Northern Star

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Authors: Jodi Thomas

BOOK: Northern Star
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She was so perfect. He could feel her shiver as his fingers trailed along her side from her shoulder to her hip, yet she made no move to withdraw.

“The curve of your body is flawless. I would know it anywhere by touch. You’re the one I’ve dreamed of all my life, but you’ve never been so real in my arms. Did I die in the balloon crash? If you are heaven, then I’d fall a thousand times to have you near.” He leaned forward and kissed her forehead. “How can you feel so warm and wonderful in my arms and be only a dream?”

He slid his hand past the white cotton gown she wore and touched the silk of her thigh. Her body arched to his touch just as he’d known it would. He moved his hand higher to her hip. She moved slightly, bending one knee over his leg in an intimate gesture that warmed his blood as no fever ever could…




A Charter/Diamond Book / published by arrangement with
the author


Charter/Diamond edition / October 1990

All rights reserved.

Copyright © 1990 by Jodi Koumalats.

This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part, by
mimeograph or any other means, without permission. For
information address: The Berkley Publishing Group, 200
Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10016.

ISBN: 978-1-101-65825-3

Charter/Diamond Books are published by The Berkley Publishing
Group, 200 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10016.

The name “CHARTER/DIAMOND” and its logo are trademarks
belonging to Charter Communications, Inc.

To Jean Price,
who believed in this book enough to help
make a sister’s dream come true

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

Chapter 30

Chapter 31

Chapter 32

Chapter 33

Chapter 34

Chapter 35

Chapter 36

Chapter 37


Chapter 1

Hunter Kirkland collapsed in the damp, dusty hay of the abandoned loft. The wind blew over him, unhampered by rotting boards that marked the aging barn walls. The roof stood firm above, like a stubborn old man refusing to bow to the wrath of the storm. Slowly, with pain showing in his tired gray eyes, Hunter removed his uniform jacket. He laid it in the hay tenderly, not seeing the blood and dust of the present, only the pride of three years past when he’d been commissioned in the Union Army. The coat, like its wearer, had aged and suffered since that first day and bore little resemblance to its earlier self. Hunter covered the uniform with straw, hiding it along with his identity. His life would be worthless if the jacket were found.

Resting his head on the musty hay, Hunter tried to ignore the throbbing in his shoulder long enough to sleep. Rest was vital if he was ever going to make it back through the lines to camp. However, sleep eluded him as the pain washed over his body in long, icy waves.

Damn the Rebels. What if they’ve captured the
Star? His foggy mind filled with visions of his beloved
Northern Star
, riddled with bullets, falling from the sky.
I shouldn’t have listened to Wade. Storms and balloons never mix.
Was he hallucinating or had the
truly fallen? The answer
lay just out of reach in the reality he could no longer touch.

In the dampness of the loft Hunter felt suddenly warm, and his thoughts grew cloudy. His last ounce of consciousness faded as he heard the barn door creak slowly open. He lay silent, beyond action, beyond caring, and drifting beyond life.

*   *   *

A ragged figure emerged from between sheets of rain through the cracked barn door. A bolt of lightning briefly illuminated a youth resembling countless others washed aside in the wake of war. The thin-faced, wide-eyed child seemed old enough to survive yet too young to serve either army.

The youth tugged at the oversize clothes that hung wet on his exhausted body. With the next roll of thunder a larger figure, neatly dressed in black, slipped through the ancient door. Her chocolate-colored face filled with fear as her eyes darted around the barn.

The slave whispered to her ragged companion, “I think we best stay here, Miz Perry. We can’t make it much farther in this rain.” She shook her shawl. “Smells like rotten death in here.”

“Anything’s better than being out there,” Perry McLain replied as she pulled off her soggy hat, allowing her hair to fall free. Tangled ebony curls surrounded her small oval face. The boy’s clothing she wore had adequately concealed a small-framed woman of twenty.

“If this storm slowed us down, it surely stopped Captain Williams. We’ll rest here. In an hour it’ll be morning.” Perry wished her soft tone would calm her own nerves as well as it reassured Noma.

As Perry’s eyes grew accustomed to the darkness, Noma headed toward an overturned bucket. The middle-aged slave sat her considerable bulk upon it and complained, “Wish we could build a fire.” Unexpectedly, a bubble of
laughter erupted from the black woman. “Guess we had enough fire for a spell, though.”

Perry smiled. “I’m amazed you can laugh,” she said. Moving beside Noma, Perry placed her arm protectively around her shoulders. Noma was the closest friend Perry had, more family than slave.

“Ain’t no use crying about it. What’s done is done,” Noma answered. “But I do wish that devil Captain Williams would stop nipping at our heels. Ain’t nothing worse than a Johnny Reb turn Yankee, and he took what you done so personal.”

Visions of flames as high as hundred-year-old elms flashed through Perry’s mind. She’d never dreamed the fire would spread from the fields to the barns and finally to Ravenwood. “I had to burn the fields,” she whispered to some invisible judge before her. “No matter what the danger. I couldn’t just give up.” Even before the fires were under control, Captain Williams had issued a warrant for her arrest.

Noma wasn’t listening. She’d begun exploring their dilapidated shelter like an old miner who’d found a new tunnel. “I wish your brother was here. All that boy’s life he’s thought he was your protector. I miss that bossy, redheaded man.”

Perry nodded. Her brother was a surgeon with General Lee’s army near Raleigh. They’d heard a few weeks earlier that he was moving toward them and hoped he might get to come home for a few days. But the fighting had grown worse for the South, with the number of wounded climbing daily. Andrew McLain’s letters were only short notes written in an exhausted hand. He could’ve been within a few hours’ ride of Ravenwood and not been able to cross lines to get home. If Lee moved south, he’d be trapped between Sherman and Grant.

Perry straightened her tired muscles slightly. “Andrew would have done the same thing. We couldn’t let Yankees
have our harvest. I’ll hang first.” Her choice had been simple—stay and fight or burn the fields and run.

Noma kicked something in the shadows. “And hang you will, Miz Perry, if that devil Captain Williams catches you. He’ll have that rope around you faster than I wring a chicken’s neck on Sunday.”

Noma’s remark sent a sudden chill through Perry’s body. She knew the law, as did everyone in the South. Destroying crops was an act of treason. A tear rolled unchecked down her dirty face. She forced herself to swallow her doubts. “We’ll make it to Granddad’s old place and hide out there. I’ll find some way to get word to Andrew. Then all we have to do is wait until he comes.”

“Wish we could go farther south. That farm ain’t far enough away from them Yankees. And it’s so old, there’s probably more varmints living in that house than are staying in here.” Both women glanced around nervously.

“Well, look there,” Noma squealed.

Perry’s glance followed the point of Noma’s finger. A loft stood half hidden in the dark corner. Only the extending ladder gave away its presence. They both scrambled up, hoping for a dry bed.

Perry stepped from the ladder, testing the loft. It was not only dry, but also sturdy enough for both women. The aging wood cried under the weight of Noma’s awkward bulk as she followed a few steps behind.

“This might not be a bad night’s sleep, after all,” Perry said, unbuttoning her damp coat. The garment was too big, but it had felt wonderful when the rain began. Now the damp material felt like lead molded to her shoulders. “I never thought curling up in a blanket on the hay would be so inviting.”

Perry’s sleepy gaze fell on a dark bundle in the far corner. Hoping someone had left bedding in the loft, she hurried forward.

Kneeling, she reached for the bundle. The mass rolled an inch forward and she gasped as the object came alive.
Thunder rattled the barn and lightning turned night into an instant of day. Perry screamed as a hand fell with a lifeless thud across her boot.

She fought down another scream and stepped back, her eyes fixed on the pale open palm lying atop the hay. Noma moved closer, whirling the bundle she carried like a weapon. But there was no one to battle. The form on the loft floor remained still. Cautiously Noma knelt as Perry slipped a small knife from her pocket.

“Is he dead?” Perry whispered as the smell of blood assaulted her senses.

The storm cooperated, lending Noma a flash of lightning by which she could examine the man. “He’s pretty near gone, from what I can tell,” Noma whispered. “He’s a soldier; blue or gray, I can’t say. There’s blood and mud everywhere.” She rose slowly to her feet. “He’ll be dead before morning.”

“No!” Perry said bitterly. “No.” The hopelessness of her own plight was momentarily forgotten. She was sick to the core of all the dying. “Noma, we must do something. I don’t want to see another man die as long as I live.”

The mighty heave of Noma’s chest told Perry that the slave didn’t share her concern for this man’s life, but Noma nodded. “I hear you, Miz Perry. There ain’t no use to argue when you use that stubborn tone with me. Sometimes I think you and your brother were fathered by a mule and nursed by the Angel of Mercy, the way you carry on about folks who are sick and dying.” Noma pulled off her wool scarf. “If you’ll get that bucket downstairs and fill it with rainwater, I’ll clean off some of this blood and see what we can do for this soldier boy.”

All fatigue was forgotten as Perry fetched the water.
This time I’ll fight
, she thought. Death followed her like a shadow. Always there; always taking those around her. Perry often felt she was playing some morbid game without knowing the rules. Death had taken every member of
her family in the past few years, except Andrew. “But not this time,” she kept repeating in her mind. “This time I’ll fight death and win.”

As Perry returned with the water Noma was already hard at work. The black woman had often helped Andrew with the doctoring before the war. Other slaves said Noma had healing hands, even if her heart was sometimes cold. This stranger was in good care.

“Dig that knife outa that pouch you brought with your mother’s papers and things.” Noma was too busy to look up. “Cut me some bandages outa what’s left of his shirt.”

Perry followed instructions. By the time Noma had the blood cleaned off, a stack of bandages lay waiting.

As she knelt a few feet away, watching Noma work, Perry absentmindedly braided her black hair into one long chain of silky ebony. Her hair had always been a source of joy to her father. Perry knew he would have frowned to see how it had been twisted and hidden under her dirty hat. But a lady didn’t travel alone, especially if she was wanted for treason. The old clothes were her only hope of escaping Captain Williams and his band of Yankees that rode across the Carolinas. She knew she’d traveled far enough south to be well behind the lines. Within another day she would be completely out of any Yankee’s reach. Yet this man before her fought a battle within, and for him there was no safe ground.

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