Of Another Dimension (6 page)

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Authors: Jeanette Lynn

Tags: #Romance, #Literature & Fiction

BOOK: Of Another Dimension
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Kieve grumbled something in his sleep and I elbowed him in the chest, acting like it was an accident.

He woke up and yawned, the blanket slipping down his bare chest as he sat up and stretched languidly.

I quickly looked away, ignoring all of his taut, yummy looking muscles over smooth red skin.

"No more funny business. I'm on to you," I warned him, knowing he knew exactly what I was talking about, even if he couldn't understand a word I was saying.

His happy grin spoke volumes.

I did too when I threw his shirt at his stupid, smiling face.

The little smile that broke out at his shirt muffled chuckle had nothing to do with anything.

Nope, nothing at all.






We ate a breakfast of some kind of pink yolked eggs and a chunk of spongy bread he'd had in his magical food sack.

Pink yolks... yellow yolks... they're technically all the same
, I coached myself as I gorged myself at breakfast.

I thought about sneaking an extra helping of bread, but had nowhere to put it.

Man, I should have brought my trench coat... I'll never know if I need to pack up and ditch Kieve over there at a moment’s notice and the back up food would have been nice.

I felt a little bad at the idea.

He's been nothing but nice to me and even though he cuddled up with me last night, he didn't make a move on my person or do anything inappropriate.

Erm... at least
, I hope not.

I eyed myself and moved around, trying find any indication of foul play.

Nope, all good
, I thought, relieved.

"Lil," Kieve called and smiled at me, his eyes only reflecting kindness and a smidgeon of interest if his subtle hints have any depth to them.

Better this one than the other two.

I shuddered at the idea of
or ‘
becoming my demon lover.

Lilie! First you're thrust into the middle of nowhere in who knows where,
greeted by a naked mutant mole rat, chased by a crazy, yellow eyed demon, forced into living in the forest for refuge and now you're contemplating taking on a demon lover?

mentally berated myself, but continued to waffle back and forth.

God! I’m a gutless flopper!

I mentally threw up my hands, ready to throw in the towel at myself and give myself a good slap.

Maybe I
just slap the crap outta myself.
Who knows… it might help.

Didn’t help back in the cave, though…


It's official! Lilie has gone off her nut!

I eyed Kieve as he led us to an open clearing with hundreds of those ele-cow-vark-wooly things grazing about everywhere lazily.

Am I really contemplating this?

I sighed heavily.

Am I that desperate for comfort? For security?

I guess some women do that, huh? Look for all those things when shit goes down.

s that what I’m doing?

I watched him, my eyes drinking him in as he worked,
idly wondering at the strength he possessed as he flexed, working all those muscles, completely distracting me as I tried to keep hold of my current train of thought.

He caught me staring and grinned, winking before he went back to work.

I glanced away, ashamed and slightly embarrassed at myself.

I made my way over and helped him gather the wood he was chopping up, making quick work of it.

Work finished, he whistled and a large grey beastie, just like Sir Chub, ran up to us.

This one's body was much bigger than Chub
’s, coming up to my waist and it had a strip of hair along its spine.

Kieve spoke to it, giving it commands and then he motioned and it was off, herding up the wooly things.

Kieve said something to me and tugged my hand a little.

I stayed in place.

"I don't..." I started, but he wasn't paying attention.

He tugged again, smiling at me sweetly, waiting for me to follow along.


He led me to one of those big, black, humongous beasts like the one the yellow eyed demon had ridden and picked me up quickly, settling me on its back
before I had a chance to protest.

I gripped its hair and panicked, looking at Kieve terrified as I tried not to completely freak out.

“Oh… I…. eep!”

He spoke to me soothingly and I closed my eyes, trying not to have a mental break down on the back of a hairy, black, beast thing.

He chuckled, amused suddenly by my dismay.

I cracked an eye open and glared.

His grin got impossibly wider.

I'm going to kill him,
I seethed silently.

Kieve hopped up right behind me and I slapped his thigh for scaring me.

His chest rumbled a laugh against my back as he picked up the animals reigns and said something that had the beast taking off.

"I'm mad at you," I grumbled after a while.

He wrapped his arm around me and gave my middle a little squeeze.

I pinched his thigh.

And that's how the rest of our day was spent, Kieve trying to introduce me to his world, while I tried not to maim him for being a
typical male.






A week went by and we spent our days in a routine of sorts.

day would be about the same. Wake up, eat, tend to the animals, eat lunch, catch dinner, cook dinner, eat, and go to sleep.

Every day
, Kieve would also do something small to surprise me, along with teaching me something new.

He’d do little things
like bringing me a flower, carving little tokens for me out of wood… nice, thoughtful things.

e even twined a flower chain for me once, noticing me making one on a lazy afternoon as we’d watched the weird cattle-like creatures graze openly in a field of vegetation.

It was sweet, but unnerving, unconsciously softening me towards the demon man.

He’s taught me a lot too, showing me what’s edible, what’s safe, basically how to survive out here.

Something I’m very thankful for.






As the week
turned into weeks, the nights were how it varied.

After the first few nights with Kieve
, under his watchful, protective care, I started to get worried about how attached I found myself growing to my friendly demon man and tried to distance myself.

He was having none of it, but didn't try to communicate any stress about it to me either.

He never seemed upset by my rejections and never acted angry.

If anything
, it made him more determined to win me over and I have to give him props for his patience.

I'd sneak out at night and try to find alternate sleeping/hiding spots, but every
morning I woke up the same way- smashed up with Kieve in the tent.

I gave up after a while and just let it be.

If it goes further, then it goes further and if it doesn't, then it doesn't.

The more I protest, the more dead bent he seems on it.

Maybe he'll grow bored with my compliance and move on for greener pastures.

… was I ever wrong.






Every morning was like the rest, every morning but yesterday.

, I woke up with Kieve's lips nipping at my neck, placing searching kisses along my jaw to wake me up and finally up my chin, then to my lips.

We'd stayed like that in an intimate lip lock, tongues tangling as we explored each other's mouths, neither one of us willing to pull away.

Air? Who needs air?

He'd broken the kiss suddenly and pulled away, smiling at me with a shit eating grin before he popped out of the tent,
saying his usual greeting in his language, leaving me sitting there all hot and flustered.

I spluttered, dazed and confused.

Didn’t take long for me to figure out what he was doing.

erk!" I yelled, outraged.

Kieve's sudden
laugh at my outburst didn’t do anything to help my soured mood and I continued to pout for the rest of the day.






"Tease," I mumbled as I eyed him balefully at lunch.

He just ignored me and smiled to himself, winking at me whenever I turned
my scornful gaze in his direction.

I cursed him soundly and quite loudly, heedless to anything else.

It's a good thing for him he can't understand what I'm saying or he wouldn't be smiling like that all the time!

I have
a little surprise for him too!
I decided later at dinner.

I waited until he left to rinse of
f in the stream and took off, weaving a zig zagged path to confuse him and finally made my way back to my hollowed tree.

I thought smugly.
Who's smiling now?!

We'll just see how you like spending the night alone, Mr. Tease!

I fell asleep after squirming around uncomfortably for a few hours.

Guess the joke i
s on me
, I reflected irritably.
I can't sleep without the stupid lug anymore!

And i
t’s so god damned cold!
I groused as I shivered.




I woke up when I felt big warm hands gliding up and down my abdomen, over my nightgown.

I know those hands, recognize them.

A noise of approval escaped me and one of his hands slowly lifted the hem to my night dress, fingers sliding down to right above the juncture of my thighs, cascading down further to run over my slit.

"Kieve," I whispered,
opening my eyes, turning my head to look at him.

He looked at me questioningl
y and stopped, eyeing me, intense passion swimming in the depths of those big brown eyes.

"Lil?" he whispere
d and leaned down to tentatively brush his lips against mine.

I sucked his
lower lip into my mouth and bit it gently, giving him permission to continue without words.

His lips were warm and welcome, mastering mine as he kissed me hungrily, his tongue sliding into my mouth, tangling with mine in a sensual dance as we learned each other
, explored.

I rolled towards him and sat up, breaking our kiss, yanking my nightgown over my head.

His hand reached out like he wanted to touch me, but hesitated at the last second, pulling back.

I grabbed his hand and put it on my
breast, cupping the rounded globe in his hand.

He groaned and pulled me against him, yanking me underneath him as he leaned down and licked the tip of my nipple.

I gasped, my fingers digging into his hair, grasping for purchase, his warm breath and hot tongue doing crazy things to my raging libido.

hey felt

I reached up to grab his horns, remembering what it had done to the yellow eyed demon.

Kieve's eyes rolled into the back of his head and he tore at his pants frantically, talking rapidly in his own language as he tried to get undressed as fast as

I giggled at his fumbling and he grunted at me, giving me a warning look.

Naturally, I ignored it and squeezed his horns, running my hands up and down them teasingly.

He pulled my hands back and pinned them above my head, panting at me, sweat dripping down his chest and neck, little droplets making paths down his skin as his body trembled slightly.

"Lil," he murmured, a wealth of pent up sexual heat in that one word, calling my name out again as he positioned himself between my legs, the head of his penis kissing the mouth of my sex.

"Kieve," I called out, trying to buck against him, get some of him inside of me.

He said something in his own language that sounded strangely like an apology and forced the head of his cock in.

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