Read Nordic Lessons Online

Authors: Christine Edwards

Tags: #oslo, #biker, #norway, #Alpha Male, #bondage

Nordic Lessons (20 page)

BOOK: Nordic Lessons
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She slowly wiggles around to face me, and I curl my arms around her in a possessive embrace. Her mesmerizing eyes are still glazed as she whispers to me, “Being with you, Mikkel, is like living life at light speed. I love the creativity that you bring to my world. I love you too, so very much.”

I grin at her and whisper back, “Say it again for me, baby. I’ll never get enough of hearing it come out of your beautiful mouth.”

“I love you, Mikkel.”

My heart swells in my chest, and suddenly I feel like the luckiest bastard on the damn planet.



Chapter Eleven

lora, look at me.”

Lifting my chin high I meet his soft gaze, “I’m fine, really. Just nervous, I suppose.”

He sifts his fingers through my hair as we enter the lavish historic building. In a low tone he says, “Don’t be, sweetheart. They’re gonna love you.”

“I really wish I spoke the language. I’m kicking myself now for not taking Norwegian lessons back in London when Alexander first moved here over a year ago.”

“Don’t worry about it, baby. They speak perfect English. Just take a deep breath and relax, all right?”

I squeeze his comforting, warm palm. “I’m good.”

The doorman glances up from his desk and nods once at Mikkel. Once we are in the elevator, I watch him enter a key and simultaneously push the button for the top floor, number seven. I try my best to slow my breathing. I can’t remember the last time I met a lover’s parents.
What if they’re disappointed I’m not Norwegian? Get a grip, Elora. You are who you are, lady, just be sincere. No backing out now ….

He squares his shoulders to face me, “I have a surprise for you.”

I blink and smile, “You do?”

“Yes, Lisetta and Bern are dropping by for dinner as well.”


“Yes, I thought they would be a nice addition tonight, don’t you think?”

“That’s wonderful. I’m glad they’ll be here.”

The ornate elevator slows to a stop and the doors open into an interior hallway. Immediately I realize that we’re inside their home. Pinpoint LED lighting spotlights a long row of paintings, some sweeping landscapes and others magnificent sketches under glass.
Wait … is that a Degas?

I drink in the beauty of the fine art as Mikkel urges me along down the white marble hallway. A delicious scent wafts our way as we reach the end.

Mikkel calls out in his deep voice.


Immediately his parents emerge from somewhere in the glamorous penthouse. The first thing I notice is that Mikkel really takes after his father in the looks department. With the exception of a liberal amount of gray on the sides of his hair, a sleeker build and no facial hair, they are undoubtedly father and son. Both parents are donning warm, genuine smiles that immediately put me at ease.

His father begins in a low, soft voice, “And this must be Elora, who we have heard so much about recently. Hello, I’m Nils and this is my wife, Silje. We’re happy to have you here in our home this evening.”

“Thank you. It’s a pleasure to meet you both.” I smile shyly at his beautiful blond mother, who looks like a fairy, with delicate features and pale, ice-blue eyes. “These are for you, Silje.” I hand her the bouquet of white tiger lilies.

“Thank you, Elora. My very favorite, how did you know?”

“It was merely a guess, actually. I’m glad you like them.”

“Yes, very much. Please come into the living room and make yourself comfortable. Son, would you please place her coat in the closet?”


She motions to one of the two snow-white sofas flanking the roaring fire. “Please have a seat, Elora. I’m just going to put these in a vase.”

I follow Nils and take a seat opposite him at the end of one of the sumptuous sofas.

He crosses his right leg and I note the perfect crease in his charcoal colored dress trousers. With a crisp white dress shirt unbuttoned at his tan neck, this man is polished perfection. His calm and assertive demeanor immediately reminds me of Mikkel.

“So Elora, my son has shared with me that he rescued you from the side of the motorway not long ago.”

I smile. “You’re correct. He swept in just before it was dark and made certain I arrived home safely.”

He grins at me. “Quite chivalrous of him.”

“I heard that,” Mikkel calls out jokingly as he enters the room.

He shakes his head in mock annoyance and takes a seat next to me, draping his long arm across my shoulders, a move that his father doesn’t miss.

A lilting female voice asks, “Mikkel, Aquavit?”

Ja, mamma

“You said ‘yes, mother?’ ”

“Yes. See, you’re learning already, baby.”

Nils asks, “And Elora, I’m having champagne. Would this work for you also?”

“Yes, lovely. Thank you.”

His father leans back against the numerous pillows. “So Mikkel, how is work for you?”

Mikkel shakes his head, “Bad topic. Dealing with a snowball effect of delayed parts from the U.S. We’re doing our best to meet deadlines and meanwhile the orders are backing up like you wouldn’t believe. Need to hire at least two more guys, but it’s not easy to find qualified mechanics who are willing to put in the long, strenuous hours. Enough of that; how is everything at the hospital for you? Or should I ask?”

“Not so unlike yourself, we’re backed up many months with scheduled surgeries. The direst cases, of course, nudge their way to the top of the list. I can’t complain. Aside from wishing I had more holiday time to spend with your mother on the beaches in Spain, I’m a happy man.”

I’m about to ask what type of surgery he specializes in when a buoyant, feminine voice calls out in English from the hallway, “Hello, hello! We’ve made it.”

Seconds later Lisetta and Bern emerge, leather clad and looking gorgeous as always.

Her cheeks are flushed a deep pink color as she says, “We rode over on Bern’s new ride. It was freezing! The news reported that snow is supposed to come in two days, but it feels like it will come tonight. Brrr!”

A black and white uniformed butler emerges from the kitchen, carrying a tray of cocktails. Silje is directly behind him with the flowers, now neatly arranged in a low, cut crystal vase.

“Hello darling. Oh my, did I just hear that you braved the weather on Bern’s motorcycle? Come, sit by the fire and warm yourself. Hello, Bern.”

His low, soft-spoken voice answers in Norwegian, “
Hallo, Fru Torvik

“Ahhh, Bern, so polite. Please, come, give your coats to Erik and join us.”

He switches to deeply accented English, “This is for you, Fru Torvik,” he reaches into his black backpack and pulls out a bottle of red wine, “from Lisetta and me.”

“Thank you both, that was very kind. We’ll open it with dinner.”

“Mikkel, Elora.” Bern dips his head to both of us. I can see why Lisetta is attracted to him. With his chiseled facial features and hard physique, he is undeniably hot. I take in his cropped platinum hair, thinking that if it was long it would be beautiful, but it would undoubtedly soften his looks. This man is quiet, fully contained power.

Lisetta takes a seat next to Mikkel and Bern drops down beside her. She leans forward. “Hey, Elora, I’ve been meaning to ring you. I’d like you to come over for a spa day. We really need a girl’s night, and soon! I love going dancing this time of year, the hottest nightclubs are all so fantastic. Let me know when you’re available.”

“She’s not,” Mikkel states firmly.

I’m about to ask him what that means when Lisetta beats me to it, with a playful slap on his shoulder. “Relax, cousin, you know I can handle everything. Besides, there’s no harm in dancing!”

“Drop it, Lisetta.”

She pushes out a puff of breath from her glossy lips. “Always so cautious, Mikkel.”

“Please, everyone, take a glass. Bern, I had Erik pour you an Aquavit as well.”

, Silje.”

Mikkel hands both Lisetta and me the full, slim flutes just before Nils raises his glass to proclaim in a clear voice, “
, to family!”

” We all toast back before settling in to enjoy the fine champagne and plentiful canapés served by Erik. While everyone is engaged in conversation, I look around and determine that the massive apartment is incredibly luxurious. Floor to ceiling silk curtains are pulled back, offering a sweeping view of the city. A high, coffered ceiling—painted in a tasteful blend of ivory and deep-mocha—lends warmth to the open space. Not that it matters, but I never imagined Mikkel’s family would be so affluent. My own parents were upper class, but not to this extent. It’s comforting to know that they come across as genuine and kindhearted, with an open respect for their son, despite his very different lifestyle.

Sitting beside her husband, Silje says, “My son tells me that you’re an artist, Elora?”

“Yes. A painter.”

“How lovely. What do you paint?”

“Mostly large scale abstracts.”

Mikkel adds, “Her paintings were just accepted by a gallery in the City Centre.”

“That’s wonderful, Elora. And how long do you plan to stay in Oslo?”

“Well, indefinitely, for now. My older brother, Alexander works here for Barclay’s Bank. He’s the reason I’m here. It was too hard being apart. He lives quite close by, actually. His flat is only two blocks away. He’s been away in Asia recently.”

“How nice, and will he return home for the upcoming holidays?”

“Oh yes. He messaged me just a few days ago saying that he may be home early, quite possibly this week.”

“And what about your parents? It must be difficult to have both their children living in a different country.”

I tighten up, dreading having to answer her, but then Mikkel cuts in, “They’re deceased.”

His poor mother blanches but quickly recovers. “Oh, oh, I am so very sorry. I had no idea.”

“No really, it’s fine,” I say. “You had no way of knowing.” I take a generous sip of my bubbly and wait for the awkward moment to pass. Mikkel surprises me by pulling me closer and placing a soft kiss on my right temple. Both his parents watch in smiling approval.

His father addresses Bern, “So, Mikkel is having you put in the added hours I hear?”

“Yeah, ever since Alreck headed to the states this past spring it’s been balls to the wall … er, sorry, unbelievably busy. But I’m not complaining. We’re happy to have the backlog of work.”

“That is good to hear. I really should stop by sometime.”

Beside me I sense Mikkel tensing up and wonder where this is leading.

Bern adds, “You really should drop in, come to think of it. We haven’t ever seen you at the garage. Guess you’re just really busy with shit, I mean,
at the hospital, right?”

I watch as Mikkel downs his drink in one swig.

Silje interjects, “Yes, Nils, you
find time to see some of Mikkel’s designs. I think that is a fine idea.”

Looking uncomfortable at the change of topic, Nils sets his drink down. “Yes, I suppose I will one day.” He stands and says, “I believe that Erik has dinner ready for us.”

What the hell? I’m beginning to think that Nils might be less than pleased by Mikkel’s chosen profession. Did he have plans for Mikkel to become a physician as well? Has he never seen his work? Does he just politely ignore the fact that his son is a talented motorcycle designer and biker to the core? How bizarre.


“Thank you again for joining us, Elora. It was such a pleasure meeting you.”

I lean in as Silje reaches out for a friendly embrace. “Thank you both for having me to your home. Everything was delicious. I believe that I’ll have to run an additional mile tomorrow after your rich trifle, Silje!”

Nils gently shakes my hand. “You are welcome in our home anytime, Elora.”

“Thank you.”

I give one last over the shoulder wave as we step onto the elevator. Mikkel takes my hand. Bern and Lisetta left nearly a half hour ago because both of them have to work early in the morning.

“Well?” His mysterious eyes watch me as he tugs me into him, wide hands spanning my waist.

“I had a wonderful time. I’m really glad that you introduced us.”

“Good. You sure you can’t stay with me tonight?”

“Tempting, mmmm …
tempting, but I’ve been away since Saturday and my mobile died, remember?”

“Yeah, know that babe, and …?”

“Well, I left the charger at Alexander’s. He has most likely tried to contact me. I don’t want him to worry, which he inevitably does if he can’t reach me. Besides,” I smile and go up on tiptoes to whisper against his full lips, “It’ll give us a chance to miss each other, my sexy Viking.”

“Sexy Viking, eh?”

BOOK: Nordic Lessons
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