Read Nobody's Perfect Online

Authors: Kallypso Masters

Nobody's Perfect (62 page)

BOOK: Nobody's Perfect
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"Shhh. Deep breath,
. Tell me where you are."

"I couldn't breathe. Your weight smothered me, just like…" Tears stung her eyes as she drew a deep breath. How could ever have sex with Damián, if she couldn't stand to have him on top of her? "I'm sorry. This isn't going to work."

"What are you apologizing for?"

"Freaking out on you. Being a failure at Sex 101."

He pulled her against his body and wrapped his arm around her waist where his hand rested on her abdomen. His lips tickled her ear as he spoke. "I don't want to hear you call yourself a failure ever again. We'll begin to map our course tonight, taking each trigger as it comes and talking about them. For starters, tell me where you went when I laid on top of you."

"My bedroom." Her voice sounded like a scared little girl's. She didn't want to be that scared little girl anymore and made sure she sounded like a grown woman when she continued. "I flashed back to the age of eight or nine. My father came into my room at night and…"

His body tensed, but his voice remained calm. "Okay, we're going to put the missionary position on the hard-limits list."

The confident way he just proposed a solution to the problem made her wonder if there were any hang ups too big for Damián. She scooted onto her back and looked up into his concerned face. "There are other positions?"

He smiled. "Hell, yeah. I look forward to showing
of them to you,

"Starting tonight?" How many positions could there be? Part of her wanted to learn more; part of her was scared to death.

He smiled. "You're every man's dream."

But she didn't know where to start. "Sir, will you guide me?"

"Let's just take it one step at a time. Let's get out of these clothes."

Savannah's heart pounded, and she glanced down at the dragon roaring at her, unable to meet his gaze. She'd stopped at his briefs and hadn't completely removed her clothes either. She'd seen him naked before, but it had been so long ago. She'd grown curious lately to see what it had been too dark to see in that cave.

So why was she so nervous?

Trust him.

She drew a deep breath. "I'm ready to continue."

"That's my girl." He laid down on his back, never taking his eyes off her. "So, who strips first? Lady's choice."

She grinned. "You've already seen me plenty of times, so I'm more comfortable starting with me."

Kneeling on the bed, she sat on her heels and faced Damián. He had his hands tucked behind his head, as if ready to watch a show. Damián noticed her hesitation. Heck, Damián noticed everything.

"First, stroke your body—your chest, breasts, abdomen. Then work your way down to the shorts."

She hadn't intended to do another striptease, but she wanted to please him, and appreciated his guidance so she could learn what he liked and not have to guess based on her very limited knowledge of what men and women in loving relationships did in bed together.

She began with her hands on the sides of her neck, realizing her palms were a little sweaty. Keeping her eyes on Damián's appreciative face gave her courage and she touched her body in what she hoped was a seductive way. When her hands reached her breasts, she pinched and pulled the nipples. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Chico bob, and knew she must be doing something right.

After a few moments, she continued her journey across her abdomen to her belly button. She wasn't quite sure what to do, so she sat up off her heels, hooked her thumbs into the waistband, and wiggled her hips as she shimmied out of the tight shorts.

The cold air hit Chiquita full force, and without a doubt, Savannah knew she was wet. She smiled and laid down on the bed to finish removing the shorts. When she felt brave enough to look at him, she saw his gaze was focused on the pink, shaved skin of her mons.

She felt herself growing wetter. What was he doing to her?

"So fucking perfect."

Suddently shy about meeting Chico again, she rolled over and got out of the bed. "I think it might be more…um, romantic without the lights." She turned off the overhead light and glanced toward the bathroom. She shut the door partway, allowing just enough light into the room that they would be able to find each other.

When she returned to the bed, Damián had stretched out on his side facing her, still wearing his briefs. He patted the bed beside him and she crawled into the center of the bed, lying on her back.

"No. Lie on your side."

She started to turn toward him, but he motioned for her to face away. Confused, she followed his guidance, perfectly happy to have him calling the shots, but wondered what he had in mind. She couldn't touch him if he was behind her.

He spooned against her, his arm over her waist and his hand on her belly. He wanted to go to sleep? She wasn't tired at all!



Chapter Twenty-Five


Savannah tried hard not to wiggle against Chico, pressed hard against her butt crack. She didn't want to encourage him. Damián needed his sleep.

His hand began stroking her abdomen and she held her breath. Or maybe he didn't plan to go to sleep after all. Savannah had no clue what she was supposed to do in this position so she just gave in to the feel of his touch.

Damián's hand brushed against the underside of her breasts at the same time his lips came down on her shoulder in a tender kiss. She drew in a rapid breath. By the time his hand reached her nipple, it was rigid and waiting for him. He rolled it tenderly at first, then harder. Her hips bucked, not away from Chico, but toward him. Chiquita seemed to have a mind of her own.

"Oh. That feels so good." She didn't want him to stop.

His teeth nibbled on her shoulder sending a clear message to the area below her waist. Savannah ached, wanting his fingers, his lips, his teeth touching Chiquita, as well.

Damián seemed to be in no hurry with his slow, gentle exploration. Why didn't he touch her there? She wiggled her ass against Chico, who pulsated against her, but Damián hadn't moved his hips. Involuntary. Chiquita throbbed in response. She wanted him to touch her.

How could she get Damián to understand what she wanted?


"Yes, Savannah?"

"I…you…um, what do you want me to be doing?"


Oh, she was feeling all right—an overload of feelings. "I think I've achieved that objective. What's next?"

"This is your plan,
. I'm following the original Frag Order, but if you need to rip that one up and write a new one, just keep me informed."

"Oh." She could ask for what she needed, though. How could she… "Sir…well then, Chiquita has lifted the ban on touches below the waist."

"Is she sure?"

"Are you questioning her orders, Marine?"

Did she need to draw him a road map here?

He chuckled. "No, ma'am. Tell General Chiquita I'm quite capable of following her FragO."

She held her breath, waiting for him to touch Chiquita, but instead he continued to drive her senses crazy by playing with her nipple. He took his sweet time pulling, squeezing, or rolling it, all the while making Chiquita wetter. When he let go, she nearly wept with joy.
But he just moved his hand to the other and began torturing it the same way.

"Please, Damián. I want…" Remembering how he'd brought her to orgasm previously with his tongue, she wanted to experience that again.

Please don't make me beg.

"You want what,

Savannah panted, her mouth slightly open to allow more air into her constricted lungs, as he continued to torment her.

"I want you to touch
mi chiquita
! I mean, Chiquita wants…oh, Sir, you know what I want. Why won't you give it to me?"

"Chiquita is a demanding little thing, but I'm here to follow orders. Now, define Chiquita's territory?"


"I want to make sure I don't touch places that are off-limits. Tell me where I can touch you."

"Nothing is off limits to your fingers, or…your tongue."

"Ahhh, I see."

Thank goodness the lights were out, although she was surprised her bright red face wasn't a beacon in here.

"On your back. Now." Her stomach seemed to drop through the mattress and she rolled onto her back without hesitation. He reached up and grabbed a pillow. "Lift your hips."

Never taking her eyes off him, she bent her knees and did as he commanded. After he slid the pillow under her butt, he instructed her to do so again and tucked another pillow under her, raising her pus…
off the bed, positioning her for his mouth. Finally!

Instead, he lowered his mouth to her nipple. She groaned in frustration. While his mouth bit and pulled on one nipple, his fingers tormented the other. Her hips bucked into the air seeking his touch.

"Please, Sir. I can't take any more."

Damián pulled away, her nipple clamped between his teeth. He stretched her breast until the pain made her lift her chest, and then he pulled some more before releasing it with a plop. He grinned. "Oh, I think you can take much, much more
. And I plan to give it to you."

Chiquita responded by throbbing and growing even wetter.

She hadn't even caught her breath before his mouth descended again, blazing a trail across her belly. At last, he was advancing on Chiquita, who was growing even more impatient. She held her breath and clung to the sheets to keep from screaming as he drew closer and closer.

Pain burned in her chest before she remembered to breathe again. His teeth nibbled at her mons, driving her nearer to the edge. She bucked her hips and he bit her.


He stared at her and grinned. "Lie still and you won't get hurt—as much."

Oh, dear lord
. She wasn't going to survive tonight.

Damián rose and crawled to the foot of the mattress and turned to face her. "Open yourself wider,
mi mariposa

She remembered feeling like a butterfly, spread open for him in the beach cave. She complied and he crawled between her knees.

Oh, thank God
. Maybe she'd make it, after all, if he put his tongue on her. Now!

Once more, he thwarted her and began placing kisses and nibbles on her feet, ankles, calves, alternating legs and taking his own time about it, too. She clutched the sheets and hung on. He placed a kiss on the inside of her knee joint and her hip jolted upward. How much more did he expect her to take?

When he finally arrived at her thighs, she hyperventilated. He stopped.

"Slow, deep breaths,
. I don't want you passing out on me."

"Passing out? Passing
? You're killing me here and you're worried I'm going to faint?"

He chuckled. "You've been so quiet, I wasn't sure you were awake."

She growled in frustration.

"Now, let's see if Chiquita is awake."

Her clit throbbed. She only nodded, unable to speak. At last. He'd run out of leg and was going to—

He spread her labia with his thumbs and blew warm breath on Chiquita. Savannah nearly wept. Her body began to shake. The pressure had built so far, she wasn't even sure he'd have to touch her for her to come.

"Please, Sir! I beg for mercy and release."

"I aim to give you both." His tongue lapped at the juices flowing from her pussy. "So sweet. Thank you for getting wet for me, Chiquita."

How could she not get wet, the way he was bringing her body to life? Maybe Chiquita was crying in frustration.

His tongue ventured up her cleft to the hood surrounding her clit. He stroked it several times before he took the entire hood between his teeth and nipped her. Rather than pull away, Chiquita moved closer.

"More. Please, don't stop."

He bit down again, not as hard as where he'd bitten her elsewhere, but she wouldn't have been able to take that much pressure. With his teeth holding the hood, he flicked his tongue against her until her clit came out and was overpowered by him.

"Yes! There!"

The movement of Damián's shoulders told her he was laughing, but she didn't care, as long as he kept his teeth, tongue, and mouth where they were.

He pulled away and she groaned. She looked down at him, tears springing to her eyes. "Why, Sir? Why won't you just let me come? I can't take any more."

He grinned and grabbed her right hip. "I'm going to hold you down with one hand so you won't flit away. Hang on,

He lowered his head and she could only see his black hair nestled between her legs. His tongue flicked harder against her clit and she bucked. She laid her head on the pillow and closed her eyes as he held her down with an even firmer hand and rammed his finger inside her. Chiquita clenched around his finger, welcoming him. The first finger was joined on the next stroke by another, and he began to palpate an area deep inside. Just when she thought the pressure couldn't get any worse, her entire body began shaking. Beads of sweat popped out on her skin, leaving her hot and cold at the same time.

His mouth left her.

Don't stop now!

"Come for me Savannah."

Despite how long he'd taken to get her here, he held nothing back when he descended on her once more. His fingers and tongue assaulted her until every last defense was battered down.

"Yes! I'm coming! Don't stop. Oh, God, don't stop now!"

He didn't. She bucked against him, riding the tide of her physical and emotional release. "Yessss! Oh, Damián! I love you!" His movements stopped and she realized what she'd said. A sob broke free. "I'm sorry. I can't help it. I do. But if you leave me hanging here any longer, you'll never get to visit Chiquita again."

He took her home.

"Yesss. Oh, oh, oh, don't stop!" The world disappeared for a moment as she rode his mouth, until the stimulation against her clit became painful. The earth moved again, then she realized it was just the mattress.

BOOK: Nobody's Perfect
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