November Sky (Hardest Mistakes Book 2) (16 page)

BOOK: November Sky (Hardest Mistakes Book 2)
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Instead of going to work for the rest of the week, I call in sick and spend the week in Bailey’s room. I want to hold her, but she looks so fragile. Leaning up against her bed, I read out loud from a book in my lap while running my fingers up and down her arm.

Just as I pause and glance up from the book, her hand twitches on the bed. I jump in surprise and sit up straight, the book dropping to the floor with a thud. I stare intently at her face, waiting for any movement.

Did that just happen? Or did I just imagine it?

“Bailey?” I ask quietly, squeezing her hand gently. “Can you hear me?” Her hand moves in mine. Definitely not imagining it. The machines start making funny noises. Her eyelids flicker and open slowly. I lean closer and she smiles weakly under her oxygen mask.

“Oh my god, you’re awake!” I jump forward and pull her into my arms gently.

I don’t ever want to let go.

People rush in and I’m pulled away from Bailey’s side as they check her over and remove her oxygen mask. I wait patiently, keeping my eyes glued to her face until they all leave.

As soon as they’re all gone, I go back to the bed and lean down to touch her arm softly.

“Hey.” I smile down at her. “Don’t ever do that to me again, I don’t think I could take it.” She bursts into tears and I pull my hand back, afraid I’ve hurt her. “What’s wrong? What did I do?”

She laughs through her tears and reaches out for my hand, pulling me down. “I love you so much Krissy.”

“I love you too Bailey, so much.” I lean down and press my lips firmly to hers, my fingers weaving into her hair and holding her close.

This is it, this is the real world. It’s just her and me and I’m never letting her go again.




“Are you okay?”

“Yes, Kristian. I can walk perfectly fine on my own,” Bailey spits back, exasperated. I’m just trying to help. I don’t want her to fall down her own stairs; she just got out of hospital. I grab her keys and unlock her apartment door before she reaches it. She shakes her head as she passes.

I wander into the kitchen, about to pour her a glass of water when her hand lands on top of mine, stopping me.

“I’m fine, Krissy.” She leans up on her toes and presses her lips to mine. Her hands come up and softly hold either side of my face. I lose myself in the feel of her, running my hands down her sides to her waist and pulling her closer. She pulls back and giggles. “See? Just fine.”

I’m not laughing. I’m staring at her soft pink lips. I move quickly, picking her up. She laughs as I carry her to the sofa and lay her down gently. I don’t give her a chance to stop me or say anything. My lips land on hers before she can open her mouth. She wraps her arms around my neck, pulling me down on top of her.

I’ve never felt more alive than I do right now.

I push her top up and run my hand over her stomach. I can’t imagine being anywhere else but here. Her fingers weave into the hair on my neck, making me shiver.

They say love is forever, but forever will never be enough time with her.

I wake before Bailey. We fell asleep on the sofa, tangled in each other’s arms. I gently lift her arm off my waist and unwrap myself from her legs. I head into the kitchen and switch on the jug to make coffee, or hot chocolate in Bailey’s case. Jess’s face flashes in my mind and my heart gives a little pang. I have to believe she’s happy wherever she is now.

Bailey groans from the sofa and I turn around to watch her. She’s so beautiful, her hair spread across the cushions and a light blanket draped over her body. She groans again and stretches. “How did you sleep on this? It’s horrible.”

I laugh and turn back to the counter to pour hot water in the cups.

I’m still smiling when I hand her a steaming mug. She takes it and tilts her head to the side with a funny look.


“Just waiting for you to realize where you are and make a run for it,” she answers, completely serious.

I sit down on the sofa beside her and take the mug from her hands, setting it on the coffee table. “I’m not going anywhere.” I push her back on the cushions and she giggles. “I love you,” I whisper, leaning over to kiss her on the neck and the forehead and finally her lips.






I’m not here for long. I just need to know he’s okay. I need to know she’ll look after him and that he’s happy. I’m not sure where to look for him, but I figure her apartment is the best place to check first.

They can’t see me. I’m not even sure if he can feel me anymore. I’m not as I was before, a trapped spirit.

I’m free now.

They’re going out. Bailey grabs her purse from the hanger on the door and leaves the apartment, Kristian close behind. They’re both smiling.

“What are you doing here, child?” I turn to the beautiful, tall woman standing close behind me. Her white hair slips over her shoulder as she leans forward to place a hand on my shoulder.

“I just wanted to know he’s going to be okay,” I answer softly.

She doesn’t pull me away or make me leave; she just nods once, compassion shining in her green eyes. “I will stay with you.” I smile and follow Kristian and Bailey out of the apartment.

“Where are we going?” Bailey asks as Kristian stops them on the street and hails a taxi. It’s dark, so I didn’t think they’d walk wherever they’re going.

He grins. “It’s a surprise.”

I follow the taxi through the city and out into the surrounding suburbs. They pull up outside a drive-in theatre and Kristian helps her out. She smiles as she looks around. They’ve been here before. They walk through the gate, bypassing the concession stand and heading for a huge tree at the edge of the parking area.

I drift closer so I can hear them.

“Bailey?” Kristian’s voice wavers, as if he’s nervous. Suddenly I feel as if I’m intruding on a private moment, but I can’t pull myself away. I have to know. Bailey murmurs a yes as she spreads out a blanket for them to sit on. Kristian takes a deep breath and kneels down.

Oh my God. My hands fly up to cover my mouth. Is he doing what I think he’s doing?

Bailey turns to face him when he doesn’t answer and her eyes go wide in shock. “Kristian? What are you doing?”

He smiles nervously and pulls a small box from his coat pocket.

The crowd, already parked in their cars, stick their heads out their windows to watch. Suddenly music starts playing through the speakers, making Kristian jump. The person operating the projector room throws him a thumbs up and Bailey giggles.

“Bailey,” he says again, looking up at her. “I want you to be mine for the rest of our lives. I still get butterflies every time I see you and every time you laugh. I promise I will never stop loving you.” Bailey breaks down with a happy sob. “I will never get used to you. I promise I will never stop trying, or holding your hand, or opening the door for you. I will always choose you. No matter what happens, I will always choose you, Bailey. I love you so much.”

Bailey kneels down in front of him and grasps his face in her hands. “Yes.”

“I haven’t even asked yet.” He laughs nervously.

“Well, hurry up and say it.”

He smiles. “Will you marry me?”

She laughs. “Yes, Krissy. I love you.”

A cheer and applause erupt from the crowd of people watching. Kristian leans forward to kiss her, pushing the ring on her finger at the same time.

I don’t realize I’m crying until the tears spill over my cheeks and run down my face.

“Are you okay?”

I turn to the woman still standing behind me. “Yes. I’m perfect, actually.” I smile through my tears and glance one more time over at Kristian and Bailey, kneeling in the grass.

Everything is just perfect.
















I twist the gold band around on my finger as I wait in line at the bakery. Bailey’s cravings have been weird lately, and this is the only bakery in town that sells cream filled pizza buns. I screw up my nose at the thought. Pizza and cream definitely do not go together, but the sad puppy dog face she made in bed this morning had me crumbling in seconds. It doesn’t help things that the bakery is twenty minutes away from home.

My phone buzzes in my pocket. I pull it out and answer it without looking.

“Kristian.” Bailey’s voice is full of fear.

My heart stutters in my chest, missing a beat. “Bailey, what’s wrong?”

“It’s the baby. It’s coming.” I’m not proud to admit I nearly dropped my phone and fainted right there in the middle of a crowd of people at the busy bakery. I don’t know if I’m ready for the baby yet. What if it grows up to hate me or something? The pressure is phenomenal.


I release the breath I was holding. “I’m here. I’m on my way back now.”

“You won’t make it in time,” she pants. “I’ve called an ambulance. I’ll meet you at the hospital.” I don’t get a chance to say goodbye, she hangs up on me.

I stand frozen for a split second before jumping into action and running out the door and down the street. I try to hail a taxi as I run, but no one pulls over.

God, don’t they know that my wife is having a baby?

Just up the street, someone exits a yellow cab.

“Hold that taxi!” I yell, throwing my hand up as I run. The woman exiting the cab smiles and nods, holding the door open. The closer I get, the more familiar she looks, although I don’t ever remember meeting anyone with such green eyes and light hair. She is very beautiful, in an ethereal sort of way.

“Thank you,” I pant as I reach her and jump in.

“You are very welcome, Kristian,” she answers, closing the door and tapping the roof of the taxi to let him know he can go. The taxi has pulled away from the curb before I realize she just said my name. I turn in my seat and search for her out the back window, but she’s gone.

I throw my money at the driver as I jump out of the cab. He yells something, but I ignore him and run through the hospital’s front doors. I skid to a stop at the reception desk and shout Bailey’s name at the volunteer. She gives me a small smirk and directs me to her room.

I burst through the doors and stride over to Bailey’s side. She immediately grasps my hand and squeezes tight. I wince at her grip and lean over to brush the hair off her sweaty face.

“Hi,” I say softly. “How are you feeling?”

She lets out a short, exasperated laugh. “Just great.” She rolls her eyes and smiles.

The next few hours blur around me full of busy activity until finally my daughter is born. She’s beautiful. The nurse hands her to Bailey and leaves the room. I pull a chair over and lean on the bed to look at her precious face.

“What shall we name her?” I ask Bailey, reaching out to run my finger over her tiny soft foot.

Bailey’s tired gaze meets mine. She is so beautiful right now, in this moment. “I was thinking Jessica.”

My eyes widen in surprise. “Really?”

She looks back down at our sleeping daughter and nods. “It’s perfect.”





This is for you, that's right, you!

My readers are the best part about writing books and I can't thank you all enough for the support you have all given me, whether it be silently or via a review. So, thank you. I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH.

Thank you MUSIC. I could not hope to write the way I do without the help of music. It lifts me up when I am sad, and makes the happy days seem so much more enjoyable. Music also adds life to the written word. Books could not exist without it.

Thank you to my amazing editor, TONI RAKESTRAW. I hope we get to work together on many more books in the future.

AND, as always, I want to thank my very supportive and wonderful family. JOHNATHON, DAD, MUM, JOSH and CAMERON (look there's your name Cammi-bear!)



About the Author


DannielleWicks currently lives in the town of Kingaroy, Queensland in Australia. She is a TV show nerd and lover of cars. She has always had a love for writing, even in school. She used to hide her writing notebook inside her textbooks just so the teacher wouldn’t notice what she was up to. She loves reading, especially paranormal romance. When she’s not writing or working, she competes in Speedway Sedan Racing across the stat


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