Nice Girl (32 page)

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Authors: Kate Baum

BOOK: Nice Girl
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I propped myself up on my elbows and looked at him.  He was lying between my spread legs.  His broad muscular chest dwarfing my small body.  I felt my insides quiver just looking at the most incredible erotic sight.  It was right out of my dreams.

“I want you to watch me, Grace…. And then just feel.”  He leaned his head down as his thumbs separated my folds.  I braced for it.  In one long swipe, he used the flat of his tongue to lick from the bottom all the way to my clit. 

I laid back down and groaned.  Oh god, he just got started.

He focused on my clit for just a few brief seconds.  Swirling his tongue over the sensitive tip.  As soon as I felt a throbbing ache, his tongue moved away and began dipping inside of me.  He started using more pressure as he continued to torment me.  He would move to my clit and stroke it to the point where I discovered I had nerves that I’d never felt before.  As soon as my back arched and I gripped the sheets tighter, his tongue left my pussy and licked the insides of my thighs. 

“You’re teasing me.”  I moaned.

He chuckled and I felt his hot breath. “No, I’m getting you ready to explode.”

He moved in with such force that it felt like he was devouring me.  His hands gripped my hips hard as he raised my ass to get his face in closer.  He zeroed in on my clit again.  He encircled the bud and gently tugged and sucked on it.  He increased the intensity and that force alone brought me to a swarm of sensation that I was sure I couldn’t handle.  It was building and aching.  I wanted to yell stop.  But there was no time to act or think.  Those waves radiated out and my body shattered.  I bucked my hips as pleasure ripped through me all the way to my toes.  I’m not even sure what I screamed out. 

As my muscles lightly twitched in the aftermath, I felt Vinnie still holding my hips.  He reined kisses on the insides of my thighs. 

He grinned as he moved up my body and planted a chaste kiss on my lips.  “How was that?”

“I think I could get addicted to you.”

“That was my goal.”  He chuckled.

“I want more.”  I grabbed his face and kissed him deeply.  “I want you inside of me.”

He groaned as he rolled off of me.  I grabbed the condom off of the nightstand while he quickly dispersed with his boxer briefs.  I sat up.

“Wow.”  Was all I could say.

He smiled sheepishly as he laid me back down on the bed. 

Suddenly I got nervous again. “I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.  I mean you’re big all over.”

“Don’t worry, Grace.  You can take me.”   His voice was the deepest I’d ever heard.  He had waited long enough.  I wasn’t surprised he wanted to take care of my needs first.  Now I wanted to do the same for him. 

I ripped the condom wrapper open.  “Teach me how to put it on.”

“I promise to be the most patient teacher.  Next. Time.”  He grabbed the condom from me.

I laughed “You have suffered long enough.” 

“You have no idea how long I’ve waited to make love to you.”  He rolled on top of me bracing himself with his elbows. “I’ll try to go slow.” 

Slow?  He didn’t waste any time.  I smiled at his impatience.  I watched as he looked down to guide himself into me.  I noticed that he didn’t need to use his hands.  He was keeping his body above mine with his elbows. 

“Vinnie, I won’t break.”  I whispered.

He plunged his tongue in my mouth roughly.  I was so turned on, I felt out of control.  Like some wild aphrodisiac was pulsing through my body.  I wrapped my hands around his neck to match the strength of his kisses.  He began to sink deeper inside of me.  I found myself wanting to be more demanding.  I raised my hips to encourage him. 

He broke his mouth free.  “Wrap your legs around me.”

I slid my legs around his hips as I moved my face into his neck.  I inhaled his intoxicating masculine scent.  I surprised myself by licking behind his ear.  It was as if my senses couldn’t get enough of him.  I wanted to feel, taste, and touch all at once.  He was almost completely in.  I found myself crazed with my response to his body.

“You’re so tight.”  He groaned as he arched his neck. 

“Please move, Vinnie.”

He began pumping in and out, pushing deeper as if the goal was to make sure I was stretched to the hilt.  I gasped at the intensity at how thick and full I felt.

He stopped.  “Am I hurting you?”

“God no, it feels good.  Keep going.  Faster.”  I sounded like a woman possessed. 

That was all the permission he needed.  His thrusts grew stronger, filling me as he increased his speed.  I don’t know what was turning me on more.  The sound of Vinnie’s heavy grunts or the slapping of flesh.  When he shifted his hips, he hit my sensitive clit and I cried out.  Oh my god, was it possible to orgasm again?  As if he noticed my insides fluttering, he hit that area harder.   Could he actually feel that?   He must have known I was so close.  At that moment he used the same angle and slammed into me with full force.   That feeling of tight pressure intensely consumed me.   Hot prickles began going up and down my spine.   

And then it was just like before.  I was unable to control it.  My body shattered.  I saw white stars beneath my eyes this time.  I screamed so loud that I briefly worried someone might call the hotel security.

Vinnie picked up speed and pumped three more times before he let out a moan and his eyes squeezed shut.  I felt his heated release through the condom.  He collapsed on top of me carefully keeping off the full impact of his weight.  He was breathing heavily when he laid his head on my breasts.    I stroked the back of head as I thought about the possibility of staying in this exact position forever.    

We rested without saying a word for several minutes.  Vinnie kissed my breast before moving up to my face.  “Are you okay?”

“More than okay.”

  “Good.”  He kissed the top of my nose.

“When did you know that you wanted me?”  I didn’t want to sound so needy.  What just happened between us.  The intensity of it.  It felt like the start of something more.  I didn’t know what the rules were.  I’d never had a boyfriend.  I told myself I wasn’t ready for one.  That I didn’t want one.  

How quickly things can change.  I was dying to know when he thought there was something more between us.  For the longest time, I couldn’t read him.  He was quite adept at closing off his emotions.   A man raised by the violence of the tough New York City streets.   I never imagined he could be so loving and gentle. 

Christ he wouldn’t stop kissing me.   Not that I was complaining. 

There was no doubt that he cared for me.  When did it start?

“You’re going to be surprised at the answer.”  He started kissing my neck.  I shivered.  Damn, I wanted him again so soon.

I bucked my hips at him “Stop that and tell me!”

He chuckled.  “The time when you almost quit.”

“Back in February?”

“Yep.  I had yelled at you because you let that obnoxious bitch, Dolores, come to my office.”

“I remember.”  I said dryly “You were very mean.”

“I was.”  He admitted softly.  “That’s pretty much how I dealt with everybody.  Then you said you were quitting.”

“You said you didn’t care.”

“I thought I didn’t.   But then I was feeling kind of strange.  Because I did care and I didn’t know why.  Anthony had come in.  He was all up and arms because he had said earlier that you were the best office manager we would ever find.  I remember it clearly.  He’s all upset that you said you were quitting and then he got distracted by the phone.   I could tell you were about to cry.  It hit me hard then.  I didn’t want to see you cry.  I never cared if I made anyone cry.  But for some reason, it bothered me that you were so upset.  I knew then that you were different.”

“I was different because you didn’t want to see me cry?” 

“I know it sounds ridiculous but I never cared at all what a woman felt.  I was confused.  I thought I would get over it.  You know like temporary insanity.”  He snorted.  “But then I started feeling very protective of you.  It seemed like you needed to be rescued more than once.”

We both laughed.

“I never thought I’d find the girl for me.  Then, when I realized it was you, I didn’t know if I could handle it.”

“Well I hope you now see how wrong you were.”

“I don’t know.”  He hesitated.  “The night of Ivy and Jamal’s bachelor parties….”  He didn’t finish the sentence.  I knew what he was talking about. 

“Everything was confusing that night.  You weren’t thinking clearly.”

“I can’t even explain what came over me.  I was furious when I saw that guy eyeing you at the bar.  I was still obsessing about it when I took you home.  That’s going to my problem Grace.  I lose my temper easily.  I get enraged at the thought of anyone touching you.”

“But I don’t want anyone else.”

“I know that now.  That’s not the problem.  For years I made a living by intimidation.  I was paid to rough someone up…..and I was good at it.   The mark was usually ready for the hospital when I was done with him.  But I want that all to be in the past.   I’m trying to be a better man for you.   Now that you’re officially mine, I’m worried I’m just going to get worse when it comes to you.”

“I’m officially yours?”  I smirked.  The feminist in me should have snapped to attention.  The two orgasms I just experienced had my body telling my mind to shut up.

Vinnie grinned.  “I know you’re an independent woman.  I’m not going to get you barefoot and pregnant.  I would never hold you back from your goals.”  Vinnie leaned over to his side and began stroking my arm.  “But just so you realize that I’m the only man for you.”  He started kissing a trail from my ear to my neck. 

“Do you have another condom?”

“Insatiable girl, aren’t you?  No, I don’t.  We’ll have to stop at the drugstore on the way back to your place tomorrow.  I’ll make sure I buy a really big box.” He chuckled. 

Oh boy!  My sex crazed inner vixen did a cartwheel.

“Now you need to sleep.  You’ll need plenty of rest for what I have planned for you tomorrow.”  My whole body clenched in anticipation. 

Vinnie got up to dispose of the condom.  “I’ll be right back.”  I watched him walk to the bathroom.   I was still in shock that I just had that incredible Adonis body all over me. 

I pulled the covers off of the bed.  My legs felt like jelly and I was bone tired.  I tucked myself in excited and nervous at the same time about sleeping with Vinnie.   I said a silent prayer that I wouldn’t snore.

Vinnie came out of the bathroom and got in bed with a yawn.  His strong arms pulled my back to his chest. 

“You were too far away.” He whispered in my ear.

“Mmm.  This is nice.”  I said as I felt myself drifting off to sleep.

His massive body spooned me and lulled me into a deep slumber.

My dreams took on subconscious feelings….





Oh so very satisfied.


Coming soon


Brave Girl
–  Expected release: Spring, 2013

Eve is beyond excitement for her new adventure.  Only a truly brave girl could move thousands of miles from home to begin a two year commitment teaching on an American Indian Reservation.   As soon as she arrives, she finds that many of the tribe’s people are not very welcoming.   They are suspicious of the college students that work and live on the reservation in exchange for free graduate tuition.   After a misunderstanding, Eve decides she absolutely despises a certain tribal police officer.  Circumstances cause her to keep running into him. 

Lou regrets the awkward situation where he first met Eve.  He had been openly distrustful of the college girls who have come to live on the reservation.  In the past, some of the girls were disrespectful of the tribe’s culture.  There is something different about Eve.  He can’t get her out of his head.  The more he tries to get to know her, the more she pulls away.  What will it take for Lou to convince Eve that their attraction for each other cannot be denied?


Funny Girl
– Expected release:  Fall, 2013

Janie was always the life of the party.  She has the natural ability to make people laugh.  Janie’s fun world comes crashing down when she is attacked coming home from a party.  Two good Samaritans come to her aid before anything tragic happens.  Janie is convinced to go to self defense classes to help her cope with her fear. 

Cullen, a former boxer, can’t seem to stay out of trouble.   An empathetic Judge looks at his upbringing and decides that Cullen needs one more chance.   Judge Dillon recognizes that Cullen often looks out for the underdog and this trait can be the only way Cullen can find a purpose in his life.  Cullen’s community service sentence is to teach eight self defense classes.  Janie believes she will never feel safe among men again.  Cullen doesn’t think he is capable of a loving relationship.  The problem is neither of them can stop thinking about each other.


Smart Girl
– Expected release: January/February 2014

Dee flirts with her dark fantasies.  How far will she go?


About the author


Kate Baum is a librarian that resides in the Hudson Valley area of New York.  She lives with her husband of 23 years and five children.  Her busy household includes a dog and a cat that were both adopted by the local animal shelter.   When she isn’t working, cooking, doing laundry, or taking care of the kids, she loves to write down her fantasies.

She welcomes feedback at
[email protected]

You can visit her on the web at
















Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

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