Of Another Dimension (13 page)

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Authors: Jeanette Lynn

Tags: #Romance, #Literature & Fiction

BOOK: Of Another Dimension
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He stopped and his grin

No! I want the grin back!

I could kick myself for opening my big yap!

"Are you okay, baby? I'm sorry, I didn't think."

He did something with his hand, waving it over a little plate on a far wall and the water drained.

"I will never figure all of this crap out," I muttered, wrapping my arms around my muscled hunk's
upper chest.

He cupped my rump and stepped out of the tub with ease.

Stupid tall Sodradens!

It would have taken me forever to do that.

"What happened to the tub hanky panky?" I complained, letting him assist me with the removal of my wet shirt.

I never did get to finish taking it off,
thank you, Tievel.

"When you're better," Kieve promised.

I smiled inwardly at his chivalry.

His mouth said
, ‘no’, but his eyes and his two best friends said, ‘hell yeah!’

"I feel better
," I tried, letting go of him when he went into the bedroom and tried to set me on the bed.

He handed me a weird towel that soaked the water right up off of your skin and didn't feel wet to the touch, no matter how hard you tried to get the water to come out of it afterwards.

I would know, I tried.

Laying back on the bed, I grinned at him and watched him dry himself off.

"Don't forget your horns," I sing song-ed, laughing when he almost put the towel up there absently as his eyes ate me up.

I was practically purring inside when he ran the towel down his torso, then over the dark thatch of curly hair his engorged erections nestled in.

He swiped the towel over them again and they bobbed a little.

I licked my lips in invitation and he growled.

"Don't tease me, baby, or we'll never make it downstairs."

"Dinner is over rated.
" I giggled and cupped one of my breasts, arching up when I delicately pinched the tip.

He pounced on me then, gripping my hips, his face diving in between my thighs as he lapped at my sex, his
tongue raking slowly, making its way to my clit as he teased my wet folds, lapping up my cream.

I gripped his horns and ran my hands over the tips, loving the groan of pleasure he couldn't hold in.

He sucked my clit into his hot, wet mouth, his fingers sneaking up to play at my sex.

Three finge
rs entered me, thrusting in, stretching me as he prepared me for his love making.

When his fingers
eventually slid in with ease, he prowled up my body, kissing and nipping his way to my lips, his engorged cock heads kissing the mouth of my sex as he took my lips in the same concurring, all-encompassing manner.

I cried out in pure pleasure this time when he eased himself into me, moaning with him when his balls slapped against my ass, signaling his shafts' complete and utter possession of me.

"So tight, Lil. You feel so good. Squeezing my cocks like that," he groaned.

I clenched my muscles around him and we both moaned loudly.

"Ahhh, enough of that," he ground out, his limbs trembling, signaling how close he was to losing it.

"Afraid you won't last long enough?" I taunted.

"Always, mate. Always," he growled, nipping at my ear.

"Move already! I'm getting restless here!"

I slapped his ass to get him moving.

He laughed and nuzzled his way down to the bite mark I could still feel on my neck, the skin super sensitive there now.

"Do you want to come, baby?" he whispered huskily.

"Yes!" I gripped his shoulders and thrust up against him.

He mashed his pelvis down to still my movement.

I growled in frustration.

"You're so cute when you're mad," he teased.

"I want to come! Don't tease me
, Kieve! Make me come, please! Is that what you want to hear? You want me to beg?" I wailed, ready to alleviate the deep throbbing ache in my core that he incites in me.

"You never need to beg me for anything, mate," he promised and bit down between my shoulder and neck, over the mark he'd originally left.

Unexplainable pleasure tore through me and I screamed out my release, my sex bucking as wildly as my body as it went into a frenzy, practically sucking at his cocks.

wet sucking sounds echoed in the room as Kieve fought against my body's inclination to keep him clenched deep inside of me, pounding into me mercilessly, shouting out when I bit down on his shoulder over his bite mark, returning the favor.

He called out my name as he came, thrusting in deep, hard, penetrating strokes, making sure he didn't have a drop left in him before he slumped heavily on top of me, rolling us to our sides when I squeaked out a protest.

A sense of self-satisfaction swelled within my breast at the fact that I'm capable of doing that to him, making him so ravenous for me, sending him hurtling over that magnificent precipice.

Of course
, his cocks swelling sent me over again
, but it was mostly for him... um...

Yeah, Lil, that's exactly why you did it
, girly...

Shut up brain!

Heh. Heh.



Chapter 10



We were very late to dinner, but Kieve’s happy grin was infectious, it was so bright and I ignored the glowers of our two dinner companions.

Kieve insisted I sit in his lap and I didn't fight him, happy t
o snuggle up with my red 'hunk ‘O’ love'.

Corny! I know, but these are my nicknames
, damn it!

"What am I eating?" I whispered to Kieve.

"We have really good hearing, so there's no point in whispering," Teivel added helpfully. “
good hearing. Really...”

“Shut up
, Teviel,” Sieren clipped and a chunk of bread smacked ‘T’ in the horns.

I looked at Sieren, completely ignoring Teivel, giving the blue eyed cook a crooked smile.

"It tastes really good. I just don't know
it is..."

Sieren chuckled and grinned at me.

"No offense taken, chomcharra. You are eating shaxna. It's a thick part of them right here.” He showed me what he meant.

"Oh, it's like a rump roast," I said thoughtfully.

"You eat things like this in your home world too?" he asked eagerly.

"Yep." I nodded
between bites.

"Why did you call us demons?" he asked
, picking up where he'd left off earlier.

I shrugged and swallowed my
bite of food.

"You guys look like the pictu
res people make of demons, um, that I've seen. Horns jutting out from your head, the scary eyes," I gestured at him, "You're massive and you have red skin. You're a pretty scary looking dude."

"Is that why you ran from me at the pool?" Kieve asked.

"No," I admitted after I'd thought about it.

"I mean
, at first you scared me, but I was also worried you might turn me over to those two, or turn out to be just like them." I gestured at Sieren and Teivel.

"You didn't come back for more food the next few nights after you'd first found me. I scented you by the pool when I went looking
for the shaxnas. I didn’t think you’d be bathing though," Kieve admitted, taking a big bite of his bread.

I stopped mid
second bite and stared at him.

Chewing rapidly, I swallowed and took a big drink of water.

"You mean, you
I stole food from you? You knew I was there?"

"Mmm, hmm," he murmured, smiling secretively.

"And you just let me do it?" I spluttered incredulously.

"You didn't think I was going to just walk away from my food like that, did
you?" he chuckled, winking at me.

"Well... yeah," I blurte
d lamely.

I frowned at him and set my food down.

"How long did you know about me? Was it before I knew about you?" My eyes narrowed suspiciously.

oes it matter?" He found his food very interesting all of the sudden.

"Yes," I grumbled, crossing
my arms over my chest to scowl at him. "Did you have everything all planned out to snag yourself a Lil? Or was I just a happy coincidence?"

Kieve's hand wove through my hair, massaging my scalp as he leaned down to kiss me.

He didn’t let up, relentless until I grudgingly reciprocated.

He pulled away and smiled at me.

"You were meant to be mine and I was meant to be yours. I won't question fate and I'll never let you go, so the
of it doesn't really matter anymore."

I mulled that over for a minute and decided it wasn't going to cut it.

"I want to know how much of
and how much of it was
." I tugged at the ties of his shirt.

He laughed at my impertinence and ignored Teivel's snort of derision.

“I found you sleeping in a hollowed out tree one night and I thought you were dead at first, you were so still,” he admitted.

“She was sleeping at the bottom of a tree?” Sieren butt in.

“Shhh,” I hushed him, waving my hand at him. “I want to hear this. Continue, demon lover,
I’m all ears
,” I prompted Kieve, waiting for him to continue.

“You mumbled in your sleep, rolling over a bit and I got a good look at your face. I thought you were the most beautiful creature I’d ever seen,” he continued, sincerity in every word.

“Are you sure she didn’t look like a wet muddy Morclen?” Teivel asked Kieve innocently.

’s a Morclen look like?” I demanded, looking at Kieve, knowing I’d just been insulted.

“You don’t look like a Morclen,” Kieve rushed to assure me, a thump shaking the table.

Teivel yelped and scooted his chair back, letting me know Kieve had just kicked his stupid sibling.

I smiled at Teivel smugly and stuck my tongue out at him.

“But what is a Morclen?” I asked again, looking to Sieren for answers.

He looked upset at being put on the spot and glared at ‘T’ as he answered me.

“A Morclen is an ugly, hairy being with little beady eyes, a short round snout and tusks coming out of its lower jaw. It has a thick hide and short stubby fingers. They are usually short and round.”

I was mortified.

“Are you calling me a fat, hairy, short, pig thing?!” I screeched, shocking Teivel when I went to lunge at him.

Kieve grabbed me up before I co
uld get my hands around his idiotic brother’s neck.

Teivel was so startled by my outburst and subsequent lunge that he fell back in his chair and tipped over with it, slamming backwards with a harsh
smacking thud.

Sieren laughed uproariously at Teivel, but made no move to help him up.

Kieve moved his foot and tipped Teivel’s chair over again when he would have put it back up, kicking it back a bit so it tapped Teivel in the legs.

“I don’t have to take this!” Teivel bellowed
, tossing his chair before he stormed out of the room.

My head whipped towards my two dining companions.

“Do you have any portal or dimension transporter dealies here?” I questioned them.

“Why would you want one of those
, baby?” Kieve asked in a hard voice, his grip tightening painfully on my waist.

“Not for
. Chill, dude,” I muttered, staring off at Teivel’s retreating form.

“We don’t use them anymore,” Sieren cut in, “You never know where they’ll send you. They aren’t stable and there’s no way to regulate them.”

“Perfect!” I clapped my hands together excitedly. “Got any rope?”

I looked to

“What do you need rope and a portal transporter for
, baby?” Kieve was completely confused.

“We can hog tie Teivel and shove his ass through one
,” I said loudly, not making any effort to hide my glee.

“I heard that!” Teivel roared from somewhere outside.

Sieren and Kieve both burst out laughing.




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