Nomads of Gor (6 page)

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Authors: John Norman

Tags: #Science Fiction, #Fiction, #General, #Fantasy, #Adventure, #Gor (Imaginary Place), #Cabot; Tarl (Fictitious Character), #Outer Space, #Nomads, #Outlaws

BOOK: Nomads of Gor
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"Let us fight," I suggested.

Angrily the Tuchuk pulled back on the reins of the kaiila,

causing it to rear, snarling, pawing at the sky. "And willingly

would I do so, Koroban sleep," he spit out. "Pray thou to

Priest-Kings that the lance does not fall to me!"

I did not understand this.

He turned his kaiila and in a bound or two swung it about

in the midst of his fellows.

Then the Kassar approached me.

"Koroban," said he, "did you not fear our lances?"

"I did," I said.

"But you did not show your fear," said he.

I shrugged.

"Yet," said he, "you tell me you feared." There was

wonder on his face.

I looked away.

"That," said the rider, "speaks to me of courage."

We studied each other for a moment, sizing one another

up. Then he said, "Though you are a dweller of cities, a

vermin of the walls, I think you are not unworthy, and thus

I pray the lance will fall to me."

He turned his mount back to his fellows.

They conferred again for a moment and then the warrior

of the Katau approached, a lithe, strong proud man, one in

whose eyes I could read that he had never lost his saddle, nor

turned from a foe.

His hand was light on the yellow bow, strung taut. But no

arrow was set to the string.

"Where are your men?" he asked.

"I am alone," I said.

The warrior stood in the stirrups, shading his eyes.

"Why have you come to spy?" he asked.

"I am not a spy," I said.

"You are hired by the Turians," he said.

"No," I responded.

"You are a stranger," he said.

"I come in peace," I said.

"Have you heard," he asked, "that the Wagon Peoples slay


"Yes," I said, "I have heard that."

"It is true," he said, and turned his mount back to his


Last to approach me was the warrior of the Paravaci, with

his hood and cape of white fur, and the glistening broad

necklace of precious stones encircling his throat.

He pointed to the necklace. "It is beautiful, is it not?" he


"Yes," I said.

"It will buy ten bosks," said he, "twenty wagons covered

with golden cloth, a hundred she-slaves from Turia."

I looked away.

"Do you not covet the stones," he prodded, "these riches?"

"No," I said.

Anger crossed his face. "You may have them," he said.

"What must I do?" I asked.

"Slay me!" he laughed.

I looked at him steadily. "They are probably false stones,"

I said, "amber droplets, the pearls of the Vosk sorp, the

polished shell of the Tamber clam, glass colored and cut in

Ar for trade with ignorant southern peoples."

The face of the Paravaci, rich with its terrible furrowed

scars, contorted with rage.

He tore the necklace from his throat and flung it to my


"Regard the worth of those stones!" he cried.
I fished the necklace from

the dust with the point of my sword, it in the sun. It hung like a belt of light, sparkling with a spectrum of riches hundred merchants.

"Excellent," I admitted, handing it back to him on the tip

of the spear.

Angrily he wound it about the pommel of the saddle.

"But I am of the Caste of Warriors," I said, "of a high city

and we do not stain our spears for the stones of men not,

even such stones as these."

The Paravaci was speechless.

"You dare to tempt me," I said, feigning anger, "as if I

beyond the dreams of a man, were of the Caste of Assassins or a common
thief with his dagger in the night." I frowned at him. "Beware," I

"lest I take your words as insult."

The Paravaci, in his cape and hood of white fur, with the

priceless necklace wrapped about the pommel of his saddle,

sat stiff, not moving, utterly enraged. Then, furiously, the

scars wild in his face, he sprang up in the stirrups and lifted

both hands to the sky. "Spirit of the Sky," he cried, "let the

lance fall to motto mel" Then abruptly, furious, he wheeled

the kaiila and joined the others, whence he turned to regard


As I watched, the Tuchuk took his long, slender lance and

thrust it into the ground, point upward. Then, slowly, the

four riders began to walk their mounts about the lance,

watching it, right hands free to seize it should it begin to fall.

The wind seemed to rise.

In their way I knew they were honoring me, that they had

respected my stand in the matter of the charging lances, that

now they were gambling to see who would fight me, to whose

weapons my blood must flow, beneath the paws of whose

kaiila I must fall bloodied to the earth.

I watched the lance tremble in the shaking earth, and saw

the intentness of the riders as they watched its Lightest

movement. It would soon fall.

I could now see the herds quite clearly, making out indi-

vidual animals, the shaggy humps moving through the dust,

see the sun of the late afternoon glinting off thousands of

horns. Here and there I saw riders, darting about, all

mounted on the swift, graceful kaiila. The sun reflected from

the horns in the veil of dust that hung over the herds was

quite beautiful.

The lance had not yet fallen.

Soon the animals would be turned in on themselves, to mill

together in knots, until they were stopped by the shaggy walls

of their own kind, to stand and grew until the morning. The

wagons would, of course, follow the herds. The herd forms

both vanguard and rampart for the advance of the wagons.

The wagons are said to be countless, the animals without

number. Both of these claims are, of course, mistaken, and

I the Ubars of the Wagon Peoples know well each wagon and

the number of branded beasts in the various herds; each herd

is, incidentally, composed of several smaller herds, each

watched over by its own riders. The bellowing seemed now to

come from the sky itself, like thunder, or from-the horizon,

like the breaking of an ocean into surf on the rocks of the

shore. It was like a sea or a vast natural phenomenon slowly

approaching. Such indeed, I suppose, it was. Now, also, for

the first time, I could clearly smell the herd, a rich, vast,

fresh, musky, pervasive odor, compounded of trampled grass

and torn earth, of the dung, urine and sweat of perhaps more

than a minion beasts. The magnificent vitality of that smell,

so offensive to some, astonished and thrilled me; it spoke to

me of the insurgence and the swell of life itself, ebullient,

raw, overflowing, unconquerable, primitive, shuffling, smell-

ing, basic, animal, stamping, snorting, moving, an avalanche

of tissue and blood and splendor, a glorious, insistent, invinci-

ble cataract of breathing and walking and seeing and feeling

on the sweet, flowing, windswept mothering earth. And it was

in that instant that I sensed what the bask might mean to the

Wagon Peoples.

"Ho!" I heard, and spun to see the black lance fall and

scarcely had it moved but it was seized in the fist of the

scarred Tuchuk warrior.

The Tuchuk warrior lifted the lance in triumph, in the

same instant slipping his fist into the retention knot and

kicking the roweled heels of his boots into the silken flanks of

his mount, the animal springing towards me and the rider in

the same movement, as if one with the beast, leaning down

from the saddle, lance slightly lowered, charging.

The slender, flexible wand of the lance tore at the seven-

layered Gorean shield, striking a spark from the brass rim

binding it, as the man had lunged at my head.

I had not cast the spear.

I had no wish to kill the Tuchuk.

The charge of the Tuchuk, in spite of its rapidity and

momentum, carried him no more than four paces beyond

me. It seemed scarcely had he passed than the kaiila had

wheeled and charged again, this time given free rein, that it

might tear at me with its fangs.

I thrust with the spear, trying to force back the snapping

jaws of the screaming animal. The kaiila struck, and then

withdrew, and then struck again. All the time the Tuchuk

thrust at me with his lance. Four times the point struck me

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