Read Night Fury: First Act Online

Authors: Belle Aurora

Tags: #Assassins, #willing captive, #hitman romance, #belle aurora raw, #Friend-Zoned, #night fury, #Belle Aurora

Night Fury: First Act (11 page)

BOOK: Night Fury: First Act
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The unforeseen move forces my own hips to jerk into him.

His body turns rigid. He bites harder. I gasp as I feel his cock twitch inside me. He groans low in his throat. Then it’s over. We’re spent. We collapse into each other, chests heaving.

I am in awe. No wonder people do this, and often. We just finished and I want to do it again.

My heart races.


“That was amazing,” I whisper shakily.

Still connected, Marco turns us onto our sides and watches me intensely. His stare is so deep, so confronting, that I avoid looking into his eyes and dip my chin to his chest. Fingers come under my chin and lift my face. My eyes meet his reluctantly, and I watch his lips twitch. He utters in reverence, “

He lowers his mouth to mine, and my eyes close at the connection. I feel this kiss deep in my soul. This kiss isn’t an action. It’s a conversation. So much is said in this kiss. My fingertips graze his chin as I deepen the connection.

I feel his lips curve against mine and I grin right back. He chuckles into my mouth. “So fucking worth it.”

. I’m doomed.

Chapter Sixteen


neaking out of Marco’s room wasn’t easy. Not because I was worried about anyone else seeing me. It was pretty obvious that at four a.m., no one would be awake. The trouble with sneaking out of Marco’s room...was Marco.

“Don’t leave. Stay here. It’s just a few hours.” Grasping my hand tightly, he argued, “Just have a nap with me. I’ll set my alarm and we’ll get up together,” he smirked while looking over my body, “and shower together.”

I scoffed, “Yeah, that’d go well.” I straightened and imitated how things would likely go down. “Hey, Bob! Yeah, Cat and I slept together, and now we’re just gonna go shower. What’s that? You’re going to kill me?” I looked down at my stomach and blinked. “You fucking shot me, Bob!” For dramatic effect, I threw myself back on the bed and closed my eyes. “Oh, nuts, I’m dead.”

Marco’s silent laughter shook the bed and I grinned. He was so easy to talk to and joke with. I don’t think I’ve ever felt more comfortable with a person before him.

After we had sex, Marco got up and tried to insist I let him bathe me, but there was no way I was going to risk being caught showering with him. Mirage has a communal bathing area, much like a gym or college. Think of the living quarters as dorm rooms
dorm rooms, but still dorm rooms without bathrooms.

When I refused to shower with him, he sighed as if I were aggravating, got up, took care of the condom and shuffled around his room for a little while. He came back to bed holding a bottle of water in one hand, and a towel in the other.

The towel was white.

My eyes widened. I jerked my chin towards the towel and snorted, “I am
using that.”

He lowered his eyes down at the towel. “Why not?”

I choked out, “It’s white!” He stared at me, clearly not getting it. I rolled my eyes. “It’ll be red by the time I’m done.”

He shrugged. “I’ll say I cut myself shaving.” I hesitated, and he sighed, “Do you want me to find a darker towel?”

“Yes, please,” I muttered thankfully.

The room fell silent when he slipped on his jeans and headed out. It only took him a minute to find another one. When he returned with a red towel in hand, I stood, walked over to him and held my hand out for it. He glowered at my hand and pulled the towel back, out of reach. “You want it; you need to pay for it.”

My eyes narrowed. “With what?”

His eyes grew hooded. “Come here.”

Taking a single step closer, I squeaked when his arms wrapped around me and he lifted me off the ground, holding me close to his bare chest. He took my lips in a demanding kiss. A kiss that felt wonderful and left me feeling wanted.

When he let me go, he looked down at me and pushed a stray hair behind my ear. “Debt paid.” He handed me the towel, and taking the water bottle to a deserted corner of his room, I washed myself in silence with my back to Marco, glad for the fact I couldn’t see my own blood on the soft fabric I cleaned myself with.

Before long, I was done, and as soon as I came within a foot of the bed, I was pulled back onto it and into Marco’s welcoming arms.

Lying next to him made me feel small, and the way his body towered over mine left me feeling safe and protected. His gentle nature was a definite surprise, as was his need to touch me. I expected something different, but I was happy with what I got. Extremely happy.

Lifting my hand high, he played with my fingers and avoided my gaze. “Don’t go.”

He was so sweet and attentive, and I really,
wanted to stay. But away I went.

He kissed me hard by his door, and then pressed kisses to my hands, the hands he held in his. He tried hard to convince me to let him walk me to the church building. I assured him I was a big girl and had walked the lot this early thousands of times. Reluctantly, he let me go, and I walked the entire way to my room with a huge smile on my face.

As far as first times go, that was pretty good. I was delightfully sore—just enough to remind me of why, but not enough to make me want to never do it again. The perfect amount.

As I walk into my room, I glance up sleepily at the clock in my room. The time reads 4:25 a.m.

My lip curls. No time for sleep this morning. If I try to sleep now, chances are I’ll sleep the day away. I’m already pulling away from my chores enough; I don’t want to disappoint Father Robert, so I shower as quickly as I can, secretly smiling to myself when I gently wash the soreness between my legs, dress in my conservative uniform and veil and head down to the kitchen.

Still dark outside, I switch on the lights above the workbench and start taking out ingredients for the bread. I’ve not needed a recipe for bread since I was ten years old. This is second nature for me.

I knead the bread then allow it to rise. I tap my finger on the edge of the counter and purse my lips.

What now?

I catch myself a second before my head hits the counter.

Damn it.

My eyes feel heavy as slumber silently attacks me. I need to do something quick, or I’m going to fall asleep standing. Shaking my head vigorously, I force a cough and open my eyes as wide as I can, then yawn and stumble down to the hall closet. Mopping seems the best thing to do right now. It’s something I have to use my entire body for.

I nod, blink and fall asleep twice while waiting for the mop bucket to fill.

Then fall asleep using the mop as a crutch in the middle of the unwashed kitchen floor.

Then again while waiting for the bread to bake.

When the oven timer dings, I jump awake into a low, defensive crouch, arms out, ready to attack.

The bread is out cooling, and while the oven is still on, I decide to make breakfast muffins. I get to work mixing the batter, stretching and yawning all the while. I pour the mixture unevenly into a muffin tray and all but throw it in the oven.

Must. Stay. Awake.

I quickly mop the other half of the kitchen, wash all the dishes, clear the workbench then sit at the kitchen table to wait for the muffins to bake. When the oven timer wakes me a second time, I jump out of my chair mid-snore, swinging my arms at my would-be assailant. Frustration has me fuming. “Fuck!”

The muffins now out of the oven, I turn it off and resign myself to a day outside doing my favourite thing in the whole world—tending to my garden. And by tending to my garden, I must mean falling asleep on the bench by the large oak, because that’s exactly what I do.



I swat away the hand at my forehead.

“Cat, wake up.” The voice in my head is persistent. Firmer this time, “I swear to God, girl, if you don’t open your eyes and give me some sort of sign you’re okay, I’m throwing you over my shoulder and taking you straight to the hospital.”


Where am I?

Groaning, my hand flies to my pounding head, while my eyes try to open. After a few seconds, I manage to peek through one eye and look straight at an extremely concerned looking Bob. Sitting up on the bench, I stretch and yawn. “I’m sorry, Father. I didn’t realise I fell asleep.”

His brows lower. “Been trying to wake you for some time now. Are you feeling okay?”

My mouth feels like sandpaper. “I’m fine. Sorry I worried you. I woke earlier than I normally do and got my chores done before it was light out. I came out here to do some gardening and must’ve passed out.” He doesn’t look convinced. I suppose a small truth won’t hurt. “I really didn’t sleep well last night.”

“Okay, well, why don’t you go get some sleep? I can get someone else to work tonight.”

My eyes widen at that. “No!” Bob’s brows rise in surprise, but I can’t stop myself from getting defensive. “I know I’m the youngest here, but if I were anyone else, I already would’ve had ten jobs, Bob. Stop treating me differently than everyone else.
should be getting those jobs. They’re
fucking jobs.” My blood boils. I grit my teeth and bare them like a rabid dog. “What the fuck do I have to do to prove to you that I’m ready?”

He sits there watching me through an expressionless gaze. I’m immediately contrite; I lose some steam.

Running a hand down my face, I sigh, “You always said this was what I was here for, that this is why I was brought to you. This is God’s will. So why are you denying me my lot in life?”

Bob dips his chin and looks down to his shoes. His voice is uncharacteristically soft. “I didn’t watch the others grow up. I didn’t chase away the monsters from under their beds when they were seven. Or read to them ‘til they fell asleep. Or cut their meat for them ‘til they were ten. I didn’t raise them as my own, Cat.” He pauses. “Be mad at me all you want, but this is hard for me. I didn’t expect to feel this way when you were ready to go out on your own, and in a way, what happened with James was an excuse for me to hold onto you. So I grabbed it. I grabbed it with both hands. Because
wasn’t ready to let you go.”

My heart squeezes tightly in my chest. I feel my pulse beat through my temples. I don’t know what to say to that.

Bob nods. “You want me to treat you like one of the crew, so you’ll go alone tonight.” He smiles, although his eyes are filled with sadness. “This is your job, girlie. You can do it. I have faith in you.”

His hand grips the back of my neck in a move that is so familiar my eyes close, as emotion clogs my throat. He presses his lips to my forehead. “May the Lord be with you, child.”

My soft voice shakes. “And also with you, Father.”

He leaves me alone at my bench feeling a little victorious...and a fuck of a lot terrified.

Chapter Seventeen


feel disgusted. What I’m wearing is disgusting. If I had time to throw up right now, I would. My ass is freezing. My teeth chatter. I can’t believe this is my job tonight. I’ve been at this very spot for almost an hour.

Close to midnight, I see my target approach on the deserted dirt road.

Go time.

I wrap my arms around myself and force a violent shiver. My teeth clatter together harder than I should allow, but I need to look pitiful. Luckily, being three towns over, no one here would recognise me, even if they got a good look at my face. I start to walk down the road and wait.

The red truck I know is coming slows behind me, and then stops.

“Excuse me, miss? Are you all right?”

My eyes close. I bite the inside of my cheek and I feel my eyes begin to water. “No.—” My lips quiver. “I’m lost.”

Trenton Hyke comes around me to get a look at my face. In his mid-thirties, he’s actually an attractive man. A tall, solid body from physical farm work, his arms are muscular and the tight tee he wears does nothing to hide the fact he’s strong. His brown eyes search me. His dark brown messy hair is worn buzzed. When he looks down at my school uniform, his eyes flash and dilate.

Well, that didn’t take long.

Fucking perv.

Frankie and Ari did a great job making me look like a high-schooler. Pigtails and all. Now it’s up to me to portray utter innocence. After all, I’m here to seduce this motherfucker. I need to get into that truck with him.

Hyke tuts, “What’s a pretty girl like you doing all the way out here, huh?”

I bite my lip and twist my tiptoes into the dirt. I dip my chin. “A guy I was with took me out here. When I wouldn’t kiss him, he left me. If I knew he’d leave me, I would’ve done it.” Tears trail down my cheeks as I look up at Hyke. “I don’t know where I am.”

He takes a step closer to me and places a hand on my shoulder. “I’ll take you home, if you like.”

I blink in what I hope looks like awe. “You’d do that, mister?”

He sighs, “It’ll take me out of my way, for sure, but yes, I’ll take you home.” His thumb caresses my shoulder. “You’re too damn pretty to be out here all alone.” He smiles what he thinks is a friendly smile, but to me, it looks vile. “What’s your name, miss?” He pauses. His voice drops an octave. “How old are you?”

I sniffle. “I’m Rachel. And I’m fifteen.”

Hyke shakes his head. “Didn’t your parents ever tell you not to get in cars with boys?”

I shrug and whisper, “I don’t have any parents.”

If I blinked, I would’ve missed the way his face lit up for an entire micro-second.

He quickly masks his expression and utters, “C’mon, let’s get you home,” then walks back to his truck.

I all but skip over to his truck.

Let’s do this.

When we’re both in the truck, he asks, “Where are we headed?”


Hyke’s eyes narrow. “Greenwood? How the heck did you end up here? That’s a long way away.”

Reaching up, I fist the seatbelt and whisper apologetically, “I’m sorry. I know it’s far.” I pause, and then ask fearfully, “You’re not going to take me home now, are you?”

Hyke sighs and I know this game just started. “I will take you home, Rachel. I said I would, so I will.”

BOOK: Night Fury: First Act
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