Nothing but Trouble (11 page)

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Authors: Tory Richards

Tags: #ocean, #boat, #Florida, #abductor, #millionaire, #daughter, #Romance, #wedding, #engagement, #bodyguard, #kidnap, #desire

BOOK: Nothing but Trouble
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Brent wondered what kind of dirt Lord had dug up on Sophie, or the senator. He searched his memory for anything he could recall hearing during the ten years they’d known each other; some tiny bit of gossip that usually had a way of surfacing when someone ran for office, whether it ended up in the news or not. However, nothing came to mind that would ruin the senator’s career.

“Then maybe you’d better focus on what that something could be,” Brent remarked dryly, running his hands through his dark hair. “Because if Lord’s blackmailing her, it must be pretty big. And when you find out what it is you’d better be prepared to make a decision.”

He knew the senator was smart enough to figure out what he meant. When the time came, his decision would probably be based on whether he wanted to continue with his political career or not. Could he sacrifice Sophie if it came to that?

The news came back on, catching Brent’s attention. He turned in time to see an instant replay of an earlier broadcast about Sophie’s abduction, his eyes turning hard with contempt. “I specifically told Lord not to notify the media. If this had been a real kidnapping her life wouldn’t have been worth squat after this aired the first time.”

A snort erupted from Senator Adams, who was also watching the news as well. “Jonathan’s always been more concerned with how he looks in the public eye. He thrives in the limelight. But that doesn’t make things easier for you, Brent.”

“Yeah.” Brent nodded regretfully, deciding there was really nothing more he could add to that. “I contacted Lord with the particulars a couple hours ago,” he revealed, turning away from the TV. Lord’s indignant reaction to his outrageous demands still caused him to smile.

“Don’t make things too easy for him. I need more time to dig around.”

“Ten million in unmarked bills to start out with. He’s demanding proof that Sophie’s alive and well. I’m going to send him a snapshot, which he’ll never buy. He’ll want something more tangible like hearing her voice on the phone. By the time we go back and forth with that you should have enough time to find what you’re looking for.” He prayed.

“Hopefully,” Senator Adams added with a grin. “I like your plan, even if it makes you seem a little incompetent.”

They both knew Brent was anything but.

“Appearances can be deceiving.” Sophie’s face flashed before Brent’s eyes as he rose to leave. A sudden worry of what kind of mischief she’d been up to while he was gone filled his gut with dread. “I think it’s time I get back.” He held out his hand.

“Tell my daughter I…” The senator caught himself, rising to his feet and taking Brent’s hand. “Never mind.” Both men knew what he’d been about to say. “I’ll expect a phone call every day at the agreed upon time.”

Brent prayed the next time he phoned, the senator would have an update; like it was over and he could release Sophie. Tom was already complaining that the stress was making his ulcer act up. Moreover, he was convinced he was going to spend the rest of his life in prison. Brent hoped telling Tom to eat the chocolate gun he’d used on Sophie calmed his fears long enough to get him through this.

As he pulled into a parking spot at the apartment complex a flash of white caught his eye, causing him to glance up in time to see several pieces of paper floating to the ground. He slid from the vehicle, shielding his eyes against the sun while taking in the small plane flying overhead. The advertisement banner trailing behind it was a normal sight, some advertisement for a seafood restaurant down the road, but he didn’t for one minute believe they were getting away with littering the area with flyers.

When one landed at his feet he bent, snatching it up out of curiosity.

“Son of a—” He skimmed over the handwritten note with growing trepidation. In the prettiest penmanship he’d ever seen were the words, Reward! I’m Senator Adams’ daughter and I’ve been kidnapped! I’m being held in a seventh floor apartment in Bayside Towers!

His unease quickly grew to rage of gigantic proportions as more flyers began to float to the ground around him like falling snowflakes. Sooner or later someone else is bound to get nosey and pick one up too. He crumbled the paper in his fist, making a run for the ground elevator. As it made a slow ascent to the seventh floor his mind raced with options of what he could do, short of ringing her little neck!


* * * *



Sophie was standing at the bay window, slowly releasing more homemade flyers, when she heard Brent’s angry voice in the other room, demand, “Where the hell did she get all that paper?”

She couldn’t help smiling when she heard Tom repeat the same story she’d told him. “She said she wanted to write down her thoughts. That it would give her something to do, and take her mind off being cooped up. Why? What happened?”

“There are flyers all over the damn parking lot! Pack up anything personal and be ready to leave in five minutes; we can’t stay here now.”

Sophie could tell by Brent’s voice that he was getting closer to the bedroom. The next thing she knew the door flew open and slammed against the wall. She let out a small shriek, pressing her back against the window frame. Her eyes rounded with fear as he stomped toward her. The look on his dark face convinced her that he might just toss her out the window. She quickly threw the rest of her flyers out before running to the other side of the room, and putting the bed between them.

“You’ve really done it now,” he said between clenched teeth, his eyes glittering with cold fury. Uncurling his fisted hand, he let a paper ball drop to the floor.

Sophie’s gaze watched it hit the carpet before she unwillingly met the storm simmering in Brent’s predatory eyes. There was no use denying it; he’d caught her red-handed. And there was no sense in trying to run, since she knew he’d only catch her. She had no choice but to stand her ground. She took a deep breath and prepared for the worst. Yet, when Brent was within a foot of her she lost her nerve and spun around to flee.

“Not so fast!” His hand shot out, catching the collar to her shirt, effectively halting Sophie’s escape before it even got started. The sound of buttons popping off and seams ripping caused her to gasp. “You’re turning out to be more trouble than you’re worth,” he growled, jerking her backwards against him.

“You would have done the same thing!” Sophie insisted, bracing herself for his retaliation. What did he expect me to do, sit around like some helpless woman and calmly await my fate? Her father had taught her long ago that there were some things in life she could control just by simply taking command.

“You’re too clever for your own damn good,” he remarked, his gruff tone laced with what sounded like grudging admiration.

“I’ve had plenty of spare time on my hands,” she replied smartly. The more time they wasted discussing it the longer the authorities had to arrive. “If I were you, I’d take off while you still have a chance.”

“Don’t worry about me, lady. You’re the one who’s going to pay the price for your little trick.”

What did he mean by that? Brent spun her around; his lips thin with anger. “I’m sorry if I’ve ruined your plans,” she said in an insincere tone. She wasn’t sorry about anything.

“That’s okay, I’m about to ruin yours.” He gave her a shake and the breath caught in Sophie’s throat when she felt the shirt slipping off her shoulders.

“There’s nothing you can do that would make matters any worse,” she retorted heatedly. If she didn’t do something soon she would end up stark naked. As the soft fabric began to slide over her breast she made a grab for it, jerking it back into place.

Brent’s gaze dropped and Sophie glanced down to see plenty of cleavage and the swell of one breast. Her gaze widened when she realized the hard little nubs outlined against the material were her nipples.

He sucked in his breath, letting his grip slacken.

“Making an escape with a half-naked woman won’t go unnoticed,” he grumbled angrily.

Especially one as well known as I am. She smiled, meeting the anger simmering in his eyes. “Looks like you have a problem.”

“Come on.” He pulled her with him to the closet. “We’re getting the hell out of here.”

“Where are we going?” Once inside the closet he forced her in front of him. He started looking through his clothes. “If I were you I’d let me go. You’ll have a better chance of getting away.” The confined space of the closet made Sophie very aware of their proximity. Brent’s scent was intoxicating. The heat radiating off his body made her aware of him as a desirable man.

Growling something unintelligible beneath his breath, he continued searching through his things over the top of her head. “If I had time I’d wipe that smug expression off your face,” he threatened, a muscle in his jaw twitching.

Tom chose that moment to stick his head into the room. “I’m all packed.”

“Check the place over thoroughly; make sure there’s nothing here that will give our identities away. Then I want you to get the hell out of here and go home. I don’t want you any more involved than necessary.”


“You heard me, Tom. It’s just the princess and me from here on out. The place we’re heading isn’t big enough for the three of us.”

Sophie gave Tom a thorough inspection, committing him to memory so she could give the authorities an accurate description later on. She could tell by his expression that he was almost relieved, yet hesitant. After a moment he turned and left.

Her gaze returned to Brent to find him scowling down at her. “I think your partner’s worried about his share of the ransom money,” she said.

He released a tired sigh. “Believe me, if we get any ransom, he can have it all.”

“What will you get?”

He was in the process of pulling a pair of sweats and a lightweight jacket off a hanger, when her question caused him to pause. “Peace and quiet,” he said after a while. “And don’t waste your breath giving the authorities our description later; I saw how you were looking Tom over. We’ll be out of the country before you can count to ten.”

Sophie was secretly relieved at his comment. She’d wondered why they hadn’t kept her blindfolded, worried at what that could mean. She’d seen enough movies to know it didn’t usually bode well for the kidnap victim when they saw their kidnappers’ faces.

“You’re awful sure of yourself.”

“You think you’re the first person we’ve kidnapped? I’ve been doing this a long time, princess, and they haven’t caught me yet. Remember the Holland case?”

Shock and astonishment caused Sophie’s breath to catch. She’d heard about the abduction. Who hadn’t? For awhile it was all she heard on the news, or read about in the papers. Eunice Holland, the wife of a billionaire ship builder, had been kidnapped the year before. She was released after the ransom was paid, but to date no one knew who was behind it.

It didn’t take her long to get over her initial shock.

“You don’t look anything like the man’s description that was circulated in the news.”

His chuckle was sarcastic and the next thing Sophie knew he was pulling her out of the closet. He tossed some clothes at her. “What, you can’t picture me with bleached blonde hair, a beard, and earrings in my nose and eyebrows?” He glanced past her, and Sophie followed his gaze to the open window. The sun was setting. By the time they left darkness would be on Brent’s side. “Get dressed. And make it quick or I’ll dress you myself.”

Sophie’s brows shot up at that but she wisely kept quiet. She wanted to ask Brent to turn around while she dressed, but sensed he wasn’t in the mood for chivalry. Under his watchful gaze she forced herself to relax, and slipped into the clothes. “I remember hearing that seventy year-old Eunice had been treated kindly by her kidnappers.” She slipped her feet into the flip-flops he provided.

He moved forward with a hat in his hands and a smile in his eyes that took her breath away. “She wasn’t a young, spirited troublemaker. Pull your hair up under this.”

His gaze moved over her as she did as he asked, his mouth twisting with humor when he stood back to observe the finished product. “Even in clothes three sizes too big and your hair hidden beneath a cap, you still manage to stand there looking every bit as unapproachable as you did attired in that black evening gown the other night.”

Sophie wasn’t about to apologize for her privileged upbringing. One of the first things she learned was that it wasn’t the clothes that made a person. It was how they carried themselves. She followed Brent quietly to the door.

He paused before opening it, glancing down at her. “I trust you won’t make any scenes?” Without waiting for her reply, Sophie watched him take out the gun he kept tucked in the back of his pants. A cold chill traveled down her spine, as she focused on the black revolver. He reached forward, putting a finger beneath her chin. He forced her to meet his eyes. “Ever seen anyone shot before?”

It wasn’t the first time Sophie realized just how dangerous Brent was. He held her gaze for a long moment before she guessed he was satisfied with what he saw. She had no choice but to wait behind him when he swung the door open. He checked the hallway to make sure the coast was clear, before tugging her to the stairwell door. Once again Sophie found herself rushing down the stairs. It didn’t take them long to reach the parking garage. She automatically looked for the security cameras as he pulled her along, realizing no one would recognize her. She had to do something to draw attention to them, and reached up with the intention of whipping off her hat.

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