Not Looking for Love: A Cowboy Romance (18 page)

BOOK: Not Looking for Love: A Cowboy Romance
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Chapter 30


“Is it always this crowded during the holidays?” Kara raised her Bay Breeze to her lips and took a sip. A cacophony of glasses clinking, murmurs from patrons, and Christmas music played by a one-man band set up against one of the large windows overlooking a waterfall provided background noise.

Because the lobby bar was jam-packed Richie stood next to Kara’s seat as he glanced around the bar. He turned to her. “Always.” He took a sip of his whiskey, then winked at her.

She nodded and bit her lower lip as her eyes darted around the bar. When they settled back on him, he let out a laugh. She tilted her head.

“Relax, you’ll be fine.”

She nodded nervously again.

He moved in and whispered in her ear. “They don’t bite. I do, though, as you well know.” He nipped her ear then pulled back to see a smile on her face. He loved seeing her smile, her face always lit up in a warm glow. He took her hand in his. Warm. A warm, soft feeling that never ceased to get old.

She smoothed down her skirt with her free hand.

“You look beautiful, darlin’.”

She did. Her long blonde hair was full of soft, shiny waves. A bit of eyeliner and mascara made her eyes pop against the little color she got while hanging by the beach earlier in the day. Diamond drop earrings the he presented to her the Christmas before adorned her lobes. Long, sleek, sexy legs encased in high heeled sandals, and her neat cream colored skirt with a white button-down blouse looked smart and classy, a look she was going for and hopefully succeeded.

Richie raised a finger and when he got the bartender’s attention, raised his glass and pointed to hers, then he bumped into her and quickly turned around, ready to blast whoever bumped him.

“Hey, Cuz,” Will said as he gave Richie a bear hug.

Richie looked to Kara and took a step back. “This is my cousin, Will.” He turned to Will. “Will, this is Kara Storm.”

“Well, how do you do, Kara Storm?” Will extended his hand to Kara’s as his smile lingered on her, eyeing her up and down. She pulled her hand back and looked to Richie, who stepped in between them again.

The three of them talked and it was right around the point when Will was boasting about his twin girls that a woman walked up to them and grabbed Richie. He turned around, and Kara watched as he and this bottled redhead with a gorgeous face and figure kissed… on the lips. She had her arms around his neck like a vice, and Kara watched on as she said something to him, lips close to each other’s.

Kara hated herself for doing it, but she had given her the once over. The woman was showing a lot of skin. She had on about a dozen bangle bracelets on her arm and her perfume was, though it smelled expensive, way too strong, like she bathed in it or something. The woman stepped even closer to Richie and he bumped into Kara’s chair, sending it to the side a bit, bumping it into the gentleman sitting on her other side.

“Oh, excuse me.” Kara said to the gentleman her chair bumped into, then she put her head down as she tried to maneuver back toward Richie.

“It’s alright. Don’t worry about it.” The man was gracious enough.

When she turned back to Richie, she saw another woman hugging him and kissing him on his cheek. She was dark-haired and didn’t seem quite obsessed as the first woman, though she too was dressed to the nines with sparkling jewelry and all made up.

Once again, Richie stepped back and made the introductions. The dark-haired woman was Richie’s other cousin, Will’s sister, Fiona, and the redhead was Fiona’s good friend, Rachel. Both girls quickly acknowledged Kara, but went right back to engaging Richie and Will. Every time Richie would turn to talk to Kara, one of them would pull him back.


Kara casually looked around while Richie conversed with his cousins and Rachel. She flagged the bartender and ordered herself another drink. As soon as he put it down in front of her, she rose up and pushed the chair out. She needed to stretch her legs. She walked around the lobby, stopping by the one-man band. He made eye contact with her and smiled as he sang to her.

Before she knew it, Kara found herself walking out the back door into the warm, humid night, the constant breeze that Aruba was known for whipping her hair. Smoothing it down with one hand, she walked toward the large pool with the ever changing colors from the lights inside it and sat in one of the lounge chairs surrounding it, listening to the loud rushing sound of the waterfall at the back end of the pool. Someone jumped in and ducked under the fall. Another person jumped in and laughter could be heard from there. The pool was closed for the evening, but who was going to stop them?

Hearing music down at the beach, Kara rose up and strolled toward it, saying hello to an older couple who had passed her along the walkway. She wound up by the beach bar where the source of the music was coming from, again, another one-man band. He was singing a love song.

The smell of cooked fish wafted up to her nose. This bar had a deck on either side of it with one step down into the sand. Now they were full of cozy chairs and loveseats arranged in conversational settings. During the day it was set up with tables and chairs, and she and Richie ate lunch there that day. Now, those tables and chairs were arranged in the sand by the water with white linens on the tables, transforming the beach into an elegant restaurant with some tables touching the water. She placed her empty glass down on the bar, politely refusing another when the bartender asked, and perused Escape’s menu that was posted on a hostess podium.


Startled, Kara looked up to find Richie leaning against one of the pillars of the deck watching her, a drink in each hand. She bit the inside of her mouth as she took in his sexy form. He was such a good looking man. Tall and built, dark and exotic. In the three plus years she had known him it never ceased to amaze her how handsome he was. He could have anyone he wanted so why was she here with him. Rachel came to mind. She was beautiful and there was clearly something between them.

“No.” She mockingly looked around. “Where’s your girlfriend, Rachel?” She regretted the words as soon as they left her mouth.

He pushed off the pillar and gave her a wry smile. “Green is not a pretty color on you.” He handed her one of the glasses.

She knew it to be the fine scotch he always drank. “I’m not jealous.” She took the glass and hoped she sounded convincing.

He studied her. “She’s not my girlfriend.”

Kara turned away from him and took a step near the ledge of the deck. She shrieked when he picked her up and nearby patrons glanced their way. He sat her down on one of the chairs. A bit of the amber liquid sloshed out of the glass in her hand.

Kneeling on one knee before her he picked up one of her feet and removed a sandal, then he removed the other. He rose back up and toed off his Ferragamo Drivers and tucked both sets of shoes under the side of the chair. Grabbing her hand, he pulled her up and grabbing his drink, he walked her down to the shore, bypassing tables of diners eating their supper.

Kara dug her feet into the cool sand enjoying the feel. When her feet hit the water, she jumped, not expecting it to be that cold. She soon got used to it as she waited for Richie to roll up his slacks.

They walked along the beach, sipping their scotch and playfully kicking up the water. Richie kept looking to her, trying to get her attention. Even though she was giggling and kicking water up she didn’t look his way.

He finally grabbed her hand and gently yanked her to a stop. She looked at him, in question.

“Rachel is Fiona’s best friend.”

Kara didn’t respond. Instead, she turned her head and looked out into the moonlit water. Richie caressed her chin and turned her face toward him. “You are jealous.” He grinned.

She tried to free herself of his grip. “I am not.”

No one said anything for a beat. Finally, she blew out a breath. “Did you do her?”

He watched her, trying to gauge her mood. She was good. He couldn’t tell if she’d be angry or not. He wasn’t going to lie though. “Does it matter?”

She licked her lips and started out nodding but changed her head movement to a shake. “No.”

“Then yeah. We got it on.”

Kara nodded again.

“It was last Christmas.”

“Here? In Aruba?”

Now he nodded.

Kara began walking again.

“You said it doesn’t matter,” he said as he walked by her side.

“I know… She’s pretty… Is she why we went back to condoms?” The last time they were together he rode bareback, but sheathed up before entering her when they had sex that morning when they checked into their suite. It threw her but she didn’t question it.

“No. We never discuss who we’ve been with. It’s just precautionary, that’s all. And as for Rachel: Look, Fiona set us up. I had no idea at the time. We spent one night together. I haven’t seen her all year and I had no idea she was going to be here again.”

She stopped walking again and faced him. “So, now that you know, are you sorry you asked me to come here with you?”

“Of course not. I’m glad you’re here, and I can’t wait to introduce you to my parents.”

“I’m nervous.”

“I know.”

“Do you think they know?”

“I don’t care whether they do or they don’t.”

More than three years had passed, but no matter where she went she always thought someone was going to say ‘hey, aren’t you that porn star, Simone’? She hated the jittery feeling. So far no one had noticed or at least didn’t say anything.

And in those three years, Kara had grown to love and adore Richie. She’d never told him though, he had to know, just like she knew he loved her but never told her. She never forgot their talk when they first started dating. No strings, free to see others and all that shit.

She downed the last of her drink, hoping to calm her nerves and a moment later the warmth in her belly helped. She playfully kicked up the water and took off running. Richie, laughing, caught up to her and encased her in his arms. They kissed by the shoreline, against the backdrop of the moon.




“Oh, yeah,” he uttered, “you know how to… ah, yeah… ride.” After their moonlit walk, they went back up to the room, each feeling aroused for the other. Richie was bucking up just as fast as she was bouncing down on him. He knew he drove her wild as his fingers expertly caressed, pulled and tweaked her clit. His hand covered the little patch of hair on her mound in the design of an arrow facing down.


He loved her to death. He had never spoken those words out loud, not ready to commit, but he did. She always had something special planned for the two of them in the bedroom. Whether it was different designs with her pubic hairs or another sex toy she had for the two of them to play with, to the hot, sexy lingerie she always wore, some he bought some she bought.

She was the only girl he would let get anywhere near his butt. He felt comfortable enough for her to go in and stimulate his prostate while they were fucking, and the orgasms that ripped through him were unlike any he had ever experienced before.

When they had arrived in Aruba, they had come off the plane feeling quite horny, so as soon as they got to their room, she dug through one of her bags and pulled out three wrapped Christmas presents and asked him to choose one.

He played along. He picked the middle one. She encouraged him to open it. The smile on his face when he saw a vibrating cock ring was priceless. “The other two…?” he had asked.

She just nodded.


Once he inserted the batteries they were ready to go. It didn’t last too long though, the little bullet vibrating his cock and her clit brought them to climax too fast, but they vowed to try that one out again real soon.


A small orgasm rocked her. He always made her feel that her pleasure was most important to him and that he got the most pleasure from watching her orgasm.

She leaned down and whispered hot things in his ear. “Oh, yeah. You want to fuck my ass with your big cock, don’t you? Yes… Oh, harder. That’s it. Don’t stop. Ooohh, you want Rachel on your cock, don’t y— Owww.” She gasped as her head snapped back. Richie had wound a hand into her hair and pulled down, ceasing all thrusting. Her eyes shot to his, pain evident on her face.

“We don’t talk about anyone else while we’re fucking.” His voice, stern.

She nodded slightly and he eased up on her hair a little. When he felt her muscles squeeze him he moaned and looked up into her face. Gone was the tortured look, replaced by the ‘I’ve got you under my spell’ confident look. He grinned, shaking his head. Just the pressure from her sweet pussy on his cock could make him come and that’s just what he did. He quickly flipped them over and rammed into her. “You naughty girl. You love the pain, don’t you?”

“Yessss,” she said on a moan as another more intense orgasm erupted in her.

Richie found her so tight that he thrust hard, grunting loud, twice more before stilling, sweat dripping from his face. He picked his head up to look at her. Her face was glowing with a sheen of sweat, her eyes were glassy and her lips looked soft and puffy. He kissed her. It started out hard and wild, but it changed up to something soft and lingering. He lovingly played with her tongue and sucked her luscious lips as his dick grew limp and he felt the condom slip.

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