Nomads of Gor (71 page)

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Authors: John Norman

Tags: #Science Fiction, #Fiction, #General, #Fantasy, #Adventure, #Gor (Imaginary Place), #Cabot; Tarl (Fictitious Character), #Outer Space, #Nomads, #Outlaws

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departure, but, as it turned out,' it did not, perhaps because

the first word Saphrar had of our intentions was the tumbling

of dying tarns behind the walls of the compound.

Harold and I chewed on some bask meat roasted over a

fire built on the marble floor of the palace of Phanius

Turmus. Nearby our tethered kaiila crouched, their paws on

the bodies of slain verrs, devouring them.

"Most of the people," Harold was saying, "are out of the

city now."

"That's good," l said.

"Kamchak will close the gates soon," said Harold, "and

then we shall get to work on Saphrar's house and that tarn

roost of Ha-Keel's."

I nodded. The city now largely clear of defenders, and

closed to the outside, Kamchak could bring his forces to bear

on Saphrar's house, that fort within a fort, and on the tower

of Ha-Keel, taking them, if necessary, by storm. Ha-Keel

had, we estimated, most of a thousand tarnsmen still with

him, plus many Turian guardsmen. Saphrar probably had,-

behind his walls, more than three thousand defenders, plus a

comparable number of servants and slaves, who might be of

some service to him, particularly in such matters as reinforc-

ing gates, raising the height of walls, loading crossbows,

gathering arrows from within the compound, cooking and

distributing food and, in the case of the women, or some of

them, pleasing his warriors.

After I had finished the bask meat I lay back on the floor,

a cushion beneath my head, and stared at the ceiling. I could

see stains from our cooking fire on the vaulted dome.

"Are you going to spend the night here?" asked Harold.

"I suppose so," I said.

"But some thousand bask came today from the wagons,"

he said.

I turned to look at him. I knew Kamchak had brought,-

over the past few days, several hundred bask to graze near

Turia, to use in- feeding his troops.

"What has that to do with where I sleep?" I asked. "You

are perhaps going to sleep on the back of a bosk because

you are a Tuchuk or something?" I thought that a rather

good one, at any rate for me.

But Harold did not seem particularly shattered, and I


"A Tuchuk," he informed me loftily, "may if he wishes

rest comfortably on even the horns of a bask, but only a

Koroban is likely to recline on a marble floor when he might

just as well sleep upon the pelt of a larl in the wagon of a


"I don't understand," I said.

"I suppose not," said Harold.

"I'm sorry," I said.

"But you still do not understand?"

"No," I admitted.

"Poor Koroban," he muttered. Then he got up, wiped his

quiva on his left sleeve, and thrust it in his belt.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"To my wagon," he said. "It arrived with the bask along

with better than two hundred other wagons today including


I propped myself up on one elbow. "I do not have a.

- wagon," I said.

"But of course you do," he said. "And so do I."

I merely looked at him, wondering if it were merely

Harold the Tuchuk at work again.

"I am serious," he averred. "The night that you and I to

departed for Turia, Kamchak ordered a wagon prepared for

each of us to reward us."

I remembered that night the long swim against the un-

derground current, the well, our capture, the Yellow Pool of

Turia, the Pleasure Gardens, the tarns and escape.

"At that time, of course," said Harold, "our wagons were

not painted red, nor filled with booty and rich things, for we

were not then commanders."

"But to reward us for what?" I asked.

"For courage," said he.

"Just that?" I asked.

"But for what else?" asked Harold.

"For success," I said. "You were successful. You did what

you set out to do. I did not. I failed. I did not obtain the

golden sphere."

"But the golden sphere is worthless," said Harold.

"Kamchak has said so."

"He does not know its value," I said.

Harold shrugged. "Perhaps," he said.

"So you see," I said, "I was not successful."

`'But you were successful," insisted Harold.

"How is that?" I asked.

"To a Tuchuk," said Harold, "success is courage that is

the important thing courage itself even if all else fails

that is success."

"I see," I said.

"There is something here I think you do not realize," said


"What is that?" I asked.

He paused. "That in entering Turia and escaping as we

did even bringing tarns to the camp we the two of us

won the Courage Scar."

I was silent. Then I looked at him. "But," I said, "you do

not wear the scar."

"It would have been rather difficult to get near the gates

of Turia for a fellow wearing the Courage Scar, would it


"Indeed it would," I laughed.

"When I have time," said Harold, "I will call one from the

clan of Scarers and have the scar affixed. It will make me

look even more handsome."

I smiled.

"Perhaps you would like me to call him for you as well?"

inquired Harold.

"No," I said.

Fit might take attention away from your hair," he men-


"No, thank you," I said.

"All right," said Harold, "it is well known you are only a,

Koroban, and not a Tuchuk." But then he added, soldierly.

"But you wear the Courage Scar for what you did not all

men who wear the Courage Scar do so visibly."

I did not speak.

"Well," said Harold, "I am tired and I am going to my

wagon, I have a little slave there I am anxious to put to


"I did not know of my wagon," I said.

. "I gathered not," said Harold, "seeing that you apparently

spent the night after the battle comfortably resting on the

floor - of Kamchak's wagon, I looked around for you that

night but didn't find you." He added, "Your own wagon,

you will be pleased to hear, was among the wagons, un-

touched by the Paravaci as was mine."

I laughed. "It is strange," I said, "I did not even know of

the wagon."

"You would have found out long ago," said Harold, "had

you not rushed off to Turia again immediately after our

return when the wagons were moving toward Ta-Thassa.

You did not even stop by Kamchak's wagon that day. Had

you done so Aphris, or someone, might have told you."

"From the sleen cage?" I asked.

"She was not in the sleen cage the morning of our return

from Turia with the tarns," said Harold.

"Oh," I said, "I am glad to hear it."

"Nor was the little barbarian," said Harold.

"What became of her?" I asked.

"Kamchak gave her to a warrior," he said.

"Oh," I said. I was not glad to hear it. "Why didn't you

tell me of my wagon?" I asked.

"It did not seem important," he said.

I frowned.

"I suppose, however," he said, "Korobans are impressed

with such things having wagons and such."

I smiled. "Harold the Tuchuk," I said, "I am tired."

"Are you not going to your wagon tonight?" he asked.

"I think not," I said.

'As you wish," said he, "but I have had it well stocked

with Paga and Ka-la-na wines from Ar and such."

In Turia, even though we had much of the riches of the

city at our disposal, there had not been much Paga or

Ka-la-na wine. As I may have mentioned the Turians, on the

whole, favor thick, sweet wines. I had taken, as a share of

battle loot, a hundred and ten bottles of Paga and forty

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