No Greater Loyalty (19 page)

Read No Greater Loyalty Online

Authors: S. K. Hardy

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Action & Adventure, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: No Greater Loyalty
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Chuckling in amusement because she looked anything but guilty, Dominick crawled beneath the covers with her. Intoxicating nibbles along her throat lead to a sprinkling of kisses over her collarbone. "Hey, it's a win-win situation. If you're happy, I'm happy." He lifted his head and peered up at her with liquid brown eyes that still had the power to make her melt in a puddle of nothingness. "Are you?"

Keisha placed her hand on the side of his face. "If I were any happier, I wouldn't be able to stand it."

Dominick grinned and for a brief moment all Keisha could do was stare. He lifted himself over her, placing his elbows on either side of her head. "What's wrong?"

"I...for just a moment you reminded me of that picture of your son when he was on the beach laughing with his cousins." Her fingers traced the shape of his lips. "You have the same smile. So does Christian."

Dominick brought her hand up and kissed her palm. The playfulness left his eyes. The air around them turned thick and serious. "I want you to listen to what I have to say and really hear me, okay?"

Keisha looked at him closely then nodded. "Okay."

He gently folded her hand up into a loose fist and kissed the knuckles of her fingers, his eyes now dark and somber. "I talked to Angel earlier today, before we left. We should be ready to move in a matter of days."

Keisha's eyes glistened. Biting down hard on her lip, she only nodded.

"Keisha...I have no doubt we're going to be able to get my son, and I need to do it before that life Melania is a part of gets its toxic grip on him, because once it pulls him in it'll be too late."

"How do you know it's not already too late?"

The question wasn
’t asked in a negative way, and Dom didn’t take it as such. Keisha had a valid point because that’s exactly what he’d been thinking earlier at dinner. It very well
be too late to save him. That was his fear. However, he'd looked closely at that stilled image of Armando, and along with the gutsy bravado that had been present, Dominick had seen something else. He'd seen a sadness he couldn't explain, and that emotion was the one he was holding onto. Melania didn't have Armando completely. Not yet.

’s just a feeling I have, and I have to go with that. I've told Angel, no matter what happens I want him to make sure Armando is brought home."

Keisha's brow furrowed. "What do you mean no matter what happens?"

"Baby, if by some chance things don't go the way I plan, if something happens to me..."

"What? Nothing's going to happen to you, Dominick!" Keisha's heart thudded violently in her chest at the thought. The tears that had been welling up in her eyes made their escape and ran freely down the side of her face. "Promise me. Promise me that you'll come back safely. Promise me that

"Baby, don't. Stop." Dominick covered her mouth with his to swallow the fearful words that poured from her lips. He rested his forehead against hers. "Keisha, please, please, please..."

His voice cracked as her silent sobs sliced through his flesh and carved away at his heart.

"Please don't. I'm not saying anything will happen to me."


"But we have to be realistic and face facts. How cruel would it be to make light of this situation and not prepare you for what could happen? This isn't a fairytale where we're guaranteed a happily ever after, but..."

Lifting his head, Dom dug deep. He pushed aside his own fear of never growing old with her in order to ease her mind as much as he could. He only wished he could absorb her pain as well.

"Believe me when I say I'm going to fight with everything in me to give you that, to give our family that. Trust."

He stared deeply into her eyes, until Keisha pressed her lips together in a tight line and moved her head up and down. The movement was barely a nod, but he'd take it as acknowledgment that she was with him.

"I know that after putting you in this situation and derailing our lives like this that I don't have a right to ask anything else, but I'm going to anyway."

"You know I'd do anything for you, Dominick. Anything. Whatever it is, just say it."

"If anything happens to me, I want you to make sure you take care of Armando, raise him and Christian and Samantha together and make sure they grow up to be close to one another. To be family. Not that it was necessary, but I've already talked to Angel, Marcus, and Darrell. They'll be there to help you, but I want you to instill in Christian and Armando that they're to always look out for you and their sister because that's what men do. Will you do this for me?"

Keisha almost lost it. She wanted to scream at the top of her lungs, fall to his feet and beg him not to go. She didn't think she could go on if something happened to Dominick, much less have the strength to do what he was asking, but if this was what he needed in order to focus on what he had to do, she would give him that.

"Yes." The word came out a broken whisper. Keisha cleared her throat, forcing her voice to be strong and firm. She knew she needed to reassure him that she and his children would be okay if...

Keisha quickly pushed that thought aside. She wouldn't even think about it because if she did, then it would give merit to that possibility, and she refused to do that.

Seeing Dominick waiting, she nodded. "Yes. I can do that. I promise. If..."

She took a deep breath and briefly closed her eyes before delivering the words in a rush so that she wouldn't have to say them again.

"If anything h-happens to you in Mexico, I'll take care of Armando and raise him the way you'd want him to be raised."

Dom's worry turned to relief for a split second before it disappeared. He knew this wasn't an easy conversation, for
of them. Hell, it was something he'd put off doing until he couldn't any longer. Dom fully intended on growing old with this woman and living to see his children grow up, seeing their children. But, he had to prepare her. Just in case.

"Thank you." Dom kissed each of her eyelids, stroking her hair as he spoke soft words of love and gratitude. He hugged her to him, kissing Keisha and telling her how much she meant to him. The cuddling naturally turned into a sexual expression of their feelings for one another. This time, the tears that rolled down Keisha's cheeks were a release full of love and adoration, and she told him so in breathy, hoarse whispers.

Dominick was gentle and attentive as he carried them both to ecstasy. They held each other tight, riding the crest of orgasmic waves as the sounds of their lovemaking filled the quiet room. Dom's body trembled as he collapsed on top of Keisha, resting his head on her breasts, sighing in contentment while she ran her hand over the back of his head.

After a few minutes, he lay on his back and pulled her into his arms. They spoke quietly to each other about inconsequential things, feeling closer than they ever had. Before long, Keisha's quiet, even breathing told Dominick she'd fallen asleep. However, Dominick lay there, his thoughts keeping him woke until he gently extricated himself from Keisha's arms and legs and slipped out of bed. Careful so as not to wake her, he pulled on a pair of jeans then padded barefoot onto the balcony.

He didn’t notice the bright lights and endless hustle of activity that was a natural part of Las Vegas. He'd been born and raised in this city, so the view was nothing new to him.

No, his attention was on the sky above which looked like an inky blanket illuminated with thousands of sparkling stars. Closing his eyes, he silently uttered the same prayer he'd been praying every night for the last couple of weeks. Dom had to believe that God heard and understood that prayer, but he still struggled with letting go and putting everything in His hands.

As always, a phrase his mother used to tell him came rushing back like a gush of wind. He could hear the accented lilt of her voice now, whispering in his ear.  Dominick closed his eyes and smiled as the words drifted through his mind:
Chile, if you gon’ pray 'bout it, don' worry. If you gon' worry, why pray?

Still smiling, Dominick opened his eyes and looked up at the sky again. "I hear ya, Mama. I ain't ga' no worries," he whispered, perfectly mimicking her West Indian accent. "I'm gon' le' um go."

Rasping his knuckles on the railing of the balcony, Dominick took a couple of steps backwards then turned to go back in the room determined to push away the tingling of warning that still attached itself to him like a soul sucking leech.








Dominick's lashes fluttered when he heard the muted words outside the door of the hotel followed by several firm taps. He looked around, momentarily confused about why he was in the living room on the couch. But, just as quickly he remembered that, still restless and wide awake a few hours ago, he'd decided to watch television in here so that he wouldn't wake Keisha. He must have eventually fallen asleep.

"Housekeeping." Again the tapping sounded on the door.

Squinting, Dom swung his legs to the floor and stood up. "What time is it?" he muttered to himself.

Glancing out the window, he noticed the sun was just beginning to peek through and announce the day. No fucking way. Why in the hell was the housekeeper here so freakin’ early?

When the knock sounded again, Dominick hurried to the door and swung it open. He didn
’t even try to hide the irritated scowl he directed at the woman standing there with a large laundry cart in front of her.

"Good morning, sir. I'm here to clean the suite."

"This early?" Dom snapped. "Look, we're still asleep, so I’m gonna have to ask you to come back later."

"I'm afraid that won't be possible, sir."

Dom's scowl turned fierce. His eyes narrowed as they ran over the woman. The uneasiness he'd been feeling a couple of hours ago returned tenfold. Something wasn't right. At just that moment, the woman's eyes flickered, knowing he’d figured it out. In the next instant, she pulled a gun from underneath the pile of towels and aimed it directly at his chest.

"Put your hands up and slowly back into the room, Mr. Spain."

Dominick's mind raced. In that split second, he knew he'd fallen into a trap. His first thought was Keisha's safety.

"I know what you're thinking, but by the time you close the door, a bullet will already be lodged in your heart. That pretty wife of yours in the bedroom will be next." The woman's voice was calm, her smile detached. "Your choice."

Dominick detected the coldness in her eyes. If he had any chance at all of protecting Keisha, he had to do what she said. At least it would buy him a little time. Jaw twitching, he did as ordered, slowly backing up with his hands raised.

The woman followed him in, but left the door partly open.

Hearing his phone ring, Dominick's pulse jumped, praying that Keisha didn't wake up. He eyed the gun and tried to stall. "Okay. I did as you said. What's this all about? If you want money..."

The woman's laughter sounded genuinely amused. "I think you know exactly what this is about, Mr. Spain. Please. Don't insult our intelligence."

Dom's eyebrow lifted.

When the door opened behind her, he got his answer. Two men walked in, one tall and solidly built with an air of authority, and the other young and very thin with long, black hair pulled back into a sleek ponytail. They both stared at Dominick with eyes empty and devoid of emotion.

We should just kill him now, Javier.

Dominick kept his face expressionless when the younger man spoke in Spanish, but he slowly swung his gaze to the man whom he now knew was Javier Guzmán, Melania Cruz's cousin and highly trusted cappo.

Seeing that Dominick recognized his name, Javier answered with a mocking sneer: “
He will die soon enough. She wants her revenge first.”

Dominick snorted and looked away, intentionally provoking them as he mumbled under his breath.

Javier walked up to Dominick. He angled his head, his glare fierce and menacing.

Repeat what you said.”

Dom swung his attention back to the man in front of him, staring him directly in the eye.

I said what kind of man does the bidding of a woman and still calls himself a man?”
He replied in Spanish.

Blind rage covered Javier's face at the insult. Letting out a roar of outrage, the man
drew back and slammed his fist into Dominick's jaw.

Dominick had expected the blow, had intentionally antagonized him to throw him off. The jab knocked him back a step. Dom cautiously opened and closed his mouth to make sure nothing was broken. He spat out a mouthful of blood then turned back to the man and laughed.
“That answers my question. You hit like a pussy

Javier's eyes bulged and the muscles in his jaw worked furiously as he gritted his teeth. He pulled his arm back again to plow his beefy fist into Dominick's face, but this time Dom dodged a blow that surely would have taken him down. Putting every bit of strength he possessed into his swing, he landed three painful body shots to the man's ribs then tried his best to take Javier's jaw off with a jab so powerful, it brought Javier to his knees.

Dominick whipped the gun out of the left shoulder holster he'd spied underneath Javier's coat. Lifting him up off the floor, Dom pulled Javier back against his chest and quickly wrapped his arm around his throat. Using him as a shield, Dominick aimed the weapon at the other man standing in the middle of the room with his gun pointed straight at him.

"Drop it." Dom's voice was calm and even.

"Fuck you," the younger man said.

"Nah, fuck you. Drop the gun."

The two of them engaged in visual warfare until an amused voice addressed them from the doorway. "Boys, boys, can we all just get along, no?"

Dom turned his head and saw a face he would've recognized in his sleep by now. He kept his back to the glass doors leading to the balcony and his gun steady while eyeing the woman who'd just entered.

"Melania Cruz. Welcome to the party. I'm Dominick," he smirked. "Heard you been lookin' for me?"

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