Nolo's Essential Guide to Buying Your First Home (81 page)

Read Nolo's Essential Guide to Buying Your First Home Online

Authors: Ilona Bray,Alayna Schroeder,Marcia Stewart

Tags: #Law, #Business & Economics, #House buying, #Property, #Real Estate

BOOK: Nolo's Essential Guide to Buying Your First Home
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secondary market
seller carrybacks
two-step loans
where to go for
See also
Adjustable rate mortgages (ARMs); Fixed-rate mortgages; Lenders
Mortgages, second
home equity loans/lines of credit as
loans from family or friends as
seller financing and
Motor vehicles, zoning restrictions on parking
Movers, professional
arranging move
closing date and date of
getting to know neighbors
home security tips
housewarming parties
notifying friends and family
notifying landlord
online tips
preparing children for
preparing pets for
seller’s failure to move out
setting up services following
Moving costs
gifts to cover
for starter houses
tax deductions for
Mudslides, hazard insurance exclusions
Multifamily residential zoning
Multiple Listing Service (MLS)
“expired” and “price reduction” tags
market temperature and
realtor access to
ZipRealty access to
Nash, Mark, background and thoughts
National Association of Exclusive Buyer Agents
National Association of Home Builders
National Association of Mortgage Brokers (NAMB)
National Association of Professional Organizers
National Association of Realtors (NAR)
National Flood Insurance Program
National Lead Info Clearinghouse
Natural disasters
hazard insurance exclusions
potential for
accessibility and services
activities for kids
character and community
day and night perspectives
driving through
famous, matching game
features that boost resale value
getting to know neighbors after move
neighbor-related disputes
of old houses
online or phone tools for investigating
real estate agent advice on
resources and accessibility
restrictions on homeowners in CIDs
safety concerns
starter houses in good
talking to people in neighborhood
zoning and other restrictions
Neighbors, not-yet-built houses and
Newly built houses
benefits and drawbacks
closing costs
common defects
compensating buyers for delays
final walk-through
government-assisted loans
home (builder) warranties for
homeowner’s insurance rates
home warranties for
inspection contingency removal
insurance discounts for lowered risk
late completion
as overlooked
poor workmanship
purchase contracts for
real estate agents for
researching development
title insurance for
websites for locally available
See also
Not-yet-built houses
Newly built houses, financing for
developer financing
developer incentives
mortgage rate buydowns
cancelling subscriptions when moving
real estate sections
Notary publics
administrative fees
closing role
Notes (promissory notes), reviewing and signing
Not-yet-built houses
developer sales tactics
disclosure reports
Nuclear perils, hazard insurance exclusions
Offers, written
acceptance by seller
all-cash offers
backup offers
for bank-owned properties
closing date
for cold markets
counteroffers by seller
earnest money deposits
escrow or trust accounts
expiration date
for hot markets
how much to offer
negotiating with sellers
for newly built houses
preparedness checklist
as purchase contract
real estate agent role
rejection by seller
for short sales
See also
Contingency clauses; Purchase agreement clauses; Purchase agreements
Old houses
benefits and drawbacks
historic landmark status
homeowner’s insurance rates
Open houses
to assess market temperature
feng shui tips
First-Look Home Inspection Checklist
vs. individual appointments
layout and floorplan
picking up paperwork
questions for seller
recent remodels
Sunday afternoon
visiting without realtor
what to expect
Ordinance or law endorsements, hazard insurance
Overlooked houses
bank-owned properties
foreclosed properties
newly built houses
overpriced houses
probate property
public sale or auction properties
short sales
starter houses
stigmatized properties
Overpriced houses
FSBOs houses
negotiating with sellers
offering too much
as overlooked
See also
Market temperature
Ownership of property
changing title
community property
community property with right of survivorship
joint tenants with right of survivorship
sole property
tenants by the entirety
tenants in common
Owners Network
Owner’s policies
See also
Title insurance
CC&R rules
notifying permit providers of move
zoning restrictions
Parties, purchase agreement clause
Payment caps, for option ARMs
PDF forms, using files to create documents
Periodic caps, for ARMs
Perkins, Broderick
Permit requirements, for remodeling
Personal liability, liability insurance coverage
Personal property
hazard insurance coverage
inventory software
Pest inspections/pest reports
contingency clauses
cost of
lender requirements
pest inspector references
from sellers
state laws
termite facts
CC&R rules
hazard insurance coverage
liability insurance coverage
preparing for move
restrictions on farm animals

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