Not Safe for Work (2 page)

Read Not Safe for Work Online

Authors: L. A. Witt

Tags: #Gay;male/male;m/m;corporate;businessman;bondage;kink;office romance

BOOK: Not Safe for Work
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He tapped his fingers on the sides of his glass. “I did, but…I’m not sure I understand the question. Why

“Rick. You could have any man in this city.” I pushed my drink aside, folded my arms on the table, and leaned over them. “Why are you sitting in a bar with a middle-aged guy who builds models for a living?”

He studied me, and then slid his own drink to the side before mirroring me, leaning in so close our forearms nearly touched. “Because I’ve seen the way you carry yourself. I’ve seen the way no one intimidates you, no matter how hard they try.” A faint grin tugged at the corners of his mouth. He ran his foot up the side of my ankle, and I sucked in a sharp breath, which brought that grin fully to life. He went on, “And once I saw you on Leathr, and I realized what you really are, I couldn’t stop thinking about what it would be like to sit across from you in a meeting while I could still feel everything you’d done to me the night before.”

I blinked. Gulped. Reached for my water.

Rick sipped his own and, as he lowered the glass, asked, “That answer your question?”

“Yes, it does.” How was my mouth still dry? I took another sip. Then I looked him right in the eye. “It does leave me with one more, though.”

“Does it?”

“Mmhmm.” I nudged his foot down again and pinned it to the floor beneath my own. “What do you want me to do to you?”

“Only one real answer to that, isn’t there?” He pushed back a little, as if to make sure neither of us forgot what was going on beneath the table. “Whatever you
to do to me.”

I smiled, resisting the urge to reach across and squeeze his arm. “Humor me. If you’re anything like me, you’ve been fantasizing a bit since this afternoon.”

Rick went for his drink again and whispered, “Started before this afternoon.”


“Did it, now?”

He nodded and drained his glass.

“Tell me.” I reached for my water, but let it go—might as well save it in case I
needed it. “What have you been fantasizing about?”

“Everything.” Rick cleared his throat. “I couldn’t even sleep after the first time I read your profile and realized it was you.”

“Is that right?”

He nodded again, this time lowering his gaze. “I…might’ve scheduled a few extra meetings that we didn’t really need.”

I moistened my lips. “Seems like a lot of time and money, considering we weren’t even talking to each other.”

“It was worth it. Sometimes I thought I was being an idiot, but it did benefit the projects we were working on. And it…” He hesitated before looking me in the eye. “It gave me a lot to, um, think about.”

“Such as?”

His Adam’s apple jumped. “All the things I wanted a man like you to do to me. Like…like you tying me up until I can’t move. And then fucking me until I can’t move

Oh. My God

“Is that all?”

“Yeah, right.” He jumped, as if his smartass answer had come out before he could tell himself that was no way to talk to a man he wanted dominating him. He cleared his throat and quickly added, “To be honest, I’ve been attracted to you since the very first meeting they dragged you into.”


“Definitely. Finding out you’re single and into men, and you’re kinky…” He pressed his toe into the ball of my foot and sent electricity up my leg. “Seemed like you might be too good to be true. But so far…”

Is this really coming from Rick Pierce? What the fuck?

I swallowed. “I’m still waiting for a camera crew to jump out and tell me this is a prank.”

“No cameras. No prank.” He slid his foot out from under mine and traced my arch. “Just someone who’s curious how long it’s going to take you to put your money where your mouth is.”

“My—” I narrowed my eyes. “You’re awfully mouthy for a sub.”

He tensed but returned my challenging look, as if he knew he was on thin ice but wanted to see how long it would hold him. “You didn’t think I’d be easy, did you?”

Holy shit.

“I do like a challenge.” I held his gaze, lifting my chin slightly again. “Well, tonight we can stop with a drink. Or we can see if we’re…compatible.”

He broke eye contact for a split second. “What do you want to do?”

“I think you know exactly what I want to do.”

“Then I guess…” He tapped his fingers nervously. “I guess I should be asking where.”

I held his gaze. It wasn’t beneath me to bring someone home on a first date, and I wasn’t opposed to going to their place after little more than a cursory introduction. But we had to tread carefully. Kink required a certain level of trust, and we were still more or less strangers. Location wasn’t something to take lightly. My place denied him home-turf advantage. His might bring me too close to some carefully laid boundaries.

I thumbed the edge of my glass. “A hotel is probably best. Neutral territory.”

Rick nodded, the faintest bit of tension melting out of his shoulders. “Good idea.”

I sat straighter. “I’m going to pay our tab, and then we’re going to get the hell out of here.”

“Wasn’t I going to buy you a drink?”

“It was iced tea. I can handle it.” I gestured toward the door. “You stop on the way and get any…essentials you think we’re going to need tonight. I’ll meet you in the lobby of the Coastal Star Hotel.”

Rick nodded. “Okay. Will do.”

We didn’t have much of a tab to pay for—iced tea and water didn’t rack up a tremendous bill—but I left the waitress a big tip for putting up with us. Then we slid out of the booth and headed downstairs to the parking garage.

We didn’t talk on the way down the stairs, and each time we came to a landing, I expected him to break off, saying he’d parked on this level while I continued down to the lowest one. But we were still together when we reached the bottom.

A small cluster of cars took up the middle rows, with my Camry all by itself near the far wall.

“I’m over there.” I gestured toward it. “What about you?”

“Right here.” He pressed the button on his key fob, and the lights flashed on a black Mercedes a few feet away. He stopped, spinning the key ring on his finger. “So…I’ll meet you…”

“The Coastal Star Hotel.”

“Right. Right. So I guess I’ll…”

“See you there?”


But neither of us moved.

We made eye contact. Broke it. Made it again. My heart was going crazy, as much from excitement as this alien nervousness. I didn’t think I’d been this nervous since I was nineteen and trying to work up the courage to kiss the woman who’d one day be my ex-wife.

Ah, that was it.

I took a breath and stepped closer to him. “You know, it seems weird to be on our way to a hotel room already. I haven’t even kissed you.”

Rick grinned, drawing my attention right to his slim but somehow full lips. “No time like the present, right?”

“Is that an invitation?”

“It’s…” He cleared his throat. “It’s your call, but the door is certainly open.”

I glanced around. This garage was bigger than the bar where we’d been too exposed to chance so much as a hand on an arm, but there was no one around that I could see. And at this point, with a phantom tingle where his foot had touched mine, I was rapidly forgetting why I’d ever held back in the first place.

I took another step, and though our height difference was more pronounced now, it didn’t feel that way. I didn’t feel in the least bit like I was looking up at him. Quite the opposite, actually, and the thought of him literally looking up at me—from his knees, from his back, from whatever position I’d ordered him into—went straight to my balls.

Well shit. If I was going to get hard anyway…

For a second, I preemptively panicked at the idea of someone walking down those stairs and catching us, but the thought of not kissing Rick
right now
was a bigger motivator than the fear of getting caught. So, I put a hand on his waist, lifted my heels just slightly off the ground and pressed my lips to his.

And everything…just…

He slowly wrapped his arms around me and parted his lips for me, and I pushed a hand up into his hair, but it was like the whole world around us was as still as the concrete encasing us. Nothing moved. No one breathed. My heartbeat marked time against my ribs, and the hiss of hands over clothes told me the world had just fallen silent and I hadn’t really lost my hearing.

I tilted my head. As I slid the tip of my tongue under his, his fingers twitched on my back. He was exactly the kind of kisser I’d fantasized about. He followed my lead without being so passive that his lips were ticklish against mine, and his lips and tongue moved with mine the same way his fingers moved on my skin and in my hair—gentle enough to do this for hours, assertive enough to weaken my knees. We kissed each other as if we’d done this so many times before that we’d already learned to anticipate each other’s next move.

After God knew how long, we came up for air.

“Jesus,” I whispered, panting against his lips.

“Yeah. That.” He touched his forehead to mine. “Think we’ll be this compatible once we’re in bed?”

“No doubt whatsoever.” I held on to the back of his neck and kissed him again. “But there’s only one way to find out for sure.”

“Yeah, that’s true. Not…not sure I can wait that—” He cut himself off with a kiss. As if I wasn’t already struggling to breathe, he slid a hand between us, over my erection, and moaned against my lips.

I broke the kiss. In between panting, I whispered, “We should get to that hotel. I want to—oh fuck…”

He was drawing my zipper down, and my mind went blank.

“Rick, we…” What? What was I trying to say?

“Hmm?” His fingers drifted over my cock again, this time with only my boxers to divide skin from skin.

My balance wavered. I leaned against his car for support, and even that didn’t seem like enough to keep me from melting to the concrete.

“When we’re in the hotel,” he murmured against my lips, “I’m yours to do whatever you want. Anything you say, consider it done. But before we go…”

And suddenly I was sure I was dreaming because Rick was kneeling in front of me with his lips around my cock. His hands too. And God in heaven, the man knew what he was doing.

He didn’t try to take my whole dick, just focused his lips and tongue on the head while his hands stroked the rest. I had to grip the car to keep myself upright. Jesus. I should’ve known he wouldn’t do anything halfway—something told me that if we’d been naked right then, with no clothes and no restrictions, he’d have been fucking me with his fingers at the same time he sucked my dick, and that thought drew a groan from my lips. Or maybe that was the way his tongue swirled around the head of my cock, every motion as soft as it was deliberate. Fuck. Fuck! I could go for ages when I needed to, but after fantasizing about him all day, and now with his hands and mouth on me…not a chance.

“Shit, you’re gonna…” I groaned, trying to blink my eyes into focus so I could watch him. Because, hell, there was nothing hotter in this entire world than this man on his knees, enthusiastically and expertly working this kind of magic. Creases formed between his eyebrows, and his little moans vibrated against sensitive skin, driving me insane just like the hot huffs of breath he released now and then. “You’re…really good at this.”

Right then, his eyes flicked up. Those blue eyes that had been the subject of more fantasies than I could count, the most heart-stopping, defining feature of the man I’d wanted all this time, and now they were fixed on me, pupils blown and eyelashes wet, and…

And I fell apart.

I pressed back against his car, both to stay upright and to keep from forcing myself into his throat, and he stroked and sucked and teased me all the way through one hell of an orgasm. Back arching off the car, toes curling in my shoes, eyes rolling back—I hadn’t come like that in a long,

He rocked back on his heels. I fixed my clothes, though it was challenging as hell with my hands shaking like this.

Rick stood, brushing an unsteady hand across his lower lip. “So…essentials?”

“Yeah.” I drew him in for another kiss. “We’re gonna need them.”

Chapter Three

The Coastal Star Hotel was one of those semi-luxury hotels that was mercifully inexpensive. Not “cheap” per se, but not expensive enough to condemn me to ramen noodles until payday.

I made it through the check-in process without letting on that my brain was already in the room I was requesting. I handed over my credit card and signed the form. My budget wasn’t keen on this whole idea, but it was just one night. And while I might’ve split the bill with someone whose income was roughly the same as mine, my pride instantly balked at the idea of letting someone of his stature pay my way. I didn’t need a sugar daddy.

Moments after I’d stepped away from the desk, the glass doors opened and Rick strolled inside with a plastic drugstore bag in his hand. My heart sped up. My gaze went straight to the faint dusty smudges on his knees, and most of my blood supply went straight below my belt. Fuck. That had really happened, hadn’t it? Rick had blown me in the parking garage, and now he was here, and I was here, and there was going to be more than blowing happening in that room.

We exchanged grins and headed for the elevator. Fortunately, we only had to go up one floor, and even more fortunately, the lobby, elevator and hallway were all as deserted as the parking garage had been. The fewer people noticed that my trousers weren’t fitting quite right, the better. Any other night, I’d have been mortified, or at least trying to calm myself down, but there was no one around anyway, and I was too turned on to care if they were.

Our room was a few doors from the elevator. As we headed down the hall, Rick held out his hand. “Key?”

I glanced at it, as if I’d forgotten it was between my fingers, and gave it to him. He slid it from its sleeve, and when we reached the room, swiped it. The door clicked. He pushed it open and gestured for me to go in ahead of him.

As soon as we were in the room, I pushed him up against the door, using our bodies to shut it, and kissed him. The drugstore bag hit the floor. Rick threw his arms around me, grabbing handfuls of my shirt as we ground together.

I combed my fingers through his hair. I hadn’t even realized that had been a fantasy of mine all this time—having Rick Pierce’s hair between my fingers. And it was even better with his tongue intertwining with mine and two rock-hard erections between us.

Christ—why were we still standing? I slipped my fingers under his belt and pulled him toward the bed, one stumbling, shuffling step at a time. Thank God we were here and not at home. The walk from my front door to my bed involved a long hallway and stairs, and Rick’s house was probably ten times as big as mine. But this was a hotel room—from door to bed was just a few steps, and even a pair of distracted men tangled up in legs and one long, long kiss could make it that far.

On the way across the room, we toed off our shoes but didn’t get any closer to undressed before I pulled him down onto the bed, and then I was too busy kissing him to try to get his clothes off.

I couldn’t get over the way he kissed. The way his lips felt against mine, how his tongue moved with mine. His hands were in my hair, on my face, drifting around to my back—for once, a guy who could kiss without a hand down my pants.

He hooked a finger beneath the knot of my tie and pulled, drawing me in and loosening my tie at the same time. As we kissed, he kept tugging until the knot unraveled, and he left the ends hanging over my shoulders as he wrapped his arms around me.

I started to do the same to his tie, drawing the knot downward, but lost interest in that and moved my hand up into his hair instead. He was on his back now—hell if I could recall when we’d switched positions—but straddling him like this, my dick was rubbing his through our clothes. I couldn’t decide if I was frustrated by the lack of contact, or turned on by the suggestion of his thick erection against mine.

Somehow we found our way to buttons and buckles, and miraculously, we made them work. His shirt came off. Mine came unbuttoned. Then his trousers were gone, and my shirt made it halfway off before I pushed his boxers over his hips.

And then we were too busy kissing again. I’d already come once, so the frantic need to get off was gone, and I could take my time exploring every inch of a man who I still couldn’t believe wanted me.

He pressed against me—the urgency was still there for him, making me even more inclined to tease him now. Whenever he tried to finish undressing me, I distracted him with a bite here or a kiss there. I nipped his collarbone. He cursed softly, so I did it again, harder this time, and was rewarded with a strangled moan.

His fingers ran up my sides, the touch equally ticklish and arousing, and I exhaled across the skin of his throat. I rubbed my cock harder against his, driving another moan out of him.

“Oh my God,” he breathed. “That is so…”

“So, what?” I kissed my way up the side of his neck.

“So—Jesus!” He arched beneath me as I ground against him. “Jon, fuck…”

“Oh, I will.” I kissed beneath his jaw. “Once we get all these clothes out of the way.”

Without missing a beat, he again tried to get my shirt the rest of the way off, but I found his lips with mine, and suddenly his arms were around me again. So much for getting undressed.

In between kissing and teasing each other, though, we did eventually manage to get the last of our clothes off. All the layers between us were gone, and so too were the invisible degrees of separation. No differences in wealth or power. Just two naked men on the same plane wanting the same thing. Gone was the powerful CEO. Here, he was just a man with an erection and all night to do something about it.

And one thing was for certain—he definitely wasn’t one of those unspeakably hot guys who made up for it by having a small dick. He’d been blessed in both areas. Dom or not, there was no way in hell I was going to top every time with him. I could be in control while I was bottoming, and when I was with a man like Rick? Oh, I was bottoming eventually.

I rested my weight on my left knee and elbow, freeing up my right hand, which I ran down his smooth abs. I trailed my fingertips along the underside of his cock, over his balls, and back up again, and didn’t give him a chance to stop gasping and fidgeting before I closed my fingers around the thick shaft.

As I stroked him, I leaned in and dipped my head to kiss his neck. My lips met his hot skin, and his cock stiffened in my hand. This morning, he’d been a million miles above me, a million light-years out of my league, and now he was beneath me, trembling in anticipation of anything I saw fit to do to him. Nothing from a bottle could’ve made me dizzier.

I grinned against his throat and stroked him faster. Little by little, he fell apart, swearing and shaking, hopefully unaware of how difficult it was for me to concentrate on keeping a steady rhythm. I was still blown away that I was with him at all.

“I’m definitely going to have you on top one of these days.” I slowly ran my hand up the length of his erection. “Can’t say no to a cock like this.”

Rick’s breath caught, though I couldn’t tell if it was because of what I’d said or because I’d just let my thumb circle the head.

“If I ask, will you fuck me?”

He nodded vigorously. “Hell yeah.”

“I’m not going to ask, though. I’m going to tell you to.” I added the slightest twist to my strokes. “I’m going to order you to put on a condom and fuck me.”


“Will you—”

“Yes. Just…please…say the—fuck!”

“So willing.” I kissed him lightly. “I love that.”

He whimpered, thrusting into my hand and trembling beneath me.

“Tonight, though,” I went on, “I’m on top. And I want to be on top


I slowed my strokes. Then I released him and lifted myself up off him. “Get a condom and some lube. Put them on me, and then get on your hands and knees.”

I couldn’t recall the last time I saw an aroused man move that fast, but Rick was off the bed and grabbing the drugstore bag off the floor before I’d even finished speaking. When we eventually started playing more with the Dom/sub roles, I might give him a hard time for not waiting until I’d given the full order. Tonight, that wasn’t necessary. Especially since his presumptuousness meant getting to fuck him that much sooner.

Kneeling on the bed beside me, he pulled the two boxes out of the bag. He cursed softly as he tore them both open and broke the seal on the lube bottle. Once they were open, he tore the condom wrapper with his teeth. His hands were admirably steady as he rolled the condom onto my cock. Even as he added lube, he was rock solid. I liked that. Control. Good. He’d be a challenge, and I
a challenge.

He sat back on his heels. “How do you want me?”

I raised an eyebrow. “Didn’t you listen, Rick? I told you what to do after you’d put the condom on.”

He grimaced. “I…”

“You forgot?”

“I forgot.”

I laughed, running a couple of fingertips up his abs to his chest. “I’ll let it go this time. Get on your hands and knees.”

He immediately did as he was told. I got up and positioned myself behind him. After I’d put some lube on him, I guided my cock to him and pressed in.

Rick moaned, his whole body seeming to relax as I pushed into him. I wanted to get inside him as quickly as possible, but I couldn’t resist going slowly, taunting him with shallow strokes and enjoying this for myself. At least then when I woke up from this dream, I’d have a vivid memory to fantasize about later.

I pulled almost all the way out, paused, and sank back into him. “How does this feel?”

“Like…like I should have pinged you a

“I agree.” I ran my hands up his back as I started fucking him slowly. “I almost think I should punish you for making me wait this long.”

Rick murmured something I couldn’t hear. Then, “Is that a promise?”

Oh dear Lord…

“It can be.”

Another shudder ran through him, and he tightened around me as goose bumps rose along his spine.

“I’ll keep that in mind,” I said. “But for tonight, I just want…” I picked up speed, my head getting lighter with every stroke. “I just want to fuck you.”

He let his head fall forward. “Oh God…”

“Grab one of those pillows,” I said through clenched teeth. “To put under your hips.”

He felt around for the pillow, found it, and pulled it toward us. Once it was under him, I used my body weight to push him all the way down onto the bed. I stretched out over him. This was the best feeling in the world—skin to skin from head to toe, my lips against his neck and my cock moving slowly in and out of his tight ass. I held myself up on my forearms, and Rick found one hand, then the other. Gripping his hands tightly, I had even more leverage, and he obviously didn’t mind—I thrust a little harder, and he groaned, his voice thrumming against my lips and my chest.

I couldn’t see his face like this, but the muscles in his back and shoulders told me everything I wanted to know. Tensing against my chest. Twitching. Relaxing before tensing again, rippling with a shiver as he whispered a curse into the near-stillness.

I could have done this all night. My muscles burned, my arms trembled, and my skin was slick with sweat, but I didn’t care. Not as long as I was inside Rick.

Despite the fatigue, I picked up speed, thrusting deeper and harder, and panted against his neck in between cursing and murmuring, “Goddamn, Rick. You feel so good.”

He arched against me and moaned as I fucked him harder. “You feel
. Just like that. It’s…” He gasped, and holy hell, I didn’t think he could get any tighter. “Perfect. So perfect.”

“You close?” I whispered. “Right on the edge?”

“Uh-huh. Just—
oh God!
” He was unbelievably tight, and somehow he moved his hips beneath me, probably rubbing his cock against the pillow to drive himself crazier, and I kept thrusting at the exact same speed, and…Christ…

“I’m gonna come,” I groaned against his neck. “Oh fuck, Rick…” I held my breath, forcing myself to stay in control. “You should really savor this,” I panted in his ear. “You know why?”


“Because it’s the last time”—I thrust harder, making him groan—“you’ll be allowed to come without my permission.”

The groan turned to a helpless whimper, and he shuddered, clenching around me, and control became a thing of the past. My whole body shook, from my toes curling into the sheets to my fingers digging into his hands, and I exhaled hard against his neck as I shuddered and came inside him.

One more shudder, and I relaxed, slumping over the top of his hot, trembling body, and neither of us moved. I made sure my full weight wasn’t pressing down on him, but beyond that, all I could think was…breathe.

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