No Simple Sacrifice (Secrets of Stone Book 5) (13 page)

BOOK: No Simple Sacrifice (Secrets of Stone Book 5)
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“Nothing.” Drake repeated the word in a serrated snarl. “Tell me, does that feel like
to you, Talia? Because to me, it feels like
. Every. Damn. Thing.”

He emphasized it by jerking her chin up with a finger, forcing her to confront our stares…daring her to say otherwise.

“I didn’t—” Her gaze gleamed, bursting with emotion. “I wasn’t—”

She huffed then swallowed, both actions interrupting her harsh breathing. She was obviously, desperately confused…and, Hell take me for the thought, ridiculously sexier for it. But I couldn’t help myself. Didn’t even want to. Her sweet, open naiveté…it was
drug of choice, and I flew high from this fresh drag.

“It’s all right, sweetheart.” Shock of shocks, Drake
stashed away a little tenderness. Just a little. “It occurred to us that you might simply need a little reminder. And since our calls and texts somehow kept getting lost,”—he lifted a convicting brow—“we thought the message would be best received via personal demonstration.”

He hooked two fingers into the edge of her towel, tucked securely on itself between her breasts. She shot both hands to the same area, clutching the cotton hard.

“Put your hands down, Tolly.” So much for his stash of gentleness. Or for my dick getting a reprieve from watching how his dictate affected her. “Lay them flat against the door.”

Effect or not, Talia didn’t budge.

“Do it. Now.”

Her brain waged war on itself. I watched, fascinated, as thoughts battled feelings…and lust fought logic. “Oh, sweetheart.” I nearly moaned it, aching for her, with her. “You’re still struggling so hard with it, aren’t you? Weighing a thousand pieces of both sides. Give in to the pleasure, or stand fast for the sake of proving a point?” I moved a little closer, but stopped when she flinched. “But there’s the rub…right, baby? The point of all of this
the pleasure we give you. Willingly. Completely.

My last word triggered another wince. My whole body coiled, fighting the yearning to just rush to her…to soothe away her anguish with my lips against her forehead, her hand against my heart. Because if I was reading her right—and I knew I was—the agony only meant we’d gotten to her. That she was just as turned-on as we were.

“Do what he says, Talia.”

Yeah. Pegged it.

She looked across her right shoulder to where I stood, confirming the truth of it. Our uncanny ability, seeming to know each other’s thoughts before they started, was cranking at full, awesome power. She was aroused as hell. Her eyes were shiny but hooded. The flush normally staining her cheeks had spread, coating her neck and chest.

With a shaky mewl, she dropped her arms. Pressed her palms to the wooden door, next to her thighs.

“Such a good girl.” Drake growled it with relish, before curling his index finger back into her cleavage. One swift yank later, he’d released the towel from its mooring. The white cloth pillowed to the floor, where I quickly kicked it out of the way. We wouldn’t want her tempted to reach again for it.

At all.

Not with the incredible canvas of her nudity for us to enjoy. To worship…

Drake must’ve been patched into my mental circuits now. As the thought filled my mind, he dropped to his knees in front of her.

Talia’s breath hitched so hard, I felt it as well as heard it. She clearly wasn’t comfortable being on the receiving end of our adoration—the pinnacle of what we both loved—but we were fully committed to making her crave our tongues as much as our cocks.

That action plan started right now.

“Put this foot here.” Drake tapped her left foot, then a place on the floor about a foot out.

Her breath halted again.

This time, mine joined it.

Drake sat back on his haunches, not touching her again. I understood his choice—why he gave her the option to obey or not. If she minded, she’d be offering herself to him with free will—and right now, both of us needed to see her do just that. We needed a demonstration that she really wanted this too; that we weren’t just puppies hopelessly following her around. Our hearts were completely lost to this woman. We’d said it endlessly, now wanted to prove it passionately—but the return commitment had to be there. The choice—for
—had to come from her in sentient actions. If she needed baby steps, like the twelve-inch slide just proposed by Drake, then we’d give her baby steps. But there had to
steps—starting with giving her body over to us tonight. If we could get that far, I was fucking certain her mind and heart would follow.

They had to

She looked down at Drake, panic widening her gaze, but he didn’t move a muscle. When the dude had a plan in his head, it was stay the course at all costs. I prayed the price for his idea wouldn’t be her trust. We were trying to build our foundation, not tear it down.

My breath pushed at the limits of my lungs, held as we awaited her decision. The solemnity in her eyes, turned darker by the fringe of her lashes, conveyed that she understood the meaning of this too. Submitting to Drake’s demand was more than the surface value of the words. It was something very different. Significant. More than what we’d asked of her in the past, when we could play her body as if we knew every one of its hot, wet buttons…because we did. Translation: in the throes of passion, the woman would do everything short of standing on her head for us—and perhaps that too. If she got it through her stubborn mind that every kiss, every arousal, and every orgasm had our heart in it—and that we were working for hers too—she would realize she held all the power here.

Our fucking souls. Wrapped in her gorgeous little hands.

We never wanted them anywhere else.

She finally dragged her head up. Gazed from Drake to me—

And made my gut plummet.

Across her face, there was something close to sadness. Maybe defeat?


Before I could figure it out, she moved her foot to the exact spot Drake had instructed. The whole thing trembled. She swallowed hard, as if facing a firing squad instead of the two men who utterly loved her.

The realization made me move. After covering the gap to her in two urgent strides, I leaned in, cupping her cheek, pressing words of love and praise into her forehead. “Thank you, sweetheart.
Thank you.
You’re so goddamn sexy. The most breathtaking thing we’ve both ever held in our arms. You know that, right? Just as you know Drake will make you feel good. We both will.”

She turned her giant brown eyes up to me, a silent plea for more encouragement. With that gaze, she could have asked for every star in the sky and I would have shot them down for her. This request was infinitely easier—and more incredible—to fill. I kissed her, unable to help myself any longer. I took it slow and easy, lazily stroking her tongue with mine, working her up, building our arousals in intricate, exquisite steps.

I was going to remember this for the rest of my life. I was going to remember

I gazed into her endless bronze stare…and knew she was thinking the exact same thing.

I kissed her again. Deeper. More demanding. Asking for more…and giving it too.

The little moans from deep in her throat…
They always shot straight to my cock, but tonight, the gift of her surrender was even better. A thousand times sweeter.

I rubbed myself through my slacks. Gave the motion a slight roll, so she’d know exactly what I was doing. Right now, had she pushed a butane lighter into my hand, I would’ve burned the things off. I wanted to be as bared as her. Wanted to feel her slender fingers around my shaft, trailing heat up my skin while Drake licked and sucked her pussy—

It had to wait. We needed to find out why the hell she’d said that shit to Taylor. I knew exactly how to get the job done, too. Right before this little girl was ready to come, the negotiator would become interrogator.

The second Drake’s tongue met her flesh, I knew it—not because I was watching, but because of the unique, perfect sound that unfurled from our darling little lover. I drank in the matching expression on her face: lashes fanning from her closed eyes, gasps bursting from her lush mouth, nipples hard and red as candy. Damn.
She was the most expressive, passionate lover when she just let it fly. We had to make this the norm for her, not something to talk her into every time we made love, like teenagers “doing the dirty”—no matter how hard my dick tried to convince me ten years had been shaved away. While that part was fucking incredible, the rest wasn’t.
were we not gaining ground with her? This was uncharted sky, and all our instruments were down. Never had a woman not called or texted—or both—within hours after we’d left their bed, but the one who’d finally captivated us insisted on staying an arm’s length away.

We had to get through to her. Had to make her comprehend what the hell she’d done to us. Drake was giving the effort a damn good start. He ate at her flesh like a starved man, licking and nibbling her intimate lips, sucking the juices of her arousal deep into his throat. Just the sound of it made me ballistic with lust. She was so wet, turning D’s rough moans into desperate growls. My cock surged more, damn near ordering me to drop next to him and taste for myself, but that would bring her to the edge too fast. I focused on burying my face in her neck, biting and kissing her sensitive skin, sucking and licking my way up to her ear, across her jaw, nipping at her lips then back again.

I ran fingers into her hair, which was starting to dry. It was messy and adorable, and felt like silk. I breathed in the scent of it, a simple floral that represented her so perfectly. Who the hell was I kidding? Everything about our little Talia was perfect.

Perfect for me.

Perfect for Drake.

A kind of perfect we never thought we’d find. At least not together.

“Please!” Her gasp vibrated against my neck as Drake drank noisily from her pussy. “Oh, please—it feels so good.”

She was building up quickly to her first release. Quickly…and beautifully.

I reached to Drake’s shoulder, silently signaling him to back away. He read me loud and clear, shifting back on his heels, letting me angle closer toward her.

Without ceremony, I plunged two fingers into her wet, tight channel. She let out a loud cry, banging the back of the door as the rest of her body quivered. I pulled out. Plunged back in. Another scream. Harder thuds of her little fists. Her desire was so pure and real and good. My cock got so hard I ground it against her thigh while continuing to finger fuck her.

Her eyes fell shut. I pressed tighter against her. “Look at me, baby.”

Her gaze flew open. Crashed into mine, then locked with it. She was seconds from exploding. I’d know that dazed look in a crowd of thousands. I dreamed of it every night, even in my big-ass bed in our Chicago place. A vision of her like this, naked for us while the Chi-Town wind howled outside on a stormy night, tightened my cock to the point of agony.

Focus on her. Focus on her. Focus on her.

I gave her a little grin as I changed up my touch, now sliding my thumb along her clit every time my fingers invaded her sweet little hole. “Feels good, Tolly?”

“Yes,” she rasped. “Ohhh…so good. Please, Fletcher!”

“Are you ready to come?”

“Yes! So close!” Her voice was a cross between a whine and a plea.”

“Mmmm,” I soothed. “You’re going to feel so good, love.”

“Oh—oh—okay. Just—
—I need to—”

“Do you want to come on my hand or D’s face? Your choice.”

Instantly, her lust cooled. Panic struck her face. I deciphered her conflict probably before she did. She didn’t want to choose one of us over the other and risk bruised feelings.

Drake pushed back up. Glided his hand down her other side before trailing it around to palm her ass—though appeared damn near noble as he gazed up at her, virtuous as a medieval knight seeking the favor of his ladylove. “Either one of us will be honored to get you off, sweetheart,” he asserted. “This isn’t a game show. There are no wrong answers.”

“And the night is
young,” I inserted. “Whoever doesn’t make you shake this time has priority boarding for your next couple of orgasms.”

Her gaze bulged. At the same time, I held my thumb on her pouting clit, making her breath and her voice stutter. “N-n-next

“Of course.” I chuckled and glanced at Drake. “Perhaps we’ve been going too easy on her, brother. She thinks one or two orgasms is all she deserves in a night.”

“Unacceptable.” Talia joined me in looking down at Drake, who’d dropped his hand to the ridge between his thighs, rubbing himself through the jeans he’d changed into on the plane. That explained his strangled voice. Not that mine sounded much better.

“Feel you, man.” I turned my attention back to the breathtaking woman writhing beneath my hands. “I’m going to come the minute we sink into her.”

He gave a knowing grunt. It was consoling, at least a little, knowing he was in the same painful place.

“Who will it be, sweetheart?” he growled.

Talia moaned. The sound trickled down her luscious, latte-colored curves, vibrating through both of us as well.

“Sugar?” Unbelievably, my prompt wasn’t as patient as his.

“Okay!” she finally blurted. “I—I—Ohhh, God…Drake. I—I pick Drake!”

I gave her a praising kiss. “
good, baby. That wasn’t so hard, was it?”

“Shut. Up.”

I snickered while pulling my soaked hand away from her pussy. Waited until her heated gaze followed my fingers up, up…to my mouth. While she watched, breathing hard, I slowly sucked her juice off one finger…then dipped the other into her mouth, sharing the nectar. I clenched my jaw—and just about every other muscle in my body—to resist taking her mouth again, before stepping back to let Drake finish her off.

He wasted no time getting back into position. Didn’t blame him. Talia was a sight for any man’s wildest fantasy, gleaming and panting, every muscle in her glorious body stretched tight…her pussy a glistening wonder, ready to be conquered.

BOOK: No Simple Sacrifice (Secrets of Stone Book 5)
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