Now and Forever 4, The Renovated Heart (21 page)

Read Now and Forever 4, The Renovated Heart Online

Authors: Jean C. Joachim

Tags: #romance, #womens fiction, #contemporary romance, #two love stories, #two love stories in one

BOOK: Now and Forever 4, The Renovated Heart
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“I can’t…I can’t…Jim…”

“Come for me, baby.”

She lost her fingers in his hair, closing
her eyes, surrendering to her need for him. Sarah felt his fingers
continuing to stroke her slowly…her cell phone rang. Sarah blinked
and stared in disbelief.
This must be a nightmare
. But the
phone continued to ring. Finally, he retrieved the phone and read
the display.

“It’s Callie,” he said, handing her the

“I’d better answer…” she said, trying to
catch her breath.

“I’m so sorry to bother you guys, but
Scottie’s having a hard time. He needs to talk to you,” Callie

“Mom, can I come home?”

She sighed and mouthed “I’m sorry” to

“Of course you can come home, but why?
Aren’t you having fun?”

“Yeah, but I miss you. Are you with

“I am,” she said, looking over at him,
hoping he wasn’t too mad.

“Why can’t I be there, too?”

“Sometimes adults do things together without
children, Scott,” she said, casting a longing look at Jim, who
smiled at her.

“Yeah? What things?”

“Just things. It’s late; shouldn’t you be in
bed asleep?”

“Aunt Callie didn’t make us go to sleep,
since its Saturday. I’m playing a game with Jason.”

“You don’t want to leave Jason in the middle
of a game, do you?”

“No. But I miss you.”

“Only one night, Scottie. Just go to sleep.
I’ll be there in the morning to pick you up.”

“What if you get killed in the car on your
way over here?”

Sarah stopped. His question left her
speechless. Tears pricked her eyes causing her to shudder.

“Mom? Mom?”

“That’s not going to happen to me,” she
said, trying to keep her voice from shaking.

“It happened to Daddy.”

“I know but just because…doesn’t mean…”

Her sister interrupted on the extension.

“Scottie, how about if I drive you home in
the morning?” she asked.

“Okay,” he said, “night, mom.”

Sarah took a deep breath.

“Thank you, Callie,” she whispered, tears
streaming down her face.

“Sarah, I …”

“Can I speak to Laura?”

“Sure” Callie handed the phone to her

“Could you keep an eye on Scottie? He’s
nervous. Aunt Callie will drive you home in the morning.”

“Are you watching a movie with Jim?”

“I am,” she lied, looking over at him.

He reached into the tissue box, pulled one
out to hand to her.

“Can’t I see it, too?”

“This is for adults, Laura. Sometimes we do
things without children. Just every once in a while. But I’ll let
you have a friend over for a sleepover next weekend.”



“Cool. Night, Mom.”

“Good night, sweetheart.”

“Be ready tomorrow, we’ll probably be there
by nine o’clock. You don’t want any embarrassing situations.”

“I don’t know what you mean,” she

Callie laughed. “You do, too, Sarah
Richards. You know exactly what I mean. Have a rockin’ night.”

Sarah laughed as she hung up the phone.

“Is everyone all right?” Jim asked her,
putting his shirt back on.

“Everyone’s fine…now. I’m so sorry for the
interruption. What are you doing?”

“Sounds like the kids are coming home, so…”
His hands fiddled with the buttons.

“I talked them into staying. Take that off.”
She reached over and pushed the garment off his shoulders.

“Aye, Aye.” He let it fall to the floor.

“Now where were we?” Sarah shot him a saucy


* * * *


About three o’clock in the morning, a
nightmare gripped Sarah. She tossed and turned in the big bed,
muttering “help me, help me”, tears staining her face. Jim awoke.
He shook her gently by the shoulder.

“What?” she muttered, still half asleep.

“You were having a nightmare.”


“Yes, sweetheart.”

“Oh, thank God,” she said moving toward him,
wiping her face with her hand.

He pulled her into his arms.

“I had the worst dream. I was trapped in a
huge building, all the doors were locked. I could see people
outside but they couldn’t see or hear me. I kept calling, pleading
for help, but they didn’t respond. I couldn’t get out…”

Tears slid out of her eyes again, down her
cheeks. He tightened his arms around her as she clung to him.

“You’re safe now. You’re with me. You’re

“I love you…love you, Jim.”

His soothing voice calmed her. He kissed the
back of her neck and stroked her hair. She fell back to sleep with
her head on his chest, and his arms around her.


* * * *


At six thirty am, sunlight blinked into the
bedroom, waking Sarah. Although the room was chilly, cozy warmth
surrounded her. She burrowed down under the quilt, nestled against
Jim, his arm slung carelessly over her waist. Happiness washed over
her, making her smile. She wanted to lie there forever. He rolled
over on his back and pushed the quilt down to his waist while
remaining asleep.

Sarah studied his body, her eyes examined
every inch of his broad chest, flat stomach, handsome face, and
powerful shoulders. The intensity of her gaze caused him to shift a
little. She couldn’t resist touching him, snaking her hand out from
under the covers, to rest on his pecs. She wanted him again.

Jim covered her hand with his, muttering her
name with his eyes closed. She crept closer to kiss his shoulder,
then his chest. Sarah moved her free hand down his body under the
quilt. As soon as her hand made contact, his eyes flew open.

“Sarah!” he said, surprised, now fully
awake, slightly aroused.

“I want you.”

“Good morning to you, too.” He turned to
look at her.

“I want you.”

“I got that impression.”

Her hand continued to caress him.


She nodded, placing her lips on his

He stroked first her shoulders, then worked
his way down to her breasts, where he lingered, and finally moved
on to her core, which was hot, slick and ready. He rolled her over
flat on her back to attack her body with kisses before making
passionate love to her. Afterward they lay content in each other’s

“Beats the hell out of an alarm clock.”

She looked at the clock, eight o’clock

“I love your bed. Hate to leave, but it’s
time to go. Laura and Scottie will be coming home soon.” She
dragged herself to the edge of the bed and pushed to her feet. She
wrapped her arms around her torso, missing the warmth of his body
and the cozy bed.

“Did you mean it?” he asked.

“Mean what?” She asked while slipping her
panties back on.

“What you said last night,” he said, sitting
up in bed.

“I said lots of things last night. What in

“About loving me.”

She sat down next to him on the bed, putting
down the bra in her hand to wind her arms around his neck.

“Every single word, professor,” she said,
kissing him.

“For a minute I thought I was dreaming.”

Chapter Eighteen



In downtown Willow Falls


Kit strolled into Bon Appetit for dinner as
she did a couple of times a week, claiming her seat at the bar.

“The usual?” Don asked.

She nodded. He placed a Cosmo in front of

“Nice to see you.”

“Any word from Tunney?” Kit tried to sound
offhanded but didn’t succeed.

“Nope. You?”

“Nope.” She held the glass to her lips. The
cool liquid flowed over her tongue.

A good looking man with sandy blond hair sat
down in the seat next to Kit. He ordered a drink then glanced over
at her. She had her notebook out.

“I like an organized woman,” he said, gazing
at her with appreciation.

“Don’t bother with her,” Don said, “a
married woman.”

She raised her eyes to Don; he shrugged.

“How come the good ones are always taken?”
the man asked Don.

“I don’t know, but seems like they always
are,” a familiar voice said.

She turned her head to see Tunney standing
behind her chair.

“Sunny, table for two,” Don called.

Kit slid off her barstool in a flash and
flew into his arms, closing her eyes as he held her. Then they
walked to the front, claiming their favorite little table in the
corner. Tunney pulled out her chair, while she stared at him.

“Where have you been?”

“I’ve been busy, traveling. First, I had a
closing in New York City.”

“A closing?” Her head snapped up.

“I bought your apartment.”

“So you’re the sucker? Why?” She crossed her

“So you could buy the house. Besides, it’s a
good investment.”

“I suppose I should thank you.”

“Don’t thank me, I got a fine deal.”

“That’s what you think!” She drained the
last of her Cosmo.

“The value of the apartment is going to go
up.” He relaxed back against his chair.

“So you’re beating me out of a profit?”

“Ouch! Why are you mad at me?” Tunney handed
her the menu.

“I wished you’d told me.” She peered over
the menu at him.

“Let’s not go there, Kit. In the
should have told me
department you can’t talk.”

“You’re right…I’m sorry if I’m giving you a
hard time, I missed you.”

“Come…make up.” He took her hand. She leaned
across the table to receive his kiss.

“Your office said you were in Seattle.” She
settled back into her seat.

“I had some business there, too. I am
selling my half of the Internet company.”


“Because I plan to settle permanently in
Willow Falls. Now my turn. Are you going to marry Johnny?”


“Zoe put a full court press on you…” He
covered her hand with his.

“I can’t marry someone I don’t love, no
matter how much she wants me to.”

“I hoped you’d say that.”

“Why didn’t you call me back? I left a
message with Anne Marie…several calls on your cell phone.”

“I never got the message from Anne Marie…as
for the cell phone. I needed some time.”

“You didn’t believe me, did you?” She
withdrew her hand.

“I didn’t know what to think.” His gaze rose
to meet hers.

Kit looked down.

“Did my guys finish the floors?” He leaned
toward her, putting his forearms on the table.

“They’re beautiful…don’t change the subject.
I thought you were never coming back.”

“Were you upset?”

“Of course,” she said, not ready to reveal
how devastated she felt.

“I need to know where I stand with you,
Kit.” His fingers played with hers.

Sunny stopped by to take their drink

“You have to ask? After months together,
renovating a house, arguing, making up, fantastic sex, telling you
I love you, you have to ask? What about you, Mr.

“What do you mean?” He cocked an eyebrow at

“Anne Marie told me you have been dating
tons of women, leaving them flat after three months. Just about our
time together. Are you leaving me?”

“No. I don’t know why she said that. It’s
not true.”

“I hope I can believe you.”

Sunny brought a Cosmo for Kit and beer for
Tunney, then took their order.

“You can.” His thumb caressed the back of
her hand.

“I finished the book. I have a contract.” A
smile played at her lips.

“Congratulations. Now will you tell me what
it’s about?” He smiled at her.

“It’s sort of loosely based on the letters
your mom wrote to your dad…”

“You used my mother’s letters?” His eyes got

“No, no…the idea…the idea” Kit sipped her

“What do you mean?”

“I’ll show you when it comes out.”

“Those letters are private, Kit…” Tunney
blushed and put his mug down.

“I’d never exploit them or reveal them to

“Sometimes I have a hard time believing you.
You expect me to believe you’re giving up the chance of a lifetime
to go back to your marriage, live your dream by going on tour,
writing about it, then you haven’t used my mother’s letters but you
have…I don’t know what to believe…”

“Johnny’s coming to pick up Zoe tomorrow.
Why don’t you see for yourself.” She finished her Cosmo and put the
glass down with a thud.

“I will.” He eyed her, grinning.

On their way out of the restaurant, the man
at the bar turned to Tunney.

“You’re a lucky man, with a wife like

“You’re damn right I am,” Tunney


* * * *


At 29 James Street


After her night with Jim, Sarah felt happy,
confused, slightly apprehensive. Opening herself up to him by
admitting him she loved him, wanted him, scared her. Now what if
things soured between them? Her need for him kept growing, which
terrified her. Needing, wanting, expecting from men hadn’t worked
well for her in the past, so she made herself stop needing anyone,
stop trusting anyone.

She could hardly keep her hands off him when
they were together. At first she chalked up her response to sexual
attraction, but as time went on, Sarah knew there was more…it was
love, which scared the hell out of her.

With Christmas only a few days away, Callie
and Kit tried to help Sarah brush away worries about Jim so she
could enjoy the holidays, especially her new-found love. Laura,
Scottie and their mom were cleaning, fluffing pillows in the living
room, organizing books and magazines when Sarah broached a ticklish

“What would you think if Jim stayed
overnight tonight?”

She avoided eye contact with her kids,
holding her breath.

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