Not Safe for Work (15 page)

Read Not Safe for Work Online

Authors: L. A. Witt

Tags: #Gay;male/male;m/m;corporate;businessman;bondage;kink;office romance

BOOK: Not Safe for Work
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“The mezzanine is against the south and west walls,” she said. “That’s not exactly a minor oversight, Jon.”

I gritted my teeth as I withdrew the drawing and unrolled it.

“I cut you slack for being a bit late,” she said coldly. “I gave both of you a break, but I assumed your work would still be done

I didn’t speak as I scanned the blueprint. Then a mix of relief and fury shot through me. “It
done right,” I said as calmly as I possibly could. I laid the drawing on the table and gestured at the mezzanine, which occupied the corner of the south and west walls. Precisely as I’d constructed it.

Marie furrowed her brow and looked where I’d pointed. Abruptly, she released a sharp hiss of breath and jerked the drawing off the table. “This drawing is revision

“Yeah, I know.” I gave her an incredulous look, then bit back a groan. Christ. They’d revised the drawing again. They’d revised it, no one had told me, and now I was the one at fault when the model didn’t match the latest and greatest specs. I took a deep breath. “This is the latest revision I was aware of.”

“Pity it wasn’t the latest revision,” she threw back.

Breathe, McNeill. Don’t snap back
. I took another breath, willing myself to stay calm as my weekend’s plans evaporated. “Well, if no one tells me there’s—”

“I don’t want excuses. I want a correct model before we lose this damned contract.” She slammed the drawings down and stabbed a finger at me again. “Do I need to look over your shoulder every five minutes to make sure you have the right specs? Or maybe I should have Teagan handle this kind of contract so this sort of thing doesn’t happen again.”

I exhaled and turned to my guys. “I assume one of you has rev five for this project, then?”
Which one of you do I have to kill?

Scott’s fingers skittered across his keyboard. Then he sat back and shook his head. “Rev five wasn’t approved by Codes & Regs yet. The changes weren’t finalized yet.” I couldn’t be sure, but it sounded like there was a distinct note of relief in his voice. Cal and Bianca released long breaths as well.

I let my forehead fall into my hand. “Christ.” So Codes & Regulations had held up the changes. Drafting hadn’t even gotten it yet. I’d spent several days that I was never getting back busting my ass to finish this fucking model, and now I was taking the blame because another department had dropped the ball. Not just taking the blame, but verbally drawn and quartered. And losing yet another week—and a much-needed weekend—with Rick.

I lowered my hand. “I’ll get it done.”

“Good,” Marie snapped. “I guess you’re back on overtime until it’s finished. And don’t expect any reprieves this time.” Then she turned on her heel and stormed out of the room.

My heart sank even more. How long was Rick going to put up with this before he found a Dom with a less shitty schedule?

If Scott, Cal and Bianca knew what was good for them, they were already lighting fires under C&R’s collective ass to get the revision approved. Once it was, they’d rush the drawings for me. In the meantime, the rest of the model could be built according to the original specs. All that was changing was the damned mezzanine. In theory, I could get the old model back and revamp it, but it would be just my luck that the client would change their mind again and want the mezzanine back on the original side.

I laid the drawing out and grabbed a notepad so I could make a list of everything I needed from the supply room. All around me, mice clicked, keyboards clattered and gum snapped, all against a background of bantering and today’s musical selection. They wisely kept me at arm’s length.

Once I had my list of supplies, I left the Zone for the supply room. In there, with the door shut behind me, I rested my hands on the table in the middle of the room and closed my eyes. I cursed into the stillness. My pride was bruised from being called out in front of my crew, and I was livid with the idiots down in C&R, but that wasn’t what occupied my brain right then. I needed to text Rick and let him know, but I couldn’t. Not yet. Irrationally or not, I was convinced the response would be “
You know what? Forget it. I’ll find someone who’s around once in a while.

He wasn’t that kind of guy, and I wasn’t usually this insecure, but goddammit, I hadn’t connected with someone like this in ages. I wasn’t ready to piss that away.

The door opened and shut behind me.

“You okay, Jon?” Teagan’s voice made my teeth grind.

“I’m fine.”


I rolled my eyes and turned around. “T, if you’ve got something to say, just say it.”

She folded her arms loosely. “I’m just worried about you. I mean, Dawson has jumped your shit before, and you’ve always brushed it off. But that’s not what happened back there.”

“I’m fine.”

“Bullshit you are. You looked like you were either going to break something or break down.” She stepped closer, eyebrows pinched together. “I’m not goofing around here. I’m really concerned. Jon, what’s going on?”

I sighed and leaned against the table. There was no getting anything like this past Teagan forever, and I was too exhausted to keep trying. “Okay. Okay. It’s…” I rubbed my neck. “The thing is, well, you know I’ve been seeing someone for a while.”

I fully expected a triumphant squeal followed by “I
it was more than a booty call!”, but she just kept watching me.

I swallowed. “It’s…it’s at that early stage where you don’t quite know where it’s going. Like it’s not completely casual anymore, but you’re still getting to know the person, and it kind of seems like it could turn into something else. You know what I mean?”

Still silent, Teagan nodded.

“So right when we’ve reached that point, suddenly I’m spending all my waking hours here. This weekend? Shot. And I’m just afraid I’m going to screw this thing up by never seeing him. It’s not even… I mean, I don’t know what the hell we’re doing, or where we want this thing to go in the future.” I rubbed a hand over my face. “All I know is that I’m scared to death he’s going to slip through my fingers while I’m here building models for a firm that barely appreciates me.”

Teagan blinked a few times. “So, you say it’s at that early stage, but…” Folding her arms loosely, she shifted her weight. “You’ve got it bad, don’t you?”

“What makes you say that?”

“Because you were so caught up in telling me how afraid you are to lose this relationship, you didn’t even notice that you just came out to me.”

My stomach flipped. “Oh fuck. I did, didn’t I?”

She nodded, and a slight smile played at her lips. “I kind of had my suspicions, but…yeah.”

“Really? How?”

“Because sometimes, when you’re dating someone, you’re really evasive about pronouns.” She smiled. “I mean, you ogle Rick Pierce as much as Bianca and I do, and you got all flustered at the Christmas party whenever that hot waiter came by.”

I laughed nervously. “I… Is it that obvious?”

“Most straight guys don’t get all tongue-tied when they’re trying to order a drink from a guy.” She laughed. “It isn’t like I can blame you. That waiter made me drool too. And Pierce is smoking hot, so who wouldn’t quietly objectify him?”

You have no idea.

I cleared my throat and avoided her eyes. “Well, now you know. And I’m probably worried about nothing, to be honest. I’m probably kidding myself that this thing’s even got legs, regardless of how much I’m working. He’s… Well, let’s just say he could have a younger guy with a much less demanding job if he wanted to. But for the time being, while he’s into me, I’d like to enjoy it while it lasts.”

“Oh my
, Jon.” Rolling her eyes, she dropped her arms to her sides. “Do you hear yourself? Maybe he could have a younger guy with a part-time job, but he has you, so obviously he

“Even when million-hour work weeks are par for the course?”

“Yes.” She sighed. “Honestly, you’re a good guy. If he sees that, he’ll wait. If he doesn’t, then he isn’t worth keeping anyway.”

“I guess we’ll see how it goes.”

“Yeah.” She held my gaze, her expression grave. “You do realize what this means, don’t you?”

I swallowed. “What?”

The corner of her mouth twitched. “Cal’s mom is going to be devastated.”

We both burst out laughing.

“Seriously, though.” She came closer, and to my surprise, she hugged me gently. “Just let him know you’ll make it up to him. You know as well as I do that in a week or so, we’re going to be back to wondering how the hell we can get our work to fill eight whole hours.”

“True.” I released her and met her gaze. “Thanks for the pep talk.”

“Any time.” She gestured at my list of supplies. “Do you need a hand with any of this?”

I pushed back my pride—with a model this urgent, I couldn’t afford not to take whatever help I could get. “Sure. Thanks.”

We both looked over the list, and while she collected a couple of spools of six-gauge wire from one of the tool chests, I pulled various colors and thicknesses of plastic and foam-core off a shelf, all the while trying not to think of what Rick might say once I told him this weekend was off. That we were back on “see you in the hallway” until…until I didn’t know when. That we couldn’t—

“Hey, Jon.” Teagan’s voice shook me back into the present.

“Sorry, what?”

She eyed me, then shook her head. “You really are out of it these days.” Thankfully, she didn’t try to get my thoughts out of me. Instead, she shoved a box of paint, glue and wire toward me. “Come on, fuckup. You’ve got a model to rebuild.”

Chapter Twenty

Eventually, the model was complete. After the client approved it, I took a few vacation days to give myself a long weekend. I crashed hard the first night. The second, Rick came by with a bottle of wine and some condoms, plus a gift card for a massage the next day.

The third night, my body feeling spectacular after the long-overdue sex and that morning’s amazing massage, I heard Rick’s car pull into the driveway, and my heart was already thumping. I had plans for him tonight, and couldn’t wait to show him what I’d spent the afternoon setting up in the basement.

I opened the door, and my pulse went even crazier. I couldn’t help smiling like an idiot as he came up the walk. Seeing him every day at the office just wasn’t the same.

You’re mine tonight, Pierce.

I waved him into the house. As I closed the door, I glanced up the stairs. “I’d drag you down and fuck you right here, but Karen’s still here.”

Rick chuckled. “I can probably wait a few minutes for the sake of decorum.”

“Actually.” I put a hand on the small of his back and lifted my chin as I locked eyes with him. “You’ll wait as long as I tell you to.”

“Right. Right.” He cleared his throat. “I just meant… I mean…”

I kissed him lightly. “Relax. None of that starts until we’re downstairs.” I nodded toward the basement door. “And we’ll go back up to the bedroom afterward, since we’ll have the house to ourselves by the time I’m done with you. Karen’s still here, but she’s—”

“She’s on her way out,” my ex-wife broke in as she came down the stairs.

I laughed. “You make it sound like I’m kicking you out.”

“Please.” She rolled her eyes and extended her hand to Rick. “I’m Karen. It’s lovely to finally meet you. I’ve heard a lot about you.”

“Is that right?” Rick shot me a good-natured glare.

“All good things,” I said, showing my palms.

He chuckled as he released her hand. “Well, he’s had nothing but good things to say about you.”

“I should hope so.” She elbowed me and winked. “Though I could probably tell you some stories about—”

“Okay, okay.” I laughed, playfully shooing her away. “That’s enough of that.”

She laughed. “All right, I’m off. It was great to meet you, Rick.”

“You too.” He smiled.

“Got your keys?” I asked. “Purse?”

She rolled her eyes. “I have everything. I always do. Now let me get out of your hair.” She gave me a quick hug, shook Rick’s hand again and headed out to her car.

If it had been anyone else, I’d have waited until I was sure she was gone, until her engine had faded into the distance, but I knew Karen and she knew me—we both knew exactly why Rick was here tonight, and what she’d walk into if she came back in through the front door. There was no need to wait, so I wasn’t waiting.

I grabbed Rick’s belt and dragged him to me. “Now that we’re alone…” I kissed him hard. Oh, I had plans for him all right. He’d be kneeling and begging and doing every goddamned thing I told him, but before we went downstairs, before the clothes came off and we shut out the world for some fun for me and torture for him, I just… I needed… I had to…

“God, I am so glad to see you,” I breathed between kisses.

“Me too. I’ve missed you. Even last night… Last night it wasn’t—”

“Not enough.” I couldn’t stop kissing him. Jesus. “Never enough. Not after that much time apart.”

“You’re well worth the wait.”

“Likewise.” I met his eyes, and we both smiled. “I’m a very patient man when something is worth waiting for.”

“So am I,” he whispered.

I took his hand. “So, you remember how I said that once I wasn’t working all those absurd hours, I’d make it up to you?” I led him toward the basement door. “I’m doing that tonight.”

“Oh really?”

“Yes. Let’s go.”

We headed down the basement stairs. In my brain, images of the future rolled like a psychic porno, showing me every way the evening could possibly play out, and I was lucky I could navigate the stairs without busting my ass. This was going to be hot. So hot and so long overdue.

Halfway down the stairs, I pulled him into my arms and kissed him again. All the equipment could wait a little longer. I couldn’t.

He touched my jaw and nudged gently, as if asking me to tip my head back. When I did, he descended on my neck, and I pressed back against the wall just to keep from melting at his feet.

“You’re addictive, you know that?” He kissed beneath my jaw. “Can’t…can’t stop thinking about you.”

“Likewise. Always thinking about you.” I swallowed, shivering when my throat pressed against his lips. “And everything I’ve got planned for tonight. Jesus, Rick…”

“I can’t wait.”

“Then let’s not wait anymore.” I pushed him back, and we continued down the stairs. I could’ve made out with him against that wall until the end of time, but if we didn’t get this scene started soon, I was going to go up in flames.

I flicked on the lights, and as soon as Rick stepped into the room, his gaze went straight to the center of the room, and his eyes widened. “What…the hell…”

I chuckled, wrapping my arm around his waist. “Never seen anything like that before, have you?”

“Not outside of a medieval torture museum, no.”

“Well, it will get you saying ‘oh God’ repeatedly, so I suppose they could’ve used it during the Inquisition.”

He turned to me, and his eyes got even bigger.

I shrugged. “What?”

He eyed me, then looked at the machine again, and I let him just stare at it for a moment. It was an odd-looking device, of course—a complex system of wheels and gears attached to a long metal arm. At the end of the arm was a thick dildo, and especially with the black vinyl table in front of it, the purpose was fairly self-explanatory. So were the coils of rope stacked neatly in the middle of the table.

“I’m in charge now.” My Dom voice felt good, and Rick’s whole body tensed. I slid my hands down his sides, and then around to his stomach, and murmured in his ear, “Right now, I’m going to tie you down. Make sure you can’t move at all. And then I’m going to turn that thing on.”

A shiver ran through him, and I doubted he’d even tried to mask it.

“And then,” I went on, “I’m going to watch it fuck you.”

Rick licked his lips. “Holy shit.”

“You will not come until I give you permission. Understood?”

“Understood.” He paused. After a moment, he turned to me, and Jesus, he already had that look in his eyes—semi-glazed, hungry, no sign of the powerful CEO.

Hello, submissive Rick. It’s been a while.

I let him go and nodded toward the setup. “Strip, and then lie back on the table.”

Before I’d even finished the sentence, he was unbuttoning his shirt. While he undressed, I rolled my sleeves to the elbows and moved the coils of rope out of the way.

When he was naked, I just gazed at him for a moment, taking in the sight of his beautiful body, and decided it had been much too long since I’d touched him, but I’d wait. I’d stay in control. I’d touch him after I drove him out of his mind.

“Table.” I nodded toward it. “Now.”

As ordered, he climbed on. Lying on his back, he gazed up at the ceiling, took a deep breath and slowly let it out.

I touched his arm. “You okay?”

He nodded. “I’m good. It’s just been a while since I’ve done this. Been completely tied, I mean.”

“But you’re onboard?”


“I don’t have to tie you all the way.”

“It’s okay.” He grinned up at me. “Please do. All the way.” He took my hand. “I trust you.”

I leaned down and kissed him lightly. “I want you to keep trusting me, so if anything goes too far, use your safe word.”

“I will.”

I pressed my lips to his again and drew the kiss out for a long moment because I was his Dom and I fucking well wanted to.

Eventually, though, I pried myself off him and picked up a coil of rope. Showtime.

I tied his arms down first, looping the ropes through holes drilled beneath the cushioned tabletop. Once his upper body was immobile, I started on his legs, pulling one up so his ass and his cock and balls would be exposed and easy to access. Oh, this was going to be fun.

I carefully wound the rope around his thigh, then his calf, and then knotted it in the middle, making sure it was tight enough to keep him immobile, but not so tight that it would cut off the circulation or do any damage.

“Still okay?” I asked once I was finished.

Rick nodded.

“Safe word?”


“Perfect.” I squeezed his arm. Our eyes met—God, his were beautiful when they were glazed and heavy-lidded like that. I couldn’t wait to torment him.

I gave his arm another squeeze, then let go and went around to tie his other leg. Now he was positioned exactly how I wanted him—legs apart and bent, his ass exposed and his cock and balls in easy reach.

“You look amazing like that,” I said.

He swallowed. “Thank you.”

I caressed his cheek. “You know, some people like to use ball gags for this, but I prefer not to.”

“Why’s that?”

I traced his lower lip with the pad of my thumb. “Because I can think of much better uses for your mouth.”

Rick gulped.

“If by some chance I do decide to keep your mouth busy, you’ll have this in your hand.” I picked up a karabiner and pressed it into his hand. “That hits the floor, I guarantee I’ll hear it, and that acts as your safe word. Understood?”

He nodded.

“Don’t hesitate. Even if you’re just getting a cramp or want me to loosen the binds. We can stop anytime and pick up where we left off if we need to.”

Another nod. “Got it.”

I leaned down to kiss him. “You are seriously gorgeous like this. Just so you know.”

His mouth was so soft and pliant, I wanted to draw it out forever. But with his limbs bound the way they were, there was only so much time before I’d have to let him down, or risk this getting painful for him. Which meant it was time to get down to business.

I took the dildo off the machine and put some lube on it. Then I pressed it against his ass. He closed his eyes. Slowly, he relaxed, and with some more pressure, the toy slid into him.

He arched as much as he could, and mouthed what I thought was a string of curses.

“Speak louder.” I withdrew the dildo almost completely and didn’t slide it back in. “I can’t hear you.”

He bit his lip. “It’s… That feels good.”

“Does it?”

“Yes. Very.”

“You want more?”

“Please.” He was almost whimpering now, and as I pushed the toy back in, his eyes flew open and he breathed, “Oh God…”

I took long, slow strokes. “This machine has a lot of speeds, you know. It could fuck you faster than I can.”

Rick gulped.

“Pretty sure it can go even slower than I can too.”

He closed his eyes and mouthed something I couldn’t understand, but I couldn’t tell if it was a response to what I’d said, or because I’d carefully angled the toy to slide across his prostate.

“Like how that feels?”

He moaned.

“Answer me.”

“Yes! I love it.”

“Good. That’s what I thought.”

Once I was sure he was well-prepped, I reattached the toy to the machine and guided it back to him. He held his breath as I positioned the machine, and moaned when the head of the toy slid back into his ass. He wriggled, as if he thought he could move down enough to take more of the dildo, but no—he was only getting as much as I gave him.

“Ready?” I asked with a grin.

“Yes.” He clenched and unclenched his fists. “Fuck…”

I picked up the remote. As I slowly turned the dial, the motor buzzed to life, and Rick whimpered. Whether from the vibration, or if he was anticipating, I had no idea, but the sound went straight to my balls.

The machine’s arm started slow, sliding the dildo into Rick’s ass at almost glacial speed.

He tensed, sucking in a breath.

I touched his shoulder. “You all right?”

“Yeah. Feels…” He moaned as the toy slid all the way in, and when the machine started to withdraw, he squirmed as much as the ropes allowed. “Fuck.”

“Tell me. How does it feel?”

“It feels…” He gasped, squeezing his eyes shut as I increased the speed. “It feels


While the machine fucked Rick, I undressed, making absolutely sure I was well within his line of sight the whole time. His gaze fixed on my cock, he curled and straightened the fingers of his free hand, and he drew his tongue across his lower lip.

Naked and very, very ready, I paused beside him. Before letting myself get too carried away, I checked his feet and fingers. “Still have feeling? Nothing tingling?”

“Nothing tingling.” He gazed up at me with heavy-lidded eyes. “
of feeling.”

I nodded and came around to his head. “Turn toward me.”

He did, his hair rustling on the vinyl headrest. I guided my cock to his mouth, and he parted his lips without the slightest hesitation. In fact, he didn’t just passively take me. He tightened his lips around my cock, ran his tongue all over the shaft and, when he could, the head. I caressed his cheek and jaw, loving the sensation of muscles moving to accommodate me as I slid in and out of his eager mouth.

I rocked back and forth, fucking his mouth at the same speed the machine fucked his ass, and I could barely breathe as I watched him. Especially since he was quite obviously turned on as he strained against his restraints, breathing rapidly through his nose as he took two dicks at once. Some guys didn’t stay hard while they were tied, or while they were bottoming, but he was fully erect. Even more so now that he was blowing me. Subs like him drove me wild—he was as turned on by pleasing me as he was by being pleasured himself. The kind of sub I wanted to tease and torment all night long, and who I could fuck like mad, and his eyes and his moans would say, “More, more, more!” Exactly the kind of man I wasn’t about to lose by spending our entire relationship in my office. No, I fully intended to give Rick a night he wouldn’t forget, and make it the first of many.

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