No Regrets: Jani Kay (Firebird Trilogy Book 2)

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Authors: Jani Kay

Tags: #alpha male, #love triangle, #series, #travel, #trilogy, #drama, #Suspense, #erotic romance, #Billionaire, #New Adult

BOOK: No Regrets: Jani Kay (Firebird Trilogy Book 2)
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No Regrets

Firebird Trilogy: Book #2

Jani Kay

Adult Contemporary Romance

Recommended: 18 +

October 2014

Copyright: Jani Kay

Table of Contents

Copyright Page



Chapter 1 – Rebecca

Chapter 2 — Alain

Chapter 3 — Alain

Chapter 4 – Rebecca

Chapter 5 – Rebecca

Chapter 6 – Rebecca

Chapter 7 – Rebecca

Chapter 8 — Rebecca

Chapter 9 — Maxwell

Chapter 10 – Rebecca

Chapter 11 – Maxwell

Chapter 12 — Rebecca

Chapter 13 – Rebecca

Chapter 14 — Maxwell

Chapter 15 — Maxwell

Chapter 16 – Rebecca

Chapter 17 – Rebecca

Chapter 18 — Rebecca

Chapter 19 — Rebecca

Chapter 20 — Rebecca

Chapter 21 — Maxwell

Chapter 22 — Rebecca

Chapter 23 — Maxwell

Chapter 24 — Rebecca

Chapter 25 — Rebecca

Chapter 26 — Maxwell

Chapter 27 — Maxwell

Chapter 28 — Alain

Chapter 29 — Maxwell

Chapter 30 — Rebecca

Chapter 31 — Alain

Chapter 32 — Rebecca

Chapter 33 — Maxwell

Chapter 34 — Rebecca

Chapter 35 — Rebecca

Chapter 36 — Alain

Chapter 37 — Rebecca

Chapter 38 — Alain

Chapter 39 — Maxwell

Chapter 40 — Rebecca

Chapter 41 — Maxwell

Chapter 42 — Rebecca

Chapter 43 — Alain

Chapter 44 — Rebecca

Chapter 45 — Maxwell

Chapter 46 — Rebecca

Scorpio Stinger MC Series


Further Reading: Two Worlds Colliding



Book 2

Jani Kay

Copyright 2014 JANI KAY

All Rights Reserved.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

ISBN: 9781502251329

Cover Artis
t: Louisa Maggio

Edited by:
Hot Tree Editing

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be distributed for commercial or non-commercial purposes, copied, or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except for brief quotations embodied for reviews.

This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only.

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Adult content: Sexual Situations & Language

Recommended 18 +


Standalone Novel:

Open Your Eyes

Scorpio Stinger MC:

Ryder (Prequel)

Two Worlds Colliding (Book 1)

Unchain My Heart (Book 2)

Firebird Trilogy:

Lost In France (Book 1)

No Regrets (Book 2)

Love on Wall Street Series:


Note By Author:

Rebecca, the main character of the Firebird Trilogy is Australian.

Therefore, to be true to her character, Australian words have been used in her dialogue — for example in Australia it’s
not ass,
and not airplane and
not Mom.

This is a work of adult fiction.


The Firebird Trilogy
Scorpio Stinger MC Series
are interlinked, however it's not a requirement to read either to enjoy the other. If you do enjoy the characters, you may want read more about them in the other series.

Chapter 1 – Rebecca

hat’s a nice girl like you doing in a place like this?” His gravelly voice matched his muscular body.

I lifted a brow, an amused smile spreading across my face.

“You really want an answer to that?” I crossed my legs and shoved my empty glass toward him. Nice girl. Yeah, that would be me.
Too nice
. And look what happened...

“Only if you really want to tell me.” The emphasis on the word ‘really’ sounded strange in his heavy German accent—or maybe it was the tequila messing with my head. “But if you prefer to talk about the weather, that’s fine too.” He grinned sheepishly as he filled my glass to the brim and passed it back to me without spilling a drop.

I came to the bar for a few drinks, and to drown my sorrows. Not to pick up men or chat with randoms. “I don’t care for the weather,” I smirked.

“So I see.” His blue eyes glistened as I knocked back the third shot of tequila he’d placed in front of me. A shiver ran through my body as it hit my stomach.

I squinted at his name badge. It was difficult to read it in the dim lighting, but I managed to make out the letters from across the counter. “Listen,
, I'm not here for therapy. Save that for some other fool.” I shifted the empty glass back over the counter. “Be a good boy and fill her up again.”

Prost Bier Bar was only a block away from the new place that’d be my home for the next few weeks, and I preferred it over spending time there alone. Since I’d moved to Munich, I’d come to the bar at least every second evening after work—always sitting on the same seat at the far end of the counter as if it had my name written on it. Hell, Kurt could put a sign on it that read “Reserved for Nice Girl, Ms. Clarke.”

“That will be your last tequila,” he said, one eyebrow raised. “Responsible serving of alcohol.” He pursed his lips as a frown settled between his brows.

Kurt worked shifts at least half of the time I spent there, so I’d become used to seeing his face. At first, he worked quietly behind the bar, watching me, but keeping his distance. Exactly as it’s meant to be and why there was a counter between us. Granted, he’d grimace every time I ordered another drink, which was pretty strange behavior for someone working at a bar. As the weeks passed, we’d exchange a few words, but I’d shrug him off after a few minutes by turning my back to him and staring blindly at the crowd. Nice girl, indeed.

“I have to take your keys away, too, if you’re driving.” Apart from the few short conversations we’d had, he hadn’t interfered before. Scowling, I glared at him, unimpressed that he was counting my drinks.

I cursed under my breath. I didn’t need saving.

Can't a girl just get fucking drunk in peace?

“I'm walking,” I said as I slung back the shot glass, pulling a face as it burned down my throat.

“Good luck with that after four tequilas.” He gave me a smile that didn’t reach his eyes.

What the unsympathetic barman didn’t know was that I needed to get wasted more than ever. I’d just deleted the hundredth unread message from Alain twenty minutes back. If this weren’t a phone supplied by the company I worked for, I would’ve trashed it long ago and had a new number. The Frenchman made it impossible to forget him when his name kept popping up on my damn screen. I’d run away from him, and I didn’t need reminding that I’d been twice burned by men I’d fallen for. It stung like hell.

My foot tapped on the wooden footrest. “What can you serve me next?” I remained optimistic that I’d get another drink out of the broad-shouldered barman in spite of being turned down on previous occasions when I’d hit my limit.

“How about water?” he asked, sarcasm lacing his voice.

“Water?” I spluttered. “That’s for fish.”

He laughed. “Yes, but fish don’t have hangovers the next morning.”

“Don’t you worry about my hangover.” I rolled my eyes at his protectiveness. It was unneeded and unwanted.

He crossed his arms over his wide chest. “I can offer you a glass of white wine if you promise to drink it slowly.” His expression was deadly serious, yet there was a glimpse of understanding in his eyes.

I cringed. Wine was the last fucking thing I wanted. It reminded me of a Frenchman I wanted desperately to forget. “No wine.” Mirroring him, I crossed my arms and pouted like a spoilt brat.

“Okay, I’ll make my special concoction. You’ll love it.” He reached for the shaker on the counter. This looked promising. Working in a place like this, I suspected Kurt had witnessed more heartbreak than he’d care to admit. If he knew the recipe of a magic potion to make it disappear, I was all in.

“As long as it has hard liquor in it.” I found myself slurring slightly, the buzz of alcohol flowing through my system with speed.

Taking a few bottles from the shelf, I watched as he carefully measured one shot of vodka into a shaker. I wrinkled my nose. “
all the alcohol I get? You’re mean.” I had every intention of getting smashed, but the dick of a bartender in front of me was ruining my plans.

“You will thank me in the morning.” A small smile tugged at the corners of his mouth as he placed the drink in front of me. Why did he care? It was none of his damn business.

“I doubt it.” Testing it by taking only a small sip, I detected cranberry juice. What the hell? This was a bar, not a frigging health club. Swirling the drink in the glass, ice cubes clinked before I took another sip. Reluctantly, I had to admit it actually tasted quite good. Kurt was on to something here.

His voice was gruff. “I can't give you another one for a while, so go slowly.” He turned away and left me to nurse my drink.

Men! I rolled my eyes. They were all the same. Controlling, always telling me what to do.

Screw that.
No more

Every time I let myself fall for a guy it ended badly. Cheated out of love one too many times and I was well and truly over serious relationships. Count me out.

And...Fuck all men.

This ‘falling in love thing’ was just not for me. At the ripe old age of twenty-nine I considered becoming what my mother called an ‘old maid’. I rubbed at the ache in my chest. Mum would be disappointed if I didn’t produce the statistical 2.6 grandchildren she was looking forward to, but fortunately, she had Chloe and Lily, my younger sisters, to provide the grandma experience. Maybe they’d be luckier in finding lasting love.

It was time I stood up for myself. I had a promising career that I’d worked hard to establish. It wasn’t as if I needed a man to complete me. Yes, it would be great to share life’s experiences with that special someone, but it had to be with a man who was mine and only mine. With renewed resolve, I made up my mind. I wouldn’t let my heart get shattered again.

In the future I’d be looking out for number one—myself. I’d build an impenetrable wall around my heart so I’d never feel like this again. It just wasn’t worth it. There was no way I’d survive if it happened again.

I grimaced as I finished the last of my drink all too quickly and stared into the empty glass.

“Get the lady another drink. Make that two of whatever she’s having.” Another German broad, blond, and blue-eyed guy. He flicked a note onto the counter.

What was it with these corny pick-up lines? Surely guys had invented new ones since I’d turned twenty-one? Kurt kept shining the glass he was holding, ignoring the guy’s order.

“Hey, did you hear what I said?” German clone’s voice rose a few decibels as he glared at Kurt.

“I heard you,” Kurt replied, staring the guy down without making any attempt to serve him. “Leave her alone. She can't have another drink. She’s already had too many.”

“Who are you to decide?” Clone challenged. If Kurt squeezed that glass any harder, it was going to shatter in his hands.

I didn’t want blood on my hands, so it was time to step in and diffuse the situation. I batted my eyelids at Kurt, attempting to be flirtatious. “Pretty please?”

“That’s not going to work on me,” Kurt said, gritting his teeth. “I warned you to take it slowly.”

“Forget it. Come dance with me instead.” Clone grabbed hold of my arm and nodded toward the dance floor filled with gyrating bodies.

I had a good mind to tell him to fuck off and that I didn’t want to be disturbed. I’d come here to drink my troubles away and I’d done a pretty good job so far because my head swam and my knees felt like jelly. Then I gazed at my empty glass and Kurt’s thin lips, and I knew I didn’t have a chance in hell to get another drink from the cranky barman anytime soon.

Though my already fuzzy brain was trying to warn me, I chose to ignore it. Tired of being responsible and of always doing the right thing, I just wanted to escape reality for a while. Forget about all the crap I’d been through. Have fun.
That isn’t a sin, is it?

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