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Authors: Ann Mayburn

Obsession (11 page)

BOOK: Obsession
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I didn’t realize I was saying those words aloud until Leo repeated them. “That’s right, sweetheart. Daddies love and take care of their baby girls. Now lean up on your elbows and watch me split this tight little pussy open with my dick.”

He lowered the knife and I was unable to respond as he carefully cut right through the crotch of both my pants and panties, leaving my pussy hanging out in an obscene manner. That weird mixture of fear and passion obliterated my mind as he lowered the tip of the knife to my sex. I was panting as though I’d just run a marathon while he ever so carefully stroked the deadly tip over my clit, delicately rubbing the flat of it on the tender skin of the hood covering my nub. One wrong move and he’d cut me, badly, but I couldn’t look away while he continued to pet me with the blade.

Just when I thought I might pass out from the tension, he lifted the tip of the knife to his lips and licked it with a guttural moan.

“Leo,” I pleaded as I spread my legs even wider, arching my hips up as I whimpered for him.

With a growl, he turned and threw the knife, hitting the wall with perfect accuracy.

Before I could react, he was between my legs, rubbing the bulbous head of his cock against my extremely wet pussy.

“Do you want this?” he asked with an evil purr.

Closing my eyes, I grasped my breasts and squeezed, my body one big pulse of need. “Yes!”

“How badly?”

“So bad!”

“Do you want your Daddy to fuck his princess?”


“Then open up and take Daddy’s cock.”

By this point, I was mindless, and I wrapped my arms around his neck, clinging to him as he slowly began to slide into me, stretching me, making my sex burn. I hissed then stiffened, but Leo pushed on, ignoring my resistance and taking what he wanted. Each inch did what he’d said, split me wide open, and I had to fight back a small surge of fright at the pain. The burn increased until he was seated inside of me, and I swear to God his dick felt as thick as a soda can, my tender inner walls burning with the stretch. I was afraid to move, but at the same time I liked the hurt, liked the overwhelming sensation of Leo pinning me to the bed as he took and took from my oversensitive body.

I could feel everything, every vein in his erection, every hair on his body as he rubbed against me. We were locked together, entwined, from his legs pressing against mine to our foreheads resting together. His breath was my breath, his heartbeat my heartbeat. We were so incredibly connected that my throat burned with unshed tears as, for the first time in what seemed like forever, I wasn’t alone. Leo filled not only my body, but the empty, needy place inside of me that craved affection.

Never, in all my dating, had I ever been with a man who’d even begun to repair the damage my sister’s death and parents’ shunning had caused in my soul. But this massive, terrifying, and crushingly intense man somehow soothed the jagged edges inside of me, and for the first time in forever I felt like I belonged to someone who actually cared about me.

His thumbs stroked my cheeks as he slowly moved in and out of me, his lips parted and his eyes grew heavy with pleasure. Wonderful feelings surrounded me when I stared up at him, proud that I was giving him such obvious enjoyment. The hard lines of his face softened and even his eyes grew lighter, whisky instead of darkness.

I couldn’t stop touching him, couldn’t stop myself from digging my nails into his back, gripping the hard muscles of his body as he moved over me. Dipping his head down, he sucked one of my dark raspberry-colored nipples into his mouth, leaving it wet and glistening as he propped himself above me and began to thrust harder. I wrapped my hands in his hair, holding his head still so I could stare into his eyes, my newfound favorite addiction.

My heart thundered as I met him stroke for stroke, gasps and moans pouring from me with abandon while I encouraged him to give me more, give me everything. He listened and was soon fucking me so hard, all I could do was take it, endure the punishing thrust of his hips, and savor the painful drag of his thick cock. My clit throbbed and every time he came down, he leaned forward the slightest bit to give that greedy part of my body a good rub with his pelvis. God, he fucked like a porn star, and my toes curled so hard they began to cramp. My body grew tighter, even my jaw clenching as my release built and built.

Leo must have sensed it, because he reared back and threw my legs over his shoulders before leaning forward again, bending me almost in half and fucking the hell out of me.

He hit some magical place inside that sent starbursts of white-hot bliss rocketing through my mind, everything going dark as my orgasm ripped through me. Guttural noises came from deep in my chest while Leo easily pinned me to the bed and ground his body against mine, his roar loud enough to shake the windows as he reached his climax. The feeling of his cum filling me was so profoundly satisfying that I clung to him as my pussy milked him for every drop.

Our bodies shivered and shuddered against each other as Leo nuzzled his face into my hair, occasional soft grunts coming from him, usually followed by a full-body tremor.

With a sigh, Leo rolled us, his dick still inside of me as he spread me over him. My arm was hurting a little bit from our activities and I managed to pant out, “How’s your hand?”

“What hand?” Leo mumbled. “All I feel is heaven around my dick. You have the strongest pussy I’ve ever felt squeeze my cock.”

I laughed, which made my inner muscles contract, and we both moaned while I gave a little wiggle, a weak pulse of desire fluttering through me. “Kegels. Joy’s mom is an OB nurse and she pounded into our head that Kegel exercises help women have easier births. You get to enjoy the result of four years of exercising.”

The deep, rumbling laughter that poured out of him surprised me, and I couldn’t help grinning down at Leo as I lay perched on his chest, my long hair flowing around us.

“I’ll have to meet that woman someday and let her know how much I appreciate the result of her efforts.”

He grew harder inside of me and I gave another experimental wiggle, yelping when he smacked my ass.

“Stop that. You need a break. I don’t want to fuck you raw right out of the gate.”

“That’s a charming way to put it. Comparing a woman to a horse that you rode is a sure way to win her favor.”

The tips of his fingers ran over my bottom as he let out a satisfied sigh. “I’ll just have to find other ways to win you over. Are you still hungry?”

“Hmm?” My mind was centered on the way he was caressing my stinging ass and reawakening my desires. “Let’s stay here and have sex instead.”

He rolled us again so I was on my back and he stared down at me with what I could only describe as a sweet smile. “Afraid you’ll have to do without my cock for a little bit. Coming so hard my balls just about blew off, twice, will do that to a man. But I’ll never leave you hungry.”

“I don’t—”

My words became a garbled moan as he spread my thighs with his broad shoulders then buried his face in my pussy, his long hair tickling over my skin.

Embarrassment and arousal had me twisting beneath him. “Wait! You came inside of me.”

Giving my pussy a big, slurping lick, Leo growled out, “I know. You taste like me, and I fucking love it. Could eat this plump little pussy all day. I just might do that; fill you up over and over only to clean you out again. Now open up, baby girl, and feed your Daddy.”

“Shit,” I whispered weakly, then did as he ordered.

His hair caressed me with his suckling movements, partially obscuring his face while he ate me with an obvious enjoyment that destroyed any resistance I might have had. My world dissolved into nothing but his velvety licking, his probing tongue, and his biting teeth. The skin on my inner thighs stung from where he’d taken a particularly deep bite into my flesh, the throbbing pain merely blending into the rush of hormones scoring through me. My already overwhelmed body struggled to keep up with the demands of both my libido and Leo, each of which seemed determined to drive me right out of my damn mind.

My head rolled helplessly back and forth on the now destroyed daybed, sweat coating me while I gripped Leo’s thick, heavy hair in my fists and fucked his face with snapping rolls of my hips.

He pulled away and I worried that I was hurting him, but when he looked up at me, his gaze was positively feral. “Harder. Make me feel.”

Those words blended into the drugging high of touching him as I leaned up and gripped the back of his thickly muscled neck with my nails.

“More, Hannah. Give me everything.”

The slick pleasure of his tongue rubbing against my clit sent chills radiating through me, and I ran my nails lightly up to his scalp, raking them through his hair before fisting it. To my delight, the harder I pulled, the harder he sucked, and in moments I was shattering for him, his strong hands pinning me to the bed while I writhed and shook, probably looking like I was being electrocuted. The world went dark and I lay still…so very still and peaceful.

Mmmmm, this was nice.

Then someone smacked my ass, hard, and said, “Breathe.”

I sucked in a gasping breath of air, then another. Opening my eyes wasn’t going to happen, but at least I’d surfaced enough from the blissful darkness to keep myself alive. After a few shuddery breaths, I managed to calm myself enough to stop panting.

Leo pulled me into his arms, curving himself around me, pressing my slight body to his muscled bulk. We must look like a grizzly hugging a ragdoll; I was certainly as limp as one. Floppy. The thought roused a sleepy giggle from me.

“Are you okay, baby girl?”

“Very.” I snuggled into him, completely relaxed.

“You did so good, I’m proud of you. I thought I knew what it would be like to have you, but I had no idea. You make me feel more…I don’t have the words for it, you just make me feel more than I’ve ever experienced with a woman.” He kissed my sweaty temple. “Never letting you go. You’re mine now, all of you, every bit—mine.”

I drifted off to sleep in Leo’s arms, and did it with a smile.


“Hannah,” a man’s voice said in a low rumble. “You need to wake up and eat, sweetheart.”

I reached out and grabbed a pillow, pulling it over my face as I turned away. “No, sleeping.”

Muffled laughter came through the pillow, then someone ran their hand over my ass—my bare ass—before giving it a good slap.

Whipping the pillow off my head, I sat straight up and snarled, “What the fuck?”

Leo, casually dressed and crouching next to me, took one look at me and burst out laughing, rocking back on his heels while I glared at him.

I don’t wake up from naps happy.

“What?” I scowled as I rubbed my bleary eyes.

He shook his head, still smiling. “You look well fucked.”

I reached up to touch my hair, wincing when I found it a big rat’s nest. “Oh no.”

“Don’t worry, we’ll get you straightened out, but you need to eat first.”

My stomach rumbled when he stood and moved enough that I could see he had a tray full of food on the bleached wood table next to the daybed. As soon as I saw what looked like roast beef sandwiches on fresh-made bread, saliva filled my mouth and my stomach roared like a jet engine. I was absolutely starving, and I loved roast beef sandwiches. Reaching out eagerly, I snatched one up then sat back on the bed, pulling a big teal and orange embroidered pillow onto my lap for modesty’s sake with one hand while I crammed the sandwich into my mouth with the other.

My pants had been split all the way from the front to the back and were useless, and when Leo had stripped my shirt and bra earlier, he hadn’t been gentle about it. I did indeed look well fucked, and I felt like I’d been rode hard and put away wet. My arm was starting to hurt again and I gave it a quick look, relieved to see the bandage had stayed in place during all our romping.

Wolfing down a big bite of the sandwich, savoring the spice of the horseradish, I narrowed my eyes at what looked like the setting sun outside the big windows then mumbled, “What time is it?”

“A little after seven.”

“What?” I almost choked on my food and Leo quickly handed me a big glass of iced water with a straw. After gulping down a few swallows, I managed to say, “I have to go. I have to work…shit, I missed class. Fuck—fuck fuck fuck! I know it’s a summer class and the professor is slack, but I never miss class. I can’t afford to have my grades slip at all.”

“Relax. I already called your work and spoke with Beth, letting her know you’d be out for the next week and that you had a doctor’s note, which I had Dr. Gardener fax to her. I also contacted your roommate Joy, who said she’d let your professor know what happened, and emailed her a copy of the doctor’s note to forward if needed. As soon as you’re done, she wants you to text her so she knows you’re all right.”

I gaped at him. “You did what? Wait…how did you know Joy’s number?”

A smile twitched his lips, but something dark and watchful moved through his eyes. “You really don’t remember me at all? Not even a little bit?”

I stared at him, trying to find some point in my memory where I would have met him. “Uh—no.”

“Two weeks ago I drove you home from Obsession after you had a bit too much to drink.”

BOOK: Obsession
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