Nikolai 2 (Her Russian Protector #6) (17 page)

Read Nikolai 2 (Her Russian Protector #6) Online

Authors: Roxie Rivera

Tags: #Romantic Suspense, #new adult

BOOK: Nikolai 2 (Her Russian Protector #6)
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"Well, um, that's the thing." I wrung my hands. "I sort of planned to use the money to buy Sergei from you. I figured that if I picked most of the right winners I would have enough to clear his debt."

Nikolai's face slackened with shock. "How did you know about his debt to the family?"

"I heard it somewhere."

"Somewhere?" he repeated dubiously.


I could tell he wanted to push for an answer but didn't. He had to know there were only a handful of possibilities. "Why?"

I frowned at him. "Why? Because Bianca loves him and she's earned the right to some happiness. Because Sergei didn't choose this life. Because it's not right that you own someone like that."

Nikolai's jaw hardened and he broke our shared gaze. I had hit a sore spot with that last remark, but I wasn't going to apologize. The way Sergei had been bought and sold by different branches of the Russian mob was beyond wrong. Before he had made a deal to save his family, he had been a man with a bright future. I wanted him to have that chance again.

"The debt has already been paid," Nikolai finally said.

"Nikolai," I said sadly. "Did you take money from Bianca?"

He avoided my stare. "We swapped for a piece of land I own."

"And you didn't tell me?"

His gaze flicked to the two men staring out the window and pretending not to listen to our conversation. "It was business, Vivian. That's all. It's done." He touched the bag of cash. "You'll have to find someone else to save with this." He started piling the envelopes back into the bag. The thin one he handed to me. "Do you want this one?"

Not at all satisfied with the abrupt end to the conversation I nevertheless nodded. "Sure. I could use some spending cash."

He frowned. "Vivian, if you need money, you only have to ask."

My lips parted, but I changed my mind. This wasn't a conversation I wanted to have with Arty and Ilya in the audience. We had already said too much. Instead, I replied, "I know."

Brow furrowed, Nikolai studied me for a moment. He turned his attention to Arty and Ilya. With a jerk of his head toward the door, the men silently took their order and left the kitchen. When we were alone, he reached for my hand. "Vee, what's wrong?" I hesitated, and he tipped my chin up. His thumb grazed my skin in the gentlest stroke. "Baby, tell me."

"I don't like asking you for money." I blurted out the words before I lost my nerve. "It makes me feel—"

"Like a child asking her father for an allowance?" he correctly guessed.

"That's an ugly way of putting it, but yes." Swallowing anxiously, I tried to explain myself better. "I don't have a problem using our household credit card when I'm buying groceries or shopping for us, but I'm used to having a job and having my own money. Sure, I made a nice chunk of cash from the show in January, but after gallery fees and taxes? I plow all of that back into supplies, framing, running my website, paying for Lena's PR services, the giclée print runs…"

"So there's nothing left for you to spend on things you want," he finished for me. His thumb traveled along my lip. "Vee, why didn't you tell me this earlier? We've been married for nearly six months. You should have said something."

"What could I say? You don't want me to work outside the home, and my paintings aren't producing enough profit."

"Yet," he said. "Your paintings aren't producing much profit
but you are doing better than breaking even. You have money to invest in your business. That's a huge thing."

"I guess."

"It is." The slow caress of his thumb soothed my nerves and made this awkward conversation feel less daunting. "What do you think we should do about this? I'm open to any suggestion
you getting a job."

I rolled my eyes at him. "You are so old school."

"Yes," he agreed without hesitation. "I am what I am, Vivian. We had this discussion before we married. I explained my reasons for wanting you to work from home as a painter. Those haven't changed. If anything, I have more reasons." His other hand moved to my stomach. "It's hard enough to keep you guarded here at the house and your studio. Once the baby comes?"

"I actually like being home. I'm not like Lena. A high-powered career was never something I wanted. I always just wanted to raise children, keep a nice home and paint beautiful things." I ran my fingers through his hair and played with his earlobe. "You've given me that, and I love you for it."

He turned his head and kissed my palm. "What if we agree that you get a certain amount of discretionary income every month? It's yours to do with as you please. You can pull it out as cash at the bank or swipe the household card. You won't have to ask for money." He put a finger to my mouth when I started to argue. As if he could read my mind, he said, "It's not an allowance. We'll call it your salary for running our household."

It wasn't a perfect solution but it was palatable. I nipped at his finger, and his hand lowered. "I can live with that. But what does a household manager earn?"

"I have no idea. I suppose the fairest thing would be to go through my expenses for the last year. You should have the same amount of discretionary income."

My eyes nearly popped out of my head. "Kolya, do you have any idea how much money you spend every month? It's outrageous!"

Now he was the one rolling his eyes. "Hardly."

Not wanting to argue with him about his expenditures, I asked, "What if we just match my income from waitressing?"

"No. That's not even close to fair. You'll need more than that."

"How? I don't have rent, utilities, food or insurance costs anymore. A hundred bucks a week is fine."

Nikolai smirked. "You are a terrible negotiator, Vee. You're supposed to negotiate
not down,
." He waved his hand. "We'll argue about this when we get back from London, all right? But I think you're worth far, far more than a hundred dollars a week."

Eyes narrowed and mouth quirked, I admitted, "I'm not sure if I should take that as a compliment or not."

"It's a compliment." He stood up and planted his hands on the arms of my chair. Nuzzling our noses together, he whispered, "You are more precious than rubies."

I laughed softly. "I never figured you for the type to use Proverbs to flirt."

"This isn't flirting." He pressed his forehead to mine. "It's the absolute truth."

Currents of warmth raced through me. "You're really good at that."

"At what?" He playfully avoided kissing me.

"Making my knees week and my belly tremble," I murmured before finally succeeding in capturing his mouth. The doorbell chime interrupted our loving kiss. Reluctantly, we parted.

Nikolai rested his chin atop my head. "I'll go see who that is. Finish your breakfast."

I hadn't taken two bites of the French toast before I heard Ivan's incredibly loud and always jovial voice echoing through the house. I grinned at the sound. Of all of Nikolai's friends, Ivan was my absolute favorite. He had a way of making everyone smile and laugh. It was so easy for me to understand why Erin utterly adored her great big beast of a husband.

Polishing off my breakfast, I glanced at the doorway at the sound of approaching footsteps. Nikolai entered the kitchen first and Ivan wasn't far behind. The strange man trailing Ivan surprised me, but I managed to hide my shock.

He was a big guy, almost as tall as Sergei and with shoulders as wide as Ivan's. He had a brawler's build and the rough, mean look of a man who was used to using his fists to solve problems. The black polo shirt he wore brought out the reddish-brown tint to his hair. He had a short beard and so many tattoos. I suspected if I counted them up they would rival the number on Nikolai's body.

A quick inventory of his tattoos told me most of his story, but that tiger on his left arm interested me. It wasn't gang-related or prison work. It was expensive and gorgeously drawn. I didn't have to guess who had put that one on his skin: Tomi.

"Vee, this is Ten. He is your new bodyguard." Nikolai made a quick introduction and seemed completely oblivious to my discomfort at the idea of a man with Anton Vasiliev's reputation guarding me. This was a man who had just spent six years doing hard time. That was something I could deal with, but the infamous stories about The Shadow's propensity for violence worried me. The last thing I needed was a bodyguard who would fly off the handle at every slight, real or imagined.

"I see." I didn't want to be rude to Ten because this weird situation wasn't his fault. I had a feeling Nikolai had used his position to basically force him into taking my guard detail. Smiling warmly, I extended my hand. "It's nice to meet you, Ten."

The tall Russian's gaze dropped to my hand but he didn't move. "Yeah."

Surprised by his coldness, I tried not to let it show. "Right. Okay."

Nikolai exchanged a look with Ivan and stepped forward. "It will take time for the two of you to get comfortable."

A million years maybe…

"Ten, come with me." Nikolai gestured for my new bodyguard to follow him and picked up the leather messenger bag. "I'll show you the house."

Ten didn't offer me a second glance as he followed Nikolai out of the kitchen. Ivan plucked one of the Santa Rosa plums from the wooden bowl on the countertop. They were freshly picked from the trees out back. No doubt Nikolai had been out in the garden early this morning.

Ivan carried the stone fruit to the sink, rinsed and dried it before selecting a paring knife from the wooden block. Leaning back against the counter, he started to carve small slices. "Would you like a piece?"

"I'm good." Tapping my fork against my plate, I asked, "So…Ten?"

"I've known him since we were both kids. What you just saw isn't the real Ten. He just got popped from the pen and needs time to adjust. He's rough around the edges but he's a good guy." Ivan popped a plum slice into his mouth.

"Good guy? He was in prison for armed robbery."

Ivan swallowed and issued a harsh laugh. "Sweetheart, if we start comparing rap sheets, you aren't going to be very happy when we get to Nikolai's."

With a melodramatic glare, I tossed my cloth napkin at him, and Ivan laughingly dodged it. "I can see why Erin was so annoyed with you earlier this week."

His smile faded. "She was angry enough to call you?"

I nodded. "She didn't say what had her so riled up, but she was really frustrated with you."

"She had every right to be." Ivan finished up the plum and tossed the pit into the trash. "I decided to let Ten stay with us until he gets back on his feet. I should have asked her first."

It was bad enough that Nikolai had sprung a new bodyguard on me. I couldn't imagine how angry I would have been if he'd announced a new houseguest. "Yeah, you should have."

Ivan picked up the napkin and placed the knife in the dishwasher. "It's not a mistake I'll make again."

Another thought occurred to me. "Is it the new sleeping arrangements that have her pissed off or is this about Ruby?"

Ivan moved closer and placed his big, scarred hands on the counter. I had seen those intimidating hands gently embrace Erin and stroke her cheek so softly. "It's always about Ruby. She'll get out of prison eventually, and if she comes into our home, she'll hurt Erin. She always hurts Erin. You and I both know the odds of Ruby staying clean are close to zero."

"That's true, but I also know the odds of a guy like Ten not re-offending are equally as small."

Ivan didn't speak for a long moment. Eventually, he turned toward me. "I stopped. Alexei stopped. It can be done."

"You got out. Alexei got out. Ten? He's still in."

"Yes, but he's on the outside. He'll be on probation for years. He'll have to walk the straight and narrow or risk going back inside. By the time he's free and clear, he'll have lost the taste for it."

Ivan wasn't the most loquacious man so when he spoke like this I made a point of listening. I stared at the platinum wedding band circling his ring finger. I had been at Kazimir's jewelry store the day Erin had chosen the design and the inscription on the inside. Reaching out, I tapped the wedding band. "That's a good look on you."

He smiled, his hard face lighting up and softening. "I'm luckier than I deserve."

"We make our own luck. You've earned Erin's love."

"And her forgiveness," he added quietly. "She isn't thrilled about Ten sharing our home, but she's agreed to give him a probationary period."

"Let me guess. You started calling her
angel moy
and she just melted?"

He snorted with laughter. "I wish! It's not that easy anymore."

"Sure it's not." I loved teasing this great big bear of a man, especially when it came to Erin.

Nikolai sauntered back into the kitchen with Ten and Arty on his heels. He picked up his tie and flipped his collar. Stepping toward him, I took the tie from his hand and looped it around his neck. "Pratt? Windsor?"

His sinfully sexy grin made my belly flutter. Was he remembering the morning he had taught me to tie the different knots he liked? What had started as a simple lesson in men's fashion had ended in Nikolai calling off work and us spending the day in bed…and on the couch and his desk and the shower. "Lady's choice."

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