No Ordinary Love (29 page)

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Authors: Elaine Allen

BOOK: No Ordinary Love
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Reflecting back, she wouldn’t have pushed him so hard; would have been more agreeable about his plans to return to his hometown. Mi-Chelle assumed this was now her fault.

“What the hell are you doing here?” David questioned furiously.

Mi-Chelle swiped beneath her eyes to prevent her tears from falling. “I got invited,” she explained.

Technically, she did. Didn’t she have the invitation to prove it? “I didn’t think that I’d find you here, asking your fucking ex-girlfriend to marry you.”

David looked her directly in the eyes. Tears wouldn’t stop him. “We broke up. Why would you think that it was okay for you to just show up?”

“I wanted to surprise you. I behaved a lil’ out of character and said some things that I didn’t mean. Figured we both said some things that we didn’t mean. Four years though, David?”

David shrugged. “Mi-Chelle, it would be better for both of us if you just left.”

People you had affection for were to be handled with care, he reminded himself. It wasn’t that he had no feelings for Mi-Chelle and the four years that she so gladly boasted about; it was obvious that the four years for him had been something entirely different.

She defiantly shifted her weight to one leg, chocked her hip out and placed her hands on top of them. “I’m not leaving ‘til you tell me how you could do this to me!”

“You’re not listening. You only hear what you want to hear. I’m not doing anything to you. I asked you not to come to Philadelphia.”

Though, it was true, Mi-Chelle could care less. “So the fuck what? You break up with me. Give me some bullshit story about how you’re not happy when I’ve spent the last year of my life being this perfect show piece for you. And you up here trying to be with some hood bitch from your past. Are you the fuck crazy?” she yelled.

Didn’t he know who she was? There were twenty eligible bachelors lining up to take her out in Atlanta. She’d devoted four years of her life to him. There was no exit strategy for that, after this embarrassment. Nor was it in her make-up to come up with one.

Catrina, Briannah and Casey could hardly be classified as hood bitches. David made a note to let them know what Mi-Chelle actually thought about them. He laughed even though entertainment was the last thing he assumed she’d intended to be.

“That’s enough. Now take your ass back home. This is not the place for that. We over, we been over. We already had this conversation. I’m sorry that you’re hurt. I am,” he stressed.

“And what type of bitch is she anyway? She knew we were together all that time. I don’t care if you went together for like two minutes when y’all were teenagers,” she ranted more, this time angry enough to get physical. Mi-Chelle used all her might to push him.

Catrina was moving toward them before Casey or Briannah could stop her.

“Catrina, come back,” Briannah ordered following.

Shit, she bout to flip out on somebody.
Briannah thought with a huff.

“Did, she just push him?” Catrina inquired more to herself than to Briannah, but continued her trek across the lot.

Noticing her approach, Mi-Chelle turned her attention to Catrina. “What the hell you think you’re going to do?”

Catrina stepped up, slipped her hand into David’s, waited for him to squeeze it before she said, “I’m not going to do anything except ask you to leave. Neither bride or groom is happy with your presence here.”

“You better get this hood bitch out my face.”

“Bitch? You don’t know anything about me. And unless you want me to show you how much of a hood bitch I am when it come to mine, you better step the fuck off,” Catrina warned her.

Mi-Chelle held her stomach as she doubled over and feigned laughter. “This is hilarious.”

Briannah spoke, “Mi-Chelle, we understand that you’re upset, and maybe even a little embarrassed, but this is not the place or time.”

Catrina touched Briannah’s arm. “Don’t worry, I got her,” Catrina assured.

Briannah dismissed Trina’s objection. “No! You need to leave as you’re trespassing on private property.”

“What? You fucking her too?” Mi-Chelle demanded to know.

Briannah, Catrina and David all frowned.

“Excuse me?” Briannah responded. “We’re trying to avoid an ugly end to the evening.”

“I’m sorry, Mi-Chelle, that you had to experience something as distressing as this, but please don’t ruin my party and my celebration over something we have nothing to do with,” Casey apologized and managed to plead at the same time.

Mi-Chelle looked at Casey, considered her request as it touched her heart. “I’m sorry, Casey. I truly am,” she replied, new tears welling. She shook her head, hoping to stop them.

“You ain;t shit, David, I swear!” she furiously yelled as she stepped toward him. She took her palm and mugged it against the side of his face. “I hate you! I hate you!” she screamed at the top of her lungs then spit into his face. The heavy coated mucus landed on his upper lip and nose. Catrina’s eyes widened in horror as it hit David’s face.

“Bitch!” Catrina yelled. In her opinion spitting in another person’s face was the most vicious and disrespectful thing a person could do in a face to face dispute.

“Ugh, that is disgusting.” Briannah murmured. She imagined Catrina going ballistic and caught her arm in restraint.

Casey’s hand went to her mouth to cover her disdain, “Oh shit.”

Mi-Chelle watched a stunned and shocked trio of eyes for a reaction before she turned to walk away in the opposite direction.

She wished she knew which rental car was his; she could imagine throwing a brick through its front window as she laughed off her sadness.

Spiting in his face made her feel good.

Chapter Twenty-Seven

All that matters...

No Wedding Jitters

It served as a credit to both Charine and Anita that they were able to control the bride and her entourage which included their obsessive boss. Catrina was by all accounts more relaxed now than she had been the entire planning process. The fact that she’d enlisted the help of another planner to assist with the day of preparation soothed any concerns or surprises she expected to arise.

“You sure you’re not going down to the ballroom to check on the centerpieces, or the setup or anything like that,” Charine inquired. Her surprise clearly expressed.

“Of course, I will check it out, but I sent a sample down to the event manager and feel confident in their ability to duplicate it perfectly. If not, heads will roll,” Catrina spoke as she raised the champagne flute in a toast to herself.

The reception was being held at the same Marriott Hotel they were staying in, so it was only a matter of going down to check on things before leaving. Professional worries aside, Catrina replayed the evening before just once more and spared a glance at the three-carat cushion cut diamond ring sparkling on her finger. It was breathtakingly beautiful.

“If he takes one more picture of you drinking, everyone is going to think you’re a lush and slacking on your job as mega-super planner,” Briannah told her.

Catrina sipped. “I hope the cameras don’t hear me, but then again I don’t care. My best friend is marrying the man she’s loved for a lifetime in a few hours. My boo loves me enough for it to just be me forever, and I’m happy as shit! So yes, I’m going to drink.”

Drink and dance
, she concluded as she swayed to the low hum of Sade’s
No Ordinary Love

“I think she has had enough,” Casey announced as she removed the champagne flute from Catrina’s hand. “Come back and get your sister,” Casey snickered as Charine exited the hotel suite room.

Catrina’s unpainted lips formed a frown. “Umm, I think you need some. Briannah, pour her some.”

Briannah smiled and shook her head. “You want some, Casey?”

“No, I’m not drinking today. I want to remember everything,” Casey replied.

“She’s holding out. I know I plan on getting fucked up then getting fu—”

“Whaoo,” Casey interrupted on a laugh. “Somebody is already done.”

“You know she crazy as hell. I was so glad that I didn’t drink, though. I wanted to be able to remember that look on Tyree’s face when he saw me. And there was no haze to take away from that.” The memory of Tyree’s smile was still fresh in her memory as if it happened yesterday instead of seven years ago. Briannah inhaled deeply and let out the air in a huff as her hand went to her heart. “He still looks at me like that. And I still get that tingle of anticipation, that desperate in love tingle when I’m away from him and see him again.”

Catrina’s heart softened a degree more. She knew the tingle Briannah spoke of. Had felt the complexity of it for years. “Awww, Briannah is still madly in love with her husband. I love it. That’s what it’s all about. That is why people get married and vow to share their lives together. This is why I plan weddings.”

Casey nodded in agreement. “You’re joking, but it is. D looks at me so serious sometimes when he thinks that I’m not looking, then just smiles as he accepts that he loves me a lil’ more than he thought humanly possible.” The statement was very simply and accurately put. Casey dabbed her eyes. “I’m going to cry. I can’t believe that this day is finally here.”

Catrina let out a sympathetic smile and a bubble of laughter. Her tone was playful when she said, “You’re such a lightweight, Case baby. I told you she was going to ball.”

Casey sucked her teeth as she fanned her eyes to keep the tears from falling.

“She’s teasing. Just wait ‘til her turn. All that tough shit gon’ be out the window. She already all mushy over that ring. So go ahead and cry, you still have a while before make-up,” Briannah encouraged Casey’s tears. She couldn’t wait for Catrina to experience it. “Thanks. I really love you guys. Our lives would be so different, if we didn’t know one another.”

“Now you’re set on making us cry too. We love you, Casey.”

There was no more a perfect time than to share her news with them than now. “We’re pregnant. I’m like nine weeks,” she shared.

“Shut up!” Catrina exclaimed, “I knew it.” She looked at Briannah. “Didn’t I tell you she was, walking round talking ‘bout how hungry she is, and your nose is spreading a lil’ already. Aww, my baby is going to have a baby.” Catrina folded Casey in her, arms dramatically.

Casey looked around as she freed herself from Catrina. “Shhh, keep your voice down. Don’t want anyone else to know, yet. I should have known y’all would know.”

“Ooh, that is so good. One of y’all can finally join the giving birth club. What D say? I know he’s excited,” Briannah chimed in.

“He’s happy. So very happy,” Casey giggled.

“And that’s all that matters,” Briannah smiled.

“Yea, that’s all that matters,” Catrina breathed.

The Man Side

Along with barbecues, wedding ceremonies, and receptions, went brunch. Cheese eggs, grits, home fries, bacon, and waffles were all a man needed to send him into wedded bliss. Their decision to have breakfast at Temple Rainbow was an easy one. Though none of them physically resided, or made their homes in North Philadelphia, some things were always a constant. Late Saturday breakfasts had been a part of their teenage, college, and even adult years. The restaurant had changed, and so had the owners, but they were still patrons.

“Remember that time Ms. Rena came ‘round here after she heard that D was selling weed on the block,” David reminisced.

“Yea, followed by your moms, and Ty’s grandma,” Daemon said. “I think she slapped the shit out of all four of us that day. Tommy was kinda shook, ‘cause he’d never really been fucked up before in public.”

“Your mom was straight gangsta back in the day. She used to come get our asses out the dollar parties and all other types of embarrassing shit. I’on know how we got to any money,” Tyree joked.

“Come to think about it, we was some nut ass young boahs in our early teens. We got lucky,” David added.

“Not all of us. Still seem like yesterday. And I know that if he never would have gotten killed, we’d probably all be dead. But I miss the shit out of him though.”

Tommy’s death had been their wake-up call to change their paths and come out winners. Sadness lurked in their hearts for the loss of their best friend years later. It had been and forever will be their life altering event. They had never glorified drug dealing but used it as a means to pay their way through college, fuel each of their individual dreams and funded many of their collective endeavors.

“We all miss him, and that’s the truth. But that debt been paid in full,” Tyree reminded him. The meaning was clear— justice in their eyes had been served.

Daemon considered as he paused before placing a spoonful of home fries in his mouth. “You right about that,” he agreed.

David also nodded in agreement. “Damned right he is.”

“Casey pregnant,” Daemon confided.

David smiled as he swallowed his eggs, waited until he washed them down with some apple juice before saying, “Yea? That’s really good for y’all. ‘Bout damn time.”

“Yea youngin’! A wife and a baby?” Tyree questioned as he touched his heart. “I’m proud of you like you my son,” he added jokingly.

“Oh, thanks so much, Dad. I live to make you happy,” Daemon played along.
They all laughed.

“Did you ever think back then that this would be happening?” David inquired.

“Hell naw! It was always that attraction to her, but for the longest time I felt like I would be crossing some invisible line.”

David smiled to himself as he thought back to all the sessions where he and Tyree bared witness to Daemon talking himself out of getting with Casey. “Please, she kicked dirt all over that line. Stepped across it, damn near was throwing you her goods, and you kept backing her down.”

“You sure as hell was up ‘til that day she went out with the shop boah. And to ease your heart, Briannah swears only half of it was true.”

David laughed into his cup. “He was mad as shit. That was crazy. I seriously thought he was gon’ fuck boah up! That’s when I knew she had you.”

“Yea, it was around that time that the looks got longer, like you were finally considering it but still didn’t know how to go about it.”

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