Night Study (41 page)

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Authors: Maria V. Snyder

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“Yelena,” Ari said. He was in the cell across from mine. “Valek’s not caught. I don’t care how many magicians and null shields they have. Bruns does
have him.” Pure conviction vibrated in his tone.

“Have you heard from him?” I asked. If he was close, I could wait.

Ari shook his head, his expression bleak. I calculated the distance to the rendezvous point. If Valek left right now, then it’d take him three days to arrive. Plus he’d need another day or two to figure out a way inside the base. Too long—I’d need to eat by then. I glanced at Leif, looking for guidance. Of all of us, he had the most medical knowledge.

My brother pressed his lips together, clearly unhappy. Then he signaled,
It’s your choice. You can probably go another day, but no longer. Think about it. You can save yourself now and have another baby later.

“No,” I said as Ari gasped. He’d been watching Leif. I held up a hand, stopping Ari from voicing his questions about the baby. “I need another option.”

“I don’t have one,” Leif said.

“I do!” Janco jumped to his feet.

The poor man hadn’t said a word or moved since they had dragged Dax in.

Janco’s hands almost blurred as he motioned.
Wouldn’t Brother Horror’s power not work on you because of that blocking thing?

That’s just speculation. I can’t risk the baby.

You might not have a choice if we’re here for a few days.


“Can someone tell us what’s going on?” Dax asked.

“It’s better if you don’t know,” Ari said. He sank onto the pallet of straw in his cell. “Did you know about...that before you rushed off to rescue Leif?” he asked me.

“Yes, and don’t yell at me. Leif and Janco already have.”

Ari grunted, but kept quiet. I sipped the cooling tea. It tasted divine, warming me. However, I planned to wait another day before I ate the food. At this point, I didn’t have any other options.

* * *

The following day passed in a slow trickle of nothing. Without a window, we marked time by the guards’ entrance. Trays of hot food arrived, cooled, congealed and were replaced—three per day. I started eating after the fourth delivery. By that time, dizziness made it difficult for me to stand.

Leif made a few obvious gestures to explain to Dax and Hale why I risked being turned into Bruns’s minion.

After two days, the others started drinking the Theobroma-laced water. They didn’t wish to die. No one voiced what we all thought:
Where’s Valek? Will he be here soon? Or has he been captured?

Four days into our incarceration, Loris and Bruns accompanied the food. They stood in front of my cell.

“You’re the only one who seems to have an appetite.” Bruns peered at me in suspicion. “Why is that?”

I shrugged. “I don’t have as much willpower as the others.”

“Uh-huh. Loris?”

Instinctively I glanced at Loris, but wished I hadn’t when he captured my gaze. Unable to look away, I fought against a heaviness pressing into my thoughts. I tried to jumble them, keep the answers from his reach like a mental game of keep-away. It worked until he increased his efforts. Then I counted numbers backward as Valek had taught me and recited lists of poisons. It only delayed the inevitable. Eventually, Loris’s magic shone on all the corners of my mind, exposing everything. The blocking thing failed to work. Instead, a powerless humiliation spread throughout my body.

“And?” Bruns asked.

“She’s pregnant.”

While Loris held me, I was unable to see Bruns’s reaction. However, through Loris, I sensed Bruns’s surprise turn into cold calculation.

“Is Valek the father?”

“Yes, and he knows all about the baby. In fact, the two of them have exchanged marriage vows.”

That statement triggered a wave of astonishment throughout the prison.

“Let me be the first to congratulate you, Yelena,” Bruns said. “I’m looking forward to learning more about what you’ve been up to this last year. Is she ready?” he asked Loris.

“Yes. She’s mine.”

“Good.” Bruns gestured to one of the guards. “Unlock her door. We’ll take her to my office, milk all the information from her, then scrub her mind clean.”

Right now I’d like to scrub the floor with Bruns’s face.
Loris laughed. “You won’t feel that way for long. In a couple days, you’ll be his new best friend.”

“Gentlemen, say goodbye to Yelena,” Bruns said. “The next time you see her, she won’t remember you.”

The door to my cell swung open.

Loris said, “Come.”

The compulsion to obey pushed on my muscles, and I moved to his side. He broke eye contact and I almost swayed with relief. However, my body now followed his commands. Odd.

As we walked by Leif’s cell, my brother said, “Remember Mogkan.”

A strange way to say goodbye.

“Who’s Mogkan?” Bruns asked, stopping.

“Tell him,” Loris ordered me.

The strong impulse to divulge the information pressed on me. “Mogkan was a magician who wiped the minds of other magicians in order to steal their magic to increase his own power. He’d attempted to add me to his ring of power, but he failed.”

“Ah, a little pep talk from your big brother,” Bruns said. “Sweet, but this is very different. I’m sure Mogkan didn’t use Theobroma on her, and she had magic then.”

We continued to the exit, but Leif’s gaze never wavered from mine. I hadn’t told them everything about Mogkan, and with good reason. When Mogkan had attempted to turn me into a mindless slave, he could only control one part of me. Either my mind or my body. Never both. And I’d been eating Theobroma, except we called it criollo at that time. As for my magic, it had been a survival instinct that kicked in when I was trapped without options. Mogkan hadn’t ever triggered that when we were together.

Could that natural resistance to Mogkan’s magic apply to Loris’s magic, as well? Leif’s pep talk might just save my life.

* * *

The questioning spanned hours. It’d been late morning when we started, but now most of the afternoon was gone. I huddled in the leather armchair in Bruns’s office as he grilled me on Valek, the Sitian Council, the Master Magicians and the Commander.

There was no need for me to talk as Loris plucked the information from my mind. Each of his forays for details sapped my strength. And the effort to prevent him from my thoughts only weakened my resistance to his probes. I transferred my energy to keeping that bit of free will alive and hiding a few important secrets. However, if this session continued much longer, I’d pass out from exhaustion.

“Yelena and Valek believe the Commander is planning to attack Sitia after the Fire Festival in Ixia. Which is about five months away,” Loris said.

“Ah. Good to know,” Bruns said. “Did they tell anyone else their suspicions?”

“No. They’re waiting for more proof.”

“Does she know where Valek is?”

Ha. I knew he’d lied about capturing Valek. Bruns lied with ease. I wondered who else he’d lied to.

Loris shot me a look.

You don’t really think you and your sister are safe, Loris. Do you? You’re magicians, and Bruns has made his opinion about people with powers quite clear
, I thought.

Don’t think you can manipulate me. I’m in control here, and I see right through your attempt to distract me.
Loris turned to Bruns. “She doesn’t know where Valek is. If he’s not at the rendezvous location, she can only speculate at this point.”

“And?” Bruns asked.

Black-and-white spots swarmed my vision, but I imagined Valek clinging to the ceiling right over Bruns’s bed, waiting to drop down and kill him. A guess or wishful thinking? I’d let Loris decide.

Loris studied me. “She thinks he’ll come after you.”

Bruns considered. “It would be a sound strategy, provided I was the sole person in charge. However, it’s a Cartel for a reason. Our plans involve a great deal of people, and my death won’t affect it at all.” He drummed his fingers on the armrest. “He’s going to attempt to rescue her. We’ll use her as bait.”

I dug my fingernails into the leather as the room spun. Loris’s grip on my mind loosened a bit.

“Right now she needs to rest and eat,” Loris said.

“All right.” Bruns stood and scooped me up in his arms.

I yipped in surprise. He carried me to a small room adjoining his office. No windows or other doors, but there was a single bed, night table and lantern. Bruns laid me on the bed and pulled a blanket over me. No doubt his gentleness was all part of a bigger plan. A bit of energy surged through me as I braced for his threat or warning.

“Get some sleep. I’ll have a tray of food sent up along with your favorite tea. You must stay healthy for the baby,” Bruns said.

“And a fat, juicy worm works much better as bait.”

He smiled, but no humor shone from his gray eyes. “You think I enjoy this? I don’t. I value life, Yelena. That’s why we’re doing what needs to be done in order to save Sitia.”

“Your methods—”

“Harsh, I know. But we don’t have the time to convince everyone the old-fashioned way. And it’s a good thing the Cartel didn’t hesitate, because we’ll be ready to protect our homeland if the Commander’s army invades us in five months.”

“You’re not the first person to think that, Bruns. Remember Master Magician Roze Featherstone? She believed she was protecting Sitia when she unleashed the Fire Warper and joined sides with the Daviian Vermin. Look what happened to her.” Roze had been killed, and I’d confined her soul in a glass prison.

“I’m touched you’re so concerned with my welfare. However, the reason Roze Featherstone failed was due to her reliance on magic and magicians. They’re an unpredictable, egotistical and selfish lot and can’t be trusted unless they’re properly...indoctrinated.”

“Indoctrinated? That’s a fancy word for brainwashed.”

“I certainly won’t miss these little chats of ours when you’ve had your change of heart.” Bruns glanced at Loris hovering in the doorway. “Command her to stay in bed until you or I give her permission to leave.”

A heavy pressure pinned me to the mattress. The compulsion to remain under the covers drained the last bit of vigor I’d summoned. My eyelids drooped as Bruns and Loris left. The door remained ajar mere feet from me. But in my current condition, it might as well have been miles away.


* * *

Voices woke me...later. I had no idea how long I’d slept, but my stomach growled, demanding food. I sat up. A tray of sliced fruit, cheese and ham slices sat on the night table, along with a glass teapot. Heat radiated from the pot—one of Quinn’s hot glass pieces.

I wondered how Bruns managed to get one. Had he indoctrinated Quinn, as well? Many of the Keep’s magicians had joined Bruns’s ranks, but I hadn’t seen the young glass mage among them. Perhaps he was at another garrison. It made sense for the Cartel to commandeer as many as possible.

About to pour a cup of steaming tea, I paused as a knock silenced Bruns and his visitor. The other man left and—

“Come in, General,” Bruns said.

“I apologize for the road dust and mud, but Tia said you wanted to see me right away,” a man said.

There was no mistaking that confident, sly voice. Cahil, or rather,
Cahil of the Sitian army. The man who had gone from my friend to my enemy when he discovered he hadn’t been the King of Ixia’s nephew, and the years he spent planning to retake his kingdom from the Commander had been wasted. Cahil had joined with Roze and the Daviians until the horrors of their kirakawa ritual switched his loyalty back to me, but we’d never regained our friendship. It was obvious why Cahil now reported to Bruns. Cahil hated the Commander and Valek and had been itching for a fight since he was six years old.

I set the pot down quietly, slid from the bed and crept closer to the open door in order to hear them better.

“ information about the Commander,” Bruns said. He repeated all the intel he’d stolen from me. “Seems the Commander might make his move after the Ixian Fire Festival.”

“How did you learn all this?” Cahil asked.

“From a reliable source.”

Ah. Interesting.

“That means nothing. Valek has spies all over Sitia. I wouldn’t trust—”

“Yelena Zaltana provided it,” Bruns said with an annoyance that bordered on anger.

“Now I know it’s fake. She’d never—”

“She’s in my custody.” Again the clipped tone.

Silence. “Is it true? About her magic?”

“Yes, and that makes her just as susceptible to Theobroma as everyone else.”

Cahil huffed. “She won’t
be like everyone else. Don’t
underestimate her.”

“She is in our control,” Bruns almost growled.

And then I realized, I’d left the bed despite Loris’s order. His command pulled at me, but it’d been reduced to an uneasy feeling, as if it was starting to wear off.

“Then I suggest you don’t wipe her mind.”

“Why not? She’s dangerous. You said so yourself.”

“If she’s cooperating with you, then use her. There isn’t another person in Sitia with her unique knowledge of Ixia’s security and the Commander. I’d bet she’d have good ideas about how the Commander plans to attack. Think about it. She’s been working as the Liaison for years. Plus dating Valek.” Cahil spat Valek’s name as if it tasted rancid in his mouth.

“Not anymore,” Bruns said.

A pause. A long pause. “What do you mean?”

“They’re married and are going to have a baby.”

I bit my thumb, waiting for Cahil’s reaction. At one point in our relationship, he’d hoped for more than friendship.

“I see.” Cahil’s flat tone said more than his words.

“Now there’s more at stake than her own life,” Bruns said. “Which ensures her continued cooperation.”

“Is there anything else?” Cahil asked.

“Yes. Where are we with the other garrisons?”

“We have taken over control of the ones in Moon, Featherstone and Greenblade. Master Magician Bain Bloodgood and the Councilors have been relocated to safety in the base in Greenblade’s lands. Master Magician Irys Jewelrose is at the Featherstone Clan’s, along with the stronger magicians. We believe the Commander’s army will head straight for the Citadel.”

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