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     "I'm a very selfish man. I don’t
want you to cum without me there. Move your hand, Lexie…" When her
breathing quickened, Amir's voice became firm. “Lexie…stop.”
     This time his demand penetrated through the fog of her
arousal. She slowly opened her eyes. “What do you mean you want me to 'stop'?”
     “Do what I ask - without question - remember?”
     “Get up, put your panties and skirt back on. Do it,
” Alexis heard the whine in her
voice but she could care less. She wanted to cum. She
to so bad!
     “Because by the time you get home tonight, I want you
hot and wet and ready for what I'm going to give you. Can you do that for me?
Can you wait?”
     “Can you…?” he softly repeated. 
     Alexis sat there, chest heaving, feeling more
frustrated than she had ever been in her life. She let out a cry that relayed
her dissatisfaction as she stood up. “Fine...!”
     Amir knew she was pissed off, but he planned on
fucking her like she’d never been fucked before when he saw her. He would make
it up to her better than she could ever imagine. He listened to her huff and
puff, mumbling under her breath as she put her clothes back on.

     Amir looked down at his erection. His
position wasn't much better. “Alexis….”
     “What!” she snapped.
     “You know I’m crazy about you, don’t you?”
     Alexis didn’t want to hear that shit right now. “I
have to go Amir.” Her eyes narrowed into thin slits. She hesitated before
disconnecting the call. “You
coming straight home, aren’t you?”
     Amir chuckled softly. “Straight home. I promise.”
     “Fine. Bye”
     Alexis hung up without waiting on a reply. She sat
there for a minute, so horny she didn’t know what to do with herself. Then a
smile stretched across her face. She buzzed her secretary.
     “Mary, I’m leaving for the day, I’ve had an emergency
to come up. Direct any problems to Lori unless you absolutely need me.”
     Alexis stood up and walked to the door. She didn’t
know why Amir Montgomery was playing games with her, but he was about to get a
taste of his own medicine.



     Amir finally managed to get his libido in check and
get a little work done. As he thought about the anger and frustration he'd
heard in Alexis' voice before she hung up, his lips curled up into a smile.

You are one freaky bastard,
grinned. Luckily, he’d discovered the woman he planned on spending the rest of
his life with had the same exact tendencies.
     Forcing himself to get back to work, Amir made some
phone calls and was going over a report he'd just received when the door to his
office opened. He answered without looking up from the papers he was
     “Yeah, Nancy. What do ya need?” He wondered why his
secretary didn’t just buzz him. When she didn’t answer, he lifted his head. His
mouth fell open when he saw it was Lexie.
  “Hey baby! What are you doing
here??” He was happy to see her, of course, but a little curious. They didn’t
have plans for lunch or anything. Amir stood to come around the desk, but she
stopped him with a shake of her head and put a hand up for him to stay.
     Amir frowned. “Lex…what’s wrong?”
     Alexis locked the door then slowly walked towards him.
She unbuttoned her blouse with each deliberate step. Amir’s expression
immediately changed to one of lust as he sat back and looked her up and down.
This morning, he'd noticed how short and snug the skirt she put on fit around
her ass and thighs. She’d been oblivious to the way his eyes had followed her
around the bedroom as she rushed to get dressed for work. That damned skirt had
been the reason why he’d called her earlier. He hadn’t been able to stop
thinking about her ass provocatively showcased in it as she swished from one
side of the room to the other.
      Alexis came over and sat on his lap. The kiss
she gave him was hot and provocative. Amir's hands eagerly cupped her backside.
Without saying a word, Alexis stood up and reached down to unbuckle his belt
and unzip his pants. Amir lifted his hips to assist her as she pulled his boxer
briefs and pants down to his ankles. He whispered something she couldn’t quite
make out but from the way he stared at her, Alexis could more or less guess
what it was. She kneeled in front of him and lowered her head to his lap. She
licked the taunt skin covering his balls and continued up to the throbbing vein
on the underside of his thick muscle.
     Amir clawed at the arm of his chair, not caring if
anyone outside his office heard the guttural moans he made no attempt to
stifle. Lexie slowly slipped him inside her mouth one delicious inch at a time
until she'd taken as much of him as she could.
     “Ohhhh shittt…mmmm.” Amir watched her head bob up and
down and whispered encouraging words that complimented and praised her head
game. He bit his lip when her tongue swirled around the head of his shaft again
before she tried to swallow him down to the base.
     Amir placed his hand on the back of her head. His hips
lifted out of the chair as he pumped himself into her mouth. “Baby... Lexie,
I’m about to cum. Don’t stop.”
     Alexis worked his dick out of her mouth and kissed his
stomach. “Amir...?” Her tongue lovingly bathed and dipped inside his navel.
     “Yeah baby…” Amir tried to gently guide her head back
to finish the job.
     “Will you do something for me…” Her voice was a soft,
seductive whisper.
     “Anything, baby…
,” he moaned.
     Alexis quickly stood up and stepped back, buttoning
her blouse. Amir stared at her with lust shining in his confused eyes. She
moved around to the front of the desk when he tried to pull her back to
     “Lexie?” Amir's voice was gruff and hoarse as he
watched her straighten her clothes. "What's going on?"
     “Nothing, sweetheart. It's just...I want you hard, and
throbbing for me when you get home. So I think we should stop.”
     Comprehension materialized in Amir’s eyes. “Lexie...”
     “I want you to wait to cum for me, baby.” Lexie walked
to the door. “Can you do that? Can you wait until you get home to cum?”
     “Lexie!” Amir stood up. His lips tightened before he
deliberately softened his voice in order to try and coax her into finishing
what she’d started. “Lexie…come on, baby.”
     “I’m a very selfish woman, Amir. I want my dick buried
deep inside of me when you explode...okay?”
     Amir’s eyes hardened with anger. He reached down and
quickly pulled up his pants. “Alexis...!!”
     She opened the door and turned to look at him “Amir?
You know I’m crazy about you...right?” Her amusement showed on her face as she
closed the door.

     Lexie laughed as Amir continued to roar her name.
     “Is everything alright?” Nancy asked, smiling when she
saw Alexis’ devilish grin.
     “Oh, it will be. Do me a favor, Nancy. It’ll probably
take him a few minutes or so before he’s…presentable to step out of the office.
When he does, can you tell him that I’ll be waiting at home?”
    Nancy’s smile matched Alexis’. “Will do.”








     Amir and Soul were sitting in the
entertainment room of Soul's house watching the game on television - or at
least Soul was watching it. Amir stared at the screen, but the game was the last
thing on his mind.

     Soul screamed as their team scored. “Man,
did you see that?? That’s what I’m talkin’
     “Uh huh.” Amir answered.
     Soul waited, sure his friend was getting ready to add
an enthusiastic reply to match his. When he didn’t, Soul glanced over at Amir.
“Those boys went out there to win today! They ain’t playin' around!”
     “Yeah.” Amir took a sip of his beer, still just
staring at the screen.
     Soul frowned. He looked from the TV back at Amir.
“Damn. I sure am glad they let the cheerleaders perform topless tonight.”

     Soul stared at his friend with his mouth
open. “Yo! ’Mir...what the fuck? You been out of it ever since you got here. I
might as well be watching the game by my damn self.”
     Amir looked at Soul and frowned as if coming out of a
daze. “What was that, man?”
     Soul picked up the remote to mute the TV.
“A’ight…what's up with you?”
     Amir shrugged.  “Nothin’. I don’t know what
you’re talking about.” He turned his attention back to the TV. “Why did you
turn it down?”
     “Because you haven’t seen a single play since the game
started that’s why. Come on, man. What gives?”
     Amir started to deny there was a problem, then sighed
and shook his head. "I…damn, I don’t even know where to start.”

     Soul waited for him to get his thoughts
     “Okay. As you’re aware, Alexis asked me to go on this
business trip with her in a couple of days."
     “Right.” Michael was going to stay with Soul and
Sharon while they were gone.

     “We're both looking forward to spending
some alone time with each other, but...”

     When Amir hesitated, Soul gestured for
him to continue. “But what...?”
    “But it’s Las Vegas.”
     Amir became a little impatient when Soul didn't follow
what he was trying to say. “Bruh, come on. Vegas? Of all places??"
     “So?? Mir, I know you not trippin’ because Aleesha
lives in Vegas now. 'Cause if that’s what this is all about, come on, man! It's
highly unlikely you'll bump into her. Look how many fuckin’ people live in Las
Vegas, not to mention the amount of people that visit every got damn day around
this time of the year.”
     “Well, yeah, I would’ve thought the odds of ‘bumping
into’ Alexis in a city as big as Atlanta would've been nil to none, but it
happened, didn’t it? Came face to face with your house, of all

     “That was a coincidence.”

     Amir shook his head. “You know I don't
believe in coincidences.”
     “Think about what you’re saying. You and Lex are only
going to Vegas for a couple of days. You not gonna be anywhere near Aleesha.
Ya’ll are staying in a hotel in the city somewhere. She lives on the outskirts
of Vegas.”

     Amir’s eyes zoomed towards Soul. “How in
the hell do you know where she lives?”
     Soul avoided his eyes and shrugged. “She and Sharon
keep in touch and talk every now and then. They were good friends, you know.”
    “You never told me Sharon still talked to her.”

     Soul took another sip of beer. “There was
no need to. Was I supposed to give you weekly updates on Aleesha or something?”

     Amir slowly lowered his eyes then looked
away as he realized Soul was right. “I guess not. And yeah, I know it seems
unlikely that I’ll run into her….or her 'husband'." An intense look of
dislike crossed Amir's face at the thought of the stripper Aleesha had cheated
on him with at her bachelorette party while in Vegas. The two of them ended up
getting married a year ago. "But I have to admit, its fuckin’ with me a
little bit just knowing I’ll be in such close proximity to her.”
     Soul studied Amir closely. “Do you still have feelings
for her? I thought you and Alexis…”

     Amir shook his head before Soul even
finished the sentence. “No…believe me. Those feelings are dead and gone. Don’t
get me wrong, I’ll always care about Aleesha, of course, but my heart is with
Alexis.” He looked at Soul. “I love her, man. She and Michael mean everything
to me.”
     Soul grinned. “Shiiittt, I know that man.”

     “Well, I bet you don’t know I bought her
a ring.”

     Soul's eyes bucked in his head. “What
kind of ring?!”

     Amir glared at Soul for the longest time
before answering. ”You used to be one of those kids who took the short yellow
bus to school, weren’t you? What kind of ring you think? An engagement ring!”
     “What?! No shit? Git tha' fuck outta here, man!!” Soul
laughed loudly and slapped his friend on the back. “So when are you gonna
propose to her??”
     "I was thinking about doing it on this trip.”
     “I’m happy for you, Mir. That's a beautiful family you
have there.”
     “Thanks, man.”
     A comfortable silence followed for a few moments -
then they heard Destiny’s voice screaming through the house.
No shid. No shid. Get da fug out here. Mommy. No

     Soul sat straight up and held his breath
as he waited for it. Maybe she didn’t hear their daughter -
Sharon yelled his name from
the kitchen - and she didn't sound happy. 
     Soul bit back a curse and closed his eyes. So much for
watching the game in peace.


     Amir and Alexis flew into Vegas late Thursday evening.
Alexis' meeting was scheduled for early in the morning, so after checking in,
they decided to order room service instead of going out to eat.

     Amir glanced at Alexis as she sat curled
up in a chair restlessly flipping the channels on the flat screen television
mounted on the wall. She’d taken a shower and looked cute and cozy wrapped up
in her pink, fluffy robe.

     Amir walked behind her and started
massaging her shoulders. She’d been quiet ever since they left Atlanta but
whenever he inquired if there was something wrong or if she was worried about
the meeting tomorrow, she would only shake her head and change the subject.
Amir’s gut told him she was struggling with something internally, but he
couldn’t force her to talk to him.

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