Read Notorious Online

Authors: Karen Erickson

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Erotica

Notorious (6 page)

BOOK: Notorious
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“Let me, Stace.” He slid closer, his lips so close to hers she felt them move when he spoke. “Let me in.”

Her eyes fluttered shut and she tilted her chin up. Enough so that their mouths met, brushed against each other. They kissed, only their mouths touching, nothing else. Again and again their mouths connected. Gently, sweetly, much like the kiss he gave her in the car. Nothing like the aggressive, passionate kiss they shared in the alley.

She wanted that passionate kiss. She wanted this particular kiss as well. Every time he touched her, kissed her, looked at her, she wanted it. She wanted him.

It was crazy. Ridiculous. But she couldn’t deny it.

Without thought she reached for him. Rested her hand against his cheek, let it wander so it settled at the back of his neck. Her lips parted beneath his, waiting for him to take the initiative and he wouldn’t. He kept the kiss relatively chaste, no tongue involved. Just delicious, damp, open-mouthed kisses that were making her lose her mind.

“Eric,” she whispered against his mouth when she broke away from him.

“Yes?” He nuzzled the side of her face and she shivered.

“Why won’t you kiss me?”

kissing you.” He chuckled.

“I mean I want…” She stopped talking when he kissed her once more. But it wasn’t enough. She wanted his hands on her. She wanted his tongue. She wanted to feel him rub against her, press that hot, hard body over hers.

She wanted to feel him inside her.

“What do you want, Stace?” He whispered the words against her cheek, and she wondered if he knew she was thinking of all the things she wanted. His mouth burned a path down the side of her neck, down further along the exposed patch of her collarbone. She shuddered, her nipples puckered beneath the satin fabric of her bra and she wished he would go further.

“I want you,” she said, her voice trembling.

“As a friend?”

“As a friend and…” Her breath hitched in her throat, and she clutched one hand into a fist to keep from touching him with it.

She needed him to touch her first. Even though she’d already touched him, damn it.

“And?” He crowded her and she leaned back, so her head rested on the overstuffed arm of the couch and he was over her, still on all fours. His hands planted on either side of her head, knees on either side of her hips.

Thank God for wide couches.

“Touch me, Eric.” She arched up the slightest bit. “Please.”

He attacked her. There was no other word for it. One moment he held himself above her as if afraid he might crush her and the next he was sprawled completely over her, his weight dipping her into the cushions of the couch. His mouth fused to hers, his hips rubbing insistently against her. Stealing her breath, evaporating her thoughts. Their tongues tangled and danced and his hands were everywhere, making her shiver as they cupped her breasts, thumbs brushing against her nipples. His erect cock strained against the front of his jeans, she felt him as he nudged her belly and she reached between them. Fingers fumbled with the button at his waistband until she decided
screw it
and her hand dove beneath the slight gape in the front of his jeans.

And she encountered nothing but crisp, tickling hairs and smooth, hard flesh.

“You’re not wearing underwear,” she gasped against his mouth and he smiled.

“I came prepared?” His brows lifted and the smile turned into a smirk.

Oh, he was a devil. A wicked, sexy devil who wanted what he wanted and nothing else much mattered. She quickly undid the button of his jeans, slid down the zipper. His hot, heavy cock fell into her hand and she squeezed him at the base with her fingers. Heard his strangled groan and she looked up at him, met his gaze. Saw all the heat and want sparkle in their light-brown depths.

He thrust against her hand and she loosened her grip, let him slide between her fingers, back and forth like they were teenagers in the back seat of his mom’s car. His eyes fluttered shut briefly, his jaw tensed and he shook his head once. “If we keep that up I’m going to come all over your fingers.”

Her entire body tingled at the image his words provoked. Could imagine herself stroking him into orgasm with a firm tight grip, watching breathlessly as he shot long white streams of semen all over her clutched hand.

Eric cupped her cheek, drawing her attention. “I’d much rather come inside you.”

Okay, that image was even better. Leaning up, she licked his neck, the taste of his salty masculine skin dissolving on her tongue. He shuddered, she felt it move through him and he reached for her shirt. Tugged on the hem, pulled it up over her breasts and she helped tear it off. Their hands were everywhere at once, removing clothing, bumping into each other and she laughed. He chuckled, the sound dying when he reached for the front clasp of her bra and flicked it undone. The cups fell away from her breasts, revealing her completely to him and his eyes widened as they met hers.

“Beautiful,” he whispered, and she wanted to smile. He made her feel beautiful. The way he looked at her reverently, as if he was enthralled. Carefully, with trembling fingers he helped her take off her black pants until she lay beneath him in her simple yellow cotton panties, her bra hanging off her arms.

He kissed her again, almost desperately and she felt as desperate as his kiss. Moving down her body, his lips traveled over her exposed skin. Her neck, her shoulders, her chest, wet, open-mouthed kisses all over her breasts before his lips closed over one nipple and sucked it into the warm wetness of his mouth. She held him close, opened her eyes and watched as his head bent over her. Smiled when he shot her a particularly wicked grin before his lips engulfed her other nipple.

The tug of his mouth tugged something deep within her. She closed her eyes and clutched his head to her, absorbed in the sensation of his lips, his tongue lashing at her turgid flesh. His mouth wandered south, trailing wet kisses all over her stomach, his tongue dipping into her navel. She twitched, a little squeal emitting from her and he laughed.

“Ticklish?” he asked.

“Oh yes,” she murmured, another little jolt moving through her when his big hands rested on the inside of her thighs and spread her wide. “What are you doing?”

“What do you think?” He kissed her, his lips pressed dead center atop her damp panties and she released a shuddering breath. His index finger played with the elastic leg of her underwear, slipping beneath to touch her aching flesh. Her breath lodged in her throat as he teased her. His fingers tangled in the scant pubic hair that grew there before tracing the seam of her lower lips, dipping just between them to test her wetness and she knew she was soaked. Maybe she should be embarrassed, but she didn’t care.

She just wanted more.

He pushed the crotch of her panties aside and dipped his head, licking her. Ran his flat tongue from the bottom of her pussy all the way to the top and she cried out at the sensation. She had one other boyfriend who’d always been enthusiastic about going down on her but Keith? Not even close. He’d done it not even a handful of times. Always avoided it like the plague though he never turned down a blow job.

This, though. Considering he hadn’t much experience with women, Eric certainly had a talented tongue. A tongue that made her lift her hips up in hopes of more.

And he gave her plenty more.

She panted. She squirmed. She whimpered as he continued his gentle assault. Licking and sucking her swollen clit, sliding two fingers deep inside her, they pumped a slow rhythm and she moved with them. All of it was too much, not enough and damn it she was going to come and she wasn’t even ready for it yet.

Oh, and it was going to be good. Man-made and delicious, far, far better than what she could give herself with her fingers or a vibrator. His long fingers and tongue, his lips, the palm of his hand branding the inside of her thigh as he held her wide, it all drove her crazy. Her panties were completely stretched out, she felt them rest against the crease where her thigh met her torso and God, yes here it came. Or rather, she was going to come.

Crying out his name, she arched against his mouth, the shudders washing over her in one rampant gush of sensation. Her entire body shook with the force of her orgasm and his lips gentled on her, his fingers slipped from her pussy until she finally collapsed onto the couch in a weak heap of exhaustion.

“Baby, that was amazing.” Eric kissed his way up her body until their mouths met and she could taste herself. Didn’t even hesitate when he thrust his tongue inside her mouth and searched it thoroughly, hell it turned her on. Made her squirm against him when she felt the thrust of his cock against her belly.

Somehow, like magic, he finagled a condom and slipped it on. Poising just at the entrance of her pussy for the briefest moment, he stared at her, his gaze intent. He propped all his weight on his arms, his biceps bulging, and she smoothed her hands along his shoulders, down his arms. Marveled at his strength, at his beautiful body.

He was going to be inside her. The moment had finally come, and she couldn’t believe it. Would she be able to recover once she had him? Or would she always feel this way? Needy and wanton and so damn eager?

It almost scared her to even think about it.

“Watch,” he whispered and slowly, so slow it took her breath away, he entered her. And she watched, just as he commanded, stared down the length of her body and saw his glistening cock withdraw from her almost all the way before he surged back in.

It was the sexiest thing she’d ever seen. They were connected, their bodies melded together and heaven help her, but it meant something. No matter how much she told herself this was nothing, a fling, meaningless, she was wrong. It wasn’t meaningless. She hardly knew him and yet she felt more in tune with him than any other man she’d ever been with before in her life.

He took his time, was leisurely with his movements and it drove her crazy. She wanted more. She wanted fast and hard and deep. She wanted out of control and moans and groans and demands for more. She wanted what she’d never experienced before.

She wanted true, out of control passion. Frenzied lust.

“Harder,” she murmured and he looked at her, seemingly surprised at her request. She pressed her hands against his firm buttocks, sending him further inside her body and his lids fluttered shut as he gave her what she wanted.

And as he rammed himself deep inside her body, she clung to him for dear life. Her legs wrapped around his hips, her arms circled about his neck. Pressed her mouth against the smooth, hard skin of his shoulder and shuddered.

She was in big, big trouble.

Chapter Five

“I thought you were avoiding me.”

“Avoid you? Never. You’re my best friend.” Stacy smiled at Alexa from across the table. It was Sunday, and Alexa had called her first thing. Whereas she’d been avoiding her calls, she’d picked this one up thinking it might be Eric.


She lied through her teeth. She’d been avoiding her friend for weeks. Ever since that first time she was with Eric in every sense of the word.

And he’d had her every which way. God, he was good. Excellent in bed and constantly pushing her to try new things, do new, crazy, wonderful things. Which in turn made her want to do even crazier, outrageous things just to do them—because she knew he would be open to it.

If she gave her consent, she knew he would work his hardest to make her wildest dreams come true. And the next time she saw him, she would tell him that. Would whisper in his ear what she wanted to do.

Like be taken by two men. God, just the thought of it made her shiver. A fantasy she believed she’d never be able to consider…

Especially because she knew he wouldn’t judge her for making such a request. If anyone would understand, it was Eric.

Of course, he wasn’t perfect, no one was. He wasn’t the most consistent guy—for it was two, three, even five days before she heard from him—but for the last month, she’d had enough sex with Eric to make up for the dismal sex life she had with Keith.

The man was insatiable. She’d never had a better lover. But he was mysterious and close-mouthed, and he rarely revealed any personal details about himself. As if he might be afraid to.

She could relate. The next time they were together, she vowed to be more open with him.

“So what’s going on, Stacy? You look good.” Alexa studied her carefully, her gaze knowing. Almost too knowing. “You have a certain glow about you. Are you hiding something? You’re getting some, aren’t you?”

“I am not.” Her cheeks flushed with heat, and she shook her head. No way did she want to admit this. How the hell could Alexa tell?

“You so are. But I guess you don’t want to talk about it so I’ll leave it be until you’re ready.” Alexa smiled. “Is he any good?”

“I’m not going to dignify that question with an answer,” Stacy said haughtily, feeling like a snot. A lying little snot.

“I take it that means he’s amazing and he probably gives you a bazillion orgasms a night.” Alexa sighed and shook her head. “I envy you.”

“What? I thought your sex life with Brandon was perfect.” What with the way she went on and on about it when they were first together, just the two of them, Stacy had certainly though that was the case. From everything Alexa said, Brandon was a sex god with a capital S and G.

“It’s fine, really it is. We’re good. But…he’s busy with work. And so am I. So sometimes, we feel a—disconnect with each other.” Alexa glanced about the restaurant as if to make sure no one was too close and could overhear. Then she leaned in closer, her voice lowering to almost a whisper. “I’m thinking of talking to Eric and see if he’d be interested in joining us again. We miss him.”

The hairs on the back of Stacy’s neck stood on end, and her entire body stiffened. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

Alexa reared back, seemed taken aback by her immediate answer. “Why do you say that?”

“Haven’t you put the guy through enough? Last you told me he was absolutely miserable with the situation and told the two of you upfront he couldn’t do it anymore. It was too difficult for him to see you two together and know he really wasn’t a part of it.” Inside she seethed. And worried. What would she do if Alexa actually went to Eric and he agreed to be with them again?

BOOK: Notorious
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