NightWhere (26 page)

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Authors: John Everson

BOOK: NightWhere
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…A nude woman hung from a stone wall by two chains. Hooks gouged through the soft flesh of her hands, and chains wrapped around her wrists and looped around the hook, ensuring that the flesh wouldn’t give way and allow her to fall to the stone floor just a foot beneath her feet. On either side of her, twelve black-robed men and twelve black-robed women held smaller chains that each ran to six-inch hooks whose barbs were buried in the woman’s body, starting just above her breasts and ending in the space between her thighs. Damia stepped into the picture. She knelt before the woman and licked at the bloody mess that had been the lips of the woman’s sex. Her tongue then left bloody trails as she worked her way up to the woman’s breasts and then finally her neck and lips. Mark could see her excitement, as her cock thrust outward and her hands moved faster all across the woman’s flesh, smearing the woman with her own blood. Then she stepped onto the stool and pressed herself past the hooks and into the woman’s sex. The woman screamed as the motion pulled at the hooks in her hands and torso, but Damia’s thrusts only increased in intensity until at last he/she yelled above the din, “Pull!” And with that, the twenty-four robed people pulled on the chains hooked into the prisoner’s body at once, and the woman’s flesh peeled back beneath her as Damia’s own moans suddenly grew louder than the screams…


“Stop it!” Mark finally screamed and the horrible visions suddenly were replaced by the steel-ringed eyes of Damia, just inches from his own.

“What’s the matter?” she asked in a voice both sweet and husky. “Don’t you have a taste for The Red? Your wife does, you know. She may turn into one of my best students at the rate she’s going. There is a bloodlust in her so deep…”

“Lust, yes,” Mark interrupted. “Rae could never get enough. And she liked things to get kinky, but she’s not mean and horrible like this…”

Damia laughed. “You saw the film. That was real. We granted her deepest, darkest wish—she was able to fuck a man literally to death, and she came with the heat of his blood dripping across her chest and down her thighs. Don’t tell me she is not ‘horrible like this’.”

“You did something to her,” Mark insisted. “You drugged her or something…”

“We did nothing but open the door to who she has always been,” Damia said. She leaned forward to lick a steel-studded tongue across his lips. Then she pressed herself up from the bones that trapped Mark to a sitting position.

“You were never enough for her,” Damia pronounced. “You are barely Blue Room material; you could never survive an hour of The Red. You should have just let her go.”

“I can’t,” Mark said. “She’s my wife. I love her. I have to see her again.”

“There is only one way that Kharon will allow that,” Damia said. “You have to take your own journey into The Red. If you can perform the tasks set for you in the first three rooms, you will find Rae waiting for you in the next.”

“And if I can’t do what you ask?”

“Then Kharon promised to give you to me,” Damia smiled. The hunger glowed in her eyes. “You will become another one of my memories,” she said. “Shall I slice off your parts, one by one, as we make love? Or would you prefer the hooks and chains? Or something more original?”

She reached beneath the table and released something there with a click. Then she lifted the cage of bones from pinning his chest and opened the locks that held his wrists tight.

Mark felt sensation rush back to his limbs in a fire of pins and needles, and he struggled to sit up. The room spun around him as he did, and he almost cried out at the sensation returning to his hands and legs. He stifled that, knowing that it would only earn him more taunts from the hermaphrodite.

Damia held out a long, thin arm, and Mark accepted her hand out of reflex. She pulled him from the table, and he almost fell. But Damia propped him up with an arm across his shoulders. Mark could feel the cold steel of studs on his skin; Damia’s arms and shoulders were pierced in a line of steel and her back was dark with a maze of hellish tattoos.

“Let us begin,” she said as he staggered towards a wooden door.

Chapter Thirty-Four


Amelia picked up her silken robe from the stone floor and slipped it over her shoulders. Kharon had invited her to be a part of the ceremony, one of the twenty-four voyeurs. She had been allowed to wet her blade on Peter’s flesh, but Rae held the center of attention. She rode him to death, as she and the other Watchers looked on.

First the rabbits, and now the sacrificial table. It was all about Rae anymore.

Amelia drew the sash tighter around her waist and felt a heavy weight in one pocket. She smiled. She had an answer for their new blood queen.

As the Watchers filed out of the room, Amelia approached Rae, who lay slumped over the bloody mess that had been Peter.

Amelia ran her fingers down the other woman’s spine, gently tracing the bones beneath the skin. Rae looked up, strands of hair trailing across her cheek, matted with a mix of tears and blood.

“Let me help you down,” Amelia suggested, and Rae accepted her hands, sliding her legs to the floor. Rae stood still, her face blank.

“Are you okay?” Amelia whispered. “That was intense.” The room had completely emptied; even Kharon had left. Slowly, Rae nodded.

“I killed him,” Rae said. “I really did.”

With one hand, Rae ran her index finger slowly over her left breast, smearing a thick trail of blood there in the few white spots that remained, until the white of her tit was fully painted in Peter’s death. When she looked up again, she was smiling.

“And I liked it,” Rae said.

Amelia nodded. “It’s a kick, isn’t it?”

Rae’s eyes welled up. “But I killed him,” she said again.

Amelia took Rae into her arms and hugged her. “I know, baby,” she said. “And I know what you need now.”

Rae looked up from her shoulder, eyes a mess of black mascara and smeared blood. “What?”

“You need a little of what you gave,” Amelia said. She walked to the wall near the door where a rack of whips and weapons stood. She picked up a small flogger with its black leather straps, each one capped by a small barb of metal.

“You’ve been a bad girl,” Amelia said, holding the flogger up for Rae to see. “So I’m going to have to punish you.”


Rae’s eyes widened, and then she nodded. Her knees felt weak, and something inside her thirsted for a taste of the pain she’d just delivered.

Amelia kissed her and then commanded, “Turn around.”

Rae put her hands on the edge of the stone table where Peter’s body lay and stiffened as Amelia’s hand slapped her ass. The other woman spanked her a dozen times with the palm of her hand, gradually increasing the force until the flesh reddened. Then she stopped and cupped one of Rae’s butt cheeks in her palm and squeezed, tightly.

“I see why Kharon likes you,” Amelia said. “So sexy, seemingly so innocent but…so evil. You’re deceiving.”

Amelia hit her again across the ass, this time with the back of her hand. And then Rae shivered as the first bite of the lash scored her back. The pain was perfect. She closed her eyes and let the red wash over her mental vision. The leather stung and then burned and then ripped…she could feel blood begin to drip across her flanks as Amelia surprised her with each slap. The heat moved from her back to her ass to her thighs. And then Amelia stopped.

“Turn around,” Amelia said.

Rae faced her and Amelia pushed her backwards until Rae’s ass touched against the cold edge of the stone table. Then Amelia slapped her across the face.

“Slut,” she said.

She slapped her again, harder.


And again.



Amelia’s eyes were bright, and her robe undone. Rae saw the sweat glistening between her breasts. Her tummy was slick with it, and her sex was swollen and ready. Amelia stepped forward and grabbed Rae’s hair with her hand. She pulled on it until Rae cried out, and then she forced Rae to her knees and stifled her complaints with her crotch.

“Drink deep,” Amelia said, smothering Rae’s upturned face between her legs. Rae did, licking hungrily as Amelia used her, knocking Rae’s head repeatedly against the stone. And then Amelia pulled back and yanked Rae up to her feet again by her hair. “Lay next to him,” Amelia said.

Rae lay back on the table, her head just beneath the dead man’s arm.

“I have a present for you,” Amelia said and reached into her robe’s pocket. She withdrew a long imitation of a human cock. “I want you to lie there and do nothing,” she said. Amelia pinched one of Rae’s nipples between her fingers, pulling it until the skin of the breast stretched flat. With her other hand, she moved the fake phallus between Rae’s thighs. Rae spread her legs to help, pushing against Peter’s dead body to gain room on the table.

“Oh my God, is that good,” Rae moaned, as Amelia slowly worked the head of the thing inside her.

“It’s going to get better,” Amelia promised.

“Yes, it is,” a voice said from the doorway.



Amelia’s chest tightened.

“Take it out,” he suggested quietly.

Amelia pulled the phallus back and winced as Kharon stepped up to the table and pinched one of her well-scarred breasts just as she’d pulled on Rae’s.

“I have a different idea,” he said, motioning for Rae to get off the bloody table. “Take her place,” he said.

Amelia shook her head. “Thanks, but I don’t feel like it right now,” she said.

“Now,” he said.

Amelia climbed onto the table and lay back, closing her eyes.

“Help me,” he said to Rae, and together they bound her to the table with the chains that had been used on Peter. Amelia’s left arm was bent across the dead man’s chest and her left leg shoved Peter’s limbs almost off the table.

Kharon handed the heavy phallus to Rae. “Fuck her with this,” he said simply.


Rae was confused about the demand for turnabout, but she complied, pushing the thing into Amelia’s wet nether lips. The other woman resisted, clenching her muscles against the intrusion, but she was too damp to deny it. Rae thrust the phallus inside her, as Amelia begged for her to stop.

“Please…don’t…please…don’t,” she said. Rae couldn’t fathom why Amelia was trying to refuse the pleasure.

Kharon stood next to Rae with his arm loosely around her naked waist as he rebuffed Amelia’s pleas.

“Don’t stop,” he commanded again and again.

And then he bent close, and Rae could smell the strong excitement on him. He whispered in her ear and then asked, “Do you understand?”

Rae nodded, and he pointed at the end of the phallus, where a metal loop extended. “Now,” he said.

Rae slipped a finger through the metal loop as she pushed the phallus deep inside Amelia with her other hand. And then she pulled the loop, like a rip cord.

Hard and fast, just like Kharon had told her.

Amelia’s scream was deafening.

“Don’t stop,” Kharon said. He reached around Rae’s back and fondled her breast as she continued to move the toy in and out of Amelia. But the woman on the table thrashed against her chains. Her initial screams were now horrible, harsh gasps of pain. Rae felt her fingers grow wet and warm, and looked to find them covered in blood.

“Pull it out,” Kharon said.

Rae pulled, but the thing seemed to stick inside of Amelia. “I can’t,” she said. “It won’t move.

“Fast and hard,” he reminded.

Rae put both hands on the phallus and pushed it forward before yanking it back. It resisted at first, but then slid free. As the head popped out of Amelia’s sex, a gush of blood followed, painting the table further.

Rae held up the phallus in horror as Amelia’s screams died to hitching cries. A row of small nails lined the rubber shaft on four sides. They only protruded a half inch or so, but they were covered in bits of gore.

“Jesus,” Rae said, her stomach filled with ice.

“Not here,” Kharon laughed. He walked to the table and stroked Amelia’s hair. “Don’t feel bad,” he said. “That’s what she had planned for you. Our Amelia has a bit of a jealous streak it seems.” Amelia’s eyes fluttered and closed.

“But why?” Rae said.

“She wanted to go into The Black. And I chose you instead.”

“What is The Black?” Rae asked. “I don’t even know…”

“Later,” he promised. “For now, I want to see her give head one last time. She was always one of my favorites.” He pointed at the base of the phallus. “Push the ring in.”

Rae did, and the nail points disappeared, hidden within the device again.

“Get on the table and put it in her mouth,” he demanded.

Rae’s eyes widened. “But…”

“Do it.”

She gulped, not sure if she could go through with this. But when Rae looked into Kharon’s eyes, all of her resistance faded. The pleasure of giving pain consumed all, and she smiled, her skin flushing warm as she soaked in his gaze. He filled her, silently, with his evil, and she accepted. Wanted. More.

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