Nighttime at Willow Bay (4 page)

BOOK: Nighttime at Willow Bay
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“We have to move,” he hissed.
“Now. More are coming.” His eyes widened. “They got a whiff of your blood.”

She took a deep breath. They? Who the fuck was
? And how could anyone
her blood? Enough was enough.

“Look, Ryder Jory, or whatever your name is, like I said, I appreciate the help but

He suddenly came upon her. He was so big, she had to tilt her head all the way back. “Remember…when I tell you to run, you run.”

Naomi rolled her eyes.  Not this again. “Yeah, I heard you the first time, Sherlock.  It’s just---”

A growl rumbled from him.  “I’m telling you to run.”

“Well, I don’t have to listen to you—”

One minute she was glaring at him, and the next minute she was being tossed over his back like a bag of potatoes. She grabbed his butt to keep her balance. Her braids fell into her face, her jacket rode up her stomach,
and her ass hung in his face.

“I’ll kill you,” she screeched.

He grunted and ran.

Chapter Five




The woman was madder than a hen in a tote bag, but he didn’t care because he was going to make sure she was safe and if he had to carry her fine ass to safety so be it. He snarled.
The term hard-ass definitely applied to her.  She had a big mouth, bigger attitude, and seemingly didn’t take shit from anyone. His palms molded across a lush cheek. He was the same way.  Practically ran his family’s pack, even though all of his brothers were alphas.

His wolf, restless to fuck her, clawed at his insides.  He
could smell her arousal, and boy did she smell good. He wasn’t a man to lose his cool in front of a woman, but for her, he’d act a fool. He could barely concentrate on the wooded path.

Gritting his teeth, he moved through the woods, over rock piles and streams, through bushes and valleys, his hands secured tightly above the woman’s backside. 

A minute later, her fists pounded his back, her breath coming out in ragged spurts.  She pinched his butt.

Ryder grinned.  She was adorable.
She thought she was actually hurting him when she was doing nothing but pleasing his wolf. He liked it rough…always had, always will, and with her hard nailed attitude, she probably did too.  When she dug her nails in his back, he suppressed the urge to howl: 
Daddy likes. 
The pressure felt that good. 

Ryder sighed
, rubbing her ass softly. She’d be okay once they made it to safe grounds. She was just tired.

“Stop touching my butt.”

“Just making sure you’re secured,” he chuckled.

“My butt is fine.”

“I have to make sure, darling.”

Her braids swooshed as she leaned back and slammed another hand on his ass.

He slapped her cheeks. “Enough.”

“I’ll kill you!”

“What’s with these threats?”

“They’re not threats. They’re—they’re promises!”

, he told himself, focusing on the path.  One mishap and the Spades, the fiercest demons in Willow Bay, would be all over them. And they’d like nothing more than to get their hands on someone like the woman. An attractive, defenseless, human they would rape and kill. Ryder growled.  Over his dead body.

“Why are you doing this?” she asked pleadingly. He hesitated. Tenderness overcame here.

“I’m protecting you.”             

To his
consternation, she started laughing hysterically. “I hate all of you.”

“All of who?”


Aw, shit, he’d definitely open a can of worms.

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps—the Spades—filled the air. They were close. Too close. Seeking revenge for their kind. The woman was in grave danger.

your name?” he whispered, making a beeline toward the caves.

Her fingernails dug into his back. “Oh,
you want to ask me my name? How appropriate.”

“Your name, d


“Naomi, listen to me. I’m going to put you down.” He was sure she was thinking of ways to escape for she remained quiet for a dramatic moment. “If you run, you’ll run into the arms of those dipshits again. Do you really want that?”

A resounding
, “No!” came from her.

“Me neither,” he growled. “So when I put you down, don’t run.”

“Okay. Fine. You win.”

He stopped moving.
He doubted that. He wasn’t a winner until his cock was sinking inside her. Holding her hips, he gently lowered her to the ground, relishing in the feel of her big breasts against his chest and the sight of the exposed skin at her stomach. He wanted to trace his hands against the silken flesh but there was no time. Deftly, he adjusted her shirt to cover her skin.

Big beautiful brown eyes stared up at him. A dark sensuous mole decorated her neck.

“Why did we stop?”

Ryder shook his head, tried to remember the impromptu plan.
“I have to leave—got to double back to catch a few of them off guard.”

Panic flitted across her features. She clutched his arm. “
I didn’t really mean it…when I said I hated you.”

Pushing back her braids, he
snarled slowly. “I know, darling.”

“Then why are you leaving me?”

“Got to for now.”

How many are after us?”

“Maybe three.”

“How do you know?”

“I know.”

“So, you’re just going to leave me here?”

“The move will buy us more time.”

Her finger stabbed his chest. It felt…
so good
.  “Look, I was just being pissy before. Don’t leave me here alone. You know this place. You’re forest patrol.”

“I must
leave—for now.”

“What type of plan is that? What if one of them finds me?”

“Darling, ain’t no one going to find you here.”

“How can you be sure?” Her hands flew up in the air. “Oh, don’t tell me, you just
right? Just like you know there are three dudes on our tail.”

He stared into her eyes. Smelled her fear. “Naomi, you’re going to have to trust me.”

“You’re making that difficult.” 

Ryder glanced behind them. They didn’t have time for this. The Spades were gaining ground. He was not the bad guy here.

“Naomi, trust me.”

“Look. You don’t have to do this. Just stay
—I’m growing—sort of fond of you.”

His heart clenched.  He’d like nothing more than to remain with her
to ease her fears, but their survival rested on the plan. He sucked in air through gritted teeth, his whole world centering on making sure she was safe.

“It will be okay,” he whispered. “I won’t let anyone harm you.”

He gazed up at the moon before returning her stare. His brothers would give him hell about bringing an outsider to sacred Jory grounds but he had no choice. They were in serious trouble, and he wouldn’t leave the woman for the Spades. Because he’d meant what he’d said earlier…
she was his

Ryder stared at her pretty mouth. “I’m sorry
, but it’s the only way.”

Spotting a cluster of oak trees, he took her hand and guided her behind the trunks then placed a quick kiss on her lips. The spice filling his mouth, the crazy aphrodisiac,
had him clawing the tree above her. My God, who was she?

“Stay put
, Naomi,” he breathed, stunned by the power of the kiss. “I’ll be back in one moment.”

, Ryder.”

Her desperate plea, the way she leaned into him, all conspired to undermine his control.



“Remember our deal.”

She frowned. “Yeah, yeah, yeah, when you tell me to run, run. When you tell me to stay put, stay put. Blah, blah, blah.”

Ryder grinned. Christ, she was cute.

She brought out the wolf in him.  Ryder turned and entered the wooded darkness, letting his supernatural powers rise to the surface.  His mouth opened wider, his eyes grew lighter, claws replaced nails, back became the back of a large gray Timberlake North American wolf. In his wolf form, he weighed a good 180 pounds. He would’ve been stronger under a red moon, but this would have to do. He hunched down in his wolf form, and went on the prowl.

As the best hunter in his family
, Ryder was the one sent out to kill deer and moose for his clan on special occasions.  Whenever his cousins from up North, the Kellertons, were in town, they’d run as pack in search of wild boar. He was a fast killer. Solid hunter. One of the best of his kind. Which was the reason he was initially totally relaxed coming upon the three demons: Telly, Ernie, and their old man, Hank.

His wolf growled in anticipation.

This kill was long overdue. The Spades ran the most dangerous demon pack in Willow Bay. Ever since the former demons had left the forest months ago, the Spades had taken it upon themselves to torture any supernatural creature that crossed their paths. There had been beatings, hangings, and killings, mostly against small animals, but some against peaceful dark wanderers like the Fae folk. Far more than the average, and it had taken all of his forest ranger savvy to explain away the animal attacks to his human counterparts.

But that could only last for so long.

He was running out of excuses.

And t
he Spades had to be stopped. If the attacks continued, authorities would descend upon Willow Bay and that wouldn’t be good for anyone—supernatural and human alike. Ryder had studied the Spades, searching for any signs of weaknesses. If the old legend was true, Hank Spade was one of the toughest demons in these parts, healing faster than most and getting off on viciously attacking Innocents. It would be unwise to attack him now with the others around. If something were to happen to him, Naomi would be on her own, and he was her only means of protection.

couldn’t risk it.

“I should
beat you senseless for letting a wolf whoop you,” hissed the old demon, Hank, grabbing one of his kin by the collar.

“Pa, it w
eren’t our fault,” cried Ernie. “That wolf was stronger than most.”

“Shut up
, you! You don’t speak till I tell ya!”

Shamefully, Ernie lowered his head.

“We don’t let werewolves best us. Ain’t in our blood! You two dishonor the family.”

Telly whimpered.

“You think I’m going to
claim two weak demon spawns? I’d kill you myself before letting that happen.”

, Pa---”

“Shut up
, you, before I eat your heart for dinner.”

Ernie and Telly cried out.

Sick fucks, thought Ryder, clawing at the ground anxiously.
The old man probably would do it too; that is, eat his own kids’ hearts for dinner. He shuddered at the thought of Naomi falling into the hands of the degenerates. Easing away from the group, he took off through the trees to circle around them, where he began to mark the territory, in hopes of drawing their attention away from Naomi.

“That’s him!” one of them shouted. “I smell him.”

“C’mon,” cried Hank, charging through the foliage, his kin close behind. “We’re goin’ to catch this wolf bastard.”

sank into the bushes so that he would not be seen. Then he double-backed in Naomi’s direction.

e ploy would buy them some time—for now—but they were still in a shit field of danger.

He had to
protect her.

Chapter Six




As soon as Ryder left, Naomi sank to the ground, stunned by the kiss they’d shared. Even though it had been quick, it had been unbelievingly good. She growled softly. Good God, she was screwed. She needed more than a kiss. She needed the whole shebang! Groaning loudly, she shook her head.
Stop it, Naomi! Stop thinking of sex, sex, sex. Your life is on the line here. Focus.
  Her gaze drifted over the dark treetops and twisted branches.  Her hands knotted in front of her.  Fear tightened her chest. What if the men pulverized Ryder?  What if he returned hurt, or worse off, what if he never returned? Then she’d be alone…in Willow Bay…facing who-knows-what by herself. And Ryder would be…dead.

Naomi clawed at a tree trunk, panicked at the possibility. She had to stay positive.  She had to have faith.  Because only people who had faith got through crisis moments.

She suddenly thought of her auntie.  Could her auntie sense she was in trouble? If she wanted to, could she send a distress call to her auntie telepathically? Naomi lost herself in the possibility.  Hadn’t she always considered herself a little psychic? After all, she’d predicted Charlie Grobson’s fight on the first day of school, and Susie Chance’s awful bout of chickenpox. Perhaps if she concentrated really hard she could—connect—with her auntie.

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