As they lay back on the bed, Dave began to stroke Judy’s face the way he knew she enjoyed. He stroked her hair as she rested her head on his chest. He felt her whole body relax.

He kissed her softly and felt her mouth open under his. The tip of his tongue explored her lips, delaying his penetration of her open mouth. Then, gradually, he slid his tongue between her teeth and stroked the roof of her mouth. He felt her tongue play with his, swirling and sliding over it.

He twisted her long dark hair around one hand and pulled gently. He held her head back, with her neck arched. He felt her reaction immediately. Her body started to move under his and her arms wrapped tightly around his shoulders. He was right. Why had he never noticed this reaction before?

He reached down and slowly pulled up Judy’s sweater while he stroked her ribs. Her eyes were closed and her lips were parted. Her breathing was quick and uneven.

He had planned the afternoon carefully and the knowledge of what was to come was making him incredibly hungry. Dave used both hands and, with one movement, he pulled the sweater up over Judy’s head and threw it across the room. Then he reached behind her, unhooked her bra, pulled it off, and hurled it after her sweater.

He loved her breasts. They were small, with very little flesh. As he ran his hands over her chest, he could almost feel her ribs through the flesh, except for where her large nipples and aureoles colored and softened her body. He started to flick his tongue over her skin. He planted butterfly kisses on her sides and along her ribs. He ran his tongue down to her navel, which just showed over the waist of her jeans.

He pushed her back until she lay full length on the bed. Without any thought, she stretched her arms above her head and crossed her wrists. He had seen her this way many times, but he had never made the connection before. There was no doubt in his mind now. She wanted to be helpless as much as he wanted it.

Her nipples stood out from her chest and he knew that she was very excited. It was time for him to act. Earlier in the day, he had tied silk scarves to the four corners of the bed frame. Now he used one hand to pull one out and, with his free hand, he grabbed one of Judy’s wrists and held it tightly.

As he wrapped the scarf around her wrist, Judy’s eyes flew open. She held her breath and trembled.

“Don’t argue,” Dave said. “We’re going to do this my way.”

A tiny smile played around Judy’s mouth. “I have no intention of arguing,” she said huskily.

Dave quickly tied the scarf to her wrist. He slowly got up off the bed, walked around, and pulled out the scarf on the other side. Judy hadn’t moved and didn’t resist as he quickly tied her other wrist.

He looked at her, briefly serious. “You can always holler uncle if you want.” “Holler uncle” had always been their code word for “I really want to stop.” Judy nodded.

“Don’t hurt me,” Judy said with a tiny whimper. Dave smiled. She was clearly getting into the spirit of what was going on.

“I won’t hurt you, my dear,” he said, “as long as you cooperate.” He almost used a German accent, but he didn’t think he could without laughing.

Dave reached down and pulled off Judy’s shoes and socks. Then he unbuttoned her jeans and pulled them, together with her underpants, over her hips and down off of her ankles.

“Yes,” he said. “Very lovely.” She had never looked more beautiful or more erotic. He quickly tied her ankles to the two lower corners of the bed with slipknots. He wanted to be able to free her quickly later, if he wanted to.

She was his now and there was nothing she could do about it. Judy closed her eyes, eager to experience what was coming next.

Dave walked to the side of the bed and sat down. He leaned over and, without warning, bit her nipple gently. Judy jumped and tried to pull away, but she could do nothing. Her bonds were secure. Dave held her nipple between his teeth and pulled and sucked.

Judy’s hips moved restlessly, searching for something that she couldn’t reach. She stayed in character. “Please don’t,” she begged. “I’m a good girl, a nice girl.”

Finally, Dave sat up and ran his finger through the curls between her legs. “I don’t think you’re a nice girl at all.” He stroked her again. “Nice girls don’t get so wet.”

Slowly, he stood up and, with great deliberation, he removed his shirt. Judy watched him, her eyes blazing with desire. He stripped very slowly, enjoying the way his wife’s eyes followed his fingers as he undid his buttons and unzipped his fly.

As his erection sprang from his shorts, Judy unconsciously opened her mouth. She had always been willing to use her mouth on him, but it was always because she knew he liked it. Now she could think of nothing but how much she wanted his huge cock to fill her mouth. The roles they were playing didn’t permit her to say so, but she could ask in another way.

“You wouldn’t make me suck that thing,” she said, and stared at his penis.

Dave smiled. He bent over and stroked her face with his hand. He ran the tip of his thumb across her lips, then gently forced her mouth open and inserted his index finger. She sucked on it as though it were his penis. He pulled his finger out and pushed it in several times, imitating the thrusting of his cock.

When he could wait no longer, he wound his hand in her hair and twisted her face toward his belly. He pressed the tip of his cock against her mouth and pushed it in. She sucked him like a wild animal, swirling her tongue around and around. She drew him to the back of her throat, then pulled her head back so he slipped almost all the way out. The torture of her sucking was too much for Larry. He tangled his fingers in the back of Judy’s hair and rammed his cock deep into her sucking mouth over and over.

It was incredibly exciting for both of them. Dave quickly realized that if he didn’t stop, he was going to come in her mouth, and that wasn’t what he had in mind at all.

He yanked her hair and pulled her mouth away. “Enough,” he said roughly.

Judy smiled briefly before slipping back into her role. “I’m a good girl,” she whined. “Don’t make me do these terrible things.”

“You don’t have any choice, do you?” Dave pulled at the scarf that held one wrist.

“No,” Judy said simply.

While he calmed down a bit, Dave kissed and teased his helpless wife for many minutes until she was writhing and reaching for him with her body. Her arms and legs strained at the silken restraints.

“Now, my dear,” he said, “I’m going to prove that you’re not a good girl. I know you want me.” He wrapped his hand around his cock and stroked her wet cunt with it.

“You want me, don’t you?”

Judy said nothing. The girl she was playing wouldn’t have admitted anything.

“Tell me you want me.” He continued to rub her cunt with his cock and watch her face. Her body was covered with a thin sheen of perspiration and he could tell from her expression when she was close to coming. He backed off, raising his body on his elbows and knees so none of his skin touched hers.

He watched as she caught her breath. He was in complete control and he wanted Judy to beg to be fucked. The Nazi officer in the film would have made the heroine beg, and now Dave wanted to hear his wife do the same.

When she had quieted, he brushed her hot cunt with his penis. He stroked her slowly, watching her hips move to meet him.

“You have to tell me that you want me.” He smiled as she watched. “I have all day and I can keep this up indefinitely. You won’t get what you need until you ask for it.”

Judy looked at Dave’s face and saw that he meant what he said. He would keep teasing her until she said what he wanted. She almost wanted him to keep teasing her, but his stroking was making her crazy with need.

Finally, she whispered, “I want you.”

“I can’t hear you.”

“I want you,” she said louder.

“Beg!” he snapped.

Judy was silent. Dave pressed just the tip of his penis into her vagina. He pulled it out and repeated the process. He was fucking her with just the tip of his cock.


“Please,” Judy said.

“Please what?” Dave said, still fucking her with just the tip of his cock.

“Please fuck me,” Judy whimpered. “Fuck me good.”

With one motion, Dave thrust his huge erection deep between Judy’s widespread legs. Again and again, he thrust into her until he felt her climax. As she came, so did he.

Without withdrawing, Dave reached around and pulled open the slipknot that held each of Judy’s legs. Immediately, she wrapped her legs around his waist and held him tight inside of her.

Sweat cooled on their bodies, and, as their breathing slowed, Dave reached up and untied Judy’s wrists. Then he pulled the quilt over them and they stayed together.

When the children got home, Dave called, “Get your own dinner. Your mother and I may not come out ’til morning.”

Judy giggled and snuggled closer.

BOOK: Nice Couples Do
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