Numb (2 page)

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Authors: Viola Grace

Tags: #Adult, #Erotic Romance, #Science Fiction, #Space Opera

BOOK: Numb
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Rekfa flipped and landed next to the tank, grabbed a few articles, and then, he flew back to stand at her side. “I have brought clothing for you.”

She looked at his loose-wrapped tunic, trousers and boots. “Like that?”

“Something a little more comfortable for you.”

She laughed. “Comfort is not an issue.”

He blinked and smiled. “Of course. Allow me to help you get dressed.”

The wrapped garment was a dress, and he settled it on her carefully. She was still damp, so it clung to her. Rekfa smoothed it out and moved behind her to put the belt on her. She felt pressure, but when she turned her head, he was simply standing next to her.

“May I carry you?”

Gala nodded, and she was swept off her feet. She tucked her arms in as Rekfa flew them down to the floor of the theatre, and from there, he walked down the halls of the medical centre until they were in the outside air. To her surprise, he lifted off the ground, and they flew in a whirlwind through the sky of his planet.

She looked around and saw an alien world. It was the stuff of dreams, the views and vistas that humans back on Terra could only imagine.

The stone building reminded her of ancient temples that she had never been able to visit. Rekfa landed on a mosaic pathway, and he walked into his home.

There were no walls; huge panels of royal-blue silk that fluttered in the breeze spanned the open pillars.

“Welcome to your new home, Gala Golden.”

He eased her to her feet and smiled. “And now that you are here, I can join you.”


“Will there be a better time?”

Gala looked around and down at her body. “I suppose not.”

He was standing next to her, the warmth from his body radiated brightly.

“What do I need to do?”

“Kiss me.”

“I don’t know you.”

“You will know me completely, and I will know you the moment that I enter you. This body is only a projection now; it has lost all cellular cohesion. The moment that I enter you, this aspect of me will cease to exist, but you and I will be one.”

She swayed a little and then nodded. “Right. There is no sense putting this off.”

“Ah, nothing like enthusiasm.” He cupped her jaw and pressed his lips to hers.

She felt the pressure and opened her mouth. Light filled the air, and the pressure shifted from her lips to inside her mind.

Gala wished that she could feel his touch on her as the kiss turned him into a being of light and that light entered her body.

I am going to take you outside for the next portion. I have to spread into your cells and that requires the burst I was talking about.

“Okay. I just feel heavier.”

The laughter in her mind was rich. Rekfa took control of her and walked her out into the sunlight to stand on the mosaic. She extended her arms and rose until she was a few hundred feet above her home. Light burst out of her. The power of Rekfa permeated every pore, cell, vein and bone.


The first thing Gala felt was heat, followed by a burn as her nerves came alive one by one, and then, in a rush of agony, they all lit up at the same time.

Neurology and the science of touch had always been a hobby of hers. She had wanted to know why her body was defective and what she could do to change that. She couldn’t change her situation and couldn’t alter her body, so she had learned techniques to keep herself safe. Safety and checking her limbs for damage were her entire life and now that life had changed.

Gala-Rekfa slowly descended until she was standing on the mosaic. The stone was rough under her bare feet, and it was warm from the sun.

She wrapped her arms around her waist and felt the silk of the dress she was wearing. Tears streamed down her cheeks and cooled as the breezes blew across her skin. She ran her hands over her face, her hair, down to her breasts, belly and thighs. She could feel.

“I can feel!”

That was the idea. Your sensitivity is still increasing, and I am doing detailed repairs on your skin and bones. That you could manage to get this far in this damaged vehicle is amazing. You are a strong woman, Gala. It is an honour that you are my Avatar.

“I am fairly sure that you had more than just me to choose from.”

No one that I could bind with for an extended period of time. Your species is well qualified for this particular purpose. Your active use of your brain leaves plenty of space for a world or star to live in there comfortably. I only put into you what you can handle and there is plenty of space for more.

She walked into the home shaped like an ancient temple and smiled at the caress of silk on her arms as she touched it. Gala brushed her fingers over her cheeks. Wet. She felt wet for the first time in her life. She was still crying.

It is natural. You have wanted this all your life, and now, you have it. The question is what are you going to do with it?

Gala blinked. “What?”

It seemed natural to talk to the being inside herself out loud.

The reason most want to feel, to touch is for finding a partner, for mating, for comfort and pleasure.

“I have always thought of it as a way to avoid damage. I now have you for comfort.”

I cannot hold you when you cry.

A whirlwind of light and dark arrived, visible through the floating silk.

Ah, they knew that my other form was leaving. I am guessing that the energy output got their attention.

“Who are

The immortals. Yodin and Aster. Aster is why I am familiar with your species.

Nervous, she ran her hands down the front of her gown as she stepped out of the shadows and into the light.

The woman was Terran. That was true without a doubt. She was also powerful. The energy came off her in waves.

“Hello.” She folded her hands and inclined her head.

Pain flickered in their eyes.

Aster stepped forward. “We had hoped to say goodbye to Jurad’s form.”

“I am still here, Aster, Yodin. Gala is now my Avatar, and she has the potential to do much for my people. She will need your help to adapt though. Where is Arez?”

Aster chuckled. “I believe he is making his way through the female population of Loffric City.”

A wave of gold and red flew across the skies toward them.

Yodin smiled. “It appears he has left his entertainment for the honour of being among the first to greet our new Avatar. Welcome, Gala. Jurad was a friend. I was used to seeing his form, though I know he departed long ago.”

Gala smiled shyly. “It is all what you are used to.”

The tumble of golden-red landed on the mosaic, and the man that took shape swaggered toward their small group.

“Where is Rekfa? I wish to pay my respects.” The man came toward her, took her hand and pressed a kiss to it.

She blinked at the chain reaction that the small contact caused. She jerked her hand back. “Rekfa is here. I am his new Avatar.”

“A Terran woman?” His smile indicated he was satisfied with whatever response she gave as long as her body didn’t change. He seemed to be confirming something.

Gala smiled as Yodin had to keep Aster from striking the new arrival.

“A suitable mind for Rekfa to set up housekeeping in.” Gala made the distinction.

Aster looked at her and cocked her head. “Terran? Really?”

“Yes. Rekfa said that it was because of you that he chose one of our kind, so I should thank you.”

Aster came to her side and touched her arm. “Would you like to talk?”

“I would not mind asking questions. Are you willing to answer them?”

Aster grinned. “I would be delighted. I know Rekfa can show you around, but allow me to help you find your way in your new home.”

“A tour?”


With relief, Gala smiled. “That would be nice.”

Arez looked at her, and there was a little wistful regret in his gaze. “I would have liked to have been here for his last moments. Well, his form’s last moments.”

“I wanted Gala to have all the privacy I could afford. This is not a group event; this is the body I have chosen, and all of my people will soon know it.”

Arez nodded. “Yes, Rekfa. Of course. It is a pleasure to meet your new Avatar.”

Yodin chuckled. “I concur. It is a pleasure to meet you, Gala.”

Gala nodded, and she and Aster went on a tour of Rekfa’s home.


Chapter Three



“Now, as the Avatar, you don’t need to eat or drink anymore. You can, but your body doesn’t need it to survive. You draw your energy from the world itself.” Aster smiled and walked with her through the dining area, the fire pit and the couch-strewn casual area.

“Nice to know. How do you know so much about it?”

“When I first arrived, Rekfa trained me to use my untapped potential. I have a strange effect on plants and animals.” Aster smiled and showed her the huge bathing chamber with the pool of white and gold stone gleaming invitingly.

She got the information from her occupant. “You are a fertility specialist with a hint of battle.”

“Yes. It pairs nicely with Yodin’s lust and battle.”

Gala smiled. “And Arez is battle, and what is the second one?”

“We don’t know. He won’t say. The ability to inspire those around us with our characteristics is something I never imagined. Why did you offer yourself to Rekfa?”

It was out. The question that had to have been driving Aster nuts was out.

Gala explained about her life, about the scars that were already fading, and the congenital analgesia.

Aster reached out and paused with her hand an inch from Gala’s arm. “Is it all right that I touch you? Since I got here, touching seems to be what I am best at.”

Gala chuckled. “It is fine, but don’t be surprised if I jump. I am not used to it. I didn’t even realise that sweat itches until I was standing in sunlight.”

Aster grinned. “It is amazing. You get to experience everything for the first time. I am glad you are here. We are going to be friends for centuries. I can feel it.”

“That is not a thought that comes naturally.”

“You will get used to it. It is hard to imagine, but we are looking into a future, and it is looking back.” Aster smiled. “Now, come and look at the gardens. Rekfa gave that expanse over there to me, and that is my home when Yodin gets a little too clingy.”

“So, you can fly?”

“I can. I like to let Yodin carry me. He enjoys it and so do I. We are building a house on the Jurmak peninsula. It keeps us close to one of the cities and lets me have my light while he enjoys his shadow.”

“What does that make Arez?”

“Dusk. The most dangerous time of day.” Aster smiled.

They walked through the gardens, and Aster showed her the new flowers she had created. They were blooming, and their colour was a deep black with a golden centre. “Jurad’s rose. I made it after Rekfa told me about his Avatar and how he had kept the death from Yodin and Arez. For centuries, he pretended that nothing had changed, that the man whose body he wore was still alive inside. He didn’t want to hurt them, but he was losing his grip on his control.”

“It is weird having his mind inside mine, but his care for those around him is in every thought he shares with me. He wants everyone to be happy, healthy and to have a good life. It isn’t always possible and that upsets him as well. I still have no idea why he was willing to take me on, but I am glad he did.” She smiled and stroked the soft petals, exhaling softly as the silky texture was translated from her fingertips to the rest of her in a burst of discovery.

“So, you really couldn’t feel anything?”

“No. Well...pressure. I could make out pressure but that was a special recognition reflex. I knew where my body position should take me, and so, if I didn’t reach that position, I was snagged on something.”

“It must have been an unpleasant way to live.”

Gala snorted. “You could say that. Most folks with that condition succumb to infection and die before getting to my age. We can’t feel cuts, bruises or other damage, so if we don’t do regular checks on our physical status, we suffer the risk of our body being racked by an infection we didn’t know we have.”

“Have you met many others with that condition?” Aster appeared fascinated.

“Online only. I have never met another one in person. We tend not to travel. This was my one and only wandering into the outside universe, so I thought I should make the most of it.”

Aster nodded. “How are you enjoying it so far?”

“It is different.”

Aster laughed until she was bent over and howling with helpless amusement. When she finally righted herself, she grinned. “Different is a very good word. Has Rekfa told you about how he designed the cities? Each one has a temple to him, and his people can go to them to record their grievances. If they need something, he will hear them.”

“How do you know so much about it?”

“I spent time with Rekfa while I was getting a grip on what I was.”

The word sprang into Gala’s mind. “Immortal. What exactly does that mean? Are you invulnerable as well?”

“Fortunately, no. If I want out, there is an option. But, if I want to live, I will live, on and on until I am tired of the universe. That is the theory. I am not sure how it works.”

“So, it is all guesswork.”

“Yup. Most immortals eventually become gods of their areas just because they have been around so long.” Aster smirked. “When your life spans normal generations, folks seem to turn to you for wisdom and guidance. Fortunately, with Rekfa here, our guidance is not needed, so it is only our dominant characteristics that become obvious and celebrated.”

Gala was amused. “I had no idea that the gods of old Terra were real people.”

“Apparently, to activate the gene, you have to die. It comes down to burial practices. The faster they get us in the ground, the less likely we will rise again.” Aster grimaced. “And that might give rise to even more human mythology.”

“It might indeed.” A strong tingling in her hands brought her attention down to the thick and damaged knuckles. As Gala watched, her body reshaped the joints until her hand was normal and all the bones and tissue were back in showroom condition. “Oh, that is peculiar.”

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